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Monday, April 23, 2007

Help me Rhonda...

...some anonymous...how can I say this nicely...troubled soul wrote a nasty comment after a father used his own personal web journal to voice his feelings. The guy does what we all do, he shares experiences and he discusses how he feels about things. This blog community does that. That's why we all know each other. But every so often, some loser wanders in and leaves a stupid comment like this one:

Read your posts over and count how many times you talk about your feelings, your wants and your needs. (Of course, this is exactly what the blog is for. Someone said to me once, "You act like that blog is one of the most important things in your life!" I responded, "So what if it is? How does that affect you?" That shut his ass up.)

Narcissm at it's finest.You have chosen the martyr role. And yet, you cannot look away. What kind of idiot comes to a blag and whines that they don't like it? Do they also buy tickets to movies they don't like? What a pion.

You get off on the fight.If you had agrred to provide a living wage to your child..that is child support and agreed to some basic ground rules you would have an adult mature relationship but you couldn't. Because you are a martyr horribly wronged. There was never any evidence that this man was anything but an honorable man so this whacko is speaking from a false premise. If someone manipulated my relationship with my kids, I would be a VERY VOCAL VOICE IN THIS COUNTRY.

Try just giving in, stop fighting. What kind of father would he be if he gave up on his own kid? You expect the impossible and whine when you don't get it.

Every time you engage with your lunatic ex you hand her ammuntion. Women like that don't need ammunition, they're already fully loaded.

If you stop she has to because she wont have anyone to play with anymore.It takes two dysfunctional people to create such a mess. That's a crock of shit. One totally whacked out ex can single handedly make life miserable for all involved.

How about you try on a new persona? Try being the one that doesn't want to fight anymore? Obviously this yahoo has no children so she must not know it, parents do not give up on their kids.

Don't give me that martyrs whine about how your dear son will feel abandoned. His son knows that he loves him, he's ALWAYS there for him. You need to travel on to another blog.

...Take it from someone who lived through two ridiculous asshole parents who couldn't stop telling everyone they were only doing this because they loved their kid while making said kid miserable with the never ending fight.i hate both my parents now and I haven't spoken to them in twenty years. Just because they loved me soooo much. Oh, well that explains it. You're a miserable hag and you have no business being so mean to a total stranger. If you don't like what he says, get lost.

Geez, there are so many morons out there!

See ya,



Blogger JQ75 said...

Well said, thanks for the insight.

I've always thought to write about the "it takes two" cliche. It takes two to get along, to reach agreement, to co-parent after divorce. But ironically it only takes one to mess it up in this dysfunction divorce system. You can not walk away and ignore the court, you are ordered to appear, you are ordered to answer. It is not like an argument between two adults where one can walk away.

Until someone drags your innocent ass in front of a judge, who takes away your money, your liberty, your access to your own flesh and blood, you don't realize how mild the worst adult argument is. Because outside court it takes two, you can walk away. Inside those hallowed halls is another world, most of us are lucky enough not to experience.

Most of my two years was spent responding to demands from the opposition, defending myself from their baseless accusations.

My only demand was reasonable access to my son, at least the "standard" visitation (which is very poor).

Three lawyers, a custody evaluator, and a Guardian, some of whom didn't particularly like me, burned their wheels against the unstoppable, never ending opposition. It's not my word, it's theirs too. Don't believe me, its public record.

April 24, 2007  

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