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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Some nutty congressman...

...in Florida has been caught sending sexually explicit e-mails to a 16 year old congressional page. I'm not sure what I find more despicable, the fact that a grown man would play cyber-footsie with a 16 year old or the fact hat our country is being run by people stupid enough to leave evidence of this type of behavior on a computer, proving to the world that he is a perv.

What in the hell was he thinking? 16 years old? Aren't there any 18 year olds that he could have hit on? As bad as that would be, at least an 18 year old isn't jail bait.

I guess he wasn't thinking. Now I hear that his "excuse" is that he is an alcoholic. Isn't that a good excuse? How many people explain away some stupid behavior by claiming another stupid behavior? Other than politicians, I can't think of a soul.

I'm beginning to think that we need to put salt peter in the drinking water. Maybe that would keep cheating husbands in line. I'm not sure if it works on cheating women but at least the men would be a bit more sedate sexually so the women would have a tougher time seducing the men.

Don't you wonder how many politicians are currently getting away with some deviant behavior? There have got to be a bunch of them out there acting foolish who haven't been caught yet. There are probably even some who will never get caught. I doubt that most of them are stupid enough to leave such evidence. Rick was smart enough to get away with it for quite some time, why can't a congressman be at least as smart as your average cheater?

And then they reported that this guy was caught doing this last year and he was warned...and then he did it again, only his discussion became more sexual. So, there were some people some where in congress who knew about this guy's behavior and they swept it under the rug after issuing a strict warning to the man. Why they didn't threaten to "out" him in the news is beyond me. That seems to be the only way to get one of these nuts to stop acting like pigs...they certainly do stop after having their antcis announced on Bill O'Reilly.

But, instead, they just whispered in his ear that he should stop and left the 16 year old to fend for herself. She took the initial e-mails to her parents and they complained about it but after that, the e-mails just got worse. What in the hell was this guy thinking?

I guess it's that ego bullshit that the testosterone induced are so prone to. They have that ego that tells them that all women want them and that they can get away with whatever they want to get away with. And, the scary part is, the testosterone induced among us who have been elected to such high offices have more than the testosterone induced ego...they have an election behind them telling them how smart they are and how much their constituents love them. Now, they're immune to all of the laws that the rest of us are supposed to live by.

But, still, do they have to be so stupid as to leave the evidence? Now that's arrogance on a level up with Blow Job Billy and his do-nothing wife.

OK...I get to brag a bit today, not that I did anything at all except grow up in Chicago...but the Bears beat another unbeaten team yesterday and they did it well. I fell asleep at half time so I didn't see the end of it, but the game was pretty much over by then anyway. That was the only Bears game that I've seen this season so I don't know the players like I did back in 85 when they won every game except for a Monday night game that they played against Miami.

That year, I was doing private duty, taking care of a lovely older woman every Sunday. She was a huge Bears fan and sitting with her on Sundays got me into the game. I watched every Sunday game with her and she taught me to love football. Of course, it didn't hurt that the Bears were an amazing team that year. Everyone in Chicago had a great time that year.

Sadly, that lady died before she was able to see the Bears win the Super Bowl. I have a feeling that I'll croak right before the Cubs win the World Series. So, if you hear of my death...put every dime you have on the Cubbies. With my luck, they most assuredly will win the October following my death.

See ya,



Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Hey Meg,

I totally agree with you. The sad part is they don't do anything the FIRST time! Had the punishment been this severe the first time, it might have put an end to it...but he didn't get punishment, he got a warning.

Now here's the kicker...it was a 16-year-old BOY! Not a girl!
from MSN: "Foley’s inappropriate e-mails to a 16-year-old boy and instant messages to other boys"

How drunk was this guy!? and notice it said OTHER BOYS! Being a mother of three boys I don't think alcohol rehap is good enough...I think this man needs his ass kicked!

This is Meg here now,

I think I may have accidentally deleted this comment. Either that or it will be up here twice.

I heard that the congressmen was writing to boys after I write that post. I have boys and a daughter, neither of which I would be happy with a congressman, or any other man for that matter, "playing " with.

I actually heard a man say that if you were the parent of a teenaged girl, who would you rather she have sex with? Another teenager or a full grown man who knows what he's doing. Can you imagine that concept? I would rather that my 16 years olds were playing with their records and video games, not having sex with anyone. Thank God I don't have to worry about this anymore, my kids are all over 21 and the baby has graduated from college so I'm DONE!

