Rick Kelso Kalispell Montana

My crazy ex...
...won't take "Here's a divorce and within it you'll find a permanent restraining order." for a goodbye. He is STILL trying to keep in touch with me and mine...and this time I even warned his stupid ass...again. I actually took time out of my busy Florida day and told him that all I wanted was for him to stay away from me and anyone whom I met in a delivery room.
This is the first post since my warning has been ignored. I'll try to be decent.
I really don't think I'm asking that much. I'm simply asking to be left alone and like a jack-ass, I thought a divorce would do that. My lawyer was smart enough to make permanent the restraining order which was in place when depositions were taken in the divorce. I wouldn't have thought about that myself. It's just that sort of thing that made me an easy woman to be abused in the first place. But, the control that the fool lost when we were finally divorced is too much for him to let go. Rick Kelso simply cannot do it. He simply refuses to leave me alone.
How hard can that be? As Nancy Reagan said, "Just say no!" Ignore the urge to penetrate into my life because it HURTS me. I know that wasn't a good enough reason for you to treat me with the respect that a human being deserves when I was your punching bag, but at your age, I still have hope that you'll develop a conscience and just avoid behavior that HURTS another human being.
I know, I'm an idiot. You're just so damned easy to believe. You don't even seem bright enough to be such a great liar. But Casey Anthony has nothing on you, dude.
I wasn't kidding, I will follow through with MY promises so do yourself a favor and act as if you know where in the hell a high road might be.
BTW...I prefer this..."8 Days A Week!":

PS I don't care how many pills she takes in a day...leave me the fuck alone.
I can't believe he is still contacting you! I have followed you from the beginning and this pissed me off. I've tried to comment a few times lately and it has failed probably because I am using my iPad so if this fails I will make it a point to come back on my pc.
I know, right? I think I'll die when an aneurism blows in my brain as I'm shaking my head back and forth in what can only be desecribed as utter astonishment.
I feel like he is a prime candidate for my body disposal theory. I want to test it out in case I need to use it on my ex.
Ah...and wise you are...it's ALL in the body disposal. You can totally fuck up the rest of the deed but a good disposal plan will cover that right up.
I suppose that thing on his head is his new toupee. It's not workin' for me at all and where I live we'd have no "body disposal" problem. Just keep that thing on his head, send 'em this way and as the expression goes, "If it's Brown, it's DOWN."
We are blessed with innumerable lakes, rivers, streams and "Forever Wild" areas/mountains. Lots of sex offenders that fly below the radar or the family doesn't want to make a big legal case and re-expose their kid(s) to the offender take advantage of all the natural resources even if it means, "We're goin' Ice Fishin' and we got some new bait." (In -30.) It's on the bed of the pick-up truck, wrapped in disposable tarps with lots of rope, some disposable heavy objects and a few well sharpened fillet knives.
No one knows how they went missing but they did and it saves the tax payers a whole lot of money. In police speak, "We have no leads on the disappearance of (fill in the blank.)" Nor will they ever.
Rick-The-Crooked-Dick may not be a sex offender despite never being called out on Statutory Rape but he's so annoying, he meets and exceeds the basic criteria for an impromptu "Fishin'/Trappin'/Huntin'" expedition.
I agree completely!!! I missed my chance!
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