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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Good morning!

I used to wake up in the morning, brush my teeth, make a cup of coffee, toss Payton out back and sit at my desk for a while. Now, before I can come to my desk, I have to do all of that, feed one dog which annoys the dog who doesn't eat in the morning, put them both outside for a while until the new dog starts barking because she's so old that she has no interest in playing with Payton, then feed the cat in the back of the house so the dogs don't eat him. And then, lately, I've also been having to wipe red Georgia mud off of 8 dog feet. Now I've forgotten what the heck I was going to say in the first place.

Crap. Now my coffee's cold now. Be right back.

Speaking of the old dog, she doesn't have heartworms. The new test also tested for a few other things and the technician didn't know that so she read the positive as heartworms. It was actually positive for Lyme Disease. Apparently, sometime before I got her, she had a deer tick on her. I don't know anything about Lyme Disease.

Oh, I remember what I was thinking about before. Now, don't take this the wrong way because it's really a minor thing that doesn't bother me, just an observation. I've noticed something about men with brains...they are a bit better at being controlling then stupid men. It's not that stupid men aren't controlling, I can just figure them out and adapt (female for manipulate) my way out of the situation quickly. This one is taking some forethought the likes of which I haven't come across since I played chess a lot. Luckily, I'm still smarter than most men so I can handle this.

Actually, it's pretty much becoming a challenge. I must say, it is making me use my brain a bit more than I had to in the past. The nit wits that I usually marry are much easier nuts to crack.

Now, that's not to say that my everyday feminine wiles aren't working. Oh, they are doing me just fine, thank you. But, when friction arises, I have to think a bit more than usual.

Naturally, my first step after I've perceived that an altercation is on the way, I still find total silence to be best, at least until I can think of my next maneuver. I haven't had to use tears yet. but there's always that. In the meantime, I'm sort of just going with sarcasm but that's only because I'm following his lead. Although I like to see people try, no one can out sarcasm me. It is fun to watch people try. My father used to tell me that I had a sharp tongue and that it would get me in trouble one of these days. I don't know why he said that. I was just cultivating a talent that I thought would come in handy later on in life. And I was right. It comes in quite handy. There's nothing I enjoy more than one upping some smart ass wannabe when they think they're on a roll. I could start to enjoy this so much that I can see myself setting up situations where I'll get to practice sarcasm volleyball.

The silence didn't work on him, but it did give me time to come up with a good reason why I was right in the first place so it wasn't a total waste.
I think that this boyfriend crap is going to be fun in ways that I never considered. Today's outing should be fun. I sent him home a bit angry so this hasn't totally played itself out yet so I'll let you know what happens. I'm sort of curious myself. I'm pretty confident that I'm playing this right but we shall see!



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