...I found this one too:
Sure has been one of those days. I went into a gas station today. Asked for $5 worth of gas. The clerk farted and gave me a receipt.
Tee Hee
Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.
...I love a day at the lake...don't you? That doesn't really look like Montana...does it? He lives very near the Rockies. I don't know one way or another but I bet it was taken here before he left which means that when this picture was taken, I was in Chicago visiting my daughter. I could be wrong, but it really doesn't matter. I wonder who had the sandy foreplay in a bottle?
Oh well. Cocky MoFo that he is...did he really think I would let that stupid saying go without saying anything? What have we learned here children? Do NOT believe anything you read on a person's online profile. A cheater will imply that he is good person like a heavy person refers to themselves as "weight proportionate with height" and like a 40 year old woman claims to be 33.
You know, I easily fall for stuff like that. I would actually think, "What a good guy." after I read something like that on a stranger's page. It's stunning that they would pretend to be nice...are they purposely setting a trap for women stupid enough to believe that crap? I'm starting to think so. I used to think that they didn't do it on purpose, that it was all subconscious. But after seeing Rick's little saying, I MUST give them the credit for being the manipulating chugs that they are. Damn...I'm still learning.
When you get to be my age, you sort of start to slow down in the head. For some reason I thought that the other day was May 1rst. That's when I said I would start my Count Down to 50. I know now that's it's STILL not May so when it IS, I will begin my 60 day Count Down to 50. Be sure to check it out every so often.
Oh, by the way, do you remember when the news people came to my house in March...or was it February? I don't know. Anyway, they said that the show would be aired in May. That's all I got from them at the time. I could call and ask but I probably won't. I'll just wait and keep an eye out. This should be interesting! Notice I never told you what it's about...that's because it's a surprise...she said with an evil grin on her face.
Oh, I won my match last night at the pool league. They put me up against a girl so it was like taking candy from a baby. Most chicks are pretty easy to beat, hell, most dudes are easy to beat. But every so often you run into a chick who can shoot well. This chick wasn't one of them. I took her in 2 games and my captain, who was facing her (I had my back to her) told me that she was crying after I beat her. I don't know why...that's just what I was told. After I beat her, I went to shake her hand and she turned her back on me. I'm not sure why...but I think it had something to do with my push up bra and my low cut shirt.
Do you ladies have push ups bras? It's amazing what a difference one makes in the way men treat you. I was primped and "pushed up" and on the way to pool I had to pick up some band-aids. (I just needed a dot band-aid for a sore on my face but the only ones that had dots had square dots. What the hell is that all about? A square dot on your face is like a paisley mitt on a bad pitcher. I figured if I had to wear a huge, obtrusive square, I might as well just get cute so I bought SquareBob Spongepants band-aids. The best size they had was a small rectangle...and it sort of took away from the cleavage...but I thought it was cute.
Anyway...I think it was the push up bra that irritated the poor loser that I whipped. Their entire team was laughing and telling jokes while I was shooting. My captain said that you couldn't do anything unless they were outright belittling me. So, even though I think they were and we just heard the loud laughter, I put it out of my mind and shut them up with a couple of killers shots including one 8 ball that I sunk in the corner to my left even though the ball was all the way down on the opposite rail on the right. That seriously shut them up. I'm a good sport but if I come up against a bad sport, I can be very good at winning. I even got a couple of my own digs in...but the things I said were nice, it's just when I said them. I was subtle yet distracting...like a velvet hammer. And of course, I had a sweet smile on my face.
Anyway, back to the push up bra. The check out guy at Publix, some man in the Quik-Trip and all the guys who were practicing with me before they knew I was on a different team, were treating me far too nicely. There were 4 or 5 tables at the place I played at and they all had league games going on. I went early to practice, getting there before most all of the league people. So, these people just thought I was a chick shooting pool alone. Now...getting hit on it a bar doesn't really count...especially at midnight but this was 6 PM. And they were all just so fricking NICE to me that I finally thought..."This fucking bra WAS worth 50 bucks! Thanks Victoria Secret's!"
Oh jeez, I'm listening to Petula Clark sing "Downtown" but in German. I have to fix that...it made me forget what I was writing about.
I heard a clip from the show on the radio this morning. Was surprised to hear ya on there!
OMG! What station? What did I say? Email me girl and tell me all about it...it's supposed to be on TV, they had cameras!
