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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

By the way...

...it appears as though Whitney Houston was marching around Beverly Hills recently with a nice young man doling out apologies to everyone she passed and offended. And oh, she offended everyone that she passed. To the nice man who is so sorry, don't worry, we all know she's nuts.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah come on, I love Whitney to bits and pieces. That voice is truly unmatched. I am so sorry the President didn't ask her to sing, give her a break, another chance. Truth be told, she was probably in no condition to make a public appearancce, though I'd rather not think that.

Aretha WAS a good singer. She is so freaking fat that even her tongue got fat and heavy. Did you hear and see her singing. I was thinking we could've done without that.

I do hope Whitney pulls through. Where is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton when Whitney needed help to get out of that mess? Shouldn't that have been community effort!

February 07, 2009  

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