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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, April 28, 2006

My niece should be here...

...tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to her arrival because I'd love to have some human beings to speak to. She'll be going to my father's condo and staying with him for a month or so while she and her fiance get settled in and save up enough for their own place. I can't believe that my father is letting them stay there without the benefit of marriage! He never would have let me do that. Of course, I wouldn't have ever had the nerve to ask such a thing so who knows what he would have done.

I'm sure that he's happy that he'll be having other people with him for a while because he's caring for his ex wife now. She has Alzheimer's and is quite a handful. She smokes wherever she wants to smoke and he can't make her stop. He never let anyone smoke in his home but he can't get her to abide by the rules and he's given up trying. He just lets her go ahead and smoke. He has an enclosed balcony and smokers are supposed to stay out there but she is so confused that she won't listen to him. My niece would be happy to stay there with the woman so that my father can get out every so often.

My niece has worked with the elderly so she can handle my ex step mother. I love working with old people myself. People usually find it very sad but for some reason, I don't. There are a few sad situations, but for the most part, I enjoy caring for them. Even on their bad days, they can make you smile.

I've had quite a few patients who wanted to feel useful, even in their dementia, and they would come up to the nurses station and ask for a job. We could usually find something for them to do. I remember two old Italians ladies who would get up a hundred times a night and make each other's beds. They enjoyed keeping house so they did things like that. I used to want to take them home with me and let them enjoy the hell out of themselves by cleaning my house.

I had one old man who was trying to ask me something in Italian but I had a minor emergency going on and I couldn't help him right then. I would speak a little Spanish and between my Spanish and their Italian, we usually could understand each other. But I didn't know what in the world this guy was asking me. I just said, "Yes, if you wait until I'm done with this lady."

He repeated his question and I assured him that, "Yes, I would do it.", but not until I'm finished with the lady. I finished taking care of the lady and walked up to the nurses station. When I got there, I found the man with his pants down around his ankles, his penis in his hand...whacking off and saying, "Now? OK...now?"

Apparently I had agreed to have sex with him. Not only did I agree to it, I assured him over and over again that I would do it. He was quite disappointed when I had to renege on our deal.

That's one of the many reasons why I enjoy working with old people. Not because I want to see them masturbating, but because they make you laugh most of the time that you're working with them.

I had one guy who took off and the nurses from another unit called to say that they had him. I went to get him and as I was walking him back, he stopped in the dining room and looked around. Then, he said to me, "This is where I made my mistake." He was obviously planning another break out and wanted to be sure of where he was.

We started searching their wallets when they got there after one man got all the way to Downtown Chicago from the suburb that we we're in. The cops called us to say that they had him. He had his bus pass in his wallet and just walked out the front door to the street and waited for a bus to come along. When one did, he got on and rode until the end of the line and that was Chicago.

The other day I mentioned that I had kept forgetting to put the fabric softener in the washing machine. Someone wrote me to say that you could just pour some on a sock and toss it in the dryer. I've heard that before but I wasn't sure how to do it without getting it all over my clothes. I'm going to try it now, I'll just pour a bit into a sock and see what happens. I figure the worst thing that could happen is that I'll have to wash the clothes again...I think.

I have about 50 socks that have no mate. I don't know where the mates all go. I've cleaned this entire house, except for that one closet, and I can't find any more socks. I have this fear that if I throw all the lonely socks away, I'll immediately find their mates. What I find so annoying about those socks is the fact that all but 4 of them are white. I have a shitload of white socks and every single one of them is different from all of the others. How is that possible? How can so many white socks exist and all of them be different from the rest? I'm going to start buying one kind of white sock. If that's possible, I can put an end to this sock madness.
Now I have to put the clothes in the dryer. I'm going to take a chance and put a sock full of fabric softener in the dryer with the clothes. This should be interesting.

See ya,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask Rick where the missing socks are.
No, wait, don't bother. He'd lie about them too.

May 13, 2012  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

You know, once I did ask him about some weed that disappeared while I was sleeping. At the time, he denied all. But when I asked him a few years later (post divorce) he said, "I don't remember, it's possible that I took it."

Can you imagine stealing and lying so much that you forget individual crimes?

May 14, 2012  

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