Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Well, I tried

Of course, there are plenty of pictures of abused girls. I imagine their stories would horrify Rihanna just like her story horrifies us. Rihanna would be acrimonious to see these kids but she doesn't realize that she is one of them, just bit older. The abuser is still there to overpower her, manipulate her and pound on her face.

- said...
Meg, I notice sometimes you repost some of your "oldie but goodies." They're still a rip!
I'd like to respectfully request you consider this post at some time in the future as a kind of repost/reminder.
It's just that important for all of us. Thanks.
TW - Meg Kelso said...
Sure. You're right.
Monday, March 30, 2009
...that people are pulling back their support of Rihanna because she "isn’t helping the district attorney prepare his case against (Chris) Brown for allegedly beating her to a pulp". Roger Friedman of Fox411 submits that, "while victim earns the public’s sympathy, enabler doesn’t." I'm not sure where Rihanna lost the label of victim, but those who commit domestic violence wouldn't do it twice if their victims didn't "enable" them to some degree. Enabling is an integral part of the domestic violence pattern. It simply cannot exist without an enabler.
Has Friedman not heard that, "Domestic violence victims may minimize the seriousness of incidents in order to cope"? To admit the truth would be devastating to the victim.
On top of that, "Perpetrators of domestic violence may constantly criticize, belittle and humiliate their partners. Causing the victim to feel worthless, ugly, stupid and crazy does not allow for a survivor's healthy self-perception. Low self-esteem may contribute to victims feeling they deserve the abuse, affecting their ability to see themselves as worthy of better treatment."
That is so true. As bright as I like to think that I am, I've fallen for the manipulation of abusive men in the past. I even married a couple of them.
When I would call the police for help, my ex's entire family was behind him and wondering why I had called the police on him. My own family wasn't very supportive one way or another, they had their own share of violence over there. So, all I heard was how I was wrong for calling for help. No one mentioned that my husband might have been wrong for throwing me down the stairs.
And then, every single person who found out about the abuse asked the same question..."What did you do to make him so mad?"
I would want to scream when I heard that. What COULD I have done that would have justified the violence? I certainly didn't hit him first. That would never occur to me. He always knew that he was stronger and he was never, ever intimidated by me until after our divorce.
But, I would answer that question anyway...with a lie. I would say, "I bought regular Captain Crunch instead of peanut butter Captain Crunch." They rarely knew how to respond to that one.
Men don't usually hurt women on the first date. They don't know them well enough. There's a chance that a chick could know karate and she might take his ass out. Abusers choose their victims carefully and one of the signs of a good victim is that they don't think enough of themselves to fully realize exactly what's going on.
If the "public sympathy" is sincere, it will occur at all phases of the domestic violence, not just the bruised phase. If it's not sincere, it's shouldn't be an issue at all.
- said...
Why would you even want to waste time writing about Rihanna and Chris?
This is the year 2009, this young woman has everything or almost, that anyone could wish for and she goes back into a relationship with this piece of shit?
Did he hit the self-respect or self esteem out of her?
She deserves everything she gets after this. - Meg Kelso said...
Once again, she has no self worth. I'm not saying she isn't stupid and fooled once shame on you, fooled twice shame on me...but it IS a part of the cycle of domestic violence. She'll come around eventually. What she needs to see is a picture of her as a baby with those same bruises. Or some other little girl. Or her mother. She might see it differently.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
- said...
Meg, your dog needs to hit the concrete big time. Look at the length of those nails?
My vet used to check my dog's nails as a parameter to judge just how much exercise he was getting.
Well, I or the kids, used to walk him at least 3times a day and early morning runs alongside a 2hr bicycle ride so you can imagine there was never a need to get his nails cut by a Vet!!!
It's spring, get out and get that dog walking! - Meg Kelso said...
Those are old pictures. I don't have a car so I walk everywhere I go and I take him with me. We walk at the very least 2 miles a day, winter, spring or summer. He's good now. I don't hear the click click of those nails anymore.
:) - Meg Kelso said...
Look at the hippie pics from the other day, you can't see the nails anymore.
My how things have changed!
...Virginia Slims commercials used to celebrate a woman's "freedom" by telling her, "You've got your own cigarette now baby...you've come a long, long way!"
...at one time, real people answered the phone...all the time. The worst they could do was put you on hold, no phone mazes to drive you nuts.
...until 1970, girls HAD to wear dresses to school. They passed some law in '70 and all of a sudden we could wear pants. I only owned one pair of pants that weren't play clothes and they were red, white and blue with stripes that said, "USA VOTE USA VOTE USA...".
...when a Driver's License was a piece of thin cardboard with no picture, you could easily use fake ID. I used Karen McFall's. When the pictured ID's came out, people sold their old cardboard ID's which were still valid for a while. Not that you really needed them, very few people would have carded you anyway.
...in 1967 it costed 15 cents to rent a pair of bowling shoes.
...the cereal Smacks used to be called Sugar Smacks, Golden Crisps used to be Sugar Crisps (Can't get enough of those sugar crisps!!!) and Frosted Flakes used to be Sugar Frosted Flakes? (Mueslix was in the old Dick Van Dyke Show as a "new name for butter". The yucky sounding word crashed and burned amid much laughter.)
I finally found a copy of the old Virginia Slims commercial so I wanted to show it to anyone who never saw it and those who haven't seen it in decades:
- John said...
Don't forget "Corn Pops" used to be "Sugar Pops". No wonder I liked cereal so much as a kid!
- Meg Kelso said...
DUH! I knew I was forgetting a big one! The cereal still has tons of sugar, they just changed the names so that you don't think about all the sugar. Even if your parents were like mine...they only bought Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Wheaties, Rice Krispies and Cheerios...you could still pour half a cup of sugar in the bowl!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
- said...
Hey Meg, The amazing thing is that the dog stayed concentrated for such a long performance. Very cute, you have a lot of work and leg work to do yet with yours.
- Meg Kelso said...
Yeah, I was impressed until I saw THIS dog!
That was amazing.
Bad Paid For Photos - Ellen Degeneres Photo Gallery
That's a few minutes of fun for you, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I tried to copy the pictures into this post but it wasn't happening. Oh...someone sent me a bunch of cool pics from the set of Get Low. They're mostly just regular people dressed up like they're from the 30's. They're pretty cool but she sent them to me in a format that I don't yet understand. I'm sure it's do-able, I just don't have a dude to do it for me so it may take a while.
I guess it's a good thing that my ad for men to come over and help me do yard work was taken down. I had no idea that Atlanta would be inundated with rain for days and days on end. It's all good, I can do it any weekend and I will, at the very least, attempt to carry out my plan. My yard is full of pine needles, sticks, pine cones and tree parts. I go out there and fill one bag of pine needles (at least) every day that it isn't raining. One week I raked up 4 bags of pine needles off of my driveway and I wasn't halfway done. It's incredible.
