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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I have an idea...

...but I don't have the lab to test it in. I want to invent a computer that has infrared sensors on the corners aimed at your eyes that read the movement of them. I bet the eyes could control the cursor better than the current things they have that read winks. I've seen people who can control an entire HOST of things with the blink of an eye. I bet more than one sensor would make a bunch of other stuff like that available to everybody. Then I wouldn't have to deal with mouses.

You know, my father seems to be in a bad mood and I found myself wondering why. I went over all the stuff I had done in my head but couldn't come up with much. If anyone looks hard enough they can always come up with something that they did wrong. But I really couldn't think of anything that I did to change his entire affect. Then, as I was trying to figure it out (as was Jean who was wondering the same thing I was wondering...what did I do wrong?), it occurred to me that the feeling was quite familiar. That's pretty much how I grew up. Interesting isn't it?

It isn't me or Jean...it's my dad. He gets in a bad mood and no one else can stop it until he's ready to stop it. Not only can't you stop it, you can't even stop it from STARTING because you didn't do anything wrong in the first place. No one has that much control over another person's mood and state of happiness. So...if he thinks that I'm going to sit around here and walk on eggshells like I did when I was 7, he's thinking about the wrong me. I don't do that anymore.

I can be happier than a felon nabbed by Eliot Spitzer if I want to be. And that's just what I'll do. I'll be pleasant and that'll freak him out. No one who wants to bitch likes to be around happy people, it totally blows their entire ticket to nastiness.

So...that's what I'm going to do. I wish I had one of those infrared cameras attached to my brain...then I could rerun the scene for you. But since I don't...I'll just take notes and tell you about it later.


Blogger Unknown said...

I find I get into moods like that "Today I'm pissed off at the world!" No reason I know of...I just get that way, But I have told those important to me this is how I am, and I get over it prety quick. the rest of the time I mad happy prople look unhappy.....damn! I think I'm ....what's the word I'm looking for Meg?......

March 16, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Moody? Sensitive? I can't say female because that wouldn't explain my father.

I used to feel the same way and actually, I still do occasionally. I get one of those, "Make my day." things going and I'm ready for anyone to cross me so that I can snap at them. At one point it occurred to me that whenever I felt like that, I would be needing feminine hygeine products the following day. Then, that was taken out of the equasion and I still get in those moods so I got Xanax. It works everytime.

My father can't be hormonal so that doesn't explain it all the time. I guess we all have our moods. I think what's sweet about your moods is that you've TOLD people that it is you and that you'll be over it soon. That's so sweet of you and it lets other people know that you don't mean to be rude. If you didn't do that...you could lead people to do what Jean and I did...sit around and wonder what THEY did wrong. I'd like to hear that from my father. But...at my age, I guess I know that he doesn't mean to be a jack ass and that he loves me anyway. I just wish I had known it 40 years ago.


March 16, 2008  

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