Little Bit Of Blog Business
Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.
You are so right. TV is filled with shows that make fun of the "everyday freak". Good post!
My apologies over your missing shoe. I've lost things sitting in one spot and had a heck of a time finding the missing item. I wouldn't fret much about a lost Foreigner cd. Just my 2 cents but they are among my least favorite 70s bands.
Kyle from Knoxville.
Once, a girl stole one of my shoes as a kind of revenge ... another time, one of my friends' shoes was stolen in the same fashion. People are weird about shoes!
Yes, shoes do seem to elicit odd behaviors. The shoe was under my watchful eye at all times. I remain baffled. Kyle, did you take Foreigner CD?
Paper lace didn't sing billy don't be a hero, that was Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods...or something like that. Paper Lace sang the night chicago died...YOU should know that.
I did know that. I also am aware that Billy Don't Be A Hero" is a 1974 anti-war pop song by Paper Lace and was also recorded by Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods.
Dear Meg,
Since my arrest and subsequent release with out formal charges on suspicion of killing a homeless man with a hack saw and pair of tin snips, my friends have quit hanging out with me in the metal shop I have in my garage.
Could it be my breath?
I brush three times a day and gargle too. were never charged? I would absolutely change the toothpaste and gargle juice brand. Or, you could just get a job in the AG-SEG Unit where you might be better accepted.
1. Carve the skin off the cheek of that ass and sew it into a stash pouch so you never leave home without the psyche med's you so desperately need.
2. Every one want kids except the people that have them. This is your gift.
3. Reminds me of the gynecologist who went to the ophthalmologist because every thing was looking a bit fuzzy.
LOLOL! Abby needs to retire or put honestly above PC.
Dear Meg. I noticed my writing was dull, flat, and lifeless. I used bold strokes but they seemed wide and boated. Sharpening my pencil took care of all of this.
Could you remind your readers to frequently sharpen their pencil so that their penmanship is legible to their readers.
Dear Q,
Thank you! You already did!!! What an eye opener!
Monica Lewinsky still in demand as a private sector blow job consultant many years after her distinguished public service in the oval office.
LOLOL...and she, with presidential experience...yes. But I have more time in.
Cheryl A. Selesky, 45yo
614 N Firwood Drive
Deltona, FL 32725
Home: 386-532-3379
Former Addresses:
Deltona,FL 32725-2671
Palm Springs,FL 33461-1372
West Palm Beach,FL 33415-9182
Malverne,NY 11565-1129
Spouse: Kevin F. Selesky, 49yo
House: Not For Sale, 4 Bed, 4 Bath, 2,812 Sq Ft, 0.28 Acres, (value) $109,040
Relatives: Daniel J Selesky, Robert C Ingrassia
Amazon Profile (Gives only 1-star ratings):
This picture makes me itch, gives me psychological scabies and head lice. Gotta admit he really rocks that wife-beater! I wonder how much dope I'd have to ingest to leave my eyes permanently red and unfocused? Betcha he has racing stripes in what ever covered the lower part of this mess-adds a new dimension to "Hard Pack" which is what we drive on for 9 mo./yr. and he sits on for at least that long. Dude never left Woodstock (in spirit) and stated he "liberated" the zebra and parrot from the Capitalist Pigs and the Military Industrial Complex. He asked for a copy of this mug shot stating his life time ambition was to be on the cover of Rolling Stone and needed some additional candid shots for his "portfolio" to add to the other 50+ booking shots. "Peace, baby!"
Backatcha soul-sister!!!
The only thing that would make this dude look scarier in this picture would be to have mascara and tears running down his upper cheek. I did and my mug shot was truly frightening.
It's a bitch they don't have photo shop considering all the other technology our tax dollars 'contribute' to maintain law and order.
By the same token, I'm sure you don't want an "updated photo"-THAT would be a real PITA!
OK then, one question. I hate to appear stupid but I can't seem to avoid it...what is PITA?
Oh, and they DO have photo-shop...they call it photo-shop.
Pain In The Ass.
O, I C.
Forget the pills. What else ya got handy? Is it like, "ER/Hospital" type pain or the proverbial pain-in-the-butt that is THE hallmark of dealing with, ahhh...."Difficult People" type?
