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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

I'm nothavinga very good weekend...

...so you'll have to forgive my pouting. I watched some really sad stories on the news and instead of making me feel lucky that my problems weren't THAT bad, I felt guilty that I couldn't shake off this funk after hearing such awful stories.

I'll get over it and be back to "normal".

I thiink the problem is that after my mother died, I stopped hearing from all of my brothers and sisters, the the baby graduated from college and went off on his own way. My daughter moved to LA and my husband just plain left. That leaves the oldest who seem to be mad at me for one thing of another most of the time. Oh, then there's my father who has moved his ex-wife into hishome so I can't go there.

I feel useless, alone and as though everything I do is wrong.

But, I'm sure that will pass.



Blogger coconut commando said...


You sound like you could use a joke with a moral. This was told to me by a Vietnam vet when I first joined.

It seems there was a little bird that fell out of its nest on the ground. It was a particularly cold night and the bird was pretty miserable so he began to chirp very loudly, “chirp, chirp, CHIIIRRRPPPP!”

Along came a cow and saw the predicament that the little bird was in and it felt sorry for the bird. So the cow decided to help the bird out. She turned around, lifted her tail and “SPLAT!!” dropped a huge cowpie on the bird. Now the little bird was nice and warm but the smell was something terrible. So he started to chirp again, “chirp, chirp, CHIIIRRRPPPP!”

Along came a wolf that had heard the bird. He stuck a paw into that smelly old cowpie and found the bird. He pulled the bird out, brushed it off very nicely and made sure that the little bird was still nice and warm. Then he ate the bird in one gulp.

Here’s the moral. Folks that throw dirt on you aren’t always trying to hurt you. Folks that pull you out of a jam aren’t always trying to help you.

But when you’re up to your neck in shit, keep your mouth shut.

If nothing else, it helps to know that he told us this joke while we were literally up to our neck in swamp in the dead of night so it was a lot funnier to us then.

Have a nice day!

October 15, 2006  

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