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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, August 18, 2006


...I'm back for a minute while I wait for my date to get here. I was thinking about something earlier as I was watching the news. They mentioned the power of the Internet and how it played regarding the movie Snakes on a Plane. I started thinking that we ("we" meaning you, me and Connie Chung) should do our own part to affect the culture in some way.

I was thinking that we could try something relatively small first. The first thought I had was to come up with new words for the language. How tough can that be?

So then, I had to start coming up with words. I wanted to have my first original word to be blog related so after thinking about a couple of dueling blogs that I've noted recently, I came up with the term:


Used as a verb, Antagoblog is something that one does. He or she who antagoblogs creates and maintains a blog and does so in order to annoy, pester or otherwise irritate another person. There may or may not be any creativity at work during antagoblogging, quality is not a factor. The main features of antagoblogging are that it is specifically redundant in focus and predominantly derogatory in nature.

Used as a noun, it is the blog created by antagoblogging.

That is my first word. With your help, I hope to come up with many new and really cool words. I'm going to see what my date can come up with. That'll be a good way to see if he has enough oil in his machinery. I can check for both a sense of humor and intelligence with that one question.

So can you! That's actually a really, really good way to check out a guy's verbal brain power...something that's probably pretty important. And men, don't you want to avoid the blondest of the blondes? Yeah, I like this question. I will be asking my date to help me invent a word.

Let's see if he gets all romantic and invents a word about us! That would be so cute. But, an idea like that could go either way so I won't hold it against him if he doesn't go there.

Anyway, we need to actively spread our new words. I will keep them catalogued as will my bestest buddy in the entire Southeast portion of this continent...if I ask her nicely enough. She'll tell you that I'm not the most organized person in the world. But, she will also tell you that she...indeed...is. Maybe the two of us could start a blog that is there specifically for our new words...at least the ones that you guys think are good.

Anne Arky and I will come up with something but I need your help to spread the words. Let's see how quickly we can affect things. Then, once we've tested the waters a bit, we can work on bigger things. So, for now, send the definition of Antagoblogging to everyone that you think would appreciate it. Certainly if they read blogs they would like this one. Also, word people would enjoy it as well, especially if they're clever enough to come up with good words. So either copy and paste the definition into an email or click on the date below this post and after you do that, copy and paste the hyperlink out of the browser window (the window where you find HTTP://www...You can copy and paste the entire address to JUST this post) and send it off in an e-mail.

If you can think of any words, send them to me, either in the comment section here or to my e-mail addy, megbkelso@gmail.com I'll post all of them and let people comment (as will I, I would imagine).

(By the way, here's my standard, bi-monthly offer that I make ever since I saw people selling G-mail invites on eBay...if you would like a free G-mail invite, just send me an e-mail and I'll send you one.)

OK, my date should be here in 4 minutes and my back is killing me so I'm going to go find an aspirin. I'll let you know if this guy comes up with any good ideas...or any really, really bad ones.

See ya!



Blogger mylifeatfullspeed said...

Meg, you need pronunciation guides too! LOL

Yes, I know this is a mix of antagonize and blog but I'm just bringing it up. I thought if you are gonna kick this thing off right you need to have all the elements of a dictionary. ;)

You could also refer to where the word was created, as in "My lovely date for the evening has come up with this interesting utterance" Or "The Fat Bastard has come up with this doozy and he and the new swimming pool project slid down the driveway and into the street". It might make for an interesting reading and you could give credit where credit was due. :D

I'm looking for that ebook thing now, and as soon as I find it I'll let you know. Then we can figure out how to get it to you.


August 19, 2006  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Good idea girly girl,

I should do that because you're right, if these are to be real words (and they ARE!) they need to be addressed properly. I just woke up and am still sucking coffee so I'm in no shape to do it now but I will after I get my wits about me.

Now...how about another word?


August 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted your word and definition for my friends and now I'm off to post it on urban dictionary just in case someone should find it.

August 20, 2006  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Thanks! It'll take a bunch of us to do this right!

One question...urban dictionary?

Now I have to go on a search to find out what THAT is!


August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

urban dictionary is a website of alng you won't find in a dictionary. There's also pseudoditionary for lighthearted madeup words. :)

August 20, 2006  
Blogger Anne Arky said...

Of course I'll help you put it together, girly. I agree with "my life" in that you need a pronunciation guide, because I totally didn't get it at first. "Anta-go-blog"? WTF? Oh, anTAGablog! Yeah! (Yeah, I'm still blonde -- why do you ask?)


August 22, 2006  

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