I was listening to Q100. They were talking about the website and then played your clip.
Really? How much of it? They only aired about two sentences on TV...were there more than that on the radio? I'm being interviewed in the morning by some station...I don't think it's the same one but it could be I'll let you know.
At least tell me it was funny?!
It was funny!
I think the clip was about a minute long, maybe slightly less. They gave ya a great intro though!
please tell me he's joking!
Habitual cheaters should be treated like sex offenders to a certain degree, but instead of having to register where they live, they should have to have a disclaimer any place they attempt to have any type of communication that could lead to the other person mistakenly trusting them.
An example would be...under his nifty little comment that implies he's the most decent human out there, there should be a ***I've repeatedly cheated on at least one spouse, and am likely to cheat on the next person I have a relationship with.
some men are amazing, aren't they??
Nice legs! Mmmmmmm, HOT!
oh crap, I forgot to write, "noooot!"
LOL, I see his little mood thing says that he is "overstimulated". Now that is funny!!
That IS funny...yesterday he was only naughty. I guess no one answered him so now he's overstimulated...horny right? I can't believe this is the same man I was with for 25 years! It's obvious I never knew him.
Sol...they were nice in
the 80's...he's let himself go, LOLOLOLOLOL.
I don't know that "amazing" is the word...maybe UNBELIEVABLE! And yes, we need a registry for all cheaters. If the gov't won't do it....we should!
LOLOL....now he's only rockin'!!! Rockin' Rick...that's him!
Now he's "working"! OMG, I feel as if I'm stalking Rick. Could I secretly have a thing for his legs?! LOLOLOL
response to "mylifeatfullspeed" : actually there was a website where you could rate your ex's in every category (manhaters.com) which no longer exists. :( I added 2 of my ex's to their database. Now the only one I have left is ihatemen.org - LOL
I'll have to check that one out. I went to one once (I forgot the name of it) and I couldn't figure out how to enter a name. I'll try yours next...I just got to Tampa and I must go to sleep...I'll see you guys in the morning!
Sol...maybe it's the big fat bald head...ya think?
I think he spends a LOT of time on MySpace!
I found this commercial while looking for something to listen to as I clean the kitchen. This is how hard the cigarette companies pushed them years ago...they'd be sued up the ass for this now!!!
So, I learned the name. I also learned that these are genetically engineered fish that have sparked controversy all over the world according to some dude named "mike" who posted this at Blogiversity.org:
"...While they were essentially "created" in a lab, theoretically only their color has been altered...I have all three colors of these fish, and they really brighten up the tank. It's also a lot of fun to turn off the lights and watch them glow under a blacklight...There is actually a lot of controversy as to the ethics of these fish...I believe they are already illegal in California and perhaps other states will follow suit..While the fish themselves are the ones copying themselves, deliberately breeding and selling them without a license is prohibited. They are chemically sterilized before being sold, but some get by without losing their fertility. As they said in Jurassic Park, Life will find a way..."
Well, life DID find a way here because shortly after I bought the pink glo fish, it became pregnant by the orange male. I have no idea how long it takes for them to have their babies, and even if I did, I don't know when the thing got knocked up. Apparently fish sex is about as quick as sex was during my marriage so it's tough to catch them in the act. Anyway, if these fish are supposed to be sterilized before being sold, how come BOTH of mine were able to do their jobs when it came to creating little glo fish? So far, 100% of the glo fish that I've bought have been quite the fertile little fuckers...no pun intended.
I wonder what this means? I suppose I can look up some more info online and I'm sure that I will. I had no idea that genetically altered creatures were allowed out of a laboratory. Anyway, I have some now and if all goes well, I'll have some more soon. I wonder what color I'll get by mixing a pink genetically altered fish with an orange genetically altered fish? Hell, I wonder what species I'll get!
Anyway, I fed Payton a few minutes ago and I took pictures of his food for you. Isn't that sweet of me? I always give him at least two eggs a week...I used to mix raw eggs up in his dog food but he didn't seem to like it served that way. He DOES seem to like people food so since people cook their eggs (usually) I thought that I'd cook Payton's eggs. I only do it on the weekends so that's why I just did it...it's the weekend!
