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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Good morning!

At least I think it's morning. I fell asleep watching the Lord of the Rings movies and made it halfway through the second movie before I just passed out. I woke up at about 2 and then couldn't fall back to sleep because my back was killing me and I was thinking about the insurance problem.

The COBRA runs out at the end of the year and it will cost $758 a month to keep me insured without a lapse in coverage. That would also keep it so that I wouldn't have to worry about pre-existing conditions so I pretty much have to have that particular coverage. Rick is paying me $800 a month plus $280 for the current insurance. So, that adds up to $1080 a month that he pays now.

He says that he has no life except for working and caring for his sick father. I, on the other hand, do have a life and therefore, I need the money more than he does. He lives with his son, "no one else lives with us". So, between the two of them, he should be able to pay me what I need for him to pay. Especially considering he doesn't pay rent.

I thought of a different way for him to handle this, tell me what you think. He could take out a mortgage on his mother's house, pay me off and forget about paying me anything else. $800 a month is $9600 a year. He has to pay me for a little less than 4 more years now. So, if he paid me $35,000 in one lump sum, that would save him all of the insurance and leave me in a position where I could bank the money and pay for the insurance out of the interest. He wouldn't have to pay me anything else after that. How does that sound to you guys?

It'd be different if he had any other responsibilities...but he says that he doesn't. So, this agreement would help us both. He wouldn't pay as much every month and I wouldn't have to worry about him missing a payment or forgetting to pay the insurance payment. We spoke yesterday and he said, once again, that I am and always will be, "the love of his life". Well, the love of a man's life deserves certain things. The truth would be nice, but that won't happen so I'll settle for cash.

I can't imagine that any self respecting woman would want her man to keep his ex thinking that he is single so now Rick is making 2 women unhappy by lying to me. I suppose it's possible that he tells his new bitch that he lies to me, but she would have to be a moron to allow that. Knowing Rick, he has found a nit wit who falls for his BS about why he lies to me by denying her existence. I can't imagine what he's told her, but whatever it is, she's fallen for it. At least it seems as though she has. The only other possiblity is that he doesn't tell her a thing about our correspondences. That's entirely possible.

Oh well, I like the idea of having him just pay me off once and for all so that I can get on with my life and he can get on with his. Does that make sense to you guys?

The other option is to have him pay me enough every month so that I could pay for the insurance myself. Since I would have to pay a $2500 deductible as a result of the change in insurance, I can't let him off as easily as I once considered. If I did it this way, I would ask him to pay me $1,200.00 a month and I'll pay the insurance myself. I'll still be left with less cash per month, but that way we could just split the insurance. It would still let him off the hook a bit considering that he was supposed to pay the entire insurance and the $800 a month. I'd get the $1200 but I'd have to pay $758 a month for the insurance. So, my alimony would go down to 400 after I pay the insurance. Any way I look at this, I'll get screwed. Even with the $1200 a month, I'll still have to pay the deductible so we'll both end up with less money every month. So, I think the lump sum idea is best for both of us.

Whatever. See? This is why I couldn't fall back to sleep.

Now I'm hearing that people are asking Kramer to pay a half million for each time he said the "N" word. I don't know who is more offensive, Kramer or the people who want him to pay cash to clear his conscience. Basically, it's OK to be a racist if you can pay cash for it. I shouldn't be surprised...especially after watching Jesse Jackson extort money out of corporations for years.

I think that we're seeing things that are happening as a result of race relations over the past 2 decades. Yes, racism is simmering under the surface...and the result is people like Kramer and Mel Gibson coming out with these rants that offend everyone. It's a sign of what is happening all over the country. People are sick of being called racist when they aren't and the leaders of the black community are pushing white people over the edge by all of the ridiculous claims of racism at the most innocuous comments. The guy who used the word "niggardly" was barraged with insults by ignorant people who have no idea what that word means. It has NOTHING to do with race or the color of anyone's skin.

Then, there's the group at a school in Boston who created a scholarship for white people. What's wrong with that? When my son was in college, we couldn't find any scholarships for young white men who needed cash for school. But, if I searched for scholarships for minority kids, I found thousands of them. The disparity in this country is one of finances, not color. Poor kids need the money, no matter what color they are.

Reverse racism is as serious as straight racism. Our young people should not be raised in a world where they are expected to pay for things that happened before they were ever born. If a young white kid needs money for school, it would behoove us to help them as much as it would behoove us to help minority kids. All kids who want to go to college should be helped as much as we can help them. The color of thier skin should not matter one little bit.

As long as there are special scholarships for people of any particular color, there should be some for all colors. If it isn't proper to help white kids, then it isn't proper to help any of them. The only fair way to do help students is to base these scholarships on need, not on the color of a person's skin.

