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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Hi Ya’ll!!!

A lady said “Sure enough?” to me twice this morning instead of , “Oh, really?”

Nothing else...just that. I truly am...Deep in the Heart of Dixie.
Anyway...I was thinking about how some of the things that the Rickmiester took away from me were things that you shouldn’t take away from anyone else. He took away my only friend. OK, so he was a rotten friend...but some of our best friends are assholes. I had no one to shout out the answers to whilst watching Jeopardy, so I just sat there, alone in the living room...shouting out the answers to myself. I thought that I was pretty impressive but, of course I’m prejudiced.

He took away my bed warmer. There is no bed as warm as that with a man in it. With the bed warmer...of course, went my favorite pillow. I no longer had that big ol’ belly to lie my head down upon. That was always fun, unless of course...he had an acute case of gastritis. Oh, and of course cuddling. He took that away too. But, he wasn’t very good at it so I’ve been missing it for a long, long time. I did get a bunch of cuddling in this past summer...that was soooooo fun. I did have some fun last summer...didn’t I? I’ve calmed down a bit but only out of having no time to do anything and not wanting to get a DUI. That would be all that I would need right now.

Oh, he took away my guy friday. I had no one to run errands for me. I had to go to the grocery store myself at night when I had a sudden craving for ice cream. That’s sucks. I have to pump my own gas, go out for milk, take care of the yard...such as I do. He took away my driver and my laundry load switcher. I folded the stuff but he transfered it from the washer to the dryer to me, where I folded it.

I hate having to do all of those things myself. It’s not fair. There ought to be some pro bono husband duties performed as part of alimony.

Anyway...he took away someone to watch TV with. We watched a lot of TV. I had to laugh by myself but I learned how to. He said that he can’t watch some of the shows that we used to watch now. Good. I’ll take them...I don’t mind watching them. But, then again, I don’t have guilt gnawing at me 24/7 either.

He took away some things that I could do without...only because he was so bad at them but I am, nevertheless, doing without the following...a personal foot rubber. Someone to go out to Sunday brunch. with. A person to shop with....someone has to hold that bags. I need a grocery bringer-inner. Oh...a wash machine fixer, and a TV/cable/computer fixer dude.

Worst of all...he took away all my “I love you's.” Incoming and outgoing. It's nice to say that and to hear it. That was mean. But I don’t care anymore because now...I just don’t .:):):)

I’m eating a Popsicle...much to the dismay of my little friend who is out there annoyed as he reads this...but that’s OK...I know what he’ll try to do to me. I’ll just pinch his cheeks. I like that. I like pinching cheeks.

Oh...I am just so damned tired that I have to go lie down. Sorry about that. I’ll be back after I take a nap. Have a good day!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meg, Little One Listen Up, 'K?
He took away your self-respect, your self-esteem, your trust, your belief that words meant more than the paper they were written on, your belief that anything was possible if the two of you really tried. He was abusive, caustic and hazardous to your health in EVERY way.
You were in a bad place when you met him. Consequently, you didn't realize how bad bad could be when it was masquerading behind a bald head and a bent dick.
But you know that now, right?!

May 13, 2012  

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