I have a blower but I can't get it started. I have a hedge trimmer but I keep on trimming the cords. I even got myself an edger last year but I can't edge a lawn that's covered in pine needles.
I spent the entire summer last year on one project. I cleared all of the weeds, small trees and years of kudzu growth off of the back fence. I did it a little bit every single day, weather permitting. I started to clean the yard a few weeks ago but when I got to a tree part that I couldn't budge, I had to give up. I still fill up bags of pine needles when the sun's out, but it's never out anymore.
Before anyone mentions it, yes, I put the 2 stroke oil in the gallon of gas. I even checked the spark plug. I don't know what else to do but I'll tell you this, the next guy to come over here is gonna take a few pulls of my blower so I can see if the only problem is that I'm a girl. As for the hedge trimmer, I just can't seem to keep a cord in one piece for longer than a day. I bought 5 or 6 of them last summer. I finally decided to just splice the sucker together. That works until I yank on the cord.
I love planting flowers and I'd really like to grow some fruit but I can't do anything like that until I get the pine needles up. The way it's raining, the grass is growing pretty high so when it does stop raining, I'll have to mow the lawn just so that I can rake up the stupid needles.
Once I went out there with a bag and literally picked up hundreds of pine cones. I ended up flat on my back for 2 weeks. I try not to push it so that's why I want men over here to do it for me. I'll cook for them, buy the beer if they want it...hell, I'd even give them a great back rub when they're done. I just want my fricking yard clean.
I'll wait until early next week, then I'm putting that stupid ad back up!
- Unknown said...
I find that if you post at the grocery store you get good results, most have a board as you enter. some I have found can be very creative....this is up your alley.....someone near me bought one of them there picture frames you can upload your pictures on to and they change..... well I guess some will play a small video, this lady made an ad for yard help...using hand held signs( no sound) ...and like you she was pretty good lookin' ....it must have worked ...now she's she's looking for someone to clean gutters...(Pick Me, Pick Me)....
the bulletin board at the store is in a case so you have the store open it ...I guess they want see that's being posted ..Meg , I think this might work for you. - Meg Kelso said...
Well aren't you sweet. The Kroger around the corner used to have a bulletin board but if memory serves, they took it down. I'll still try it if I'm wrong but sadly, I'm rarely wrong.
:( - Unknown said...
Well you could always walk down the street with one of them sign boards .....
- Meg Kelso said...
That's how I advertise my hooker job...I can spare the space.
Friday, March 27, 2009
...the coffee is ready. The bad news is my butt cheeks are cold. I found them to be cold as I waited for the coffee to perk. I did one of those early morning butt feels and found the cold cheeks. I guess I slept with my ass hanging out of the blankets. Oh well, it could be worse...my nipples could be cold. I hate cold nipples.
I was actually considering washing windows today...what do you think about that? I'll do the inside because it's been raining outside for days. When it finally stops, the grass will be two feet high. And do you know what THAT means? It means that I have to mow the lawn.
I don't mind mowing the lawn so much, it's starting the damned lawnmower that annoys me. I could put my shoulder out for a week pulling that stupid string. And I don't even mind trimming the hedges. But I hate driving back and forth to Home Depot every time I trim the power cord. I wouldn't even mind raking up the plethora of pine needles out there, but I have a perfectly good blower that I can't start. I've done everything that I can think of, but I can't get it to work.
The only yard tool that works is my saw. So, if I need to saw something, I can do that. If the sun ever comes out I have to saw a piece of tree that fell over the winter so that I can get it out of my yard. It'll take a long, long time to saw the branches off but I'll get it done.
I know that yard work is supposed to be therapeutic and if I were planting tomatoes, it'd be therapy. But the way things are going, I'm going to be found lying in my back yard after suffering a debilitating stroke.
Thank goodness it's raining. I might be able to handle the window washing.
Or, I could just dance with my dog.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
...if men can find what they want on Craigslist, maybe I could get what I want. After all...if you can't beat 'em, join 'em...right?
So, here's my ad:
I need a bunch of guys with rakes... - (Marietta ) (This ad was removed within 6 minutes of being posted. This is it, for what was I flagged for removal this time?
I need a bunch of guys with rakes... (Marietta )
Reply to: gigs-xqjqr-1087711355@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-23, 8:36AM EDT
...or a couple of guys with blowers. I'm a girl, I hate yard work and it takes me forever. It's also rather taxing on my nerves and my body. I've noticed that men are rather quick about it so I thought I'd see if I could pick up a crew for next Saturday. I tried it myself, but I just trimmed 5 hedge-trimmer cords, I couldn't start my own stupid blower and last summer I learned what chiggers were when I ended up looking like Tom Hanks in Philadelphia. Boy Scouts are more than welcome but I'm hoping for men between 35 and 55. Although, if you can pull a weed, I guess you'll do. Let me know if next Saturday is good for you.)
Now, if that works, I'll see what I can find in the way of a plumber, a computer whiz and a dude who knows how to get rid of moths. Then, I'll get to work on other stuff.
But, first things first. I just put up my first ad so I'm sort of excited to see what happens. My guess is that I'll get flagged for removal before I have an adequate crew.
Uh oh, I should have found a out door bathroom thing. Oh well, they can go on the side of the house under a bush. Unless of course, they promise to leave the lid down and NOT tinkle on my seat. I hate having to hover over my own toilet.
I think I'll even have a Meg raffle. that's where the guys take off their shirts and stick them in a huge box. Blindfolded and with a clothespin on my nose, I pick a shirt out of the box. Now I just have to decide what the prize will be. This is really turning into a plan!
Let's see how long this one lasts:
I need a bunch of guys with rakes... - (Marietta)
ADDENDUM: Craigslist said that if I felt that my post had been flagged in error, I should “feel free to repost”. I did. That ad lasted 8 minutes. On a site that specializes in con artists and prostitution, you’d think they’d want an honest, straight up ad to be on there…even if it’s just to make them look better. But, apparently the illegitimate ads are PRECISELY want Craigslist wants!
Labels: craigslist, craigslist is a whorehouse, craigslist porn site, craigslist WANTS smut ads, flagged for removal at craigslist, hookers on craigslist
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
...I forgot what I came here to say...let me go back to the living room, that's where I thought about it orginally.
BRB...(or, as I am TRYING to develop, BS, which is internet speak for "Back Soon"...says me.)
You know, ignoring laws can make you forgetful. Anyway, I'm BACK here now so I'll just wing it.
(Of course, it does really, really stick in my craw when I forget something but I DO remember that it was a REALLY funny, bright or cogent thought. I'd rather the entire experience would go away so I don't kick myself when I remember it was good but not what it was. I just realized that I'm still in parenthesis. Another side effect of civil disobedience, you know.
