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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Monday, May 08, 2006

You know...

I have been around long enough to have seen for sure that karma does, without a doubt, exist. I've seen assholes become miserable, pathetic creatures with no clue as to why they are so miserable. My other ex cheated on me mercilessly and he is now trapped in a loveless marriage to a nasty, tacky, beast of a woman who is enjoying her own karma.

Those two have tried to upset my life for decades, even though I haven't seen them in so many years I couldn't tell you how long it's been. They can't bother me so they attack my children and I get to sit here and hear what karma is doing to them. Karma attacks you the way you put it out there. They hurt my kids and their kid is a blob of karma already with years of misery left to haunt them.

My most recent ex is still out there, lying to women and finally, he has nothing but the ilk of woman that a bum like him deserves and he'll never, ever have anything more than trash because I was the only woman of substance blind enough to want his sorry lying ass. He'll never be that lucky again and he'll spend the rest of his life knowing that he made his own bed and whatever it is that he does attract will surely be exactly what he deserves. He didn't like his life with me and now he will spend years busting his sorry ass to pay me alimony on the salary of a blue collar worker and he's too old and feeble minded to learn how to do anything else with his life. On top of that, he has raised two children who do to him exactly what he did to me, they are both pathetic liars who have been in jail for so many things that I couldn't remember half of them. One of them has even served time for domestic violence, something that I find amazingly ironic.

Since I have such faith in karma, I can live my life without having to bother with revenge, secure in the fact that life will give all people exactly what they deserve. I've also learned that the things about myself that I don't like are things that I allowed other people to do to me. I allowed Rick to take a happy, outgoing young woman who put herself through college while raising 3 children and turn her into an insecure, frightened and needy wench that I couldn't stand. Thank God he finally left or I would have lived the rest of my life afraid of losing the worst thing that could have happened to me. I like me and I'm a decent person.

My new friend just left and I am about to go to bed with a smile on my face. I can't believe my luck. I spent the evening chatting with a man who can carry a conversation about anything. He has so much that Rick could never have and I don't just mean a decent job and a home. He has an education, more than one suit, a personality and so much more.

I met Rick through an old neighbor of mine who did all kinds of drugs (things that I have never even heard of) and I should have known that any friend of hers would have been exactly what she and all of their other friends were, trash. I got what I settled for and I'm so happy that I finally got myself out of that twilight zone of a life. I'm sorry that I spent so many years tangled up with him and his type but I'm sure that it happened for a reason. I won't ask what the reason is, I'm sure that it has something to do with my appreciation for life and what I have left. One way or another, I'm just glad that I am where I am right now.

I'm going to call my new friend Biff on this blog (short for boyfriend). I met him as a friend and I've known him for a good while now. I don't know what made him decide to ask me out as more than friends, but I"m glad that he did. I hadn't thought about him as more than a friend until relatively recently. Apparently, he's been thinking of me as more than a friend for a while now. He's such a good guy and I can't believe that I didn't realize it sooner but I'm just glad that I finally did. I knew that he was a nice guy but I didn't know what a good man he was until I looked a bit closer.

What a lovely surprise! He's been thinking of me as more than a friend for a while now, listening to me talk to him about the other men that I've dated, quietly waiting for an opportunity to ask me out himself. He's younger than I am...not so much so that I would be embarrassed to tell anyone his age, just younger enough to make me feel good that he likes me. He has hair on his head and I haven't had much of that in my life. Somehow, I keep ending up with bald men, not that there's anything wrong with that but damn, I do like to grab a headful of hair once in a while! My father once told me that I should give my men IQ tests before I married them and this one is bright enough to make my father happy as well as me. What a pleasant surprise he has been! And so smart, he sat back and listened to everything I said about all the duds that I went out with and by the time he got up the nerve to ask me out, he knew exactly what I liked and what I didn't like.

We went shopping this evening and one of the places that we went was PetSmart. He bought my dog a special training collar so that I could take him walking without getting my face smashed into a fence. How nice is that? He actually took me shopping for my dog! He has a big dog too and we're going to take them both to the battlefield that I used to take Payton to when I could drive. This weekend he's going to help me work in my yard and sometime soon we're going to the Georgia coast for a weekend and I can't wait. Well, now I'm going to go to bed so that I can lie there and think about him. I'll be back when I wake up...it's late now so I'll probably sleep in but I have to go to the probation officer tomorrow so I won't be sleeping all day. See you in the morning!



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