I'm sure we can come up with something if it's not "ER"-able.
Asinine people. I hate my existence right now.
Have some blue Pepsi.
I'm blue enough.
Waiting for government mandated and tax payer subsidized blow jobs are making my low hanging fruits turn Delphinium blue. could just get a date!
Monica could become a Jeopardy question.
Richard Nixon.
Henry Kissinger.
Monica Lewinsky.
Who are three people that dropped to their knees in the oval office?
Damn. I wish I had said that.
There once was a woman named Monica
Who claimed to blow cock like a harmonica
She wore a blue dress
And after making a real mess
Retorted "I don't like the taste of "chowdah"
OK, not great, but that's the point: Monica was NOT a pro in the art and science of BJs. For all the "Conspiracy Theory" nuts out there, I'll say, "Yep. Absolutely. Monica was paid off by the Republicans."
For the rest of us who don't wear tin foil pointy hats we know how NOT to make a mess. Especially on a cheap-ass "Dry Clean Only" dress that'll end up costing more than we paid for the rag: We'd have planned ahead for our response to the Dry Cleaner guy who looks at the stain completely perplexed and asks, "What IS this spot exactly?"
"I'm not sure. I was at a seafood buffet and it came home with me."
We know far better than to get that stuff on our clothing, in our hair or on the ceiling. But not Monica. Nice to know we can get POTUS DNA by swabbing the inside of Monica's cheeks-the ones above the ta-tas.
No self-respecting woman would ever make such a mess, although a polite burp and "'Scuse me" should cover any signs of choking or, "GROSS!" post BJ.
However Meg, it's somewhat disconcerting to believe you assume these DC (or ANY Politician's wife) knows what to do, how to do it or just gave up after their experiences with their high school football boyfriend. (Thar be some BAAAD "experiences" back thar!) So I do believe before a Cabinet, we need a refresher course on "BJs 101."
Now for the men: There's a few things you need to know. When you decide to dine at the Y (a necessity, IMO) and it smells like "Tropical Twat" or "Coconut Crotch" you're in trouble. There is absolutely a Conspiracy goin' on and a Cover-Up to boot. Instead of visiting the gyno who will take a "sample" and smear it over a slide, perform a quick Look/See and hand the woman a prescription, you're gonna end up with all kinds of shit you couldn't have imagined in your wildest exotic dreams.
More like a nightmare. It's worse than bad morning breath and lasts a whole lot longer. Further, if you're gonna return the favor, please don't make a comment like, "I gotta really KNOW a girl to do THIS." I can assure you the gates to heaven will slam shut quicker than a Tundra "summer."
We are NOT "girls." We are not gonna give you OUR "best" and settle for the "rest" you deign to fake or insult us with your lack of enthusiasm, vigor or just plain being a real MAN. No one above the age of adolescence has an excuse for such shit-male OR female.
You've reminded me of an old saying, "If it smells like fish, What a dish! If it smells like perfume, run from the room." :)
I like the way you are thinking. But for one thing. This is just a sexual version of the eighties supply side economics that Ronald and Nancy shoved down our throats. We saw how little prosperity actually trickled down on Joe Six pack.
So getting a politician laid now, will not facilitate anything from me trickling down onto anyone/thing else except for maybe a dirty sock I keep under my bed.
I consulted with my penis and we both agree. For a Blow Job New World Order to be effective, it must be implemented at the grass roots level.
Political couples already have the infrastructure to capitalize on the scale economies and comparative advantage of outsourcing marital knob polishing to drug addled hookers, maids needing green cards, and stragglers from white house walking tours. And much like corporate welfare, it would turn an efficient preexisting cottage industry, into a bloated bunch of insider pork that wouldn't change a thing outside of the belt.
It's people like me that need more blow jobs. I promise if I get them, I will make each day a new endeavor to spread sunshine and smiles throughout the land.
TW. I do the spaghetti test. If I fling a woman's underwear against the wall and they stick, I grab my pants and back out the door.
OK, first...ick.
Secondly, I wasn't clear in that post. I absolutely foresaw blow-jobs for the every-man but I see that I didn't make it clear.
(I also implied cunnilingus for the every-woman.)
