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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Hi there!

It's 2 AM and I'm sitting up eating popsycles. Lime popsicles. They're just so damned good. I can eat a box of them in one sitting...easily. I have to restrain myself or they'll be gone in 3 days. 2 a day is more than enough. It's just that now that it's after midnight, I can have today's popsycles right after I ate yesterday's so it worked out really good for me. I keep getting sick...like on the car the other day...and popsycles are one thing that I can keep down. That and Jell-O. I eat a lot of Jell-O. Luckily, I like it. No matter how bad my appetite gets, I can always eat my lime popsycles.

I've been on the phone most of the evening and that was fun. Don't you just love those phone calls where you talk to someone for hours and fall asleep before you get tired of talking? It's the kind of call that makes a woman think that a man likes her. No guy would stay on the phone for that long with someone that he didn't like. Anyone of them would find some escape if they so desired.

That's what I want. Someone who likes me. That shouldn't be too hard to find. I'm pretty nice to people who are nice to me. Ask anyone. I admit that I can be somewhat caustic if need be, but only to the degree that I am the victim of another's caustic nature. In general, I'm pretty reasonable and even handed. Seriously.

The other thing that I won't compromise on is someone who takes pride in all areas of communication. Verbal and non-verbal. Sloppy men need not apply. Oh my God....don't knock twice if you haven't made a very good impression on that first visit. Maybe you could slide if there was some humorus yet endearing screw up that exuded some sort of pathetic charm, which, by the way, is what happened the first time I was with Rick. But, all in all, you had better come prepared to take care of business...or at least go down (no pun intended) trying really hard. Sometimes it's just not gonna happen but we appreciate the effort.

Personally, I know I have one chance to get someone's attention and make them think to themselves, "She's done this before." I take pride in my accomplishments. And, I won't accept someone who doesn't.

And with that thought...I shall now go to sleep and think about things.



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