Well, now I don't want to close this parenthetic event at all. Like Roy Orbison, I just make my own rules when I create. Cool. OK, I have to do something, but it IS legal! BS!)
OK, now go straight to the green post and read it. Things are what they are. BS.
I liked this...Thanks D!
I said, 'WHAT??!! What was that?!'
So she says the words that every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear...
'You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man.'
She responded to my puzzled look by saying, 'Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?'
Realizing that nothing was going to happen that night, I went to sleep.
The very next day I opted to take the day off of work to spend time with her.. We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big, big unnamed department store.. I walked around with her while she tried on several different very expensive outfits. She couldn't decide which one to take, so I told her we'd just buy them all. She wanted new shoes to compliment her new clothes, so I said, 'Lets get a pair for each outfit.'
We went on to the jewelry department where she picked out a pair of diamond earrings. Let me tell you... she was so excited. She must have thought I was one wave short of a shipwreck. I started to think she was testing me because she asked for a tennis bracelet when she doesn't even know how to play tennis
I think I threw her for a loop when I said, 'That's fine, honey.' She was almost nearing sexual satisfaction from all of the excitement. Smiling with excited anticipation, she finally said, 'I think this is alldear, let's go to the cashier.'
I could hardly contain myself when I blurted out, 'No honey, I don't feel like it.'
Her face just went completely blank as her jaw dropped with a baffled, 'WHAT?'
I then said, 'Honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while. You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman.'
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, 'Why can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?'
Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either....but at least that bitch knows I'm smarter than her.
"He stands for the taking of innocent human life in the womb almost without restriction. He stands for redefining marriage as no longer between one man and one woman. He stands for a no-choice educational system that traps kids in failing schools. Most importantly, despite his post-racial rhetoric, he stands for a theology that emphasizes racial identity over Gospel witness."
Honestly, is there anyone who thinks that was right?
Friday, March 20, 2009
...has decided that we are allowed to pick and choose the laws that we follow and the laws that we don't have to follow, I have decided to ignore the marijuana laws of my state. They're stupid laws and I think it's time that the cops stopped kicking in doors in the middle of the night to catch poor weed smokers.
Which law do YOU think is stupid? Apparently, we no longer have to obey them!!!
This is gonna be so much fun.
- Unknown said...
In Illinois there is a rumor they are thinking of making it legal...for Medical reasons...
California has an est. 14 billion $$ crop from the stuff and are thinking of making it legal ...and want to sell it and tax it ...to get them out of a debt hole ...good idea! - Meg Kelso said...
It's about time! If I hear one mor yahoo say, "It leads to harder stuff" or that weed is a "gateway drug", I'll scream. How many pot smokers would never see harder drugs if they didn't have to go to a drug dealer to get the weed in the first place?
- Meg Kelso said...
OMG! This blog comes up if you google "betrayed wife". Now I feel special...betrayed, but special.
- said...
What right does law enforcement people have kicking down peoples' doors to SEE if they are smoking marijuana in the PRIVACY of their own homes??? Damn, what system do you live in?
Funny, quite coincidentally, I am just coming over here from a blog which you can access through Change.org, written by a prisoner Michael Santos (hope I got that right). The man has been in prison since 1987 for possessing marijuana!!! What kind of criminals do you have executing the laws of your country, putting a man away for much of his life for possession of marijuana????
That in itself, is a crime imo.
Peace. - Meg Kelso said...
The door kicking thing was a reference to a plastic nut in our government...she said that in reference to illegal aliens. Apparently you'd have to be from here to pick up on that. But, I think we're on the same page...it is absolutely draconian to lock up people for a week, much less LIFE (!?) for possession of marijuana.
Peace backatcha...pass the joint and peace will abound. Smokeum that peace pipe!
:) - Meg Kelso said...
I'm going to that site...or at least I'm going to look for it!
Back soon!
PS I'm beginning a new internet abreviation....BS for back soon.
BS! - Sean Neoconnery said...
Lol! I don't remember the decree that we could pick and choose the laws we obey. That said, pot is not the gateway drug, tobacco is. If one were to do a study, they would find that it is the kids who smoked cigs in jr. high / middle school that also started drinking, smoking pot, snorting coke, etc. The millions who try pot in high school and college generally just leave it at that, and if they do try other things, it's just that, trying it, or experimenting.
FYI, both Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton abandoned government programs aimed at studying the effects of prolonged marijuana usage when the results from their own studies didn't give them any ammunition for their war on drugs. Those programs are still inactive today.
Making an issue out of pot use is for politicians with nothing else to run on. JMO. - Meg Kelso said...
The Speaker of the House declared it AMERICAN behavior to immigrate illegally...that's where I got that from.
I totally agree with everything that you said. Pot laws, like abortion laws, are there as fodder for candidates.
That said, the criminalization of weed has it's roots in bigotry. I found this quote in an old pot post that I wrote a while back:
"...The laws against pot are based in prejudice, that's a fact. It wasn't illegal until Mormons used it. The other folks in Utah couldn't get rid of the Mormons so they just made some of their traditions illegal and pot smoking was one of them. Of course then pot became something that was thought to be used by black folk so the laws became stiffer and more universal. I've discussed the asinine reasons that it shouldn't be illegal enough, I'm not going to go over it all again now. Suffice it to say that it should have never been criminalized..."
Thursday, March 19, 2009
If anyone out there would like to be lied to about a job, here's the link for you!
Executive Assistant Needed - (Vinings)
I suppose that numskull will take the ad down soon so go ahead and tell him how much you appreciate what he does for women. I have a surprise for him but in the meantime, that's about all that I can do.
At the risk of annoying a bunch of cops, I have got to tell you guys that although cops don't have quota's, they do have to be "pro-active" in arresting people and pulling them over. If not, they'll lose their job. How's that for a huge can of beans?
Andy and Barney would never make it past all of the training that today's cops go through. Barney's too skinny and Andy sure as hell isn't proactive enough. As a matter of fact, do you seriously think that he could get away with this type of commie thinking and keep his job?
That was a long time ago and it's the type of lesson that people my age were taught. So, when you wonder why some people seem contrary, just remember that we were raised to be loyal to the Constitution, not to any one political party and certainly not to any one person!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
...the first reaction to the crime being perpetrated upon women by Tom Ellis is thus:
"Uh...who would send the man nude photos of themselves?"
I get that response a LOT in my efforts to stop this from happening and to inform women of the sexual fraud that they might be assaulted with should they answer an ad for a "Female Roommate in exchange for lite duties", or for an "Executive Administrative Assistant" or an "Adult themed modeling position".
