Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Kevin is my Irish twin who...
He got me in the face so hard that he ran down the stairs. I followed him down to get to the bathroom mirror and said to him, "I think you broke my nose!" He took one look at my face and responded, "I think I did too!"
Someone was in the downstairs bathroom so I held my face over the island counter in our kitchen. I couldn't just keep bleeding on the counter so I went upstairs to my parents bathroom. About that time my parents came home and my mom screamed when she saw all the blood in her kitchen. Someone must have told her what had happened and to who so I never saw her that night. I guess she went to bed. My father must have been punishing my brother because I don't remember seeing him either but I'm sure someone took a look at my nose. But, since my parents didn't believe in taking kids to the doctor unless the school demanded it, I never had that fracture treated but my nose was most assuredly broken and by morning, I was on my way to school with a fat nose and 2 black eyes. I don't ever remember getting an apology from my brother but by then, and continuing to this day, he had already stopped speaking to me unless he felt the need to call me some hideous name. If I had done anything to offend him, I certainly don't know what it was. And Lord knows my Irish family doesn't talk things out, most of the people in my family just don't speak to each other for years, decades or ever.
He may not remember this but when he was about 3, he and I would grab some dry cereal every morning and take it into the bathroom, put it under the old-fashioned radiator and wait for the ants to come out. We named them and considered them our pets. We named one Santa Claus and oddly, we saw him every single morning. I doubt that we were really convinced that Santa Claus was the same ant everyday, but we had fun pretending. That's the only time I ever remember playing with him. I don't even remember him talking to me after that.
I do remember what my mother wrote in my baby book. To paraphrase, she said, "You love your little brother and you're not at all jealous of him. You do things to him that you like people to do to you. You're so gentle with him that I know he's safe in your arms." I was 14 months old when he was born.
A while back he as in Tampa to go to a Bruce Springsteen concert. He knew that I was here and going to the same concert but he never got in touch with me, didn't offer to meet after the concert and made sure that I wasn't invited to the bar-b-que that my sister had for him the day after the concert. (Yes, the sister that he broke my nose for.)
He behaved businesslike to me at my mother's funeral in 2001 but I haven't heard from him since. He hasn't answered my calls in years. Just because I don't remember offending him doesn't necessarily mean I never did. But, if I did, he never told me and whatever it was, it couldn't have been so bad that he has forgotten his mother's first born child.
I don't expect him to be my best friend, but it would be nice to have a brother to chat with every so often.
- said...
How exactly do you expect to endear yourself to your brother with this post? It is so obvious that you are trying to manipulate acts of contrition out of your family - they "owe" it to you to be nice to you now because of all the horrible things they did to you in the past. Think of another way to win people over because you will get nowhere this way.
- Meg Kelso said...
No, I expect no acts of contrition and I don't expect a friendly phone call. I have nothing to lose. Nothing I've done has ever gotten them to treat me decently. If they have a problem with me, they've never mentioned it to anyone except each other. My entire point is that I'm the scapegoat of the family and other people are going through the same thing. I have the freedom to write what has happened because they have all left me with nothing to lose. What can be worse than being ignored by your entire family? If I thought for one minute that any other course of action might help, I'd take that course in a heartbeat. And trust me, I didn't tell the worst of the behavior and they know it. I'm not looking for contrition, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of my depression and trying to remind myself that it isn't me...otherwise the damage they've done will never go away. Besides, I do want my grandchildren to know why I haven't been around. I've given up on everyone except them.
- said...
If that's the case, stop wasting time talking about the past and focus on being the kind of person your grandchildren would want to know.
- Unknown said...
That’s terrible Meg, your brother breaking your nose, and then your mother not comforting you. Those things aren’t easily forgotten and I don’t blame you for wanting to get it off your chest. I am sure this sort of trauma, followed by neglect from a parent, leads to depressive illness.
It reminds me of the time I pulled a pan of boiling stew over myself. When my mother heard the commotion she came to see what had happened, gave me a look of disgust and without a word went into the other room and started knitting. No one took me to the hospital either.
Incidentally, my father was Irish Catholic from Ballinasloe, and was also very keen on using the belt. No man should ever hit his daughter, especially with a belt, and no male should ever hit a female.
Don’t let anyone ever hit you again.
Take care xx - Meg Kelso said...
This is a small reason that I am extremely nervous around angry men. From my father to my brothers to my sons, not one of those 'men" has done anything but take from me. I've paid their rent, let them stay with me indefinitely and if they asked for anything, I'd give it to them if I could. I'm only 2nde generation Irish so the Irish parenting and the Irish way of not talking things out has really gotten a hold of my family.
