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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


...Find that one (safe) attribute, perhaps it's a mole she doesn't like on her back, and say you'd change that - not because it bothers you, but because you know how much it bothers her.

NO! Are you NUTS MAN??? It doesn't bother you, it may bother her but there is only ONE safe way to handle that stupid mole..."Does it bother me? Bother me? Of course not. Don't be silly, that is THE SINGLE SEXIEST mole that I have EVER seen! I just LOOVE the way it's placed so close to your....shoulder blade! It turns me ON BABY!"

Don't you get it man? There is NO safe way to insult, or to agree with a woman as SHE is insulting, any physical attribute of a woman's body. If she has told you that it bothers HER...she wants you to assauge THOSE VERY CONCERNS! If it bothered her in the first place...then you most ASSUREDLY DO NOT want to agree with her! Jeez, and you were so sure that you had found a safe way to comment in anything less that a POSITIVE note! Did I qualify my statement? Did I SAY..."except if it bothers her"? NO! SHE WILL THROW IT BACK IN YOUR FACE SOME DAY, MARK MY WORDS!!!!

If there was a safe way to do it, I would have TOLD you! When I asked Vex that question, I expected him to say, "No..you're just perefct for me!"

But instead, he said, "You're legs. They're too skinny."

Now, I KNEW my legs were too skinny. And I asked that question expecting reassurance about them...Now my legs are more of a concern than EVER!

How do I get it through to you? We ask that question because we have faith in your love and adoration for us and our "mole"! We believe that you love the mole and we never, under any circumstances, want you to AGREE with us when we speak ill of the mole. You my friend, have been tit suckered.

Listen, grasshopper, I don't care how sweetly she leads you to that cliff...DO NOT jump! This question may even be asked over a very long period of time...two to three years perhaps...JUST SAY NO!

Your mother was right..."If you can't say anything nice...DON'T say anything at all!"

Oh my. I see this is going to be much tougher than I had originally thought. I was kinda thinking that you would read what I was telling you and believe me. I know that I can be misleading at times and I tend to sneak up on people...but when I do that...there's a punch line and I purposely let you know that you've been had. Don't you know why I do that?

I do it because I can. I am woman...see me manipulate.

Now, I hope you are taking this in the spirit in which it is offerred. We don't do it on purpose...it isn't a master plan. We just can't help ourselves. It's the way we were conditioned.

All of those negative attributes that are assigned, generally, to men...well, we can make jokes about them. Men are safe. They pretty much lust laugh at the reality of the jokes about them. But to say such things about women...that we manipulate and we pursposely put you guys in untenable situations...is quite an admission. Most women who are guilty of it don't even realize that they are doing it. But, like the conditioning that leads little boys to avoid displaying emotion, we are conditioned to react to those emotions and we feel the need to "get at" them. Especially if we had either a very healthy relationship with our father or a very unhealthy relationship with him..

A happy father/daughter relationship is one of over-concern on the father's part and little girls know how to pull on Daddy's heart strings. I watched a 14 month old baby girl one day. Her father was not in the room. When she fell, she looked at her mother and then just brushed it off and kept on playing. Then Daddy came into the room. Lauren fell again. But this time, she looked straight at Daddy and cried like a baby. He fell for it hook line and sinker. Her mother and I glanced at each other, rolling our eyes at yet another man conditioning another little girl to be coy and spoiled. Then, when she grows up, she wants that same "control" over the man in her life...it's how love has been defined to her. It isn't anything malicious, even though it may come across that way. It's just a frustration over the lack of that control.

Then, you have the sad or absent father/daughter relationship. These women grow up seeking what they never had and make dreadful mistakes. Even if one of these women has a good man, she needs constant reassurance and will seek it from him.

That's the common thing in either type of woman, the reassurance thing. To varying degrees, we all need it. Odd, isn't it?

I don't know why I made such hideous mistakes, my father was the better type. He was always there, he always came home at night and he always paid the bills. The day that my daughter was born into a large Italian family that was heavily populated with males, I asked my father, "Do you think that Mark will be disappointed that she isn't a boy?"

He said, "No. Daddy's love their little girls."

It wasn't my father. Now that I think of it...I think it was the first couple of unrequited loves that I had. I never really let myself get over them before I replaced them. The only acceptable recourse was another man. If I would have taken the time to grow up first, I think I would have been fine.

Anyway, for whatever reason, we like it when you worship us...different women have different tolerances for this, so don't go psycho on anybody. Just use your brains a little bit. To some degree, every women will judge herself based on how you judge her. That's not right or wrong...it just is.

You have the power to make us see ourselves as beautiful and to see ourselves as something less. This isn't admitting a weakness, like I said, some women have given far too much control to that man in her life and others, not so much. But no matter how strong we are, you can make us stronger. I bet you think that we could do the same, 'ey?

Well, I'm gonna go drink some coffee and get ready to run some errands.

See ya,



Blogger Meg Kelso said...