***I absolutely foresaw blow-jobs for the every-man.***
So how long before this bill becomes law?
And I will cheerfully reciprocate.
Oh, how I love cheerful reciprocity!
The passage of the law is dependent upon Mississippi and Utah...they could hold it up for a while.
q, You can save your pitching arm by the following: If you're attempting to remove the panties and they seem, well, stuck somehow despite her legs/butt being in the "Proper Position" for panty-disrobing it's not a good sign at all. If they scream in pain when you're trying to dislodge the panty from the body you're probably dealing with a medical matter. Or you're a rapist-I know you're not, but just sayin'. Those of us who do not wish to engage in the ridiculous "trend" of having a crotch we haven't seen since we were 11 (without a mirror/after judicious...ah..."inquiry" ) or think having a "Landing Strip" is de rigour are horribly mistaken. That phenomena will happen naturally as you age. I'm all about neat and tidy but I can not for the life of me understand WHY you'd want to have a totally bald crotch. Unless you get paid for it-ie, a stripper/escort etc. That's gonna itch like a mo-fo as it grows in.
Of course, this is a personal observation based on an event where I was either totally insane, just had another stroke or was bored beyond recognition. And frustrated beyond ALL reason. I decided to work that hair into the shape of a heart. So armed with the razor, scissors, shaving cream and imagination I stood in the shower and did the deed with the pointy end indicating which end was "Down." (It was a really good free-hand job and I'm not even artistically inclined.)
The result? I clogged up the shower drain, wasted a couple of perfectly good razor blades, saw some stuff I hadn't seen in years, itched like hell a few days later and for the next couple of weeks and wurst of all? It didn't help my sex life one bit. I figured if the guy couldn't understand verbal directions, gentle hints and some rather vigorous body language, maybe he'd understand heart-shaped pubes/braille for the sexually impaired. Nope. I decided if I was outta luck, so was he. (He still calls all these years later; apparently no other adult woman wants to engage in a "Show and Tell"/Sex Ed for the Globally "Impaired" to an adult male either.)
Bottom Line: If they're kinda "stuck" where they shouldn't be, immediately reassess the situation and depending on how drunk/high/horny you are proceed with the utmost caution and at your own risk.
Being the good Bushman you are I just want to save you a bit of time and effort. :)
Hi Meg,
You gotta clue us "car guy" types in on what make & model & year of this classic. It's possible that there's some merit in the guys line of thinking.
If you'll tell me the specifics on the car I'll really appreciate your effort. I love old cars and I may even love his.
Thanks, Kyle from Knoxville.
I thought you knew me better than that. I know what a fricking classic car is. This one is a 1990 Nissan 300 XZ. OK? Now, what do you guy?
I do know you better than that! Now what I think is that you're 100% correct on this. Worth $1500 tops in excellent condition. Trade in value on this car is nil. It would bring more selling it for scrap metal than what it would actually bring in as a savings on a new car.
Now....on the other hand if his car was only about 20 years older then you'd have this >
Notice the condition of this one owner Florida gem and its truly reasonable $12,500 price tag. THIS is a car that a true "car guy" loves.
Kyle from Knoxville
That link took me to a goodle search, then to eBay and the first page of cars. But, I told him he'd be LUCKY to get 1,500. The paint job is fine but that's all, the interior is in fair condition. and I don't mean the AC. I'll post a pic. BRB!!!
That picture reminds me of why I'm not interested in looking at any vehicle parked facing the exit/road.
How many other parts of the tranny are MIA besides "reverse?"
"Dude" is bat-shit crazy, BTW. But you knew that right? I hope his ego isn't as inflated/suffering from delusions of grandeur as the price tag on this POS.
Yes...I did. And is.
Cars like this have utility that is not immediately apparent.
You can use the trunk for an ice chest.
You don't have to look when you park.
I wouldn't expect a woman to recognize these unique qualities. But men never miss them.
Meg, didn't you have another (hundred) "Dudes" with similar or the same....."issues?"
Not to get all kinds of meta/PC/whatever, but it seems life presents us with the same themes/challenges over and over again until we finally learn the lesson. I'm not sure delusions of grandeur is a terminal condition for the "sufferer" but it sure is for everyone around them.