Most women wouldn't send the nude photos and fewer would send a narrative of their sexual "limitations". Even fewer would go to a "dry run" in which they beg a man to hire him only so that he can film them begging him for a job as he "enjoys himself" all over their chests. Can you imagine that movie at a party of drunken trash? I can already hear the laughter. The women who were duped into this have no way of knowing that they will NEVER get a job, an apartment or a modeling career.
This sexual predator has been manipulating desperate women for at least a year now and he's only one of many who do similar things to get desperate women to do dumb things. Most people are being hurt by the economy but we have no idea how many women are being taken advantage of because of poverty or an eviction notice.
After receiving an email complaining about Mr. Ellis, I went "undercover" to find out if the lady was telling me the truth. Unfortunately, she was. Of course I didn't send nude photos of myself, I don't have any. I also didn't send him a sexual narrative so that he could get his ya ya's reading it and I sure as hell never made the "dry run" on camera for him and his "friends".
But, since this SOB had no clue who I was, when I pushed him about the cash he had promised, I received these threats to shut me up:
"trying to get money from someone by threatening them is a felony extortion...so is intentional infliction of emotional distress...i am sorry things did not work out.......good luck in the future........the only thing worse than eviction is jail......go pick on some of the other thousands that post on cl for blatant sexual acts........since you picked me, it tends to prove that you are out for the money"
Well DUH...his ad blatantly showed money as an enticement.
He tried to tell me that it wasn't his tactics that cost me the job, it was me!
"i owe you dick.......and i have never asked a female for a dime, so no scam..........frankly, and i hate not being polite, after seeing your website and video of how rough you have let yourself look.........and the difference of your photos and your video, i wouldnt hire you for anything sorry people waste my time a lot.......and it is my fault not theirs"
So, once again he threatened me:
"i am reporting you to the cops"
I've spoken to the cops, they haven't heard from him and there are no warrants out for MY arrest. I think he has finally figured out that I am not one of the countless women who trusted him enough to send him nude photos. Can you imagine what THAT threat would have been like?
So, I wrote about that creep and I heard from far too many women who were sexually defrauded by this yahoo.
Then, I started to hear from other women who have fallen for similar scams only by different men. I was sort of afraid of that. One woman sent me a copy of a contract that she was asked to print out and sign:
The gist of that contract is that the woman agrees to do anything, absolutely ANYTHING that her "master" requests of her:
The slave agrees to submit completely to the Master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of the Master without risking punishment, except in the use of a safeword to be agreed upon and covered in this contract under the rules section. The slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, her body belongs to the Master, to be used as seen fit, within the guidelines defined herein. The slave agrees to please the Master to the best of her ability, in that she now exists solely for the pleasure of said Master. The slave belongs to the Master.
In exchange:
The Master accepts the responsibility of the slave's body, to do with as he sees fit, under the provisions determined in this contract. The Master agrees to care for the slave and to arrange for the safety and wellbeing of the slave as long as he owns the slave. The Master also accepts the commitment to treat the slave properly, to train the slave, punish the slave, love the slave, and use the slave as he sees fit.
The entire contract mentions a collar for the slave to wear, and the "slave" must agree "that if her Master tires of her noise, he may gag her or take other actions to silence her." Also, "Obedience is required. When an instruction is given, it is not the time to negotiate. Discussion will be allowed later if needed. Hesitation to follow instruction will be met with punishment." I'm shaking my head as I write this.
I know that such a contract isn't enforceable and most of you know it as well. But the man who sent it to the lady is not only a cop, he's an attorney as well. When you aren't too bright, that might scare you, wouldn't you think? "This contract is provided as a secure and binding agreement...", that could actually freak out some people, especially if they aren't in the mood for a cop or an attorney to be on their back's.
I don't know what else to say. I'm exhausted from all of this crap. I can't believe that it's happening and I'm quite sure that people all over the place are participating in such hideous behavior right now. Most of them may enjoy it. But the women who, for one reason or another, sent nude photos of themselves, are too ashamed to complain.
Does ANYBODY care?
...I just heard from a woman who answered this ad placed by Tom Ellis, CPA, attorney and all around scoundrel:
Progressive Firm Seeks Liberal, Open-Minded Admin Assistant
Good Lord...how many of you are there?
Tom, you ought to be ashamed.
...my new BFF, Sarah. I adore her and ordinarily we share many of the same views. Ever since I met her I've enjoyed her and her bubbly personality. She usually uses such good judgement and her sense of humor is a whacked as mine. She laughs at my antics and I enjoy that, I really do. It encourages me to push envelopes and I am an envelope pusher from way back.
We drove past The Philly Connection yesterday and I waved insanely at someone I didn't know. He waved back at me from behind the Philly counter, wearing his apron and paper hat. Sarah and I enjoyed that.
Then, after Sarah mentioned how gay it was for a man to wear pink, we saw a guy walking down the street in a pink shirt. I couldn't let that go. I had to warn him, after all, he might visit Montana at some point and what if he were to don his pink shirt there? My ex is in Montana. I thought he was a big ol' cowboy and perhaps he was...but I soon learned that cowboys are actually just rednecks with bigger hats.
So, I shouted to the young man, "PINK? You're wearing a PINK SHIRT? ARE YOU NUTS!" Sarah and I drove away, assured that we had saved that young man from a hideous cowboy bar fight.
Yes, as Sarah says, we are good. All we have to do is position ourselves properly and then we'll be golden.
But this morning, Sarah and I seem to be encountering our very first argument. I didn't even see it coming.
As I sipped my first cup of coffee, I read my email. There was one from Sarah and I eagerly opened it to begin today's email exchange.
Sarah's email contained a tricky little question that seemed innocent enough. She queried, "What's the word?"
Naturally, I responded, "The bird is the word."
Sarah, usually not one to be stuck in the days of disco argued, "No, Grease is the word."
I had been challenged. The fight is on. To Sarah, I present the following evidence that the bird is, indeed, the word:
So...to that I hear:
And I say this...FRANKIE VALLI? And I further testify that:
OK, you guys tell us...what the heck is the word?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Executive Assistant Needed
Or Free Rent to Female Roommate for Light Duties
This is blowing me away! It's obviously too much for me to deal with alone. The more I scratch, the more this guy STINKS!
He wants naked photos of women, the least they deserve is this info about him:
Mr. Tom S. Ellis Jr.
Company: Attorney at Law
Address:5416 Trumpet Vine Trail
Mableton, GA 30126
Phone: 770-745-7577
Fax: 770-745-6077
Email: taxellis@bellsouth.net
Admit Date: 12/15/1978
Law School: University of Georgia
- said...
Meg, hope you are really sure of all that personal info you have listed. There could be more than one such, but you've probably matched up the email etc.
Do you think blogging about it here will do much to stop this guy? I mean this is not really youtube or some other well frequented place.
If he really is who he says he is, then he must know the law very well so as to be tripping on the edge and not expected to fall over. - Meg Kelso said...
