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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

OK then...

...I'm ready to leave for Florida except for 2 things...this post and the sneeze video. I have to make a video of me sneezing. I forget what it's for but I need to do it before I leave because I don't know whether or not my father has a camera on his computer. I doubt that he knows either.

Anyway, after I post this, I'll sniff pepper and see if it really makes a person sneeze. I know it CAN...but WILL it? Will it make me sneeze when it's imperative that I do so? We'll see.

We had the kids last night, they just left a little while ago. They slept with me and it was nice because yesterday I stripped my bed and made it with my favorite flannel sheets and my pretty quilt. I had lots of blankets under the quilt, it was good and toasty under there. I also had the shams and everything else so it was extra nice. Until my grandson peed in the bed.

I can't complain at all, I wet my bed until I was 9 so I know how much the kid hates it. There's nothing that you can do, if there was, I would have tried it when I was a kid. I hated wetting the bed, it was icky. One minute you're all warm and the next your cold and wet. It sucks.

I had predicted such an ocurrence so I had a liner on the matress and a towel under the kid. The only thing I had to change was the bottom sheet but since it wouldn't have matched, I changed the top sheet, too. I changed the sheets without taking the blankets off. I had so many of them that it would have been harder to take them all off than it was to do it my way. So, my bed is perfectly made again...although I hope that no one sleeps in it while I'm gone...except for the kids.

I think that somehow I got my rental car upgraded, I should have asked my son. I was supposed to get a compact car but I got a Grand Am. I'm not sure if that's what I was supposed to get, no one came out and said, "Here's your Escort." so I'm not sure.

I'm obviously getting a much, much later start than I had planned on getting. That's because of the kids. I had to hang out with them. They're so sweet and I have so much fun with them. When I mentioned that I was going to Florida to help my father, Chandler cut me off and said, "Grandma, don't go!" That made me feel so bad. Maybe she thought that I meant I would be leaving that very moment, which of course, I didn't.

OK...I need to get that stupid sneeze over with and getteth my ass on the road south.



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