Anyway, I made him a KABACCO, pronounced just like it's spelled. KABACCO stands for Kibbles and Bits and cheddar cheese omelet. Here's what one looks like:
And just in case you can't tell what they are...here's a close up:
See those kibbles? See those bits? You'll have to trust me on the cheddar cheese. Anyway, I served it with a side of Alpo instead of corned beef hash.
Now I have to feed the cats. They're getting mackerel which was actually cheaper than most cat food. They prefer tuna but I don't have any.
It's been quite a fishy day here. I woke up to two baby fish, one expected and the other a complete surprise. I need to get a breeding net because I know those fish both birthed more than one fish...but only one from each mother survived. Then, in the early evening I learned that I have mutant fish. Ain't life interesting?
I wonder what would happen if some irresponsible fish owner should release these into the wild? I read that some salmon have just about killed off another species of salmon because the first group was genetically altered to survive lower temperatures and grow 5 times as fast as the second species. We seem to be screwing with the balance that nature intended. Of course, my fish are simply one breed with one particular gene altered, the one that causes the colors to be so bright. I would THINK that they would get eaten quickly since they're SO bright.
At Blogiversity.org "mike" commented that:
"...Personally I see them as just a sub species of another species of fish, not a creation of man. I think they are no different than people breeding Poodles and Great Danes. Dogs with mutations deemed as desirable traits were bred to keep these traits. With Glo-Fish ®, they just took a massive shortcut to force the exact mutation they were going for through the DNA..."
What do you think?
PS I just read that these fish are egg layers so the female is just gravid with eggs. I'll find out if the male fertilizes them later and I guess I'll find out whether or not they really are sterile...at this point I don't know! I also read that these are THE most controversial fish in the entire hobby. YIKES!!!
Now the cats have the dog surrounded:
Stewie has found a spider:
The stealthy feline pounces upon his prey:The next thing you know, a little bug treat for the kitty:
Hiiii, Stewi!! I can pick him up and kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss him!
I don't live in Georgia, but if I see him my way (he seems to look...eerie or downright weird) I'll be sure to call the cops. Although, NC cops suck so bad!!! Maybe it'd be better just to hit him & ask you to pick him up.
The cops here say that he ISN'T in Georgia so this is the one place he's not!
Be careful!
From my research into the disappearance of our Aunt Mary, I have compiled a list of where Paul might be. He is to be considered dangerous and quite possibly in possession of a firearm. If you recognize him, dial 911 and get the police involved. They would love that. The following cities/states are places he has known to have resided in the past or is familiar with:
In NJ: Monmouth County, especially Keansburg, Hazlet, Port Monmouth, Middletown, Belford, Holmdel, Matawan, Brick, Toms River, Metuchen
In GA: Roswell, Chatsworth (especially the surrounding areas)
In Florida: Largo, Ormond Beach, Coconut Creek, Delray Beach, Fort Walton Beach
There is a possibility he might be in the following areas:
In Ill: Willowbrook, Chicago area
In Michigan: specifically Bloomfield Hills
In Mississippi: Biloxi, Gulfport, Ocean Springs
Another tip: Paul is a tattoo artist and might be visiting tattoo parlors in any one of these areas.
My personal message to Paul: If you get to read this do yourself and those who loved your mother a favor and surrender to the police where you are at right now. I would like to believe that you have some kind of a heart left to come clean and tell the Murray County sheriffs what you know and did with your mom. Otherwise, you WILL face what is coming to you, as more evidence comes to light anyway, but not on your terms. Think about it...for your sake, and the sake of your kids. There is a NATIONWIDE SEARCH in progress for you, both borders have been notified and supplied with your photo.
lastly, remember this Paul...
you will be found
He is living at mercer avenue in port monmouth or middletown nj. As of 9/01/2013
"it gave me a little sting in the heart"
Oh I understand very well what you mean by that phrase. About 1 month ago, I found out that Cowleen gave birth to my husband's baby. She even named the baby after Jeff's mom, so that his mom - being religious and all can accept the adultery.
It's amazing - the manipulation, the lies, the moral decay that is associated with all of their cheating...
Lets be glad that they're gone, lest we die of high blood pressure or an STD! A toast to you, my FRIEND.
I wonder who will eventually get the child support...him or her?
Hi Meg-
I am sorry (and surprised!) to hear about your loss! Jean was too strong of a lady! Poor daughter.She'll have to live with her guilt.