As I said, I've been working on this for weeks. I've got him dead to rights. And you're right, this little blog is nothing. That's why I called the local media. But I must say, this SOB is taking down all of his posts. My father is an attorney and my son will graduate from law school this spring. I know exactly what I'm doing. But you are right, I need to take it to youtube, I hadn't thought of that! He has underestimated me, threatened me and tried to treat me like some stupid chick. Too bad, he should have googled me first.
Thanks! - said...
Meg ur2cool
you just saved me from a great big waste of my time. I have been emailing this guy about the basement apartment that he was renting out. now c there is not one - said...
I found your site when I Google'd the email adress of this creep. Thak you
- said...
congrats on your successful campaign, Meg
- said...
LOL! Meg the pit bull, latches on to another poor sap. Not that he doesn't deserve it, but a LOT of people deserve it. It seems unfair to single him out.
- said...
Ninety five percent of lawyers give the others a bad name!
- Meg Kelso said...
Worry not, I have already heard from a chick who has a similar problem, I will be outing another one today. I thought about all the others but I also figured that if women read this, they might not fall for the others.
Rod, you are so right. My father is an attorney and he retired early because of unethical attorneys like this one. Of course, he practiced in Chicago...
:):):) - Meg Kelso said...
BTW...the guy I'm working on now is also an attorney AND an ex cop.
Too strange! - said...
Meg, I owe you big time. Thanks for posting this...you're a good person.
...any detail but Tom Ellis is STILL scamming women, only he's doing it with an ad under another topic.
Why would that SOB underestimate me...much less other women? Talk about arrogant. He obviously thinks that "Women are......" You fill in the blank, from stupid to trash, all of your words would fit.
...you can keep sending me the emails, I appreciate that. But, I have to tell you that the response is too much for me so I'm taking this one to the media. You all still have my word, I will not let your info out, I promise. But this is obviously too much for one little blogger. If there are that many of you who have contacted ME, how many other victims of Tom Ellis are out there? Continue to send your stories to me at:
You have nothing to worry about, I will guard your info with my own freedom.

Tom Ellis finally figured it out! He has taken down the following ad:
Reply to: taxellis@bellsouth.net
[Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-15, 11:41AM EDT
Mature models needed for amateur photo shoot........adult themed, but can use some other ideas....must not be shy without clothes age, looks, experience unimportant, but need an attitude that shows through to the camera..... if the first shoot works (yes, paid cash daily, no audition.....first shoot is paid), will have plenty of other chances for other shoot if interested... please reply with resume (if any), details, availibility, and photos
Location: Vinings
Compensation: up to $ 200 per hour, cash paid daily
I may have actually saved some poor chick from this sick bastard! Yay me! OK, now all he has to worry about is explaining it all to his wife. I bet you a dollar to a donut that she is dumb enough to buy his BS. But I pray she's smart enough to have her own money so she doesn't have to live under his thumb.
...since I started this thing, I have only outed a very few men. Those men went out of their way to be assholes so I pretty much HAD to post their names in order to protect other women from their scams. I've discussed so many men that I don't remember most of them, but trust me, by the time I go to all the trouble to post a REAL NAME on this thing, someone has been hurt.
It isn't that all of the men I discussed anonymously were good guys, some of them were total pricks. But that doesn't warrant an outing on this site. Most of the time I can look back and say, "Well, I sort of asked for that one." Take Redneck Dude for example...I mentioned him, but no one except him and I know who he is.
But Tom Ellis, CPA, attorney and aspiring real estate agent is probably the WORST of all of them. Personally, Rick caused me more damage, but Mr. Ellis is the one who has caused more universal damage. He is still a danger to other women out there and I can't let that happen.
I find it ironic that the first attorney that I out is such a fool. He's the only one who has been stupid enough to threaten me with criminal action. As though I could have done this for so long without some yahoo at least TRYING to call the cops on me...I know exactly what I'm doing. I've never published an untruth about ANYONE so none of this is actionable. The first thing I learned when I started this was that "the truth is an absolute defense". I LOVE the law!
Yesterday, just to be sure that I had the right guy, I called Mr. Ellis at his law office. I didn't want to out some nimrod who's name had been used by an anonymous nut. I spoke to Mr. Ellis after he answered his own phone at the number listed for an attorney named Tom Ellis in Mableton, Georgia. So, I am sure that I have told the truth...AGAIN.
I've nabbed cheating husbands, adulteress tramps and even a government official or two over the years. But Mr. Ellis is by FAR the dumbest of them all. That's rather ironic considering the fact that he's the one who claims the most education of them all, don't you think?
On top of it all, he seems to think that I am simply a woman whom he scammed. He still doesn't get it. I was notified by a woman who DID send him nude photos and a narrative of her sexual limits. She wasn't dumb enough to go meet the man, thank God for that. When he asked her to come to his office and "beg" him for a job while he "jacked all over her tits", she figured it all out.
I can safely discuss this because I don't even OWN nude photos of myself so he can't threaten me with something like that. He can't threaten me with telling my husband, he can't threaten me with publications of the nude photos and he can't use a tape of me begging him for a job. He has nothing on me so here I am!
You want to send the cops to my house, dude? Go on...I'm sure they'll be interested in you and the women you have humiliated over the past year.
Have a nice day!
- Sous Gal said...
You're such a busy bee it's taking a while for me to stay current lol. Mr. Ellis, Scumball, Esquire, is in fact offering money to women for sexual acts. He is, as you say, obviously targetting and hoping for women in such desperate circumstances that they would give his scam some consideration. That's the part that totally pisses me off and everyone else reading. Decent men would be embarrassed by him, as they should be.
He is communicating (offering money for acts performed of a sexually or sexually arousing nature) for the purposes of prostitution (the exchange of money for above noted services rendered). "Sex" for money isn't illegal. Offering to PAY for sex, is.
If he were an attorney for realsies, wouldn't he know that? - Meg Kelso said...
Like most arrogant SOB's, he's counting on the fear that he has instilled in women. He has gone out of his way to target poor women and "mature" women who have something to lose. He chose his victims carefully. Some use liquor, some use lies. This one simply uses lies. He's looking for women who need housing for little if no cash, older women who might be married and younger women who need a job. If Clinton was stupid enough to blow his rep, why wouldn't some anonymous yahoo from Gogia do the same?
Tom Ellis, the scammer dude is after ME now:
i am reporting you to the cops e
What unmitigated nerve!
Now he has a "crime" for me:
"...trying to get money from someone by threatening them is a felony extortion...so is intentional infliction of emotional distress..."
I have NEVER tried to extort money from him, I went ahead and reported on the claim of a young woman who was desperate enough to send him nude photos of her. Someone needs to discuss this with Mrs. Tom Ellis of Mableton Georgia. Maybe she can talk sense into this whack job.
