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Thursday, May 24, 2007

More OPINION from Meg...


…I’m back. I’d love to relax but I really don’t seem to know how anymore. I can watch TV…but that’s not relaxing…especially when Fox and CNN are out there.

I seem to have put my back out…and I’ve done a good job of it. So, I have to call my doctor if it gets any worse, or if it doesn‘t get any better. I already have an appointment with the vet…not for me, for the cat…McFly.

By the way, my son has decided upon a name for the kitten. And, since I’ve had the little thing for a couple of weeks and still haven’t had time to think of a name…I decided to go along with William’s choice.

So, my kitten’s name is……Stewi…with an I.

OK then. I went out last night. I had a good time, I really, really did. My son took me to one of the places that he goes to with his friends. A bunch of his friends were there last night, even a couple who I’ve known since they started hanging out with William as teenagers.

There was one that I used to terrorize and he was a bit nervous about seeing me again last night…but I treated him like and adult. He’s still a bit of an idiot, but I’m not holding things that he did in the last milenium against him.

I ordered a whole rack of baby back ribs and after I ate them, I went to the Marietta Diner and got a bunch of different desserts. I don’t know what most of them are called but I did get the chocolate cream pie which is amazingly good. I got so much stuff that I’ll never be able to eat it all. This stuff is so good…each bite of it comes with an explosion of decadence that makes you go, “Mmmmmmhhhh!” It’s damned good stuff.

Anyway…the jack ass fucked Ms. Lombardi continues to email concerns of hers to me. She seems to wonder why I would “stick up for someone that I don’t know”. She’s missing something.

That tawdry bitch wears her crude behavior in a gaudy, garish manner. You’ve heard of a “flaming” homosexual? Well, this wench is a flaming bitch. Too stupid to distinguish her own ignominious behavior from the decent behavior of most mammals, she may very well not realize that her own behavior is what motivates me. If Solaris wasn't in the picture, I would still call you on what you are.

I read a lot of blogs that have lots of idiots in them but I don't mention most of them on MY blog. But...every so often, someone with abominal behavior pops up and they are so despicable that I have to say something.

So, you hideous wench and odiforous ho...it isn't for Solaris that I do this...if you want to know what motivates me, look in the mirror.

As you stare into that mirror, consider this...not only do most PEOPLE know better than to behave as you do…most MAMMALS know better. You don’t see female parrots fucking another parrot’s mate...you nasty hearted ho you.

I have to go out there and oversee the work being done in my backyard. I’ll pop back in this afternoon or early evening. See ya!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, I dont know if I should be telling you this Meg but I have some information about the Wopig. If you want any information about Colleen Lombardi give me your eamil address and I will send you all I know.

Been screwed by the bitch myself

May 24, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Why SOY-tenly. Send me whatever you have...thank you. You are my new best friend.



May 24, 2007  

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