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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Yes, this is the smartest strategy...

...not to mention the decent thing to do:

"...You are the one that can keep your head high knowing you took the high road. Besides, isn't it nice to know it'll drive the nutjob crazy???..."

Yes...it is. What I don't get it why the low class slugs don't understand that concept. They think that to hurt another person they must behave like an asshole. Why they feel the need to inflict pain, even if they fail at their attempt to do so, is beyond me. They just end up looking like an angry freak so when their nemisis is behaving like a lady (or a gentleman), they look even worse. But, since ignornace is bliss, they blissfully continue to act like a slug, thinking that their behavior is harming the person who is happily living their life without a second thought to the fool who is so proud of the silliness that they espouse. Go figure. Besides, refraining from becoming embroiled in the nastiness leaves a LOT of time to enjoy life. And when a smart lady or gentleman is enjoying life...the nit wits engage in behavior that is not only stupid...it's unhealthy and only hurts the one acting like an idiot.

"...I would much rather have a crisp, clean, nurse than a ragtag with rainbow colors and aforementioned long claws. Which leads me to ponder---don't doctors and nurses wear scrubs to keep germs away? If so, why do I see doctors and nurses wear same scrubs out to Starbucks, Macy's, etc. then back to the hospital? Doesn't that bring the nasty germs with them?..."

I don't know when someone decided to take the scrubs that were designed to maintain a higher degree of sterility and turn them into a fashion statement. I guess it's just a money making opportunity that couldn't be passed up. It played into the ego's of people who enjoy going to work looking good as opposed to looking clean and professional. I see nurses walking around in clothes that look more like street clothes than they do uniforms. The other night I saw a nurse wearing black shoes and black slacks with a rather form fitting colorful top. That is about as unprofessional as it gets. I'm waiting for low cut necks and tight fitting slacks next. If they make "uniforms" look sexy, you know that there are people out there who would stand in front of the mirror, checking out how their backsides look before they leave the house. I stand in front of the mirror checking to see that I look clean and lady-like. It would never occur to me to check out my backside before I left for a job that consists of caring for ill people. How my ass looks is the last thing I care about when I get dressed for work.

Also, I've heard so many patients say that they can't tell the nurses from the cafeteria workers. And one very important thing to consider, confused patients...especially the older ones, can be calmed by a nurse wearing white. I can't count the times that I've reassured a confused older person by saying, "What am I wearing?" They answer, "A white dress." I reply, "Who wears white?" They respond, "Nurses." So, I tell them that I'm a nurse and that I'm there to help them. They realize that they're in good hands when they understand that a nurse is caring for them. There are so many reasons that white is a good idea...not the least of which is the fact that I can bleach the white stuff, assuring that I'm as clean and germ free as I can be.

But the sad thing is that you can rarely ever find white uniforms anymore. The next time you pass a uniform store, peek inside and see if you can find the white stuff. They're there...stuck in the back. And if you want to wear a white dress to work...good luck. You pretty much have to order them from catalogues nowadays. I guess there aren't enough nurses wearing white dresses to make it worth stocking them in the uniform shops.

I still have a bunch of white uniforms...but I bought them before I lost the weight when the cancer was at it's worst. So, from now on, I'm going back to white. I used to have some really nice white dresses that I wore to work. Nowadays a nurse in a white dress with white hose and white shoes would stick out like a sore thumb. But I don't care...I know that the patients will know who I am when I walk into their room. And, I know that I can bleach them and that makes you feel much cleaner than when you wear every color under the sun. And to be honest, I actually think that most people would appreciate a nurse who walks into their room looking like a nurse. I even think that it makes them feel more confident in their care. Oh, one last thing...you don't have to stand in front of the closet trying to color coordinate your outfit. You just grab a white top and a white bottom and off to work you go.

Love that shade of pink!

Me too! And right now I'm going to go into my pink (dusty rose!) room and look around at the work my hand has done. Then, I'll fall asleep and dream pink dreams!

I may have to cover a 4 hour shift tonight, I'm not sure yet. 4 hours is a walk in the park compared to 12 (which is actually 14) so I don't mind filling in for them if they need me. So, off to my pinkness...have a great day!



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