- said...
That pig would have to prove it,
which obviously he cannot. May be
I'll answer his ad, show up, and
beat the snot out him and cry rape! - Meg Kelso said...
YOU GO GIRL! Only can I bring a camera too?
- said...
No, you do not have to worry. From what I've read here, you are fine but your "friend" may have a serious problem. Depending on the details, he may or may not have broken the law but he most assuredly has committed serious ethics violations that the Georgia State Bar would be interested in learning about. Good job and keep up the good work.
Searching for a NEW VICTIM!
Reply to: taxellis@bellsouth.net
[Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-15, 11:41AM EDT
Mature models needed for amateur photo shoot........adult themed, but can use some other ideas....must not be shy without clothes age, looks, experience unimportant, but need an attitude that shows through to the camera..... if the first shoot works (yes, paid cash daily, no audition.....first shoot is paid), will have plenty of other chances for other shoot if interested... please reply with resume (if any), details, availibility, and photosLocation: Vinings
Compensation: up to $ 200 per hour, cash paid daily
He doesn't even put the ad on the x-rated section, I didn't know that! He actually puts them with the legitimate modeling ads!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I'll call it a "mental rape"...how about that? As if there aren't enough men who would PHYSICALLY rape a woman, there are more than enough who would mentally rape them. My ex is an example. I was his wife and I wanted to make love to him, how could it be rape?
Well, it's rape if you sleep with a woman under fall pretenses. As I said, the law might not consider this rape, but the feeling of rape is there nonetheless. So, I am going to discuss a "rapist" today. Perhaps he doesn't reach the level of rape that it takes to convict him of the actual crime, but I think you'll agree with me...the feeling of being scammed sexually is as much a theft of part of a human being as is a physical rape. My ex did not commit any known crime when he screwed me that night and many before it...but he raped me to be sure. I know what it feels like and THAT WAS RAPE.
You can usually see a rapist coming. They rarely put out an advertisement and wait for you to come to them. Or do they?
On Craigslist, you can find any number of helpful items. I like Craigslist. I enjoy going there to check out the local casting calls and writing gigs. But what if I were just desperate enough to pay my bills to venture over to the X-Rated "gigs"?
I might find an advertisement for an "adult themed modeling job" that supposedly pays $200 an hour. It's the answer to an evictee's dream, isn't it? At 200 bucks an hour you could easily ward off the landlord for another month and if you're lucky, you might even get your electric bill paid so that you could continue to cook the food that you picked up at the local food pantry for your children. God knows you can't do it any other way, and if this "professional" wants to give you a job that would answer all of your prayers, who would need anymore lottery tickets?
For some reason that he doesn't make clear, this perv is as interested in "discretion" as you are. He promises you that all of the photos will be used in his own "private portfolio" so you needn't worry about anyone ever seeing your "work". To make you feel even safer, he has asked you a "standard modeling question", "What are your limits?" He means that sexually of course, he wants YOU to list everything that you are uncomfortable with. How bad can that be? Oh, in case you are the least unnerved, you can rest assured that he will have another woman in the room with you so it will all "be fine". All rapists HAVE to take care to choose a "comfortable" victim.
There's a problem here of course, anything too good to be true probably is. There are no "jobs', adult themed or otherwise. All this rapist is offerring is interviews. And whatever you would do for the hope of that $200 an hour job. But by the time you figure that out, if you even DO figure it out, he is no longer interested in you or the nude pictures that you sent to him, or the sexual narrative you have already sent him or the "dry run" that he has already manipulated you into. You can "interview" all day, every day but it won't do you a bit of good and it won't earn you a dime. But the only one who knows that is Mr. Ellis. Even if you go to the MAX to audition, you WILL NOT BE HIRED.
Tom Ellis seems to be taking full advantage of the rotten ecomomy and the desperation of young mothers. He does occasionally request "mature models" although he never does explain what that is. A desperate 21 year old might consider herself "mature" and Lord knows that 40 year olds have a tough time finding men willing to gawk at them amidst all of the 20 somethings. Requesting "mature" models is just one more part of the trap that he has set.
When I recieved the email from "Sharon", I had to consider the possibility that she was wrong, of course. I couldn't just come out and slander some poor schmuck who really needed a "model" for the times when his wife wasn't paying any attention. So, I had to go undercover for a few weeks and check out the scam myself. I wouldn't do anything to trap HIM, I would simply reply to his ad and let HIM take ME for a ride. It was amazing, his MO was pretty much the same as it was with "Sharon" only I never sent him nude pictures of myself so he lost interest pretty quickly:

ME: My comfort level is one where no one touches my nude body. Maybe a playful touch, but nothing beyond that. Lingerie is always nice. My only expectation is cash...and soon.
IT: u r hot as hell and mature or not will be great for what i want i dont financially screw people (keep that to physical) and cash is paid at the shoot first time will be low key, and then we can talk on future shoot and your comfort level i am an amateur, and the photos are not posted or published but kept in my personal collection when are you availible? e
ME: Anytime would be fine, after noon because I am not a morning person.
HE: nope no touching whatsoever e but whatver you want e
HE: i want you to do a pov shoot, where i am the actor and cameraman i want to be interviewing you for a job and you beg me to hire you you ask me what you have to do i tell you to show me your boobs then to get me off then i come on your boobs whatcha think? BTW, I need a few more pics e
About then, Mr. Ellis realized that I wouldn't be sending him nude photos and he lost interest in me. But "Sharon" kept his interest for a bit longer:
IT: i am seriously single i also expect discretion and guarantee it.......... we can do a dry run with no cameras first, paid of course, then move into what you are comfortable with u r hot e
IT: no movies, photos, clips of you, just dry runs (after all, you are my assistant, nothing ever published or posted of you..you gotta be my right arm)......if you are ok with getting naked for me and doing things not on cam, then we could be good to go
At which time he sent "Sharon" his picture:

HER: Just dry runs? What about the first dry run that I would need to feel you out? I just had to say that. But ya know it would be a good idea for my comfort.
IT: what do you mean? ha.....i will do most anything you can think up ha
HER: I was referring to the "dry run" you offered as a first meeting for two reasons. First I want to meet you just to size you up and decide if I think you are safe. Secondly, I want to be able to discuss your plans so that I understand exactly what you need. I know what I need, money to pay the rent. That's pretty basic and easy to understand. I need to be sure that I understand exactly what I would be getting into. What town do you live in?
IT: i am in vinings off 285
HER: I think we have very different ideas of what a dry run is. I'll tell you this, it would have to be well worth it and paid up front. Can you deal with that?
Apparently he couldn't deal with that because it was at this point that Mr. Ellis stopped corresponding with "Sharon". She was too smart to meet a strange man and beg him to pay her so he was on to the next victim.