OK then, I have to clean the house after the parents visit and the granddaughter's birthday party. I should have cleaned up last night after they all left but I wanted to watch the Bears win!



October 02, 2006  
Blogger Laura said...

Amen! I'd rather have my teens playing video games and listening to their music in the safety of my home than out having sex with alcoholic politicians...or anyone for that matter!

And what about what this says regarding our political system? The only reason they [Republican party] let this slide the first time is so they wouldn't lose a congressional seat seeing as how we are in an election year. So, OK...let's sacrifice some 16-year-old to this alcoholic pervert until after the elections are over..then we'll let the public crucify him! Holy Crap! And by then this pervert would have acted on his intentions and then you would have a 16-year old trying to figure out what the hell just happened and losers like Rosie O'Donell would be saying "oh, tsk, tsk...what a shame-let's blame the Christians for that, too!" And I'm sorry, but there isn't enough alcohol on this planet that would make a man want to have sex with teenage boys! puhleez! alcohol is NOT his only problem...

Oh, and I couldn't get to that site...said page not found...something wrong with the link maybe? I dunno...

October 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a little at odds with all of the rage that this incident has caused. As someone who was abused by a relative, I too feel the outrage that is being felt around the United States. However, there is also a flip side to the story. I am not talking about the fact that it looks like the Republican Party seems to have shoved it under the rug, but rather for the man. Instead of expressing rage at him, I say WONT SOMEONE STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND HELP HIM?

I am leaving the political ramifications out of this little rant, because there is no excuse for what the Republican Party (I still beleive in the premise innocent until proven guilty) allegedly has done. I am more concerned about the man in this little sorrid affair.

I thought for the longest time that there was nothing more vile than pedaphilia, but then I began to think....pedaphilia is a symptom of something that is deeply wrong with the man, and it is, beleive it or not, a cry for help. There is no excuse, I am no trying to defend his actions, I am trying to defend his illness.

Wont someone help him?

October 02, 2006  
Blogger Laura said...

What happened to good ole common sense and self-control? Besides, he already got help...he is in alcohol rehab! That is a joke...politicians and movie stars get into trouble and they blame alcohol or drugs so they check into a drug and alcohol rehap clinic - and guess what...most of them come out and go right back to drugs and alcohol - they are weak in mind and spirit and therefore have no self control! People who have no self-respect or self-control have no clue how to live in the moment. But when they slip up and get caught they blame some substance rather than blaming their own weaknesses.
And how do you know that someone has not tried to help him before now? You can't help someone until they want to HELP THEMSELVES. Until they are ready and willing to admit that they have a problem and are ready to accept help, nothing in this world will help them! The first step is to admit that you have a problem; the second step is to learn SELF CONTROL! People like Foley get caught with their hand in the cookie jar and they start looking for a way out, they start making excuses; The help comes after they are ready to admit that they have a problem to begin with.


October 03, 2006  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I could use a great big dollop of common sense right now. I can't find that stupid license and I'm about ready to tear my hair out at the roots. Damn it.

October 03, 2006  
Blogger Laura said...

I bet when you play hide-and-seek, nobody can find you..not even you! LOL

I do that kind of stuff all the time..I think I'm going to put stuff in a "safe place" but then I forget where that is..it drives me nuts. And also when you think of something that you need to do or get in another room of the house, but by the time you get there YOU FORGOT what you went in there for! WTF is up with that?

Do what I do, think of all the "safe places" in your house where you might have put it and then look somewhere else! LOL


October 03, 2006  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

And by the way...you're right, I am GREAT at hide and seek. I'm tiny and flexible enough to fit into the smallest places...places no one would ever think to look. Once when I was a little girl, I was playing and I hid under the sheets all curled up in a ball. The sheets were tucked under the mattress and I was down near the foot of the bed. I fell asleep in there and woke up hours later...trapped under the sheets. I panicked, not being able to find the opening of the sheets to crawl out. Another time I fell asleep curled up in a laundry basket and covered with clothes out of the dryer. I hide so well that nobody finds me and sooner or later they give up looking and I like the fact that I can't be found. I still do that. Someone will be at my house (I did this to Rick all the time) and they'll leave the room and I'll take that chance to hide. They come back and can't find me...usually they find me because I'm cracking up. I can fit into some odd places.

See ya!


October 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, Laureal. That's precisely what needs to be done.

January 25, 2007  

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