Completed version of my recent encounter with a police officer from Torrance California
This happened the other day so most of the bruising is gone but here are the remnants of a black eye:

This is from when he told me to turn around and put my hands behind my back, so I asked him if I could change into some street clothes or at least get some deodorant. Instead of saying "No", he grabbed me and threw me down on the couch putting me in one of those arm up your back holds...he had to use my arm to drag me down, bruising me here:
These are mostly bad pictures of the bruises left by the hand cuffs, they've faded a pit and you can't really tell in the pics so I think I'll try to get better ones before they go away completely:
Officer Maier (of the Torrance California PD) is the first vet who I've ever heard pat himself on his own back for keeping the world safe for democracy as a USMC recon sniper. Ironically, he was bragging about how people like him protect the rights of people like mine. Most times I would have just thanked him for his service but at the time, I was handcuffed in back of a cop car and he was driving me to the loony bin for no acceptable reason. Apparently, in any conflict, the person who gets to the phone and calls the cops first is the one who is believed, no matter how ridiculous that person's story may be. So, like they did when Jeffery Dahmer had a victim running out of his house...Dahmer told the cops that he was having a lover's quarrel so they left the poor man to be raped and murdered. Well, I already had a black eye and some other bruises besides the ones the comes inflicted upon me. Like that, the Torrance cops believed the liar who called them to lock me up. I had committed no crime, I wasn't thinking of suicide or homicide. I haven't been able to eat much lately so when I told the cops that I've not been eating well, they didn't even give me a chance to tell them that I drink Ensure supplements before they decided that I warranted a trip to the hospital where I stayed, refusing treatment the entire time (there was nothing wrong to treat), being rude to my captors and generally annoying people. It worked, I was immediately discharge the next day after all of the staff bitched about my "attitude".
It gets worse. I'm writing this later and I see that I've repeated myself, I'll fix it later but it's already posted so I'll leave it like this until I fix it to send it to the Torrance Internal Affairs office.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
For a while...
Today I'll start with my baby sister because she is the only one in my family who treats me with any respect. She is so sweet that I'm not even going to mention some of the things she did that caused me serious trouble. I can forgive anyone anything if they treat me with respect. I don't even want an apology because they mean nothing. I'll take actions over words any day.
Marie was born when I was 9 and I was the one who took care of her. She called me Mommy until she was 3. I remember the look on her little face when I would hold my arms out as she ran to me for a diaper change. She was the youngest and I was (sigh) the oldest. No matter what has gone on in our lives, she has always been there for me. Once I heard someone say, "A family is a place where, if you have to go, they have to take you." She isn't financially able to help me but I can call her and she always chats about something pleasant. She has been through some very rough times herself but she has always projected happiness no matter how bad the circumstances.
The only thing that I would ask of her is to do the one thing I need the most. I need her support. I need for her to talk to our other siblings and tell them that I'm not the devil incarnate. I realize it's easier to be accepted in my family if you join in with the "Meg is rotten." conversations but I doubt they would toss her out of their lives for standing up for me. But, who knows, maybe they would. I'm sure she worries that she might be tossed aside if she defended me about ANYTHING...but she is the only kid in my family who truly heard my mothers dying request, "Tell my kids to take care of each other."
I have nothing bad to say about her because no matter what has happened between us, she and I have always been sisters and we always will be.
I'm born
They made many mistakes but as a non-perfect parent myself, I don't hold them accountable for the damage that was done while they thought they were doing the right thing.
When my father told me to lie on my bed with my pants off and wait for him to come in with the belt, I was as frightened as any 7 year old would be. He would eventually come in and spank me with the belt and even today, I remember that my feelings were hurt much more than my naked backside. When my mother took a $1,000 scholarship check that I had earned and kept it, I never said a word although, I could have used the money while I was in college as a single mother.
I was very young when I realized that my mother didn't like me very much and that thought kept me up at night crying into my pillow. I can't even describe the feeling that I had when my friends would say how sweet my mother was. On a camping trip, she was a parent chaperon in a different cabin than I. The next morning, all the kids told me how great my mom was. I asked her once why she was so nice to my friends and so mean to me, her answer was, "You aren't my friend, you're my daughter. When she would be cooking, I would go into the kitchen and ask her if I could help. Her response was always, "No, it would take too long if you helped."
She called me names I would never repeat here but I'll never forget them. But, as an adult, I realize that she honestly thought what she was doing was right. She was a product of her life experiences, as are we all. Today I would give anything to have a cup of coffee with her for an hour or two.
My father is still alive so I'll keep some of the worst things to myself but suffice it to say that he never, once, said a nice thing about me. I surely knew what my faults were but for all I knew, I was the sum total of those faults.
My friends always asked me why my parents treated me to badly and until they did that, I didn't know how bad it was. I visited friends homes and was envious of the way their parents were so good to them. I tried to learn parenting skills from the parents of my friends.
My grandparents, aunts and uncles always told me that they felt badly for me because they could see what I knew, I was the kid in the family who did all the work, cared for the babies and took the blame for any "crime" committed in my house. I didn't realize until I was an adult that my entire extended family felt sorry for me. It would have been nice if they had said anything to my parents about the way I was treated.