YOU ARE A RARE WOMAN girl..good for you! I think that if you can be that honest with you husband, he knows it.. But there are too many women who DON'T feel as thoughthey can be. I've been there and I'm now where you're at...but that toook me a long time. I wish we COULD all be as honest as you...but I think that men know what I'm talking about, a bunch of us feel as though we are already battling self esteem issues..we don't want to take on any extra stuff. Maybe, after a while of being treated well, any one woman can attain that level of comfort...but it take some a long time and others have it instilled into them, usually...by their mothers. Tell me about yours...


June 23, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

We magnify those small inperfections and to tell the truth, I'm getting a little bored of the "like her the way she is" stuff, if we were all confident about ourselves, there wouldn't be so much money spent on everything from eye liner to highlights and lowlights and face waxing and fake nails and tattoos and body piercings. Every bit of that is unesassary and the more drastic measures are fed from these things. We ALL try to do our best with what we have, all of us have our own limits....just because one person's limit is higher or lower than another person's doesn't make one of them any less fake. Of course, there's a difference between eye liner and eye surgery, but they serve the same purpose, our vanity. :):):)

June 23, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I think I said that wrong...of course you wouldn't...I just meant that we all enhance ourselves to some degree. If we didn't primp for each other, we wouldn't be as attrative to each other. I can tell the difference in how I am treated when I am wearing make up as oppsed to how I'm treated when I'm not...There is someone for everyone and it should be like that. I just wonder if things would be the same if people met looking how they woke up in the morning as opposed to after they shower and get dressed. Women aren't doing all of this for no reason...they know how differently men react to them when they "look good". And there's nothing wrong with THAT...I just meant the judging of the chick who wanted the boob job...she isn't doing it by the way, thanks to you guys, LOL. I thought that within reason, she should do what she felt comfortable with. But every body else said very negative things about the procedure, not one person said, "I love the hooters, fake or not" and not one person said, "I have them and their spectacular." Yet, that procedure is being done thousands of times a day! What's wrong with this picture?

June 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come when I click on that wierd guy I can't go to his blog. Does that mean he does not have one?


June 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Male or female, I think we all have some body image issues, even the people who really have no good reason to. If you have a good partner that you know has a specific body image issue that is somewhat valid you should stroke their ego as to being the "total package" as a end result of all things good coming together. It can be be tricky in telling a woman the truth and what she wants to hear at the same time.
Ahhhh, what I wouldn't give for another girl with big tits and low self esteem. Life was so good then.

June 23, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOLOLOL that's sooo funny. I like those comments and I like the others...I appreciate the debate. It just makes me think and I like that. We can't all stay in our own cyber space, it's bad enough we don't know our neighbors.:(:(:(

June 23, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Done well, make up shouldn't be obvious. I think I do it well, although there are times when I really do it up, for a special event at night...but that hasn't happened since the 80's. One guy asked my to apply so much eye liner that I looked like a raccoon. He loved it but I couldn't look in the mirror without laughing. Naturally, that only happened once. I wouldn't want to wash it off again. I hate eye make up. It takes a lot of work to make it look natural...I swear to God. And at least 5 products.I'm going to put post pictures of me with and without make up right now. They're from a few weeks ago, my batteries were dead last night...mea culpa...I knew they were from Sunday.

I think it would be hard to tell that I was wearing much make up...like I said, it takes a lot of work to look that nutural. Or...am I fooling myself?

June 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest thing that helped me was reading a book. The book said that the worst thing a man could do was compare his partner to any other woman in any way. Well I take that a step farther... the worst thing I can do to myself is to compare myself to another woman... and since I've had three kids... that extends to the woman I was before becoming pregnant. He said, "I will not compare my wife to any woman who has not paid the price to bear my children." That made sense to me.

I have a lot of scars from various things in my life. Every one of them is a price I paid to still be standing here, and in my eyes... that's a beautiful thing.

It wasn't always that way for me. Before I was very much of the attitude "Please don't tell me if there's something about me you don't like." Now... it doesn't bother me. But then hubs isn't too quick to criticize because he's not the same skinny 21 year old I married either. I still see him that way though, and that will never change.

June 23, 2005  
Blogger Bourgeois Dave said...

lol, I have to admit I didn't expect my little comment to elicit such a response, though it was highly entertaining. I think in the future I will use That Weird Guy's response to such loaded questions.

June 24, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Do..Guy is a smart man. By the way...Guy...if you're reading this, I've often wondered why you didn't have your own blog...I think you have plenty to offer and you are able to compose a decent sentence so you would be wonderfully fun to read and I'm glad that you're finally doing it.


June 24, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

PISH SHAW dude! You could do it. Anybody who can speak can write...you just type what you were going to say...I just happen to have a lot to say. :) You are thoughtful enough that if you gave any issue any consideration at all, you would come up with some ideas that would be worth reading...you should try it, takes notes as you consider something.


June 27, 2005  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Do what I do...just sit there until something annoys you!

June 27, 2005  

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