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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


...I'm good.

I got exactly what I wanted. A ride to Helen...and a date for the weekend:)

I played that one perfectly and I must say...I'm rather proud of myself. I just mentioned that I was going up there and I needed a ride...and I mentioned to the right person and one thing led to another. Before you knew it...my master plan had unfolded perfectly right before my eyes.

Now I'm waiting for my date to pack and come over to get me. I'm packed and ready to go so I thought I'd come here and let you know that I would not be spending the weekend all alone up in the mountains. I was worried there for a minute...I would have gone alone...but I would rather have someone else with me.

Now all I need to do is find a camera and I'll be ready to leave. If nothing else, I'll get one of those disposable ones...the view is supposed to be spectacular. And...they have a hot tub:)

I'll be in that fucker before sundown.

I am tired, I did work all night. So, I'll be lucky if I pull into Helen awake...but I'm sure that I'll wake up once I get there. The cabin has a fireplace and I bought some new...what the heck are they...fuzzy pajamas? They're pretty fleece things, not as sexy as some things I could take with me, but warm and cozy anyway.

So, now it's almost 2 and check-in time is between 3 and 5. It's a 2 hour drive so I have to get it together and re-make up my face. Then I'll be ready to go.

OK...let the...warmth and coziness begin.


Damn...I can see being one hour off...but I was TWO hours off. It was almost noon when I thought it was almost 2. I leaned over to see the clock and only leaned far enough to see the second 1...and the 49. So naturally, I thought it was 1:49 when it was 11:59. I am really, really tired. Shit. I'll never get out of here.


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