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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

You know...

....I was just thinking about the lady that I spoke of the other day...the one who was dying and had the sweet husband who was sitting by her side.

The last time that I went into her room, I was trying to put a new vial of morphine in her PCA pump and the entire time that I was there, she was apologizing to her husband for putting him through so much. Isn't that sad? That lady was on her death bed and all she was worried about was her husband's feelings.

It was sad to listen to but so nice to see. Those two had married decades ago and there in that hospital room, they were doing exactly what they had vowed to do on the day of their wedding. They were loving each other, honoring each other...through sickness...until death. I don't know what they weathered that would be considered "richer" or for "better"...but they certainly did listen to the vows they took and they honored them.

When you drive down the street, you have no idea what's going on in the houses that you pass. People are living life in all it's facets and stages. They aren't anything other than regular people but they absolutely are living life and dealing with it as well as they can and that makes them amazing people. We won't read about them anywhere because they do so in such quiet reverence. But, when you are going through the best that life has to offer, remember that life has some downsides as well and thank God that you are able to enjoy the best of it. If you live it with honor and decency, when the time comes, someone will be at your side. And when you do drive down the street...look at the houses that you pass and remember the lady and her husband...people like them live in houses on every street that you will pass.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a wise woman Meg,
I hope death isn't so scary if you lived your life with those qualities being decency and honour.
I think we are all souls encased in matter, when this journey ends I like to believe there is a better one ahead .

December 21, 2006  
Blogger benning said...

Very nice post, Meg. Many thanks!

December 23, 2006  

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