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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Good morning!

In response to the post about my son and his baby-mama, a friend of mine wrote this:

"...I thought she is a good mom they would be better with her.....Guys ...don't ever do this..."

William tried to believe that as well. But, he learned that in his case, it was a mistake, too.

I worked until 1:30 last night and just now woke up. I'm going to work as many hours as I can to see to it that my son has an attorney to take to court when the nutjob takes him there to decrease his visitation time. When he got those papers, he said, "No wonder she's been being so nice!" Yeah, he should have known. There are some people who just are not able to be nice without a selfish reason and this chick is nothing if not selfish.

I'll do whatever I can to see to it that my son goes into court as protected as he can be. The last time we had to go to court, we ended up sitting through another case where the father went in to enforce his visitation and ended up with custody. By the time we got up before the judge, he was ready to give William custody as well. The court told the nutjob that he wouldn't decide custody until two days later. In the meantime, she had to let William have the baby THAT night. Since then, she hasn't complained except for when she didn't want William to see the kids but she never had a reason, she simply didn't answer her phone.

She never answers her phone when my son calls to speak to the kids. But every single weekend he DOES have the kids, she calls to speak to them and it would NEVER occur to my son not to let the kids speak to their mother. How sad that she doesn't love her kids enough to give them the gift of a father who loves them.

One day the kids came over here and they were both sort of shying away from all of us. I asked her if someone told her that she shouldn't be nice to Daddy and Grandma and she said, "Mommy did." I told her that it was OK, that we loved her and she immediately went back to her normal, Daddy loving little girl that she's always been.

And now the nut is telling the kids that "Daddy shouldn't lay down next to you in bed." She is single-handedly making a father's love an ugly thing. If I weren't a lady, I would pummel ANYONE who did that to my son. I can do one thing...I can hire my son an attorney with money that could have gone to my grandkids. That ought to be thousands of dollars. What a hideous wench that skank is.

Anyway, my sister just woke me up to tell me that my work was on the phone. When I got up, I saw that she was cleaning the hell out of my house. That's a good thing. She wants to go play Bingo tonight so she's working her ass off. I would have taken her last night but I got called into work. If they call again today, I'll work but if they don't, I'll go out with Marie to play Bingo at the VFW.

The animals are much, much better. Payton was so sick from those flea bites that he's on antibiotics for 3 weeks. The cats are fine now. But after we treated the dog, THEY started scratching so I went to the vet and got them some of those Capstar pills as well. For an entire day, dead or dying fleas were dropping off of the cats wherever they laid. Now they're all flea free and happy.

Over the weekend, I dealt with so much flea crap that I was itching all over. It was awful. I can't imagine how those animals go through that. So, I'll be giving them the Capstar pills at least once a month. Yesterday, I bought 4 more for the cats and 2 more for Payton. That's just in case any little flea babies have hatched since the weekend. This is no place for a flea to be today. Every animal in the house is full of flea poison, the carpet is full of powder and I have a bunch of bombs to set off as soon as I can figure out where to go with 1 dog, 2 cats and a bunch of fish.

I like watching someone else clean my house. My sister hasn't gotten a job yet so I think I'll hire her to clean house. She does a pretty damn good job at it.

Well, I have to go eat some blueberries and yogurt. I'll be back soon.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing I learned, and it's really sad, My Ex.....was Jealous of the love between me and my children. she had to the "Only" one loved. ??????

November 14, 2007  
Blogger Karin's Korner said...

My oh My, you have described my husbands X to a tee. Whenever she is nice, we know that she has either something up her sleeve or she wants to switch weekends. It is NEVER just to be nice.

I have to agree with you that your son's X is making something UGLY out of being a dad. Be very careful and document everything that is said, including dates and times. She seems like someone that would try and put something into the kids heads, don't let her get away with it Meg. Hire an attorney and take her down NOW.

Good Luck and God Bless

November 15, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


It's not that she had to be the ONLY one...it's just that she wanted you to go WITHOUT. What a skank.


I AM going to help the kid get a lawyer. That's why I'm working so much. I'm not supposed to but I will do it for my son. I'll let you know what happens as this goes on. For now...I have to shower and work an extra shift for my son and the kids.



November 15, 2007  

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