I say take the cat- besides I like listening to your pet stories (even if my input makes me sound selfish!)
SolarisGal (can't log in lol)
Hey, if you need any help when you are down here, let me know! Even if it to just get out of the house for a while.
As for the shuttle launch, I might have to wait for the next one. We got a hearing date for the house here, and if we can't postpone it, my world could be in complete disarray at the end of May. I might know more after the 9th...but it might be too late to make arrangements then.
In case you still want to go, here is the page with details for the May 31 launch of Discovery.
I might have to wait til the August launch :(
here is a launch schedule:
Hey Meg!
So I don't know what was the deal with Jean & her daughter, but maybe there are some details that are unknown to 3rd parties. I'm just thinking this is always the way with relationships. Either way, I'm sure they both regret(ted) not having solved their issues.
ps. I'm not a smoker but I agree.
My father was married to Jean when Kerri lived at home and he never saw anything but a spoiled brat and a mother who felt so guilty about the years she drank that she let the little brat walk all over her. You're right...we'll never know. But I can't imagine what would make a child ignore their mother for so many years...hanging up on her over and over again...refusing to come visit her, never, ever calling and "disowning" her mother. If Jean had sold her into white slavery, I might get it. But I sure the hell don't get this.
My mom wasn't perfect, she screwed me a few times. But I could never have cut her out of my life. I wouldn't cause that pain to another human being and I couldn't live with the guilt...especially if she had died before I came to my senses.
Yes, you may be right. The good thing (in my mind) is that if (and I hope it does) karma exists, it will all work out in the end. If the daughter did her wrong, she'll eventually pay for it one way or another.
Oh yes...karma MUST exist...I have far too much riding on it! If not, I need to go on a shooting spree right now.
It's better to go with dignity.....my condolences to you and your father.
Thank you and yes, this was actually a "good" thing. Jean wouldn't have wanted to just waste away from Alzheimer's. She left at just the right time.
Meg, I'm so sorry to hear about your stepmother's death. It was good of you to go to Florida and help your dad with her, and I'm sure even Jean appreciated it in her own way, and I know your father did. May God be with you and your Dad.
I'm so sorry Meg.
You made her last days pleasant ones (or as pleasant as they could have been). Even her own children had left her to die alone. You and your father should be content in knowing you saved her from a life in a nursing home where no one cared as much as you could.
And no matter how many times I retype this it keeps coming out corny. I just hope you know I am sorry for you and your dad and think you guys were great for doing what you did.
It doesn't sound corny at all. I appreciate the kind words and if Jean were here, she would say thank you for taking the time to think of her today. I'll be going back to Florida next week to help my dad with the services. I DO feel good that we were able to keep her out of a nursing home. My biggest fear was the thought of Jean sitting in a locked unit wondering where I was and why I wouldn't come to help her. That, I would have had a tough time living with.
Thanks again, I needed to hear from you guys today.
I'm sorry for your (and your father's) loss.
My condolences as well. You made her last days a little bit better at great sacrifice to yourself. As we get a bit older I think we all fear spending our last days in a nursing home without our family close by. That was an enormous gift you gave to both your stepmother and your dad.
You know, as nice as it was for Jean to be able to stay home, I was honored to be able to care for her. I helped her stay out of a nursing home and she helped me to feel needed and that's something I haven't felt in years.
Thanks for your kind wishes and for taking the time to write.
I think its nice Jean was able to spend her last few weeks with you Meg, I am sure she would thank you too.
You know, I hadn't thought of it that way until you said that but I'm glad as well. She spent most of her days sitting alone in the living room watching TV and while I was there, we couldn't watch anything much because she was always talking. I would be frustrated at times...but I always carried on converstaions...even if they made no sense. I would just try to lead her back to what we were talking about. I AM glad that I was tere. I think that as the shock wears off and after the service is over...I'll start thinking about more things Jean related. That's what I did when my own mother died.
I wonder how her daughter is taking this? If my father couldn't get in touch with her yesterday, he would have had to tell her by email. It may be the only way to get in touch with her. This is just awful!
I am so sorry for your loss. After I read what happend, I wondered if your dad's foul mood was caused by a feeling this was about to happen. In either case, I know this must be tough for him so I will keep all you guys (including her daughter because she will be feeling the consequesnces of her actions) in my prayers.