Like it or not, people get angry when they see special considerations being given to certain groups. If you aren't in the group being helped, you will tend to be a bit angry when you see the other groups being helped. That's what's causing these people all over to blow up like Kramer did. Things will only get worse if we keep allowing special interest groups to continue to bash white people without allowing the white people to speak their minds without being accused of racism. I'm not talking about the white people who lash out, I'm talking about the white people who have never done anything racist in their lives but still find themselves accused of racism.

There was a time when we could all laugh at racism because it WAS going away. I know it was because I was there watching it go away. But you can't say that since certain idiots figured out that white guilt was a very prosperous business. They will never admit that there are many white people who are not racist because to do so would put them out of business. So, they have decided to accuse all whites of racism...unless of course, they can pay a half million bucks for each racist word that they use. So, I guess the moral to that story is, don't be racist unless you can afford to be racist. What a shame.

Wouldn't it be nice if we all just learned to live together without having to worry about offending each other? After all, we are all Americans and if we worked together, we could live together in peace.

Here in Atlanta, a very old woman was shot dead in her home after a bunch of cops entered her house looking for drugs. They were under cover cops and they weren't in uniform. The old woman shot at them so they blew her away after invading her home. She happened to be black. If she had been white, it would have been just as evil of the cops to have shot her. I would have stood up to defend that woman's right to be secure in her home. It would be wise of all of us to speak out against what the police did. After all, it could have just as easily been a white woman in that house. Any of us could have been in our own home, obeying the law and have a bunch of cops invade our home. But then the NAACP decided to make it a racial issue. So, that pretty much tells me that I have no place complaining about the hideous thing that happened.

If race would have been left out of that incident, I would be in the line of people waiting to complain that what those cops did was wrong. But, the NAACP has told us that they will handle it so we white people have no business in this one. That's just wrong. All of us should be lining up to say how dreadful this murder was. But, apparently the NAACP wants white people to stay out of it. Where are the groups who complain when something wrong happens to a citizen? If we all banded together, we'd be a much stronger force. But, before we ever have a chance to do so, some nutty group grabs the camera and the air space to say how racist the cops were.

I think it just helps the cops to have us divided over these things. It would be much more difficult for them if we complained as one group. Where's the National Association for the Advancement of ALL People? What a powerful group that would be. But, a bunch of special interest groups, divided, will never be as powerful as one group of concerned citizens.

While Jesse is out there promoting himself, the people he purports to help will never receive the help that they deserve because he is making the rest of us feel as though we are evil, no matter what we do. He is helping the people who truly are racist by making such a fool of himself. His rainbow coalition has left out all but one color of people, making him the racist.

Have you ever heard of him, or any others for that matter, say anything positive about white people? Of course not. How could he complain about us if he ever said that there were decent white folk? So, yes...there is some anger under the surface. White people know damn well that we are not racist but you will never find a person who will say that. Of course there are some racists out there, white and black. But as long as we keep dwelling on them as opposed to the decent folks out there, the anger will continue to simmer and things will continue to get worse.

And, there isn't a damn thing that decent folk can do as long as they are lumped together with racists. That's truly a shame.

Well, now it's after 5 AM and the kid is awake, getting ready to go to work. I think I'll bug him a bit. After he gets in the shower, I'll flush the toilet...just to be a bitch.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he should pay the full alimony amount and the insurance-just like the 2 of you agreed. Don't sell yourself short.

November 28, 2006  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Thank you. I should remember what my mother used to say, "Put a high price on yourself." You're right. I called my father this morning and asked him to think about that one and let me know what he thinks. He has no problem considering all the sides and giving me the right answer. Now if he tells me the same thing that you did, I will have no problem with that. I don't know why, but I always seem to try to be nice when I never get nice in return. I don't owe him a dime...this was all his idea. Too bad if he finds that the deal he signed up for is turning sour on him. It's getting to the point that even if he DID tell me SOME truth, I wouldn't care anymore. He emailed me wanting to know "when he lied" to me. I didn't say that he lied...I said he wasn't being honest with me. There's a slight difference there...isn't there? He sure as hell would find the difference if it worked for him.


November 28, 2006  
Blogger Karin's Korner said...

I think that he needs to pay you ALL that you are entitled to. He treated you so bad when you really needed him the most, that to me makes him a hmmmm, well shit, he is a wife beater and an asshole. Now just cause you have a good heart and because you are rid of him does not mean that he is not those same things. Get what you DESERVE girl. The judge said so.

Also remember....he made the judge think that the car in your driveway was a good car AND he tried the she was cheating on me thing too. Get mad Meg....then get even.

November 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous.

But I also agree with the latter part of your post. I strongly feel that affirmative action and like programs should be based on income - not on skin color.

November 28, 2006  

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