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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hello there!

My father has been stabilized so I feel a bit better today. I'm still worried and I will be until we find out exactly what's wrong but for now, I won't borrow trouble. One bad thing about being a nurse is I know too much and think of all the bad things that could go wrong. I've also had enough trouble myself trying to get a prescription filled at Walgreen's They screwed this one up so badly that I am probably going to switch pharmacies. There are some jobs that people can screw up and not kill anybody but pharmacist is not one of them. If I weren't a nurse I wouldn't have known how badly they screwed up.

So, I've been worried, annoyed and totally frustrated for most of my day but I'm getting over it. Mainly because one prescription that they didn't screw up was my Xanax and that's calming me down a bit.

Biff stopped by on his way home from work today just to mow my lawn. That's so damned sweet of him, I didn't ask him to, he just came by to do it. I couldn't be happier with him.

The altercation over the weekend ended up just being dropped which I prefer to bickering, most of the time. I must say though, it is nice to finally be able to have a battle of the wits with and armed person, the unarmed dude that I used to battle wits with was no challenge whatsoever.

My phone won't stop ringing today and I'm about ready to throw it at the wall. I hate talking on the phone and if I could lose one of my utilities, that'd be the one. I have to be available should my kids need me so I have to keep that annoying thing around. Luckily, it has a button that I can push to shut up the ringing of a call that I don't want to answer without turning the ringer off. I like that because when I had a phone that I had to turn the ringer off I would constantly forget to turn it back on. So, Rick's annoying friend doesn't bother me a bit, one button push and she shuts up.

Oh, one thing that I've noticed about Biff, he does this thing when we go to any store that Rick actually used to do. We'll be talking about something and then he walks away, leaving me standing there talking to myself like an idiot. The other day another man stood where Biff had been standing and I spoke to him, thinking he was Biff. For some odd reason, the man answered my questions. It took me a while to realize that I was talking to a total stranger.

I went to the doctor again today and got my second normal blood test so I'm that much closer to being considered cured from the cancer. So, as annoyed as I am today, I thank God that I'm not going to croak anytime soon unless I get hit by a woman driving and SUV, talking on her cell phone and putting on her lipstick. Cool.

See ya!



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