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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


I just dodged a major bullet. I was emailing a guy for a while and he wanted MORE pictures of me. I responded to him by saying:

You know, I don't care for it when people are so concerned with a person's looks. I think that I am an attractive woman but what's more important is that I'm a very decent human being. I am looking for someone interested in me, not the way I look. Have a nice life.

And this nit wit emailed this to me:

Let's see now. You're flat broke; you don't even know if you have money to pay the rent and not a dime for retirement and you don't like where you live? I'm quite established in my community, am a millionaire, and you're telling me off? Yeah, right.

That he said after posting this in his profile:

I'm as honest as a Boy Scout and don't intend to injure my good reputation by something silly in cyberland. I'm not rich, but the bills are all paid with a few bucks left over.

There isn’t enough cash in the world for me to want to be involved with a freak like that. Ooh, methinks that I should warn others of this crazy dude. He looks like this:

...and he calls himself Steve Vanderbilt. Beware of this one ladies.

OK, now I'm going to bed.

See ya,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for this pig! I won't do that again. I'd like to thank the lady who wrote it. She has done Lansing a huge favor.

June 16, 2006  

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