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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Somehow I've gotten myself...

...into a pattern of earlier and earlier bedtimes. Of course, that means that I'm waking up earlier and earlier every morning. Today I woke up before 4 and tried to go back to sleep for a while until it became obvious that I wasn't going to fall back to sleep. Then, Leave it to Beaver came on so I just got up.

I will probably be in Florida by the end of the week to help my father out for a while. He's still trying to take care of his ex who has health problems. Wouldn't it be sad if I was the first person to go to bed in a house full of old people? Oh well, maybe in a month my bedtime will roll back to night-time.

I heard that the Mega Millions was won by one person...the whole thing. I still haven't checked my tickets. I'd be rather annoyed if I went shopping, cleaned the house and did laundry all weekend when I had a quarter of a billion bucks to pay someone else to do it for me. I'd go check now if I wasn't wearing long johns. The ticket is in my car and I only run outside in my long johns to let the dog in. I don't know why I buy those stupid things, I have a tough enough time picking the winner of a 10 horse race.

I'm sitting in front of a space heater for my morning warm up and I'm eating a popsicle at the same time. I think I should eat a bit faster because the heater is melting my popsicle. I'll be right back...I want to eat this thing.

OK...I'm done.

I'm the only person sleeping and that's a double edged sword. I like the peace and quiet but don't like being the first one up. That means that I have to make the coffee, feed the animals and wash any dishes that were left in the sink after I did my last dish load last night. If my sister wakes up first, she does that stuff. I haven't done any of it yet...maybe I should make some noise and wake her ass up. Then again, it is nice and quiet...maybe I'll just ignore the dishes and go without coffee. The animals can eat when the sun comes up...I don't feel like feeding them in the middle of the night. If I ever do get back to normal sleeping hours they would be wanting to be fed early and those silly animals let me know when they're hungry by getting up on my bed and meowing or whining. The fish doesn't say a word but I know he's waiting for me too.

Oh, a band sent an email to my MySpace page to ask if I would add them and then comment about one of their songs. I have so many musical groups on that thing that now some of them want to be on my page. If I like the music, I add them. This group is called The High Kings and they're from Canada. One of their songs is called, "My Lover is my Wife". It was a good song but it surprised me that anyone would write a song like that. It's nice to see people who love their wives...isn't it? Needless to say, I added them and wrote a nice comment because I was so impressed with the thought of a man who's lover is his wife. What a novel concept.

Crap...I need some coffee. And, I guess I'll feed the animals. I'll be back after the sun comes up.


Oh, by the way, Lara and Sol are still having fun. I need to go Downunder to learn how to do this stuff:


Blogger Lara Croft said...

It's easyyyyyyyyyy peasey Megs.
Just use windows media maker..

Start/Programs/Windoes Movie Maker

Your only limited by your imagionation :-)

February 25, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

OK then...I figured you used media maker....but that's as far as I can get. Now what?


February 25, 2008  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

The you import picture, or import video , drag to your show storyboard below, add music and save movie file LOL LOL LOL

From there I upload to youtube, you will need an account, and then paste the link here . ooo ya gonna make one ?

February 25, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Yeah, but you've set the standards pretty high. I'll try...so far all I have is a bomb exploding, LOLOLOL.


February 25, 2008  

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