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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Friday, December 21, 2012


...and I mean NEVER have I been as hardened as I am right now. The people who "cared" about me (I almost gagged on that one) have welded the toughest armor onto my entire being. I've considered it for a while and have come to the conclusion that there is nothing in this entire world that could hurt me anymore than I've been hurt already.

So, as the song says, hit me with your best shot...fire away. And then go fuck yourself.


Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Whatever floats your boat!

December 21, 2012  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry for all your pain. I am going through a divorce, too. Visit my blog, Living the (not so) American Dream.

December 25, 2012  
Blogger Tundra Woman said...

Ms. Meggers, Glad ya got OUT of the crazy. Honey, I told ya I'd give ya some nail polish tips awhile back, but I've been doggin' your steps so to speak up here in The Tundra in terms of Tin Pan Alley. And now, snarnage to deal with and fuckin' freezin' and...nothin' compared to my glimpses of your recent "adventures." (BTW, "snarage": snow+carnage=snarnage) I'm sure manis are the last thing on your agenda right now but maybe later when life settles down and you're safe from the Serial Ax Murderer, OK?
Just think-here we are in a whole new year to fuck up! I think sometimes we're just lucky we've survived another day-never mind year-so here's to more "adventures in living" for '13.
Just glad you're safe. Oh, and believing there's nothing that can hurt you now that you've experienced the.....ahhh...perfidy of those who are SUPPOSE to "care"? There's a flip side to that, Little One. (Or at least there was for me.) I finally recognized there was nothing-not ONE thing-that could down the pike of life (or the rectum of life either) I couldn't handle. Really. Which has allowed me to cut down considerably on the anxiety. What ever happens, I'll survive. Didn't say I'd LIKE it, OK? But if the damn medical people-the alleged "Pros"- haven't killed me by now, I'm golden. Just ask my liver! ;)
Right now it all feels like shit. It will for awhile. Meanwhile, I just wanted you to know you've been missed, worried about etc. by an old widow with a geriatric cat here in The Tundra. Maybe it's time for a change in your life but damn, there are a preponderance of assholes as well as old people in your immediate vicinity. Can't avoid ALL of 'em, but here's to a new year where you're not the mole in the Wack-A-Mole Game of Life.
Take care, Meg. Believe it or not, not everyone is nasty, uncaring, crazy-in-a-bad-way. Sometimes I think being a nurse makes you a Professional Nurturer. But the nurturer needs nurturing as well.
Warmest Wishes,
Tundra Woman (TW) and Trouble, the geriatric cat. (sigh, yeah, I'm a cliche.;) )

January 01, 2013  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I DO so love to be verbally economic so let me simply (and safely) reply thusly, I feel ya.

Pleasant emoticoms would be right here if I could create more than :)

January 02, 2013  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Oh! BTW, it just so happens that I've been jonesing HARD for a mani-pedi lately!!! And yes, I accept gift cards for all special treatment.

January 02, 2013  

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I've Escaped...

...without the help of ANYONE!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was worried about you.

December 19, 2012  

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Did You Ever...

...know someone who sucks the life out of you and tries to replace it with their own?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a rhetorical question right?

December 17, 2012  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Absolutely not. I meant every word of it.

December 17, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you want them listed alphabetically or in descending order of life suckage?

December 17, 2012  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Well, technically it was a yes or no question.

December 19, 2012  

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

For Some Reason...

...G-mail is being a dick so I have to answer an email here. Please excuse me:

Hi, My e-mail addy is megkelsobroderick@gmail.com I'm pretty sure it's on my profile, it's the only email addy I've had for so long I can't remember. It shouldn't change anytime soon.

OK, that's done. It's a dreadfully sucky Sunday...the Bears and Tampa Bay BOTH lost, the Vikings won and if I had bet money on the WPA Championship, I would have lost. The Irish chick looked to be a much better shooter, until of course, the finals. Then the chick from somewhere else (sounds sort of Arnoldish but not so hard to understand) won and I never would have called that.

Up until then, I could have beat the Arnold chick but she pullled some hellacious talent out of her ass in the finals. Oh well, I must be old because The Black Widow is doing commercials now instead of shooting and she was at her best when I was at my best. I'm still good, I can beat most men I play but I can't keep the table for the entire night anymore. That sucks.

Then again, so does bowling under 140. I try to hide the fact that I am as competitive as I am but I am one sore ass loser. I've just learned to hide it well. That's sort of like being a good sport, isn't it?


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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A man just said to me, "I swear I'll put a cleaver through your head." God, send me an angel...quickly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me you are joking.

December 12, 2012  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I wish there were a punchline but I'm literally stuck with a nut. No phone, can't leave. He was already arrested for holding me hostage. I'm too confused, scared and alone to know what to do except wait for the cops to come get him if he doesn't go to court. I wouldn't even be online if he weren't out front talking to someone. All I'm allowed to do is play Words With Friends.

December 13, 2012  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I am leaving and it WILL be with only the clothes on my back and without my dog. I need to find a time and a ride.

December 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A judge would revoke his bond if he knew what was going on.

December 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be ready for him to threaten to harm your dog to get his way.

December 13, 2012  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

He's already threatened to hurt the dog if I leave, that's what's kept me here so long. I'll have to walk away from the dog because bottom line is I care more about myself and my kids. You won't believe the story when I write it. If I thought it'd help me, I'd call a local reporter. One shelter said I couldn't come back there after I had a seizure because "they aren't prepared to care for me and my seizures" I had no place to go so I came back here and was injured again. Then, I found out that was discrimination of the handicapped so I called today and what do you know...they'll take me back in. Now I need a ride to the police station in Ybor City and then the women's shelter will come and get me from there.

December 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

get the police to come pick you up

December 14, 2012  

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or at least sit down and quit pissing all over the toilet.

December 11, 2012  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Seriously. How the hell does all that pee on the OUTSIDE of the bowl???

December 11, 2012  
Blogger Gladys said...

Yeah! You're back! :)

December 11, 2012  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I've always been here. When I get a chance, I'll explain why I've been lying low.

December 12, 2012  

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