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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


...I'm still cleaning. Now I've replaced the Dick Van Dyke tapes with old Blondie movies so I can feel less alone as a woman cleaning for a man (my father). Blonide did it all day. After Blondie, I'll put on Leave it to Beaver and I will become June Cleaver. Damn, I just took off my pearls.

This evening I'm going to concentrate on the kitchen. And the laundry...always the laundry. Of this I am sure, in hell there is a lot of laundry. Anyway, the kitchen is clean and I will still work for hours on it. I've cleaned the drawers out recently but I need to clean a few cabinets, only the one under the sink has been cleaned recently. And the book shelf. I have to take all the books off and clean that bastard. This should be fun.

Oh well, I will get a clean house out of it. And then I can invite 6'6" dude over and have sex with him. Cool.

I'm afraid to check my email because I didn't check it for a couple of days and now I'm afraid that I'll have a huge task just answering the emails that I've gotten recently, let alone the old ones. One more responsibility...I don't think progress had helped save a lot of time, do you? I may not spend it on a washboard, but I make up for it in email.

I got a nasty email from someone who got angry because I said that I, personally, didn't believe that gay folks could get married. I said that I didn't care if they did it, I just didn't think it would be a real marriage as I define it. What a lunatic that nut is!

Over a million words on this blog and THAT sentence made them acrimonious. They totally judge me and my varied mind by that one statement. How narrow minded can one person be? It's not good enough that I say they have the right to marry if they want to...I have to ENDORSE the idea and embrace it myself. That's bullshit.

So, there are some people you'll never make happy unless you turn into little robots that they control. I don't hate people who disagree with me, I embrace THEM...that's how we learn and progress as a society. A free exchange of ideas and knowledge is the key to a democracy. But, these nitwits would have us shut down that specific piece of America if it doesn't jive with their own thoughts. What a jack ass.

I said they could marry and it wouldn't bother me. Hell, it wouldn't even affect me and my life. But, since I don't totally AGREE with them, they call me names. Well, this is what I have to say to them:




Blogger Determined said...

meg, I thought you said that you were going to get a seperate email??

September 13, 2006  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Yeah...I'm the world's worst procrastinator. I will, soon now that you have reminded me!


September 13, 2006  

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