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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


...I get to sit down. I have two dogs, one cat, three fish and countless snails. Except for the fish and the snails, they all bark and meow at me until I feed them and I am not in a very agreeable mood first thing in the morning. They won't let me drink my coffee until I feed them so I am just now sitting down to my first cup. Damn, I forgot to feed the fish, be right back.

Last night I was thinking about something...my stove is still only working on one burner and none of the men I know now can fix it. They're professionals and although they make one helluva a great date, they're pretty useless around the house. I need a blue collar dude for those things. Oh, and for baseball games. I'll be working on that soon.

My father was a professional and he liked to watch baseball, what's wrong with these men? Well over a month into the baseball season and I still haven't been to a game. Of course, I'm not gonna bitch too much, I had a great time the other night but I need to go to a ballgame before the All-Star Game or I'll be annoyed.

Today I have a bunch of errands to run so I have a friend coming over to run me around town. I should be taking a shower but I'm not coffee'd enough to do that yet.

DUH! I was staring at a vase of flowers thinking about what to say and I realized that I didn't even tell you guys about the flowers! Mr. Sundial Restaurant sent me flowers! They aren't roses, but there's 3 dozen of them...iris...how do you spell the plural of iris? Well, I have 3 dozen of them, beautiful purple ones, the same color of the dress that I bought the other day. Are there men that would pay enough attention and actually send flowers in the same color of the dress that their date wore or is this a coincidence? I'd ask him but if I were him, I'd say yes one way or another so I don't know if I'll ever know the answer to that question.

How's that for nice? In one flower sending episode, he sent me more flowers than I got from Rick in over 20 years. That's pretty good.

Speaking of Rick, he sent me an email and I was sort of surprised because he hasn't been in touch with me in a couple of weeks. I guess he's holding true to form, he wants to keep close tabs on me, just nothing serious that might stop him from hanging out with his "friends". If he ever gets hard up for a date and doesn't get a nibble in a while, I'm sure he'll become a bit more persistent. But, that'll never work again because of all the lessons that I've learned since he left, the biggest one is that I don't need him at all and that he did me one helluva favor by leaving. He could have been decent about it and left when I wasn't so sick, but I got better anyway so fuck him.

I almost felt badly about dating two men at once but then I remembered that I'm supposed to be being selfish now so I let those guilt feelings leave right away. I'm taking my own advice and telling myself the same things that I tell my daughter, have fun and when one of them is serious enough to put a ring on my finger, I'll stop seeing the rest of them. Not that there are THAT many right now, but hell, I've had a tough couple of years and sooner or later, I HAVE to have some fun. I'd call this the summer of Meg but I remember what happened to George Costanza when he tried that crap. So, I'll just have a week at a time of fun and plan the following week when I'm done with the current week. So, this is the week of Meg. Damn it, I have to start my week with an AA meeting.

OH! I bet I could find a blue collar dude there! Yeah, that's what I'll do.

I could be a bitch and manipulate the meeting by telling my sad story and mentioning how I can't fix my stove. I bet one of those guys would offer to fix it, ya think? With my luck, I'd get one that just got out of prison and doesn't have many plans on staying out.

My murderer cousin gets out of prison the end of June and that's sort of freaking me out. I looked his picture up on the Georgia Department of Corrections website then I called my father and told him that I had found it. He asked me if I still had my gun and when he did, I was a bit worried. If my father thinks I need one, I guess I SHOULD be a bit worried. This guy has murdered two women and gotten away with both murders. I would think that like most other things in life, even murder gets easier when a person keeps getting away with it. I told my dad to get his sister's car out of my driveway so that I'm not sitting here with something that the nut considers his when he gets out.

Greta Van Sustern's producer's haven't called me so I guess they're not interested in doing a story on him so I'm going to try to get someone else to do it before the guy gets out. I haven't decided if that would help or hurt but I would think that if I was making a lot of noise about him, he might not come after me but who can second guess a murderer?

Oh well, it's time for me to shower so I'm going to do that now. I'll be back later!

See ya!



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