Who on earth knows how many desperate women have become ensnared in this man's web of deceit? Who knows how many women he has raped, mentally, physically or otherwise? I have no clue but I would imagine that the number is a high one.
To whom does the victim of this crime report? You tell me. If you're a desperate younger or more "mature" woman with kids to feed and you were stupid enough to fall for this scam, how could you complain about it after you've sent the perv pictures of yourself nude? How many women have been hungry enough to fall for this pig's classic scheme? How many more of these predators are out there?
great........quick cash i can do...... when are you availible and what are your limits for a modeling session.......my sister will be present at the shoot (all amateur and never posted or published), so it will be perfectly fine e btw, have other photos?
Here is his email address, let him know that he's been found out...a standard problem for perverts:
Oh, and call me kookie, but I wouldn't purchase a paper clip from this yahoo, much less a house, a tax return or a defense.
- said...
that’s totally weird and yet really smart to pull it off. however i think it’s a sick idea and anyone caught doing it should be beaten senselessly until they learn their lesson.
- said...
even a man would agree that’s a shameful scam
- said...
OMG! Meg, you have got to be kidding? What a sicko
- Sous Gal said...
The guy gets women to send him nude pics under the false pretense of ...maybe later paying them to let him molest them (we're under a probably delusional assumption that once at the "shoot location" he doesn't rape them, or worse), take pics and video, for his own personal collection.
I totally agree he's a scum ball and should be locked up.. he coaches sports?!....but I gotta ask. Why would any woman send pics of herself, clothed or not and I understand the circumstances - this post - of why you sent yours, to some stranger on the internet who is asking her to audition for the job of what amounts to hooker? - said...
i thank you meg for doing this. maybe you can stop him.
Tom Ellis, a self professed "CPA and attorney" in the Atlanta area has figured out a sweet scam to play on women in need of cash. He is one of many men who have figured out that, in this day of high unemployment and low income, there are women out there who would do just about anything to pay the bills.
That includes promises of lots of cash for a job doing "adult themed modeling". All he has to do is place the ad on Craigslist and then sit back as they audition for him. He has no intention of paying anyone anything but in their efforts to pay their bills, the women send him nude pictures of themselves. Then, after he gets the pictures (or before they're even sent) he asks them, "What are your limits?"
The freaky accountant then sits back and gets his ya ya's by reading the lists of what the women would NOT do. He never hires these women, he doesn't have to. The "interviews" are enough to satisfy him sexually. In a town the size of Atlanta, it's anyone's guess how many of these women have titillated the man. He might not even need his own wife at all.
Then, what woman would complain? To whom would they complain? Mr. Ellis banks on the fact that these women would be far too ashamed to report him.
Obviously, he thinks that the women are morons. But every so often, one of the morons complains to someone who is able to figure this scam out. A lady named "Sharon" sent me the correspondence that she shared with Mr. Ellis.
Now, I am going to put it all together and out this freak, with pictures of him that he sent to "Sharon". Within the next 2 hours, I will have the entire story posted right here, along with the manner of how Mr. Ellis tried to manipulate ME when I pretended to be one of his morons. This has been going on for a very long time and I promise you, it's going to be a great story.
Unless, of course, you're a freak named Tom Ellis in the state of Georgia with a law office on the west side of town.
Details, details, details.
Friday, March 13, 2009
You know, it sucks to be me. I miss the days when I couldn't see through the bullshit immediately. I seemed to be happier in my ignorance. But, the older I get, the more blatant the bullshit gets and I guess that's why my lying sack-o-shit ex had to go. I wasn't a total moron anymore. Sorry dude, you had to know that I would wise up sooner or later.
A guy who was trying to do "business" with me insisted upon reminding me that his "sister" would be around when we were to meet. That was unnecessary, I either trust someone enough to work with them or I don't. I'm not impressed with promises of another female to work with and that constant reminder just serves as a red flag.
It may seem as obvious to some of you as it does to me but unfortunately, there must be enough stupid people out there for this behavior to be worth repeating. So, just in case you don't see it, a man who says:
"...my sister will be present, so it will be perfectly fine..."
...is most likely trying to seduce you into a situation that will put you in a very vulnerable position.
Recently I heard a story about a murderer who manipulated women into opening the doors to their homes by playing the tape of a baby crying from he bushes. That might have done it. I could easily see myself opening the door for such a cry. Well, not anymore, but I would have before I heard about it.
I just wanted to make that point. Now let me do something FUN for a change!!!
- Unknown said...
Hummmmm, I know! it was really the sister who was into you! re-read that line .... you forgot a word,
"...my sister will be THE present,...." so there
have fun with that baby!!! - Unknown said...
Oh ...and it doesn't suck to be you sweetie, it sucks to be the the one who want's you but can't have you ....
- Meg Kelso said...
Oh pishaw...I can be had pretty easily!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I hope you're in a peaceful place today. May no Muslim Extremists blow themselves up near you or yours and may the violence in the world stop before the government starts taking away more rights. If you think the government "would never do that" or even if you wanted them to...look at the bold and brazen way in which they even have the nerve to discuss another stimulus package. If you don't think that those yahoos are now more empowered than ever, you should be in for a quite a surprise. Sooner or later something that you hold dear will be considered evil, illegal or simply immoral and there won't be a thing that you can do about it because you set the precedent when you took away the rights of those you didn't like first. At that point, you'll deserve to have rights taken away. People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to roam free.
Personally, I'm getting older now and I was around when a bunch of our rights were still intact. The young people of today know nothing of that concept because what they are born into is what they accept as normal. So, it really isn't MY problem as I will probably be dead before the worst of it hits. But if you people who plan on being here for a while have any brains and cahones left at all...you might want to, at the very least, consider this for a moment and perhaps you'll see things for what they are if you already know about it before it happens.
Giving all of that money to the people who have caused the problem is as stupid as is anything I've ever seen in my life. I heard someone say that this last package would cost each American 18 grand. Why don't we just loan OURSELVES the 18 grand and once we are able to start paying our bills, we'll have a few bucks left over to pump into the economy which must, simply by common sense, "stimulate" that sucker. To continue to give the cash to the yahoos who are laughing at us all the way to the Alps is a smack in the face to citizens who are losing their homes and have been out of work for months.
The government never floats an idea only to say, "Never mind." Once they go to the trouble of leaking it to the press, it's pretty much a done deal. All that's left at this point is to call any opponents of the bill bad words and then we WILL have another trillion bucks thrown at the richest of the richest. How in the HELL does that make any sense? Make me understand that or send me my check now. Eighteen grand would easily get me out of debt and allow me to buy a car.
