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Monday, August 20, 2007

I found this on another blog:


…and it was either plagiarize it or post a link so I decided to be honorable and post the link. It was just too cute to let it go without showing it to you guys.

It reminded me of my own bathing suit history. I wanted a two piece (that’s what we called bikini’s when we asked our mothers if we could have one.) and my mother said that I couldn’t have one. I bugged her over and over again until she finally bought me one.

The only problem was she bought it without me. Well, that wasn’t the ONLY problem, there was the fact that the top of the bathing suit had a curtain hanging from it. So, my first two piece bathing suit not only covered the middle of my trunk, it completely concealed the form of my burgeoning woman body. Not to mention the fact that it floated all around me as I moseyed through the water.

My mother tried to keep me a little girl for as long as humanly possible. I certainly understand that now…but in 1971...it didn’t help much at all as I tried to fit in amongst the other girls my age who wore actual bikini’s. I absolutely would have been the girl in the picture with the ugly floral bathing suit…of that I am positive.

When I wanted to begin shaving the body hairs that were sprouting from odd areas of my body…she wouldn’t allow it. Those stupid hairs started appearing in 1969...by 1971 they were becoming somewhat conspicuous. I don’t know what she was worried about. And then…when she finally discovered Nair and bought me a bottle…she gave it to me with this caveat…“Don’t use it ANYWHERE other than your legs and armpits.”

To this day I’m not sure what she thought I would do with it…shampoo perhaps? My only boyfriend at that point in my life was a poster on my bedroom wall. Surely she didn’t think that I was stupid enough to apply it “downtown”.

Who knows…I was an idiot back then, too. When I contracted my first yeast infection (the bane of women everywhere), I didn’t know what the hell was going on. After a few days of incorrigible itching and miserable burning…my 19 year old brain concluded that whatever it was…vinegar would surely cure my uncomfortable quandary. So, for some unknown reason, I poured a bottle of it on myself. For about one millisecond, it actually felt good. Then…the most ghastly, excruciating burning sensation set in.

I ran, screaming, into my bathtub and splashed water on myself trying to undo what I had just done. I yearned to go back to the semi-bearable itching that I had suffered only moments ago. Of course, I did. Then I finally decided to do what I should have done in the first place…I called the doctor.

So…maybe mother had a point.

I don’t know how I went from showing you a funny post to yeast infections…but now I must abruptly shift gears. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow…the neurosurgeon guy. I guess I’ll find out what they’re going to do about this thing…this cavernous malformation thing…in my brain. I’m not sure why they’re sending me to a surgeon before they send me to the oncologist…but they are. I'm glad that I won’t have to go to either one of them while my daughter is here.

She’ll be flying in on Wednesday and I can’t wait. I don’t know what we’ll be doing but I know that I’ll be taking a lot of pictures of us doing it. Knowing my daughter she’ll be trying to clean my house a LOT so I’ll try to head her off at the pass and do it myself. I always do but she always finds something to clean. Once she came and couldn’t find anything to clean so she just redecorated my bathroom.

I’ve been doing a lot of redecorating myself so it’ll be tough for her…but I’m sure she’ll find something to clean/redecorate/re-redecorate. One way or another, the grandkids were here all weekend so the house is a mess. That means that I have to get to work quickly.

OH! That reminds me of something that I wanted to mention. My granddaughter just started kindergarten…big school for little kids. Apparently…that means that she is now a salesperson. I find it despicable that companies use the little munchkins for profit. They give them a large envelope full of catalogues with overpriced crap that no one would ever buy. Then, the wee ones go to their grandparents and tell them, “I can win a prize if you buy a bunch of stuff you don’t need at prices you would never pay!”

So, they guilt the entire family into buying useless knick knacks. The companies know that each kid is good for at least 3 purchases, the parents and both sets of grandparents. This is all under the guise of providing the school with things that tax dollars or parents have already paid for. The catalogue that my granddaughter brought home had wrapping paper priced at ten bucks for a sheet two feet wide and ten feet long. That’s barely enough paper to wrap one good sized gift. Wouldn’t you prefer a gift with a sawbuck taped to it rather than a gift with ten bucks worth of wrapping paper around it?

I refused to allow my own kids to participate in such scams when they were kids but with grandkids…it’s a sticky situation. If the parents are allowing it, you look like an evil grinch if you don’t help the kid vie for the “prize” that they “might” win if they sell the most trash. I would much rather give my granddaughter $100 than spend $10 on these ridiculous rip-offs.

I wish there was something that I could do to put a major dent in the profit margin of these hideous companies that use young children as money making machines. If you have kids that are being asked to sell trash to you and all of your family members…please consider not allowing the kids to participate. Mine didn’t and yet somehow they grew up unscathed.

OK then…that’s it for now…I have to do some serious house cleaning today. Tomorrow I have to go to the doctor and I probably won’t have the time or the energy to do it then. And who knows…with my luck the doctor will stick me straight into the hospital.

See ya!



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