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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

yielding = wielding.
Not often I find a mistake you've made in your writing. I'm absolutely giddy.

That irritated the hell out of me until my father said that it was a compliment. :)

I am shocked and relieved to hear a man say that about Breast augmentation.

Yeah, right. He has to be lying.

How is it a dowager hump can defy gravity but breasts can't??

I have no comment. That was funny.

OK, Stacey... good point. I guess I'm only against it if it's to make some dumb guy happy or if you think you need it to attract a guy

See, I told you so. He was TRYING very hard to be too good to be true. But then the testicles took over...

I am a woman that is plagued with large mammaries

Now the men can ogle by proxy.

This may sound crude... but we (guys) like breasts.

Was there ever any doubt?

You typically hear more guys spouting off the "bigguns" comments because the same obnoxious guys who tend to place too much importance on breast size are also the ones who don't know how to be discreet.

So, he was being “discreet”. He never said he didn’t like “bigguns”. Very slick.

They will comment on them and their muscles, but they don't really want to date them.

Says who?

I don’t think those guys would be pumping all of that iron if it didn’t do any good. It’s far too much effort for a man to expend NOT to have the big round things involved on some level. I have been thin with smaller boobs and big with larger ones. I absolutely think that the men preferred the larger ones. They came right out and told me...of course I WAS hanging out with a bunch of comedians at the time. Men always spend more time on a gallon than they do a pint.

You know what I’m curious about? Mr. Winky. You sort of introduced us, but you didn’t say much else.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon Meg, everybody knows Winky the one eyed wonder worm! And no, that is not the name my husband has dubbed his genetalia :o)

March 08, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Champ (not enough TKO's in my opinion)
Shaft (note the capital "S")
Dingo (maybe a dingo ate your baby)
and the one that TOTALLY creeped me out...

March 08, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okee dokee, WG, think happy thoughts or you'll never make it to never land. Wooosaaaah, woooosaaaah :o) Please don't say we can't tease you or I'll cry. I was just saying to Meg the other day how interesting I thought you were. Meg's so dry in her humor, that's why I think she's a genius.

March 08, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


You have to KNOW I was playing with you! I would never say anything mean to you two on purpose...you are my inspiration! I wouldn't have done the penis thing if you never brought up boobs.

Genius? LOLOL, I bought my father the GENUS edition of Trivial Pursiut because I thought he was such a genius...I misread the box, making me a little LESS that genius.


March 08, 2005  

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