I can only hope that some people still have the brains God gave them and begin figuring out the massive attempt by the government and the media to manipulate us constantly. As long as you are mad at Rush Limbaugh, you can't pay too much attention to stupid things the government is doing. Does anyone think it's merely a coincidence that The White House attacked a private citizen practicing his right to free speech at the same time they were all trying to find their seats in this new administration? That tact does two things, it distracts people and it feeds into the "Evil Dissenter" hate games that so many of them play.
OK, one more thing and then I'll shut up. The Founding Fathers created 3 equal parts of a government assuming that each branch would jealously guard their own powers. They never could have foreseen a time when the different branches would join forces in an attempt to forward a particular agenda. If you wait until you're my age to figure this stuff out and see the patterns as they occur, please be kind enough to warn the young ones. There might be a few of them left with brains.
- said...
The "white house" did not attack a private citizen. The head of the GOP did. There is a BIG difference.
Please know your facts before trying to blame the democrats for everything again. Please do not blog in your ignorance.
Obama certainly did not get us into this mess. He was not in charge the last eight years. He has only been in office 7 weeks. - said...
Meg, have you really given a thought about how your country came to be at 'this' place?
Americans seem to have very short memory banks in their brains. So short that they can't remember who ran the country to the ground until 4mths ago.
Your former president was spending over 10 Billion a day on a war that did nothing for the average citizen. It filled the pockets of himself and his cronies whilst the economy was going down the drain....but you know all of this already so this mentioning is just to jog your memory.
Your country's infrastructure has been neglected to the point of being non-existent, Bush took every penny of your tax money and the banks took the rest. He kept you ALL as hostages, upping the oranges/reds/and yellow alerts whenever he felt the need to dig even deeper into your tax pockets. He kept you caged in fear and you all paid for it without complaining. You couldn't complain because you would have been branded as aiding terrorism.
Now that someone is leading your country who, by all accounts, wants to give you back your dignity, all people sit and do is critize, complain and try to destroy. Maybe Bush was right then? Maybe the lid should have been screwed tighter on the pot, to keep all this shit contained?
One of the renowned Nazi leaders, at his Nüremburg trial said it was easy to hijack a country. You tell the people that they are being threatened by 'imagined' enemies, you take away their freedom and to those who don't believe the shit or question it, you call unpatriotic and do away with them. He said it works everytime. He was hanged.
I have a neighbour whom I suspect is a member of a Nazi organization. This woman has critized everything democratic that there is. YET, she stopped working before she turned 50 claiming disability. She had a sitting job at the post office. She has taken every advantage of the same system she is critizing for the past 20yrs that I have known her. She has also never sat still since her pension came through. Enjoys expensive medical benefits, holidays twice a year....I could go on...the same type of people who whilst running the system in the ground, hates it and wants to destroy it. Funny, she was strickened with Polio as a baby, 1 leg, her mother spent the time during the war hiding her from the Nazis for fear she would be classed as 'worthless' life and destroyed, now she is a proponent/supporter of those same people. Funny that.
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
Have a peaceful day Meg.....I am tired of the critics, the goverment is not even 100 days old as if that is a magic number. Where were they the last 8 years? Some people must have had their freedom of speech back eh! - Meg Kelso said...
The difference between you two and me is that I HAVE been saying the same thing for years...no matter who was in the White House. I didn't just now start whining about the past administration. Bush was incompetent. That doesn't make Obama competent. And none of it made LBJ competent when I watched the news about how many men had been killed in Cambodia every day during the Viet Nam War.
I think we're discussing a different "private citizen". I know exactly of what I speak. - Meg Kelso said...
As I said:
"All that's left at this point is to call any opponents...bad words"
Thank you for proving my point. - Meg Kelso said...
BERLIN? BERLIN? YOU'RE FROM BERLIN? I think Americans should know that the last anonymous comment came from BERLIN, GERMANY.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
...sent me some of the pictures that she had of us on the set of Get Low. They dressed me a couple of times before they settled on this outifit minus the extra hat:

Bill Murray with the band. Robert Duvall is in the background...Oh, so is Sissy Spacek but you can barely tell it's her:

This is one of the first outfits they put me in, I'm glad they changed their minds:

Another BM:
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
- said...
Hi Meg,
You needed to take doggie out!!! Why don't you take him for early morning walks?
When I had mine, I'd take him for 2hr bike rides or 6kms walks, round the marsh and back equals 6kms.
Now I miss both.
Cunnilingus (did I spell it right?) I usually just say, 'get down there and kiss/suck me'...LOL........ - Meg Kelso said...
I took him for a walk shortly after I made that thing and he crapped in my neighbors yard. I need to carry a fricking pooper scooper.
And for the cunnilingus stuff, apparently you can just send someone a link to yourself saying "cunnilingus" several times. It seems to have worked for me!
Monday, March 09, 2009
The Octomom-Someone needs to pay that nut to have her fallopian tubes ripped out.
The Stimulus Package-I don't care, I'll be dead by the time it's due to be paid back and I don't like kids anyway...screw 'em.
Same Sex Marriage-Go ahead, call yourself married. I call myself a black man but it doesn't really make me one.
Obama-8 years go by quickly. Clinton left and so will this one.
Commercials for diarrhea-Why do the people on them always seem to squat outdoors? I wouldn't take that chance even if I did swallow a pill.
Dating-Something that should be done once and with many different men. They all treat you well on a first date.
It appears as though the answer to the question, "Why can't I find a boyfriend?" has finally been answered. I am a total flake.
I'm not a malicious flake, I'm just a nit wit. But I find myself being judged rather harshly by those upon whom I snow. Actually, it's nice that they give me that much credit, but the stupid stuff that I do is rarely premeditated. I just don't have the capacity to plan evil schemes. If I did, I'd be up there with Bernie Madoff and 50 billion bucks hidden around the world.
But tell that to the guy that was nice enough to give me a ride home from the set.
I've been running into this dude occasionally and we've had an ongoing flirtation for quite some time now. The ride home was a cool thing, it would be the first time that we would be together outside of a movie set. Who knows where that could have lead?
I've ensured that it will lead to nothing but grimaces aimed at me the next time that I see the man. First, as I got out of his car in a giddy and flirty mood (yes, that is newspeak for FLAKY), I robbed the man. Yep, I didn't know it until the next day when I was doing laundry but I did, I robbed the guy. I found his bandanna in my purse and I don't know why the hell it was in there.
Then, as if robbing a guy isn't a good enough tact when trying to blow potential happiness, I realized that I left a small, handheld audio recorder in his car. It must have fallen out of my purse and I don't even know why I stuck it in there. I didn't need it, I wasn't planning any blackmail and I never would have blackmailed this particular guy anyway. But now it looks as though I was trying to secretly record him. Show business people frown upon that sort of thing.
Now, how in the heck am I gonna play that one off? I can sort of explain the theft, but I have no idea how to get past Recorder-Gate.
See...THIS is why.
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