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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hey ya'll...

...this is Amber and I just had to come back here and tell you mean and nasty people how bad it is to laugh at someone. You'll all don't know me, I could have a sex addiction for all you know. Maybe I need your compassion and not your laughter. That "industrial carpet cleaner" comment was unnecessary. I use A-jax like everybody else.

After all, I don't necessarily go AFTER married men, it's just that I don't care one way or another. See, I don't target your husbands...I just don't send them home if they come to me. And they come to me because you all don't do what I do. You don't fuck your man in all the right places and at all the right times. If I have nothing better to do with my time than to manipulate men sexually, what business is it of yours?

I love the feeling of being able to control men with my body. I have nothing else going for me so I devote all of my time to finding ways to make men worship me. I make them prove themselves to me over and over again. It isn't good enough that they lie to their wives, I want them to HURT their wives. If I can make them go home and treat their wife like shit...while letting them think it's their own idea...I've done a good day's work.

I like to let them talk about the wife and then I can learn all of the weak spots and drill them home at the most opportune moments. I feel much more happy with myself after I've manipulated a man into thinking that he has been treated so poorly that he deserves to cheat on his wife. It's easy for me to do because the wife has no clue that anything is going on so she can't defend herself or even try to compete with me. She has no IDEA that she's even IN a competition. She's living life as she always has, taking for granted that her husband is where he says he is.

I have to be sure that she doesn't find out about me until I've taken every minor complaint the husband has about her and magnified it to the point where he pretty much despises her. The way I make mountains out of the moe hills of his life combined with a lot of INTENSE (Rick's word) sex...before you know it, he can't stand her for keeping him away from me.

Of course, I've convinced the husband that he deserves not only me, but new clothes, a new car and a cleaner place to live that is full of peace and sex...not a bustling family life that an entire family depends on. I've built him into a pathetic, trapped and put upon man and turned her into an albatross, a whiny, needy and uselss parasite who must be excised from his life.

Once I have successfully accomplished this...I don't care if she finds out or not. I actually want her to know. That's when I can be ready to pet his head when she smacks him on it with a frying pan. Now I may even try to let her find out by doing things like making hang up calls but denying it to the husband. And of course he believes me, by now she suspects something and is asking him questions so he's in that denial, "You're carzy, woman!" mode and he won't listen to ANYTHING she says.

Or maybe I'll leave text messages when and where she will find them. I'll be sure to make the message something that he CANNOT explain away...something like talk about us having a baby.

Hopefully, if I have a husband of my own, both spouses will find out at the same time so that we can run right to each other and live together. That way I can go from one man to another without having to pay any bills by myself. That's my ideal situation. Living with a man increases yoour chances of getting pregnant by him. Once he's living with you...pregnancy is the best way to keep him there.

I don't think about long term consequences or who might be hurt because this is what I need to do to feel good about myself. And if I think something will make ME feel good, I'm going to do it. Fuck anyone who doesn't like it. The families will all learn to live with it, especially after I have a baby. They'll HAVE to. Or I won't let them see their grandchildren...or their son. This is my life and it's ALL about what I want. Oh, I DON'T want HER kids living in my house, unless we would have to pay a LOT of child support...then our house would be the best for the kids.

And I'll do whatever I have to do to make him see what a rotten job she has done with the kids. By the time I'm finished with him, he'll be an expert at tough love...I'm sure that HER kids are gonna need it. They better not come running to us for money. Especially after they're 18...her brats should be self sufficient and responsible. Their father has no reason to pay for them after they're 18. He owes that money to me, my kids and any kids he and I might have.

If anybody has a problem with they way a mistress thinks...fuck yourself. I'll go fuck your husband...whether I want him or not.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hi Mom/Amber,
I see you're still stalking me. Now that I'm an adult and I know exactly who and what you're about I terminated the relationship. Glad to see you've had a moment of truth as demonstrated by 'your' post.
It took me some years to figure it out, but I did. And I have made it my over-arching goal to ensure my life is NOTHING LIKE YOURS.
And so far, I've succeeded. That's why you will never see or hear from me again."


May 14, 2012  

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