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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, April 04, 2005


...He probably doesn't want you to be with anyone else because he is still trying to control you.

Yeah, I considered that. Like I said before, he always came back to me when he found out I was with someone else. I know it drives him nuts but I didn’t think you could put it in the divorce like that. The other three times he left me, he came back as soon as I had someone else interested in me, whether I really did or just made him think that I did. The same thing happened when we were dating, he would stop seeing me and then I would be out with someone else in that small town and run into him. He would be calling me the next day. And then he would have me back so fast that the women were still calling him when I moved back in. Why are some men like that? They want you and their little piece of ass on the side. So, I wouldn’t take it anymore and now he is trying to see to it that I don’t have the same freedom he has. Yeah, he has a problem. It makes me feel good just to know that. If I were his bimbo, I would be a little annoyed at him and I would wonder why he wouldn’t leave his wife alone.

Anyway, my finger hurts. I burned it frying cheese blintzes for my Dad. He was awake when I asked him if he wanted any. He said yes so I went to the store and bought cream cheese, made the crepes, filled them with the cheese stuff, rolled them up, fried them and topped them with sour cream, blueberries and powdered sugar. I put two on a plate for my father and he is sound asleep on my couch. The stupid blintzes are sitting on the coffee table and he is lying on the couch snoring at them. And I am typing with one hand. I use the left thumb to shift with every once in a while but I am just using my right hand to type with. My left ring finger was broiled by sizzling butter and it is wrapped up in a blue mushy cold thing. On top of that, my right hand is purple from the blueberries. All so I could eat one dumb cheese blintz that I didn’t want in the first place.

Well, Vex’s propensity to be jealousy of me even when he isn’t with me kind of makes my plan a little more fun now that I give it some thought. That could make for some very interesting possibilities. I can’t wait to see what my little mind comes up with next.

God only knows. Have a good night...I am going to bed now with my blue mushy cold thing.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Meg,

My parents were married 23 years, and have been divorced almost as long....In their divorce settlement my mother was awarded alimony, and about 10 years later, when she was living with my psuedo-stepfather, my father took her to court and had her alimony revoked. I think the idea there is that if you're living with (and presumably being partially "supported" by) another man, then your "marital severance package" is null, and stays that way, even if the other person moves out.

April 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, just for you Meg (and your audience of thousands of lurkers) : Something Profound about Men, by Furriner.

Why are some men like that? They want you and their little piece of ass on the side.

We are programmed by our biology to do it. In the immortal words of Eddie Murphy, We just gotta! [Note, when I say "we", I'm speaking of the male sub-species in general, not of my personal case. I never did -- I'm not sure if this is a virtue, or if it's just because I'm dysfunctional.]

It's all about the human genome's acrobatic efforts to propagate itself. Technically, you folks of the other sub-species have got all that complicated child-making apparatus : we've just got the syringe -- we inoculate you and you incubate.

So, the consequences of messing around are asymmetrical. A man who has ten mistresses, and fathers children on all of them, can still come home and be a good husband and father ... if he's rich, powerful, and/or sneaky enough. And he's being very successful in propagating his genome (or his genome has successfully manipulated him into propagating itself, but the difference is a mere philosophical nicety).

So what's the big deal, why does the guy insist on having a wife at home as well? For the respectability and social status, I suppose. And for the freshly-ironed underpants.

Can a woman do all that? Nnnot really. Not from the genome's point of view. She can have as many lovers as she wants, but she has to live with the consequences, literally. Her genome's vested interest is in a stable environment in which to bring up her offspringers. And her husband's genome has no interest in hanging around to pay for the propagation of some other guy's genome.

[end of Sociobiology 101. There will be a test next week.]

April 05, 2005  

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