First of all...
...let me thank the nice guy who sent me the full name, address and phone number of the freak who is stalking me. That was quite decent of you considering you don't know me. But you're right...he is quite psychotic and I don't deserve it.
Anyway, I have completed my fictitious wish list of the top ten clients of The Emperor's Club. Here it is:
1. Prince Albert of Monaco. Number one has to be a royal john and one that is sort of goofy looking. I chose this guy:

2. Roger Clinton. His brother stopped giving him his own leftovers when he found out that Roger was paying for pussy with the cash he earned selling pardons.
3. Gary Hart...the John Emeritus of the hooker world.
4. Steven Hawking. He has his own harem at the club, the Special Needs Team.
5. Janet Reno.
6. Frank Gifford. Of course, he denies everything until the pictures are developed but we know he's involved.
7. John Bobbitt. That operation wasn't as successful as his movies would have you believe. It's really sort of sad.
8. Ted Kennedy. The hookers just won't get in a car with him.
9. Spitzer. We can't take his spot away, even in a fictitious list.
10. Brad Pitt. He doesn't understand why he's ranked so low here when he's number 6 on most lists. But, alas, he does get the last spot. you have any other suggestions?
Don't you think Charlie Sheen is on the list?
DAMN! I forgot that dude! You're right...he should be 10 B.
Brad can be 10 A.
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