...I love a day at the lake...don't you? That doesn't really look like Montana...does it? He lives very near the Rockies. I don't know one way or another but I bet it was taken here before he left which means that when this picture was taken, I was in Chicago visiting my daughter. I could be wrong, but it really doesn't matter. I wonder who had the sandy foreplay in a bottle?
Oh well. Cocky MoFo that he is...did he really think I would let that stupid saying go without saying anything? What have we learned here children? Do NOT believe anything you read on a person's online profile. A cheater will imply that he is good person like a heavy person refers to themselves as "weight proportionate with height" and like a 40 year old woman claims to be 33.
You know, I easily fall for stuff like that. I would actually think, "What a good guy." after I read something like that on a stranger's page. It's stunning that they would pretend to be nice...are they purposely setting a trap for women stupid enough to believe that crap? I'm starting to think so. I used to think that they didn't do it on purpose, that it was all subconscious. But after seeing Rick's little saying, I MUST give them the credit for being the manipulating chugs that they are. Damn...I'm still learning.
When you get to be my age, you sort of start to slow down in the head. For some reason I thought that the other day was May 1rst. That's when I said I would start my Count Down to 50. I know now that's it's STILL not May so when it IS, I will begin my 60 day Count Down to 50. Be sure to check it out every so often.
Oh, by the way, do you remember when the news people came to my house in March...or was it February? I don't know. Anyway, they said that the show would be aired in May. That's all I got from them at the time. I could call and ask but I probably won't. I'll just wait and keep an eye out. This should be interesting! Notice I never told you what it's about...that's because it's a surprise...she said with an evil grin on her face.
Oh, I won my match last night at the pool league. They put me up against a girl so it was like taking candy from a baby. Most chicks are pretty easy to beat, hell, most dudes are easy to beat. But every so often you run into a chick who can shoot well. This chick wasn't one of them. I took her in 2 games and my captain, who was facing her (I had my back to her) told me that she was crying after I beat her. I don't know why...that's just what I was told. After I beat her, I went to shake her hand and she turned her back on me. I'm not sure why...but I think it had something to do with my push up bra and my low cut shirt.
Do you ladies have push ups bras? It's amazing what a difference one makes in the way men treat you. I was primped and "pushed up" and on the way to pool I had to pick up some band-aids. (I just needed a dot band-aid for a sore on my face but the only ones that had dots had square dots. What the hell is that all about? A square dot on your face is like a paisley mitt on a bad pitcher. I figured if I had to wear a huge, obtrusive square, I might as well just get cute so I bought SquareBob Spongepants band-aids. The best size they had was a small rectangle...and it sort of took away from the cleavage...but I thought it was cute.
Anyway...I think it was the push up bra that irritated the poor loser that I whipped. Their entire team was laughing and telling jokes while I was shooting. My captain said that you couldn't do anything unless they were outright belittling me. So, even though I think they were and we just heard the loud laughter, I put it out of my mind and shut them up with a couple of killers shots including one 8 ball that I sunk in the corner to my left even though the ball was all the way down on the opposite rail on the right. That seriously shut them up. I'm a good sport but if I come up against a bad sport, I can be very good at winning. I even got a couple of my own digs in...but the things I said were nice, it's just when I said them. I was subtle yet distracting...like a velvet hammer. And of course, I had a sweet smile on my face.
Anyway, back to the push up bra. The check out guy at Publix, some man in the Quik-Trip and all the guys who were practicing with me before they knew I was on a different team, were treating me far too nicely. There were 4 or 5 tables at the place I played at and they all had league games going on. I went early to practice, getting there before most all of the league people. So, these people just thought I was a chick shooting pool alone. Now...getting hit on it a bar doesn't really count...especially at midnight but this was 6 PM. And they were all just so fricking NICE to me that I finally thought..."This fucking bra WAS worth 50 bucks! Thanks Victoria Secret's!"
Oh jeez, I'm listening to Petula Clark sing "Downtown" but in German. I have to fix that...it made me forget what I was writing about.
I heard a clip from the show on the radio this morning. Was surprised to hear ya on there!
OMG! What station? What did I say? Email me girl and tell me all about it...it's supposed to be on TV, they had cameras!
I was listening to Q100. They were talking about the website and then played your clip.
Really? How much of it? They only aired about two sentences on TV...were there more than that on the radio? I'm being interviewed in the morning by some station...I don't think it's the same one but it could be I'll let you know.
At least tell me it was funny?!
It was funny!
I think the clip was about a minute long, maybe slightly less. They gave ya a great intro though!
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