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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


"... I think the idea there is that if you're living with (and presumably being partially "supported" by) another man, then your "marital severance package" is null, and stays that way, even if the other person moves out."

I understand this argument. And using the same logic, and considering the fact that the alimony is in part based upon his ability to pay, I submit that he should pay me more should he cohabitate with someone meretriciously as well. There ya go.

It really doesn’t matter as I wouldn’t live someone outside of marriage but I should think it fair that the situation be mutual. If he can enjoy the benefits of a meretricious relationship, I should be able to do so as well.

Besides, the spirit of the alimony is that he should have stayed with me until I was healthy enough to care for myself and barring that, he should help me transition to a life where I am self sufficient again. That has nothing to do with whom I allow into my new life and on what basis. Whatever. I just don’t think he is going to let it rest. I heard about another conversation. I would leave it alone if I were him. Actually, I think it is in my best interests to leave it alone right now.

I have decided that the AJC is most likely with holding the story to cater to Vex and the criminal proceedings he is facing. I could be wrong, it’s just a guess. I have thought about it and what the reporter told me. She said something to the effect of blogs being on the cutting edge as far as being a method of communication and that my blog is doing well in that arena. Considering that, I will just stick with the blog. I have been published numerous times but I am always edited and rejected and dejected. I like this blog, I am my own editor and I tend to accept most of my stuff. I don’t have to adopt some stance I don’t agree with, I don’t have to lower any standards, I just put out what I am thinking and feeling on any given day and let it speak for itself. I don’t have to answer to political entities of any sort and that makes me a little freer to speak the truth when and where I want to. God Bless America.

Also, this blog has been very good for me. I started it on the last Friday in January and up until then, I was absolutely ill, scared and basically paralyzed by fear. Now I am happy, I am having fun and I am excited about tomorrow. The only thing that has really changed is the blog. I am still broke, I still don’t know how I am going to pay the bills, but I am O.K. I never knew how I was gonna pay the bills anyway and if money problems are the worst I have, then so be it.

I was trying to figure out why the blog has helped and I think I have an idea. It is because you guys perform certain functions of friends. That’s also why I feel like you guys are friends. You listen to me and you give me support. Even when I don’t ask for it, you always know how and when to say just the right thing. I can never be low for any length of time as long as, every so often, one of you drops me a line telling me how much you enjoy reading this thing. Those comments always come at the exact right time. It is uncanny.

While I was so sick and socially isolated, I accepted treatment that I wouldn’t have if I had a friend or two. Never, ever isolate yourself and make one person your entire life. It is so incredibly stupid and I cannot believe that I let it happen to me. I think the geographical moves all played into it but I should have kept closer tabs on my old friends and gone out of my way to make new ones. If you know someone who is slipping away, go try to pull them back, it isn’t easy to see your friends when all you are looking at is some jerk who is manipulating your vision.

I am going to post two pictures of me from Warm Springs. They are the two costumes I wore in the movie. Also, I can tell you that I was in one scene where FDR changed the name of the town from Bullockville (I think) to Warm Springs. Also, I am crossing the street with a tall man at one point and in one scene I walk onto an old Pullman train car that contains FDR and Eleanor. So, maybe you can find me yourself. I will find out exactly where my scenes are when I see the movie.

Anyway, I have to drive to Chatsworth with my Dad. He is the conservator of my aunt’s estate and he has to go do some conserving. She is missing and her son has been implicated in her disappearance. Apparently, you can get away with murder if you have a really, really good hiding place. He is in jail awaiting trial for “theft by possession” as some stolen guns were found in his (her) house during the search. The only evidence against him is his behavior after her disappearance. That and the fact that he was also suspected in a murder involving arson in New Jersey. The ironic thing is that my father has to conserve the estate for his sister’s murderer, if, in fact he did do it. At best, it would go to his kids who are now wards of the state. I have only met this guy twice, once when he was 8 and once at my grandmother’s funeral.

(By the way, I miss one of my grandmothers very much. I miss them both but one was very special to me. I am 46. Are there any other people my age who still have their grandparents? I would love to hear about them. Maybe I could live vicariously through your grandparents or maybe some nice old people will adopt me.)

Anyway, we have to drive up to Chatsworth so my Dad can have me appointed his “agent” in Georgia. I guess that means that when he doesn’t feel like driving up here from Florida, I can always make the 90 minute ride myself and then ride another 90 miles back home.

So, I am off to try to sign on to AOL, the biggest challenge of my day. Always a gamble, it takes me longer than the actual writing does. I have been booted once today, the first time I wrote this post I lost it.

Mea culpa for not saving but a bitch anyway. So, let me see if I can do this before they close Chatsworth. See ya.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you considered writing a novel, Meg?

You have plenty of talent for writing, a gift for comedy and a ton of raw material... tragicomedy of modern life.

I mention that because a friend is writing a novel, with fictionalized elements from her own life and marriage... but she's jazzing it up to dramatize things. You'd probably have to tone yours down to get it published!

That aunt/cousin thing for example... a solid sub-plot.

April 05, 2005  

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