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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Sometimes I am a little slow on the uptake...

"Well, I ran into him last night and he told me that he was very interested in me and that he liked me so much that it scared him but he wants to begin a relationship."

What the hell is that supposed to mean? I almost fell for that one. Luckily, I went back and read what I posted last month and I remembered what a jerk he acted like. That’s a good reason to keep a journal. Our memories tend to get a little rosy with time so we need to take notes.

You could use any number of systems, rating them each for their specific qualities and attributes. Just make sure to write down contemporaneous observations so that you can be sure of what you are dealing with should you run into the same one 6 months down the line.

You could use a sign system type thing, like if they show any signs of jealousy you could write their names in green. If they show a special sensitivity to women’s issues and that is important to you, you could draw a little pink ribbon next to their name. Or say little steering wheels for their cars. If they drive a Maverick, they will get one steering wheel. A Ferrari would be five steering wheels. You could also rate them on things like opening doors and sending flowers.

If they are really, really good in one area, you could always cut them some slack in another. For example, the 29 year old guy is young but he is 6’ 5” and weighs 265 pounds. My personal preference is at least 6’ 2” tall and at I like for them to have at least 100 pounds on me. I only weight 117 so that’s not ridiculous. Considering my height requirements, it is really just a well proportioned man.

So, you can see where I would find this guy’s measurements appealing. They more than make up for his youth. The body alone buys him 10 years and he is TRULY a cutie so actually, he is just the right age.

I will keep up with my guys on the blog, so I if I talk about some guy you can remind me if I mentioned that he was a liar or something earlier. Maybe I will forget something here and there and you could help me keep them all straight. I’ll do my best but paperwork isn’t my strong suit, I have always been much better in the field. I could report my findings to you guys and you could just keep me in line.

I will definitely be doing a lot of kissing and rating of the kissers. I will be studying different kissing styles and techniques. I think I will aim for one kissing session a week. I may slack off once in a while but I will make up for it the next week. To rate them, I could give a really good kisser a great big happy face, an average kisser maybe just a little smile and a bad kisser will get some lips with the universal symbol for NO drawn over them. I won’t do bad kissers anymore...or no-kissers. You know, two pecks on the lips and then off onto other things? I hate that.

Perhaps there are some things that have been bothering you or you have had trouble figuring out. Let me know and I will use the scientific method to analyze your concern. I will just form a few hypotheses and go out and do the required research and form my conclusions. Also, I would like to debunk or endorse certain myths. If you have any myths you would like to see scrutinized, please let me know.

Well, things are falling into place, I have a plan, some rules and a little more time to finish up the details.

Also, there were two guys vying for prima nocta. I have tossed one of them out of the running. The nominations are not closed but as it stands now, the man to beat is the big 29 year old dude.



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