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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

For the 17,752nd time in my life...

...I've seen the sun rise on a new day. Although I'm not dreadfully thrilled about it, I prefer it to the alternative. And of course, as I do everyday before I come here, I've fed all of my animals.

Those creatures eat better than I do. Alpo has come out with a new flavor for the dogs, Top Sirloin. I didn't think that they could surpass the Filet Mignon, but I guess they felt they needed to. I remember when the poor little animals had to do with 3 flavors, cow, pig and chicken. Thank God my dogs live in an age where they are able to eat the top of the line products...by human standards, that is. How do those fools at Alpo know that the dogs like the same stuff we like? Have they ever tried boiled rat ears? Perhaps they LOVE that stuff and it would be a whole lot cheaper. Just because we think that's gross doesn't mean the animals will. I used to feed my lizard worms...so bat ears doesn't seem all that out of line.

They even have beef stew for the dogs and that's just silly. Once again, they use people veggies, like carrots and peas. The only vegetation I've ever seen a dog take to is grass and my marigolds. They don't seem to put that in the Alpo.

The cat food makes more sense, my cat likes fish. But I'm not sure that he only likes tuna and salmon...maybe he would prefer guppys and beta fish. Those are the only fish I ever saw the cat eyeball. Oh well, I'm just glad that nothing around here has a taste for Irish ladies.

I saw my friend at work last night. The stupid hickey has just about faded away so I couldn't show it to him and whine. So, I just whined.

Not really, we both thought it was funny. It wouldn't have been if anybody saw it, but nobody did so it was a non-issue. But what have we learned from this? No matter how good it feels, remain alert when a man begins to travel away from your face when he's kissing you.

My daughter called me yesterday to ask me for my lasagna recipe and that could only mean one thing, a new boyfriend. Everytime she meets a new guy, she makes him my lasagna. Actually it's my mother's recipe, but whatever, I hope this guy is deserving of that dish, it really is good and it takes almost a day to make. I hate being this far away from my daughter one way or another. Chicago was bad enough but you could drive there in a day and you can't get to LA nearly that quick. Someone told me the other day that one person driving takes 5 days. I bet I could do it quicker, but I'd probably get 4 speeding tickets before I got out of Mississippi and then I'd still have Texas to get through. Maybe it would take me 5 days...I'd drive north and take 80 all the way across just to avoid Barney Fife.

The only thing I'd have to worry about going that way is Reno. The last time I went there I married a guy I barely knew so I won't be stopping there. Weddings in that town are like Big Macs in any other town. Even if I wanted to get married, I wouldn't want to say that I was married twice in Reno. I can't imagine getting married again although I suppose it could happen. There's just a few things I have to do first. Some guy might try to stop me and I hate it when a guy tells me what to do, either right out or just by pouting. I feel as though I should be able to do anything I want to do without having to worry that some man wouldn't like it. I wouldn't want to do any insane or immoral, just fun.

If I did get married, it would have to be to a guy who would let me do crazy things whenever I wanted to like just take off for Paris without any notice because I found a great fare. They'd have to trust me and I haven't met too many men who would trust a woman to do that. Even just going out with friends...there are men who frown upon that. I don't know what makes a man think that a full grown woman in this day and age should be at all under his thumb, but a lot of them do. I know that there are women that act like that as well, but I don't date them so I can't address them.

I would trust a guy until he gave me a reason not to. I was worried that after Rick, I'd never be able to trust again. That's turned out to be the least of my problems. I was never a jealous person before Rick and I'm not one now so I guess he had something to do with the way I acted then. Him and all of his whores. In the few relationships that I've had since he left, I haven't felt the slightest tinge of jealousy and that's good. Actually, I do think there was one time, but that was because I felt lied to and apparently that's what brings on that crap.

Anyway, there's no marriage material on the horizon so I won't worry about it but it is good to THINK about stuff like that or you end up doing stupid things like marrying some guy you barely know in Reno.

Well, I'm going to see if I can fall asleep. I doubt it, I'm totally wired and I don't have to work tonight so I have no reason to worry about sleep. We'll see. I'll just stand up and see where I go.

Have a good day!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again you outdid yourself on funny.
I don't give family recipes until, well, they are in the family.
Yes, I know, I'm selfish like that!

February 28, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Thanks Chris, I wasn't even trying. If you enjoy that, you might like checking out the www.infidelityfordummies.blogspot.com site, I need some more input!

Thanks again for reading!


February 28, 2007  

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