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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


…if you read the post with the email conversation then you know that there’s a guy who I’ll call Mike. Mike has told me that he doesn’t want me to call him again until I take the emails off the blog. I had already told him that he needed to apologize for implying that I was a liar. He does that quite often and never admits to it, nor does he ever apologize for it…how could he…he didn’t do anything wrong, did he?

You know…it does hurt my feelings when he accuses me of being less than truthful. The accusations are all over the place but the latest one was that I MUST check my email all the time and now I’m just ignoring him. Well, I DON’T check it all the time. Even when I do check it, I get so many that I can easily miss one. I found an email that Anne Arky had sent weeks ago recently. I always feel like an idiot for not responding right away…but no one accuses me of ignoring them. They just write me back.

Somewhere on this blog I said that feelings are what they are…they can’t be a good thing or a bad thing…they simply are. I also learned a long time ago that if my feelings are hurt…I don’t need to ask anyone else if I’m right to be hurt. I used to do that. Now I trust my own feelings…if they’re hurt…they’re hurt! And if someone cares enough about me to care that my feelings are hurt…they stop the hurting quickly. All I need is a validation and a little bit of an apology. Not even a real, “I’m sorry.”…a simple little, “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” would do. That lame, “I’m sorry for whatever you think I may have done.” is just another way to make me feel badly so that just made it worse.

I’m not so worthless that I need to put up with someone who is too proud, too much of an ass or just too stupid to see what they’ve done and fix the situation. I’m not unreasonable and I show my appreciation well. I think that I can do a helluva lot better than that.

A while back I signed up at a dating site to get fodder for this blog and I haven’t been to it in a long time. This morning I decided to go see what was waiting there for me. I got a very sweet email from a guy who mentioned family, church and treating a lady like a lady. The problem that I found was his screen name…LAPALOTAPUSS. I responded to him, “Your name and your email don’t exactly go together…which is the real you?” I don’t do men who refer to cunningulous in their names. There was another older man who did the same thing. He even sent a picture of his grandchildren and mentioned how he spends a lot of time with his family. I guess my profile of a relatively sweet lady makes them feel as though they need to sweeten up the emails that they send. His name was BGJHNSN. Help me Jesus.

Here’s what LAPALOTAPUSS had to say:

"...i would be honored if you would spare me some of your time and share a laugh or two with me. i just moved back from phoenix to look after my elderly parents which being the eldest it was the only right thing to do. i have blonde hair, blue eyes, kinda stocky, honest, dependable, trustworthy with my integrity fully intact. i own my on bussiness, and go to work everyday and come home every night, married once and since 1993 havent taken the time to try and meet someone else, im not into drugs and dont drink, i smoke like an idiot but just havent put them down yet. well smiles ill stop right here and if havent anything pressing one day drop me a line or you can call..."

Almost like a real gentleman...ey? Do they think women are too stupid to see what they’re up to? Most of them say something like this before they take you out and try to get lucky:

"...I am told I have a heart of gold ( the tv commercial for St Judes makes me cry, poor kids )Im not looking for sex( dont get me wrong. I love to make love.) Im looking more for the passion !! That is truly one of the greatest feelings ever. I know what im looking for. Sweet, kind, trustworthy, caring, and loyal.. That is what describes me and I want the same..."

Commercials make him cry? I don’t know how I feel about that if it IS true.

Oh well.

DAMN! My left leg is totally asleep and numb. This is weird. I can’t get up until the blood goes back into it. I sit on it without realizing that I’m doing it and then go to get up and it’s as though my leg is gone. Now it’s in the painful pins and needles phase.

OK…I think I can use it again.

It IS Thursday…isn’t it?

OK…I did go out last night. I had a lot of fun and I even got to be rude to men who made veiled sexual comments to me. I’m getting good at recognizing those types of remarks and shooting them down quickly. My favorite response, “Why would you think that I deserve a comment like that?” And then I stand there waiting for an answer. This is fun. I remember going to a political event in Illinois for one of my parents and there was a chick there who I went to high school with. Her husband hit on me behind her back and I squirted mustard all over his shirt. Let him explain that one.

There are too many nice guys out there for me to have to put up with cretins. I’m beginning to figure this shit out.

OK…I have to clean some so that I can work for the next 3 nights. Be back soon!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's idiots like that who give the rest of the male species a bad name. It's wrong of me to tar all men with the same brush, but when the majority you meet are like that, it's hard not to!

August 30, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Oh hell no. It isn't easy. They're out there...they're just not multiplying in great numbers. But I know the good ones are there somewhere and I don't mind waiting for one of them. A relationship should never get to a point where a man feels he can treat a woman with less respect than would a man in a bar trying to score. Who would you rather be with? Keeping in mind you don't HAVE to screw anybody...you can just utilise your time better. I hate being dumped on...and I hate when a nice guy goes to dumping yet says that everything is fine and normal. Well, if that's normal...I don't want it. Normal is what you allow to happen and I won't allow that crap to happen anymore.

Anyway...I have to take a nap and stop chowing down on pez.

See ya!


August 30, 2007  
Blogger Brad said...

I saw your profile and you seem like a very nice lady. I would really like to spend some time getting to know you. I would never want to complicate that with casual sex. I better go now so I can help homeless children. I hope to hear from you soon!


But seriously...
I think that's just another example of men trying any and every approach. Maybe their intentions with you were above board, maybe not. Judging by the screen names, they'd settle for a roll in the hay with someone. I suspect anyone. I just don't get it. Does the name "LAPALOTAPUSS" ever attract anyone female?

August 30, 2007  

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