Thanks sweetie,
I'll never know what made him act like that unless he decides to tell me. I don't dwell on that stuff so I probably won't ask. I just act like it never happened. I don't know if that's a good thing or not...but I learned it from him!
Hey girl...when is that Shuttle blasting off?
I am so sorry to hear about your step-mother. I am glad that you did get to spend some time with her this past month before she passed and I think that she knew you were there with her. Bless your family. I wil be thinking of all of you in the days to come.
My sympathy...You should feel good about helping make her last time on earth so comfortable..
Thanks guys...I am glad that I was able to do it. I think that as the years go by, I'll be even more glad that I did it.
You know, the more I think about it, I think she knew she didn't have much longer. She was always afraid but she couldn't really say why. She stopped talking about getting better and she just sort of became more confused and stopped eating...even if I did hide her cigarettes. She is one stubborn lady which is why they got divorced, she wanted to prove a point. I guess she did because they stayed together. Whatever floats your boat!
Have you given up on the phenergren? (I can never spell it). I have some myself but have never taken it since I understand it puts you in a SLEEP COMA.
Ginger tea?
Yeah it does knock me out like a light. I hate taking it first thing in the morning. I spend the rest of the day tired. This morning, as usual, the nausea comes over me too quickly for the phenergan to work...I'd be puking that sucker up as well. I just lie down and eat a few crackers and it goes away sooner or later. In the meantime, I can't even hold down water...or my spit for that matter.
Meg -
One thing I never see you mention, but I assume it to be the case:
Does your dad love Jean?
Yes. The thing that I loved most about Jean was the fact that, before Alzheimer's hit her, she was as sarcastic and quick witted as was my father. She was good for him and was an excellent verbal sparing partner. (Is that one R or two? They don't have spell check on these comments.)
Now, I have a sad post to write...so I'll do that now.
I don't understand the psychology behind divorcing someone and then still loving and caring for them "till death do us apart..." Your father must be a good person with a good conscience. And I say this after suffering from the coldheartedness my ex showed me during our divorce
SolarisGal (can't log in lol)
The grandkids were here all weekend and I totally enjoyed them. I spent too much money on them but it's tough to say "No." to their little faces. Besides getting the toys for the kids, a BUNCH of winter clothes were on clearance with prices so cheap that it was an offer that I could not refuse.
And then I found some towels and washcloths on sale that were just the perfect color for my bathroom which I am in the process of redecorating. I had put it off because the wall had so many imperfections and I didn't know what was behind the wallpaper. Then I thought up a really good idea...I'll just get a trowel and apply some sort of adobe looking pattern that I can paint over. Any imperfections would be totally hidden by the glop that I'd put on the walls. So, now I can't wait to get the job done. I've chosen my colors...a pale dusty rose and white. That is to continue the theme of my entire bedroom.
I've created a bedroom that is exactly the kind of room that I would love. I haven't been able to have a room like that because there was always a man around saying, "That looks too girly...AND NO FLOWERS...ANYWHERE!" So, my room is entirely girly and includes flowers EVERYWHERE!!! From the oil paintings to the contact paper lining my drawers...you'll see flowers, flowers and more flowers. And, where you don't see flowers, you see butterflies. My goal was to create a room that a man wouldn't want to spend too much time in. They'll come in for as long as I let them...but then they have to leave when I'm done with them.
Here is my flowerdy room:
Of course, they have more cats than anything else. It's so cool to work with them because you get to see the different cat personalities. Some of them try to jump into your arms as you change the food bowls. They're the ones who are tough to walk away from. They obviously want a person to cuddle with.
Almost all of the cats are adults. One of them is the mother of a litter that were all adopted out. A lot of the females are like that...the mother comes in with a litter of kittens and they find homes for all of the kittens but the mothers are left there, in a cage...for life or until someone comes and takes them home. The one I mentioned is one of the sweet little cats that needs attention. She loves people and could really use a family to call her own. Here she is, she was a kitten when she had kittens and she's been in the shelter ever since...2 years:
These adult cats are perfect for old people who live alone. Little old ladies love it when cats cuddle up on their laps and these are the types of cats who would do that. Also, pets make older people feel needed and that's a good thing. No matter how much we need our grown children, it's nice to have someone to take care of on a daily basis. So, if you know of an older person who lives alone, come and get them a sweet, affectionate cat and watch how quickly they fall in love with it.