As bad as growing up in a house where I was treated more like Cinderella than Marcia Brady, that was nothing when it came to what my siblings learned from my parents. They realized early that it was OK to treat me like dirt. That's another generation of family members who felt comfortable treating me like the red-headed step-child. They taught my nieces how "evil" I was so none of them have anything to do with me.
My siblings even treated my kids badly until they were old enough to listen to their father and step-mother as they took over the roll of teaching my kids that their mother was not deserving of respect. I must admit that, at this time, they have stopped telling my kids how bad I am but it's too late. My kids already know that I am the only family member who can do no right, deserves no forgiveness and is not worthy of a Happy Mother's Day, Happy Birthday or a Merry Christmas, much less an occasional phone call.
Now, the saddest thing in my life...my kids are teaching another generation (my grandchildren) that Grandma isn't worth having in their lives. Since I can't get a response on the phone from any of my kids when all I want is to speak to my grandchildren, I have decided that I will NOT allow those kids to go through life believing their parents. So, I am going to start writing to my grandchildren online and someday, when they Google their own name (or a friend tells them about it) they will learn what has happened in my life and why they don't see me. I'd rather speak to them or visit them, but if that is not allowed, I will use the Internet to tell them how much I love them and why I haven't been around to see them grow up.
Saturday, November 09, 2013
Sadly...this is far too true
no one notices your sadness,
no one notices your pain
but they all notice your mistakes.
- said...
Oh, how I have been there. I empathize with you.But nothing ever remains constant. Not even the pain.
- Meg Kelso said...
I like that. And...of course...you're right.
- Waterbaby said...
Sometimes the only direction you can go from where you are is up.
I hope that this storm washes the bad things away for you. Once you remove all of the negitivity from your life the sunshine will come out, slowly at first. Just do what you know that you need to do for you and everything else will fall into place. - Unknown said...
Hi Meg,
I’ve been there too; that’s what it feels like when you are down but there is always someone who loves you even if it’s not the person you were hoping or wishing for. Some people may seem not to care, when in reality they do, they just have a very poor way of showing it. Also when people are angry they tend to over-state their case.xxoo - Meg Kelso said...
Thanks ladies, you are right and I'm so happy when I come here and see your comments. They really do mean something to me and my online friends are keeping me going right now. Don't go away.
Friday, November 08, 2013
I left no bruises on anyone...
This happened the other day so most of the bruising is gone but here are the remnants of a black eye:

This is from when he told me to turn around and put my hands behind my back, so I asked him if I could change into some street clothes or at least get some deodorant. Instead of saying "No", he grabbed me and threw me down on the couch putting me in one of those arm up your back holds...he had to use my arm to drag me down, bruising me here:
These are mostly bad pictures of the bruises left by the hand cuffs, they've faded a pit and you can't really tell in the pics so I think I'll try to get better ones before they go away completely:
Officer Maier (of the Torrance California PD) is the first vet who I've ever heard pat himself on his own back for keeping the world safe for democracy as a USMC recon sniper. Ironically, he was bragging about how people like him protect the rights of people like mine. Most times I would have just thanked him for his service but at the time, I was handcuffed in back of a cop car and he was driving me to the loony bin for no acceptable reason. Apparently, in any conflict, the person who gets to the phone and calls the cops first is the one who is believed, no matter how ridiculous that person's story may be. So, like they did when Jeffery Dahmer had a victim running out of his house...Dahmer told the cops that he was having a lover's quarrel so they left the poor man to be raped and murdered. Well, I already had a black eye and some other bruises besides the ones the comes inflicted upon me. Like that, the Torrance cops believed the liar who called them to lock me up. I had committed no crime, I wasn't thinking of suicide or homicide. I haven't been able to eat much lately so when I told the cops that I've not been eating well, they didn't even give me a chance to tell them that I drink Ensure supplements before they decided that I warranted a trip to the hospital where I stayed, refusing treatment the entire time (there was nothing wrong to treat), being rude to my captors and generally annoying people. It worked, I was immediately discharge the next day after all of the staff bitched about my "attitude".
It gets worse.
- said...
I spy with my little eye a dog named Butkis. I guess you went back to Florida.
- Meg Kelso said...
Yeah, how stupid was that? Where do you go when no one wants you except a man who seems to dislike you something awful? At least I have my dog for now.
If someone called the cops on you Monday...
After this, I had bruises all over, a black eye and the memory of being locked up for nothing. I decided to take the hint and leave quietly. Now I'm wrong because I didn't call in the morning to say good-bye. Talk about can't win for losing.
Shouldn't have to sue, his insurance should cover things, assuming you got his info
I spoke to them and I have an appointment with them tomorrow. They'll probably pay the bills but what about my (ouch) pain and suffering?
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