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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hello there!

For some reason I have been sleeping quite late...my father wakes me up and he thinks that I sleep like this all the time. I don't! I usually awaken very early but ever since he came to my place, I've been sleeping like my mother used to and she made an art of it. She practiced quite often, I don't think that woman ever got up without a very good reason. Once I learned to make a bowl of cereal, she was done getting up in the morning. If I could make cereal for me, I could do it for everyone else. So, she would shout from bed, "Margaret will make you all breakfast!!!" When I was little, therre was no one else to do it as I was the oldest so she would tell me to go and ask Eddie to make me breakfast. Eddie wasthe cook at the restaurant she worked at when I was very little. He didn't live with us, he didn't even come to our house. But somehow, shewould think that he would be there, cooking in the kitchen. Of course, he never was. But, when I finally met Eddie, I remember thinking that he was a mean man for not making me food. Oh well.

My father is getting out of the tub now. He is going to the store and I am going to try to stay cool. I hate hot. I couldn't live in Florida unless it gotta little cooler here. Oh yuch...my father came out of the bathjroom drenched in his after sheand the smell is giving me a nasty headache...I hate that. Certain smlles give me migraines, this on is new to the list. I don't remember his after shave doing that when I was a kid...this is awful. Mennen sucks. I will never enjoy this smell again. Jeez, I can't stand this. Play doh would do it as well when I was a kid...ouch, ouch, ouch. I don't remember this smell hitting me like this when Iwas little, I used to like it. NowI don't. OK, now I have a headache. And...it's hot. Old people in Florida don't like to use their AC...why is that? Hell, when I was a kid he didn't like to use the AC either, except in his own room. Now he doesn't use it at all. When he leaves I am going to zap this place with the AC like nobody's buiness.

He drags me down to the hottest state in the country and then he sweats me out, that's just stupid. OK, I am never coming here again...this is far too hot for a Chicago woman. I need some below zero weather...and I need it badly. I rarely whine about the cold, I don't mind it much at all. I cannot abide hot, however. I used to say that horses sweat, men perspire and ladies glisten...but now I'm sweating like a pig. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to endure it, knowing that my son is nice and cool in my house. Next time Dad comes to my house, I'll have to pay him back for this.

We were talking all the way down here and he told me that my attroney is the one who should have had Rick held in contempt for ignoring all of the court orders. I have a feeling that he is hiding somewhere, probably annoyed that I didn't sign the divorce papers before I figured out that he wasn't going to abide by any of the courts orders. It doesn't matter too much to him, if he and his bimbo had any respect for marriage, they wouldn't have been screwing around while we were married so they probably don't mind living togther without the benefit of marriage. It would have been nice if I had let him get the divorce...but it doesn't really matter too much. I would have been happy to have the final decree entered already but I don't really care too much. My father also told me that I could use URESA (the agreement between states that allows one to have another state go after a dead beat parent) to have the other states go after him for the alimony. That's good enough for me. I have resigned myself to the fact that he isn't going to pay alimony so I have to figure out a way to pay the bills myslef. The longer he doesn't pay, the worse it will be for him when I do have the URESA people go after him. He may be able to pay his bills, but he won't ever own a thing nor will he ever receive a tax return and I can always have bill collectors on his heels.

He trashed all of my credit single handedly when he left me jobless and with all of the bills so I have little left to lose myself. Yesterday I realized that he took all of the coins that I had in proof ests. What a bum. He left all of his childhood pictures but he took everything I had that was worth anything except for my mother's jewelry and my older coins. I also have the only thing that he owned when he married me, a bicentennial Pepsi bottle that he has been holding onto since 1976. Does anybody out there want that? I don't have any use for it. He's been carrying that stupid bottle around for close to 30 years.

Oh, he left the electronics stuff, but those things are wearing out one at a time. The televisions are dying. I was watching a movie one night with that guy who likes to make out and the television started to get darker and darker. He tried to fix it but it's just geting worse. The screen is almost totally black unless the picture has a very light background. I imagine that's what a television does right before it dies completely. That's OK, I can always just have him come back and make out again. The bad thing about not having the divorce is that I actually have a few scruples and I know that I shouldn't be in bed with a man while I'm married to another one. That gets annoying occasionally, but I seem to get over it. Sooner or later, though, I am going to have one of those massive urges to get laid and I won't be able to. I think that, one of these days, I will be unable to maintain those scruples and I'll want to forget about being married and just do a dude. Do a dude, LOLOLOL. Yeah, that's what I want, to do a dude.

OK, enough of this. I have to go stretch my back out, it's getting annoyingly sore and this chair isn't helping at all. If my daughter is out there reading this, HEY GIRL! CALL ME!!! I'm at my Dad's house, if you don't have the number, call your big brother and get it from him! My dad has some special long distance service that you need an access number to use and I don't have it. He's not here anymore so I can't even ask him for it so CALL ME!!!

I'll be back after a while...I need to rest for a bit now.

See you soon!


Send any comments to: meg.kelso@gmail.com


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