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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Watching the fall out...

...from Obama's lapse in judgement has been interesting. I've watched a great orator turn into a stuttering back talker. A comment by one of those radical thinkers who espouses "critical thinking" yet cannot participate in a political debate without making personal attacks has shown that the politicians of personal destruction have set the standards quite low.

Unless something changes...and quickly...this campaign will mark another turning point in race relations...and it won't be a good thing at all. In 1973, a movie called Blazing Saddles was a major hit and All in the Family was the most popular show on television. By today's standards, they both appear to be quite racist but at the time, they marked the high point in race relations. It's been downhill ever since.

Neither of those iconic entities could be created today...why is that, what has changed? Has society become more restrictive in general? Nope. Society has become much, much more liberal in just about any other area that you can mention...other than race relations. Why is that? What happened since then to make race relations so bad today?

Some of you might remember the early 70's...as the young people of the time, we knew that bigots were a thing of the past. We laughed at Cleavon Little and Archie Bunker because we knew something they didn't know...racists were a dying breed and we were going to make this nation a better place for people of all color.

But instead...a few people learned that they could make quite a nice living by calling white people racists. They manipulated a couple of generations since then into beings who would believe the statements made by Reverend Wright accusing the United States of infecting the black community with the AIDS virus. It doesn't even make sense. Why would America choose a virus transmitted sexually just when American society began allowing whites and blacks to date publicly if they wanted to infect just the "black community"? That would have been suicide.

I'm not taking away the nation's history...America did a few things that opened her up to such allegations by infesting a group of black prisoners with syphilis. But that was in a time when a white woman could have been hung for sleeping with a black man. Why worry about sexually transmitted diseases carried by people whom you would never sleep with, nor would your children? It was also a very, very long time ago as was slavery. But it must be said that blacks do not have the market on being the targets of racism in this country.

The likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have "preached" to their congregations for decades that the blacks are "victims" and that white people owe them something for things that happened 150 years ago. They have created a group of Americans who would believe the likes of Reverend Wright when he makes such slanderous and nasty (not to mention untrue) allegations.

Today marks the low point of race relations in my lifetime and it seems to be getting worse. The Reverend Wright incident has shone the light on a segment of the black community. We now see that many of them not only hate white America, they take their children to church on Sundays to teach them even more hatred.

If Reverent Wright wants to preach hate, he can. This is America after all. God Bless him. If he wants to hump the pulpit, more power to him. If he wants to use his pulpit to bash the first "black President", he can knock himself out. But if Obama wants to be a president of ALL the people, he must do more to disavow himself of the comments by Reverend Wright. Before I vote, I want to know if Obama actually believes that America infected her citizens with HIV.

Now I see WHY Obama's wife hasn't been proud to be an American until last month. She sits in a pew every Sunday listening to Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

If there are any more white people out there feeling guilty for what their great great great great grandparents did, I hope they see now that they aren't appreciated. They aren't even given the respect of consideration. The black community has sought "equality" for some time now. They have it. They now have the right to be just as racist as any white person that I have ever met...AND they have our permission to do it...as long as hypocrites keep letting the black community get away with things that would totally destroy a white person's credibility.

"Nappy headed hoes" ain't got nothin' on "America infected the black community with AIDS".


Anonymous Anonymous said...


There is one big difference between Imus and Jeremiah, Imus apologized. If you can demand an apology from a goofy radio personality, why can't you demand the same level of civility from a Christian minister?

That question was not rhetorical. I want an answer from someone who insisted upon Imus' resignation.

March 19, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Well, you won't get one. I DARE anyone to answer this person's question.

March 19, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOLOL...Sol said that Johnny boy thinks she took that sucker down for him!

LOLOLOL...he doesn't have a clue what's going on and he's continuing to play right into our hands. This is gonna be good.


March 19, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Yep...I used to say that "I will tell you exactly how I'll nail you and you'll STILL fall for it." I haven't felt this good in years!

I've still got it!

March 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMGOMGOMG you were right!

March 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The movie was Blazing Saddles, not Blazing Shadows.

March 19, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Ooops! Of course it was. That's what I get for writing before 7 AM.


March 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't appear the whole story downunder.. so Reverent Wright preaches hate against those who white? and Obama goes to his church?

Wouldnt it be smart for Obama to suggest he doenst agree the take the rev takes???

March 19, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Of course. He dances around it but he won't come out and say that he doesn't believe that America infected the black community with HIV. He won't come out and say that he doesn't believe that America blew up the World Trade Center. He won't come out and LEAD the black community, preferring instead to sit back and kiss ass. That's the entire problem.

March 19, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOL...it's so nice to see people make my point for me.

I defy you to find one racist quote that I've ever made.

Good luck with that1

March 19, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

By the way, I was born in New Jersey and raised in Chicago.

March 19, 2008  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...



March 20, 2008  

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