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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


I've had a pretty good day today. The Bears won again for a record of 5 and 0 so I'm pleased as punch. I would be a heck of a lot more pleased if I could actually watch the games...but I'd rather not watch them win than watch them lose. Isn't it amazing how young football players are nowadays? When the Bears won the Super Bowl 20 years ago, the team was made up of full grown men. Now they have a bunch of little boys on the team. Isn't that odd?

I just washed my hair, isn't that exciting? I have a 9 AM meeting tomorrow and I didn't want to waste time fixing my hair in the morning so I had a brainstorm. It seems as though every single time that I curl my hair, it ends up looking so dumb that I just pull it back into a pony tail. So, I decided to outsmart my hair this time. I have it up in a towel now and when I'm done with this post, I'm going to brush my hair out, put it in a pony tail while it's still wet and then I'm going to put about 8 curlers in the pony tail hair. That way, my hair will already be in the pony tail and all I'll have to do is take out the curlers. Damn, I wish that I had thought about that a long time ago. I would have saved myself a whole lot of time and frustration.

Too bad I can't put my make up on tonight...that would save another 10 minutes. I hate rushing around in the morning. I'd rather wake up 3 hours earlier than I have to get up and sit in my recliner sipping coffee while I'm watching the news. I got into that habit when I was working days with a houseful of kids. I would get up a couple of hours before anyone else in the house woke up. It was the only time that I had in the course of a day to just be alone. Now I can be alone all I want but I still enjoy the nice, quiet mornings.

OOOH! I can hear the movie Young Frankenstein from the living room! I love that movie! I think I'm going to go watch the movie as I curl my pony tail and I'll sign back on in the morning to finish this post. That is, of course, unless I can't fall alseep again tonight. If I can't, I'll just come back and finish it tonight. But for now, I'm going to go watch the movie and try to fall asleep on the couch. I have the dumbest alarm clock on the planet. It took me an hour to set it when I HAD the directions to it. I have it set for 5:30 and if I pull the plug to take it into my room, I'll have to set it again and I would miss the movie (and possibly the meeting) if I did. So, I'll just sleep on the couch with my alarm clock.

OK, I'll be back no later than early tomorrow morning.

OK....I'm baaack!

I got about 5 hours sleep because I didn't realize how late it was when I was watching that stupid movie. It cracked me up so much that I didn't notice the numbers 1:16 right next to the TV screen until about the time that Madeline Kahn started singing, "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life..." Then, I saw the clock and jumped up off of the couch and ran to sleep in my own bed. I forgot that if I pull the plug on the alarm clock and run really fast into my room, it doesn't blank out. I don't know how long I have when I do that so I run really fast and when I was doing that, I tripped over a shoe as I was running into my bedroom and when I fell, I reached the plug out to the outlet and got it in, almost as though I were a running back trying to put the football oevr the goal line. It was sort of funny except for the part where my ribs landed on the corner of my hope chest. I thought I was gonna be on injured reserve for a while until I caught my breathe.

I was wide awake and I had those stupid curlers in my hair so I couldn't get comfortable, even though they were just on the back of my head. I was trying to get comfy and the next thing I knew, the alarm was going off. While I was making coffee, the second alarm went off so I had to run back in there and turn that one off. Then, a few minutes later, the OTHER alarm clock went off while I was taking a leak and that scared the piss outta me. (I know, bad pun.)

Those nimrod blog spammers must think that after they leave a comment, the comment just pops up on the blog. Since I posted a request for them to stop coming here, they've taken to hiding their spam in old posts as though I wouldn't ever see them. Well, I have to OK the comments before they pop up on this thing so it doesn't matter where they post it, I'll get an -mail saying that I have a new comment and I delete them from my e-mail account. There's only one problem with that, early in the morning, my brain will just hit any button, publish or reject, without thinking. Then, I have to go to the post and delete the stupid spam from there. Oh well, at least they're gone.

So, my hair is already curled, isn't that nice? There's only one problem, it's still wet! So, I'll have to blow my curlers dry and hope that it works otherwise I'll have some half ass curls hanging out of the back of my head. I refuse to cut my hair just yet, I'm still letting it grow to make up for all the times I cut it for Rick. He said that he liked me with short hair so I always kept it short for him. I haven't cut it since before he left so I know that he's been gone for about a foot or more now.

I used to tell him that I'd love it if he would shave his head...completely. I was only kidding him but I guess he took me seriously because one day as I was walking down the hall, I saw him in the bathroom shaving his head. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was only kidding so I just kissed his big dumb head and told him how good it looked. I didn't even choke on that lie! I wish that he would have had half of the concern for my feelings than I had for his.

OK then...I should go put my make-up on. I have hayfever this time of the year and my eyes are watering. I hope they stop so that I can put make-up on but I'm afraid that my eyes will be so red that I'll look like I've just smoked a few hits off of a bong. And, I can't find any Visine in this house so I'll just have to look high at the meeting. If only I could have the sense of humor that I had when I would smoke weed, then I wouldn't worry so much. Why the red eyes? Why not the sense of humor? Why? Why?

Wish me luck with this meeting, it could mean a really, really good account. have a great day and I'll be back this afternoon to let you know how it went!

See ya!



Blogger Determined said...

saying 4 prayers for you, Meg!
I'm hoping for nothing but aaaaaall the best for you!

October 09, 2006  

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