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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, March 06, 2005


My Dad won’t be happy. I just had a guy hammer out his car window. That’s what happens when you lock your keys in your car.

I stopped at a convenience store for a can of soda or pop (depending on where you come from) and left the engine running. Yeah, I know it was stupid. When I realized it, I tried everything I could to get those keys out. This is the first time I have ever NOT been able to get the keys out. I lock the keys in the car often but I always pry the door open or use a coat hanger to get at them. Today I couldn’t do it. Not only couldn’t I do it, but as I was speaking to the clerk, a very nice young crook told me that he was a professional and would love to help me but he couldn’t because he had to get home before his ankle bracelet told the Martha Stewart Police that he was out. I was so IM-pressed but so DE-pressed that he couldn’t help. I asked the clerk if he had a hammer and he brought me a large mallet type thing. So I swung away at the car window (I thought it would be cheaper than prying open the door) but I couldn’t break it.

So, I asked the clerk to do it, he didn’t want to, but he was so sick of me that he did it. It took him a few tries but he finally smashed Dad’s car window and I finally got at the keys. Now I am home and the car is a tad breezy.

Why don’t the cops do that for you anymore? It was so easy when I was a teenager. Every Friday night after my bowling league ended, I would go to Denny’s with my friends and lock the keys in my car. I called the cops and they opened my car so often that they just started going to Denny’s at midnight on Fridays with their jimmy thing to meet me. The Chicago Suburb Police were so pleasant.

They would even be pleasant when they stopped me for speeding. I always found my nursing license as I was looking for my driver’s license and I would say, “Oh, here is my nursing license.” They would say, “Oh, you’re a nurse? Drive away little lady.”

That happened by accident once and when I realized that they wouldn’t give me a ticket, it started happening on purpose. In Illinois, the police were smart enough to think, “If I am in an emergency room, I don’t want to look up and see her face.”

When I moved here, I told a cop-friend of mine about that and he said, “You don’t have to be coy, just tell the cops that you’re a nurse.” OK. So, I did that. But they aren’t so smart here. They give me tickets anyway.
One did it the other night.

So, my Dad gave me his car to use a few weeks ago and I have gotten one speeding ticket and I have smashed his window out once, so far. I don’t PLAN on speeding, but Dad’s car goes faster than it appears to be going. My mind was on other things and before I knew what was happening, the blue lights were in my rear view. Yikes.

If you are not in Georgia, you might think that the cops SHOULD notice that I was speeding. But, in the Atlanta area, the speed limit signs are kind of a joke. No one goes the speed limit so you have no reason whatsoever to think that there IS a speed limit. It’s as though the cops just arbitrarily say, “Well, I feel like enforcing the traffic laws tonight.” They don’t turn a sign on or anything so I have no way of knowing when that might happen. I just kind of go with the flow and they got me. Damn it.

I wouldn’t mind so much if they helped with the car keys. And I absolutely HATE getting a ticket from someone young enough for me to spank. Oh well, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side.

It'll hurt for a while, but as time wears on it'll hurt less & less. Be well!

Yep, that is already happening. :) Thank you.

Big hugs and a box of cyber-hankies for you dear :o) I'll bring the rum and we'll go find a couple of sailors, 'kay?

A couple for me and a couple for you? :) :) :)

By taking the leash (or killing it) he is asserting his dominence. Boxers are smart, energetic and pushy... don't let him bully you. Okay, I'm all done doggy-talkin', sorry :o)

No, please do, that’s why I asked. Yeah, I should have thought about the dominence thing...I’ll be damned if that is going to happen. I am smarter, I have more endurance anyway and I am about as pushy as I can be. I am trying very hard not to be bullied.

Hey, Stacey's got an interesting point. I have never seen a divorce advice column.

I could be wrong (I doubt it. I rarely am), but it could be that some would think it was bad form.

Is it just me, or does it seem crazy (pun intended) that they actually have to evaluate this woman to see if she has mental problems? HELLO??? Seems like a no-brainer to me!

The local media are not so much REPORTING this story as they are DEFENDING the prosecutor. Whatever the results of the evaluation, it won’t be passed on to future generations as they are just trying to stop her from procreating. I’m not saying they SHOULDN’T do that...but they SHOULD still punish her. They still punish other murderers. Who said that you can measure a society by how they treat the weakest among them? I think someone should speak for the little one. I would hope someone would speak for me.

I'm surprised that he could cancel anything.

I don’t KNOW for a fact that he did. That is just what the dentist’s office said. I am going to call them back for details tomorrow. The reporter was here when they called and we just kept missing each other the rest of Friday.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

breaking a window is NOT cheaper than a locksmith....bummer!! you sound very resourceful though..

March 06, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I tried the locksmiths, they all wanted a credit card and I don't have one that isn't maxed out. That WAS a bummer, and a hummer and a buch of other ummers.


March 06, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Bunch, not buch. I hate things I can't edit.


March 06, 2005  

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