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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A friend of mine...

...sent me an article about marijuana and it's ability to keep a person from developing Alzheimer's Disease. The article included this sentence:

Those afflicted with Alzheimer's suffer from memory loss, impaired decision-making, and diminished language and movement skills.

Uh...pardon me but aren't those the signs of a person who has just smoked a great big fattie?

Nevertheless, you can add another illness to the growing list of diseases that could be cured by marijuana. But, you won't see the democrats banging that drum like they do the stem cell research drum now, will you? Even Nancy "Just say No" Reagan doesn't seem to appreciate the potential benefits that a person could reap from smoking enough weed to sharpen their memory...as contradictory as that may sound. I haven't heard her speaking to anyone about legalizing pot. She just seems to whine about the government and it's lack of support for the stem cell research plan. Keep in mind that the government hasn't banned such research, they simply don't want to pay for it. It would seem to me that if the private sector thought for one minute that stem cell research would cure so many ailments...they would pay for it themselves. Any company that cured Alzheimer's, spinal cord injuries and a host of other diseases would see a huge return on their investment.

By the way, to the nit wit who sent me an email that contained this sentence:

"...you're hatred for men is so obvious that it's no wonder that you are divorced. You and the other manhaters should be ashamed..."

First of all, anyone who has read this blog at all would know that I do not hate men. I adore them. Next, any group of people who wants to buy me dinner, entertain me, help me financially and see to it that I don't have to do so much as open a door is a group of people that I will never disrespect.

Liars and cheaters on the other hand, are a group of people that I would enjoy casting spells on. (I guess I'll have to read those Harry Potter books anyway.) It doesn't matter whether the liar is a man or a woman...I despise them all.

Well, it's football day again. And, once more, I won't get to see the Bears play unless I go sit in a sports bar that has satellite reception. That wouldn't be so bad if I could walk in with the same clothes that I'm wearing now, flannel pants and a t-shirt. If I wanted to go watch the game I would have to primp and fuss over my hair. I don't enjoy dressing up for a football game so I guess I'll go to that web site that updates the games after every play. Now all I have to do is remember where the heck it was.

Later on I can watch the Eagles play the Cowboys and that should be good. I want to see what the Eagle fans have in store for Terrell Owens. I hear they're taking a bunch of pills to the game to throw at him. That should be interesting.

OK...I have to go find that website so that I can at least read the plays. Oh! That reminds me, someone sent me a comment about online radio broadcasting of the football games...maybe I can find that!

Well then, that's what I'm going to do.

See ya later!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scientists also discovered, as an unexpected added bonus that smoking dope makes all those old Cheech & Chong albums you put up in the attic thirty years ago... funny again

October 09, 2006  

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