Just an observation and a life time of experience with over-sized male egos and undersized heads-both of them. With some of these guys you can attempt to "supersize" their brains and end up with a faint glimmer the size of a pin-head.
Which can only be discerned by the most sensitive scan available to science.
Oh, I learned alright. I'm just sort of stuck. We should talk. I see what's going on, for what good that does.
Maybe something like, "Remember what you were doing in Jan. 2005? No? Take a look!" ;)
No, maybe not......!
Ah...I see. Now it makes some sense. I still don't think it's Q.O.T.D stuff.
No, it's not. But it's damn good reading! I figured there HAS to be a good story behind this here blog by this Meg person.
Oh woman, these stories are GREAT! Anyway, I started from the beginning and I'm now somewhere in '07 and I haven't managed to get much done around here the last few days.
TW are amazing. It's probably official, you now know more about my last 5 years than I do. I tried reading a couple and had completely forgotten them!
DUH...the begining, you have just gotten to the past 5 years. Good luck with that!
Here's today's the news from The Tundra:
A guy was arrested for shooting his friend in the leg with a 22. The shoot-ee/"victim" bugged the shoot-er/his buddy to do it, "Because he wanted to know what it felt like to be shot."
Yes, they are both legal adults. That does not mean their collective IQs have begun to close in on their chronological ages, nor is it likely to improve even if these two are flash frozen post demise and "resurrected" before Dec. 12-or is it the 13th? eons from now. Dumb never gets anything but dumber.
Well, I guess when you've run through all the domestic and non-domestic animals for fun and entertainment why not just start shooting shit up-something different besides road signs and your neighbor's house. Help out your buddy who can't stand not having carnal-or is it visceral?-knowledge of a 22 when it's loaded, pointed in your direction and the trigger is pulled. Frankly, I think the guy shot at the wrong appendage because these two are the second reason why there are so many inbreds and wanna-be's conveniently located in my area. The first reason is because this concept called Birth Control is not now, nor will it ever be "in vogue"-just ask their 'parents'.
Who likely are not able to pay the medical bill for the shoot-ee or the bail for the shoot-er. They'd have to be able to read, write, add and subtract and that's just waaay beyond reasonable for any adult to accomplish in childhood and a good enough reason not to bother in adulthood.
Tundra Woman
LMAO...that sounds like the news from Virginy.
And here's the follow up from today's news: No, they were not drinking or otherwise obviously impaired (that's by Tundra standards.) In fact they went to Walmart to pick out the ammo just prior to the 'incident.' The shoot-er states he put one round in his pocket and hoped his buddy the shoot-ee would change his mind. When they arrived back at the ranch (the shoot-ees residence) the perp "fiddled around with the weapon for 4 or 5 minutes hoping his friend would change his mind." Isn't that a guy for ya? Why didn't he just come out and say, "I'm just not that into shooting you?" He also stated he planned to miss the 'target' but I imagine that's pretty difficult when you're shooting at point blank range and have a male ego.
Somehow I have the feeling there's a Tundra "Brokeback Mountain" thing behind this but that's because I have this tendency to try to impose logic where there is none...and never will be.
Hi Meg, Hope all is good with you.
Kyle from Knoxville.
O...M...G!!! Kyle, I've been waiting to hear from you for FOREVER!!!! I need to talk to me ASAP!
I've sent you an email at your gmail addy. Looking forward to hearing from you. Kyle
I've come to the conclusion the only people who seem to be out of the mainstream are our elected officials. My understanding was they were there, in their respective positions to represent their peeps-that'd be you and me, the people that actually elected them. Or at least supposedly elected them.
That was back in my younger (dumber) more idealistic days.
Yeah, I hear ya. I used to think that being an elected official was something akin to public service. What a joke! If they were serving the public, they'd have a real job and serve the public for a stint, not as a career. Having jobs would make them something they should be, Americans. We seriously need term limits. After Washington left the presidency, he went back to Mount Vernon to be a gentleman farmer, he didn't, nor did he foresee, the notion of politics as a career. Our presidents spend their entire first term running for election to a second term. Our legislature spend ALL their time running for re-election. This will be our downfall...I assure you.