All of these animals are fixed and have their shots. They're also quite healthy and parasite free. The people who get an animal from the Humane Society of Cobb County (or any no-kill shelter) will have an animal that requires very little veterinary care.
If you are in the Marietta area, stop by and ask the ladies about the animals they have. (Tell them Meg sent you!) Let them know what you're looking for and they'll tell you which animal would best suit you and your family. You won't have any training phase to go through, just an animal who's already proven itself to be a safe and gentle soul. If you don't live around here but you know someone who does...please forward this to them. If I can find a home for just ONE of those animals, it would make my year.
I'm sure that there's a no-kill shelter close to you...find out and post it here so that more people know about them.
Here's the link to the page with pictures of most of the animals:
http://www.humanecobb.org/adoptions.htmWow thanks for sharing, if more people exposed the bitter baskets maybe the bitter baskets wouldn't be so quick to treat others like shiate! Making tubes is very theraputic :-)
LOLOL...unfortunately, I think they would just end up hiding better. Nothing can stop a horny married fool who wants to screw someone else. An oath before God doesn't stop them, what would?
That's pretty cool!
That's an interesting article...but I beg to differ when they say that she did it because of how powerless she felt. I'm sure she did feel a bit powerless but as I said at the beginning of this blog, you do it because your life has been pulled out from under you and you feel as though you don't have anything left to lose. The worst thing that could have happened has already happened. So, now what can they do to you?
He never, ever admits the truth unless you have him on tape. And then, the "truth" he admits to is never as bad as is the real truth. If backed into a corner, he would admit to something...but never the truth. A hickey came from a 16 year old hitch-hiker who he would never see again. He didn't mention the 40 year old skank that he was screwing at the time...Louisa May Wilson.
I graduated from college when I was the single mother of 3 small children. I had to wake up early enough to take the baby to a private sitter, the pre-schooler to pre-school and the school aged kid to the church where they had a program for kids who had to wait for the school bus in the morning or the parents in the afternoon. I did that for years to get my degree. People always asked me, "How did you ever do all of that by yourself?"
I know now that it was exactly BECAUSE I was by myself. I didn't have anyone to worry about except myself. There's no one around to preoccupy my time and make me wonder what I'm doing to deserve any guilt feelings. There's no one around to make me feel so badly about myself that I'm afraid to try anything new for fear of failing. That's what happens to a person who spends decades questioning themselves. So...I didn't have anything special that helped me to accomplish so much as a single mother, I just didn't have anyone around to make me constantly question myself.And add to that life lesson:
You can't sacrifice yourself trying to prove your love to someone who NEVER loved you.
So true...and just recently Rick told me that I was "and always would be the love of his life". Lucky me.
A blogger of questionable mental stability has been dribbling out
private information on my identity, photos, address, unlisted phone
numbers, my ex wife's address, she is threatening to release
information that will endanger my son.
Her father is a lawyer and she has a history at cruel.com for
extremely abusive actions against people in real life. There are
court actions pending in NY and Austrailia based on her criminal
I need advice on my legal options to file suit against culpable
parties and what blogger can do to protect myself and my relatives
from this vicious abusive lady who is impacting my real life.
Please email me, as I don't want to publish that info here...
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jq75 View profile
More options Mar 24, 5:39 pm
From: jq75
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 14:39:31 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 24 2008 5:39 pm
Subject: Re: URGENT DANGER: Using Blogger to threaten my visitation and my son IRL
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I suppose I should rephrase that and say what can Blogger do to
protect me before I suffer serious impact in real life and need to
file suit as others have needed to do.
I am very upset by this but the legal system provides so few practical
solutions. Are people just allowed to do this to other people because
you aren't responsible for content? Are people allowed to invade
another's real life privacy? and threaten others knowing its to
difficult to stop them? Isn't this an abuse of Blogger. And what
will you do? This lady and her friends are terrorizing people all
over the world using Blogger.
Yeah, that was sent to me already. It's tough to get people to believe lies without any evidence. If this were true, he could have at least quoted the urgent danger, LOLOL.
Sorry that I haven't been to the other blog...I'll go there when the cops send me the police report that I'm waiting for. I don't pay any attention to the nutjob most of the time. For all I know, he has found a few of the missing marbles and he's decided to live and let live.
On second thought...naaaaw!
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