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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, April 04, 2005


"...Now it might not mean anything to you now, but who knows what a couple of years might bring?? Just a thought...feel free to disregard if you want...I'm not a lawyer (and I don't play one on TV), but I have a dad and a sister who are, and there is no way that scuz-bucket (yes, that's a legal term) should be imposing a morality clause like that on you...."

My father is an attorney as well and he said you are right. He said that you only use the term "cohabitation on a continuing conjugal basis" to prevent sometone from living in the marital home with children involved. He didn't understand it either. I have a feeling this isn't over anyway. Don't ask me why.

But...considering the vagueness of the term "cohabit meretrisiously", I don't see how anyone could enforce it anyway. I would certainly fight any attempt to do so, what the heck does it mean? And if it means I can't take money from a man as the dictionary says, can I still rent a room out if I wanted to? But then I could, because cohabit means to live together as man and wife. See? What the heck does it mean?

If I move a man in and don't take any cash from him, am I being meretricious? If I take his cash but don't have sex with him, am I cohabitating? I could go round and round with this one.
I have to think about this for a while now.

My houseguest left this morning...I will miss her but I am glad her cats are gone. I have to go out and get another steam cleaner. I had to clean the carpet in the first place because her cats (or one of them) aren't litter-box trained. Then, the toilets overflowed and I had to do it again. Now, since she has left with the cats, I am going to do it one more time so that I can actually have a clean carpet. I want this house to be immaculate for when I get those damn divorce papers...I don't know if I will be using my place or his...whoever he might be.

So, I have been meaning to ask you if you are still going to be in "Warm Springs"?? I have been seeing the previews on HBO, and it is exciting!! Arent you excited?

For sure. My girlfriend in the wheelchair called to say it would be on April 30th. So, we made plans to watch it together as she has HBO. I was in 3 scenes and I doubt they all got cut so after I watch the movie, I will be able to say where and when I am in it. You can never tell while you are shooting it if it is the beginning or the end unless the car is driving into the Grand Canyon with the 2 stars in it.

"About your plan:...I cant wait to see what you have in store for us!!"

Neither can I! I am so excited about it all and I absolutely can't wait to get started. I feel like I already have since I am doing the planning. The planning can be a lot of the fun. But I can't wait until I can go out and get my hands dirty!

See ya!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

He probably doesn't want you to be with anyone else because he is still trying to control you. My ex tried that in my divorce but my lawyer wouldn't let him get away with it. Tell yours you want it out, mine did it.


April 04, 2005  

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