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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

If you want...

...an invite to Solaris' blog, email me at megkelsobroderick@gmail.com and I'll shall submit it for approval. If you're a friend of hers, you'll definitely want to go there, she's a genious. I can't believe that I didn't think of doing what she's doing when I was really, really annoyed at the mistress in my situation. Damn, Solaris is good!

Anyway, I can't say that I blame her...the ho certainly has it coming. She's one of those people who is totally obsessed with the wife and seriously, if you think about it from her own point of view, it's pathetic. Imagine what normal parents would tell you if you continually harrassed the wife of the man you blow for no reason whatsoever. All she does is build more pity for the wife who not only has to deal with a cheating husband...but a crazed mistress just for shits and giggles.

Even if it was just a matter of right or wrong, the slut's wrong. Of course, she has already shown us that she hes no regard for the right vs. wrong rules. She goes out of her way to find trouble and when she does, she bitches about it. That's as stupid as driving around to Burger King's all over the country just to walk in, stand at the counter and shout..."I HATE WHOPPERS!"...then turn around and walk out. Nobody cares and she's paying for the gas...just like colleen's rantings, nobody cares and she chooses to spend something more important than gas money...time out of her one LIFE!...to seek revenge on Solaris for existing.

Think about the thought processes that go into harrassing the wife...can you imagine how angry the wench must be? How full of hatred for the wife she has GOT to be? And why would that be? One reason. The whore is miserable to the core. She's not just miserable NOW...she's ALWAYS miserable. That's the way she lives her life, she manipulates what she can and what she can't manipulate, she destroys.

People like that end up with a LOT of drama in their pitiful existences, they are constantly making some bonehead blunder that screws them up and costs them a great deal. And, at some time before the disasters that wreak havoc in their lives, they had a decision to make. Time and time again, these freaks make the wrong decision and end up on Jerry Springer. Then they get honors like the STILLING REIGNING WHORE DU JOUR...colleen lombardi!!!!!

It'd be different if the bitch just came out and told the truth...but like someone we all know...she won't do that. She has to justify and transfer guilt and LIE! That's what miserable fucks do.

You all meet these social misfits in your life...some person who spends far too much time in other people's business...judgemental and self-righteous...hypocritically self-sighteous. We don't tell them anything because we KNOW they will be talking about us next. And she is, as the people who know her well would say..."Psycho." If more than 2 ex's refer to a person as "Pyscho.", they probably are and I have a feeling they ALL say that about the fuckable Ms. lombardi.

The problem with psycho's is that they know how to play any role they need to play at the moment so they can distract the guy with sex...but only for so long. Then...sooner or later the psycho crap starts...rather insidiously. Then it gets to the point where everybody in the current guy's life is trying to tell him she's nuts and after that...he finds out for himself. And then, knowing this guy (the best indicator of a person's future is their past)...rather than be a man and leave her...he would go fuck someone else and just for me, I'd like for it to be a grudge fuck for Solaris.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I respect Solaris' decision to go invite only, seeing what we've seen her be subjected to from the ho. So, ya....I'm asking here for an invite to her blog. Thanks Meg!

March 22, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

OK...you'll get it girl!


March 22, 2007  
Blogger mylifeatfullspeed said...

I'd like an invite to Solaris' blog as well please. I saw that she had mentioned doing it on her blog and then I just flaked or something and didn't ask over there. :P

Thanks :)

March 22, 2007  
Blogger JQ75 said...

If one ex calls her a Psycho, he may be disgruntled or wrong. More than 2 ex's call her a Psycho, that's a trend.

March 22, 2007  
Blogger JQ75 said...

It's a vicious cycle - hate & misery. It's enough to drive anyone Psycho.

Too bad she doesn't realize that she is her own worst enemy.

It takes a particularly cold and cruel person to re-victimize the victim. I think Sol should look into some form of harassment claim or protection order.

And then "suspicious mind" tells SolarisGal "... be the first to cease and desist in the Tramp vs. Scorned Wife war." As if SolarisGal owes the ho any courteousy. Jeez, I feel some food coming up on that one.

March 22, 2007  
Blogger kissmekate said...

I had to go invite only on my blog as well because themistress was leaving her grimy paws all over it with anonymous comments. And when the psycho couldn't get at me on my blog she chose to do it through Solaris's blog.

As I said to Sol, she is really getting up Colleen's nose by blogging, so all I can say to Sol is........GO GIRL!!!!

And psycho mistress.....sit in the corner and wonder what is going on behind closed doors. You won't like it will ya? Suffer the same as Sol had to suffer whilst you were getting your claws into Jeff.

And all the while we will laugh at you behind your back, the same as you did at Solaris.


Karma is a real bitch.....but then so am I!!!!

March 23, 2007  
Blogger kissmekate said...

Oh and Meg don't worry about an invite for me.....Sol already sent me one!

March 23, 2007  
Blogger JQ75 said...

Sol, Kate, Meg, maybe we could have a skank photo edit contest. People could edit photos, make them all grossed out and readers could vote on categories, which photo gets the biggest laugh, best caption, skankiest, ugly, most warped, biggest edit change before/after.

Google's piccasa has an invite feature.

Laughter is the best medicine and it is only fitting that Sol's readers should make her laugh at Colleen's expense. Any great PHOTOSHOPpers out there?

March 23, 2007  

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