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Friday, August 18, 2006

Sometimes that Dear Abby...

...woman drives me insane. Today she said that although it's a nice gesture for a man to offer to pay for his date's babysitter, it was still the woman's responsibility. Of course it is the woman's responsibility to pay for their own children's child care...BUT...I disagree with Abby and I think that the man has as much reason to pay for the sitter as he has to pay for the rest of the date.

The way I was raised, a lady who agrees to grace a gentleman with her presence for the evening honors him by doing so and she shouldn't have to pay for anything related to the date under ordinary circumstances. I think Abby's mother (the REAL Dear Abby) would have agreed with me and that's frightening. I outdate Dear Abby.

When I was a single mother, Rick was one of the very few men who never offered to pay for a sitter for my kids and look what happened. I married the fool and he had nothing, not even a conscience.

You know, it really is a good time for young women to start realizing their own worth. There's nothing politically incorrect about it, it isn't even slightly tinged with racism...or any other -ism, for that matter.

There are far too many women on Judge Judy who have moved men into their homes, extended them credit, paid their bills and lavished them with gifts. They get nothing in return and it's because they don't demand anything in return. You don't have to be a bitch to demand to be treated well...you can do it with grace and respect.

I think that when everyone decided to be exactly alike with no differences unless a difference could be profitable...everything got messed up. When we as a society stopped valuing the differences between the sexes, we stopped valuing the sexes themselves. Women are out there busting their asses and getting nowhere for men who don't know any better than to take from a woman.

I went out of my way to tell my sons not to take money from girls when they were young. I repeated things that I heard in my house and experienced myself a thousand years ago and hoped that my daughter heard me talking to the boys.

But, something happened that I hadn't thought of. The girls out in the world outsmarted me. If one of my sons had a girlfriend who wanted to go out and the kid didn't have the money to take her out, the girl would offer to pay and get mad at the boys if they didn't go out with them...after all, they had money...what's the problem? Bitches.

Those are the nit wits who are suing men on Judge Judy. There's absolutely nothing wrong with teaching our daughters how to be treated well and one of the very first tenets of dating is that the dude pays.

Maybe at some point, if there's a relationship or a special occasion, there could be a reason why a woman would pay for some things. But, in general, why can't we teach our daughters to weed out a bunch of duds by simply keeping their purses closed? How fucking easy is that?

Another easy thing...stand at the door and it will open. No woman will stand at a closed door for more than a couple of seconds if a well mannered gentleman is in the area. Of course I can open the damned door and if a man had crutches, I'd open it for him...but in general, I think that having the door opened for you announces to the room that a lady has entered and there's absolutely nothing demeaning about that.

Manners...they're not just for royals anymore.

See ya!



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