I love the part in those Pecker Pills advertisements that says, "If you have an erection lasting longer than 3 hrs.-" to which I respond, "You deserve to suffer you old coot." Use a cock ring.
I have all KINDS of misgivings regarding the "Rub the cream on the afflicted area"-I wouldn't touch that (EITHER of them) under any circumstances. Even with gloves. All that groping around under the spare tire...for THAT? Maybe if the men rub it on their other heads they'll grow hair. Which might make them more appealing until you find their teeth in the kitchen sink or the few remaining being "flossed" with their dirty fingernails not to mention the skid marks in their underwear. Your ex isn't the only one that wasn't properly potty-trained and apparently it doesn't improve with age from what I hear from my cohorts.
And if they want a lap dance they can hire a professional. I'm retired. I'm not putting on a piece of dental floss masquerading as underwear or a pair of thigh-highs and hooker heels. That's just too much effort for too little return. Besides, I'm all about comfort not to mention self respect at this stage in life.
Comfort is my wardrobe watch word. I don't wear heels or tight pants, nor do I tuck in my shirts. My jammie wardrobe is my favorite wardrobe, flannels, long johns and the last guys forgotten tees are the cat's meow.!
Huh. Where I live the women wearing red lipstick have to be careful not to get it on the hair growing above and below their lips. Gives "preventing lipstick bleed" a whole new challenge, but who cares anyway at 2AM when the bars close.
Don't worry about Romney-he's not running anywhere. They locked him in a room with Rumsfeld and it ended up in a TKO. Now they're BOTH "Pump Heads."
The Donald has managed to consistently offend everyone. His personal chefs spit in his food and the red-lipsticked waiters smile every time he takes a bite. Bon Appetite, Donny!
The wife and the drunk driver were having an affair which was temporarily suspended when he was incarcerated-aka "Coitus Interruptus." She got the life insurance and they're getting married in Vegas if his Parole Officer allows him to leave the County-or even if the PO doesn't since it's just a minor technicality.
Since DWIs resulting in deaths and dismemberments are so ubiquitous where I live the only ones left are old people with 3 or fewer limbs....Who lament the good old days when vehicles were made in the US of materials other than plastic and fiberglass and everyone stood a fair chance in the ensuing Demolition Derbies. The "Brain Drain" is on the upper end of the autopsy table. Generally, there isn't much left to drain in any event; consequently that woman and her soon-to-be hubby would fit right in with the locals.
You are my new best humor friend. How I wish we could go out and insult people.
I'm really not looking to insult anyone, just do what I spent years and an obscene amount of money to achieve (and that was with a ton of grants and scholarships) which is observe human behavior.
Which is STILL endlessly fascinating to me. And no, I'm not exempt from all kinds of sheer stupidity, embarrassing "situations" and the outrageous stuff that just happens in life. Not to mention some truly brain damaged choices for which I am totally responsible. I'm absolutely an equal-opportunity screw up so I don't exempt myself with a "Get Out Of Jail Free" Card either!
How about a slow boat with a fast leak?
Apparently, I have lived. A lot, because not only did I know a psychopath, I married him. Oops. You are right about them keeping things interesting. Never a dull moment around him!
Almost fascinating...'ey? There are times when my mind slows down enough to be truly amazed at the behavior. Marry one? Not at my age but there obviously was a time when I thought with parts of me other than my brain (which has flourished since the surgery which removed the toxic estrogen from my person. The day after the surgery, I was like, "OH! E=MC squared!!! I get it now!)
Have you noticed the way you aren't allowed to do anything by yourself? I find that maddening. I would discuss it more now but I planned on writing a post about that so, see ya later!
Labels: cheating husband, how can I tell if my husband is cheating?, is my husband cheating?, lying husband, rick kelso electronic technician, rick kelso kalispel montana
Good Blog
Term Papers
Since you're already over your previous flame, you don't need to go to a dating site for affairs anymore since you could legitimately look for another partner now that you're divorced.
The status that a person holds is the result of the decisions made in life. One may be an old cat lady but there should be no problem as long as that person finds satisfaction in her life.
I'm pretty sure that was my point. I was simply defending women who chose that path.
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