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Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I worked Sunday night...

...and then I came home and slept for almost 24 hours. I woke up in the middle of the night and watched some TV, but basically I didn't get out of bed until the sun came up Tuesday morning. I wasn't scheduled to work last night so I didn't go back to bed, of course. Then, at about 3 PM yesterday afternoon, I got a call asking me if I could come in and work either 7P-1A at one hospital or 7P-7A at another hospital. Since the hardest part of working is the part where I have to get off my ass, shower and primp for an hour before driving all the way to the hospital, I took the 12 hour shift.

I got off the floor at 7 but I had a patient headed to surgery and I hadn't finished his pre-op checklist. So, I had to do that and then I had to do an admission data-base for a patient who came in yesterday but the day nurse didn't have the time to do it so I said that I would do it for her. I didn't realize that I would be too busy to do it until I got off the floor. I didn't leave the hospital until after 11A so I worked for 16 hours.

Then, I came home and checked my email. I chatted with my sister for a while and before I knew it, Judge Judy was on. I watched that and then I had to go to the grocery store. That took a while so by the time I was done putting the groceries away, I was still wide awake. So, I called my father and spoke to him for a while and he told me to watch O'Reilly so that we could talk about it and the Democratic Debate later. So, I started to but I got interrupted.

Then my sister and I decided to eat some of the ice cream that she picked out when we went shopping. It was Edy's Overpriced Pumpkin Ice Cream. Usually I wouldn't pay so much for ice cream but Marie said that it was a "Limited Edition" and that they only have it once a year. Apparently she's missed it for the past few years so she was quite pleased to have some today. I was a tad unnerved by the idea of pumpkin ice cream...but I have to admit, it was rather good.

Anyway, the thing is, I'm still awake. I never went to bed today. I tried a couple of times...but it didn't take. I'm still here. I think I better go search for my xanax...I'm not falling asleep au naturale.

(OH! My washer just stopped...BRB.)

OK...I'm back.

The other day I mentioned something about the Sam's Club/Wal-Mart $4 prescription list. My sister mentioned it to me. She had 2 prescriptions from her trip to the ER last week so I had to go pick up her medicine. Since she doesn't have insurance, I checked and the anti-biotic that she needed was on the list. The web site said that it was only available at "participating stores". So, I called the store to ask if they participated and they said that "Yes", they were a participating store.

So, I went there to get the stupid things filled and after I got home, Marie noticed that the medicine wasn't $4, it was almost $6. I didn't notice because both of them were $13 and I expected the pain pills to cost about $10. I just assumed the chick charged me $4 because we discussed it. Damn it.

Anyway, while I was searching the $4 list in the first place...some of the sites had a bunch of comments or a short commentary regarding the list. People were whining that the list is all "older medicines that Wal-Mart could easily negotiate a cheap price for the drugs. They whined that it was nothing more than a "marketing ploy".

Well, so the "feck" (Hi Lim!) is wrong with that? The heart medicine that Ive been taking for over 10 years is on the list. I pay about $60 bucks for it and even with the co-pay, I pay $20. I could save money going there for that drive alone.

They even mentioned gas and losing money driving to another store. How silly. We drive from store to store all the time trying to get the best prices. Anyway you look at it, I could only save money. They even said that it was just a ploy to get you in the store to buy something else. I didn't need a years supply of Cheez-its so I didn't buy anything. I have SOME will power left.

OK...I fell asleep writing that. Now I'm awake and I have to go back to work.

When I was sleeping, I was dreaming of a party across the street that had a bunch of stars at it. Bill Murray and Britney Spears were there. I was trying to get there but stupid things kept stopping me from getting across the street. The last thing before I woke up was that Payon crappped on my bed. Thank God I woke up before I had to clean that mess up.

OK then, I have to go shower...see ya!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at you throwing out Irish slang!!!

I'm so proud!! :)

November 01, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Well, first of all, I AM Irish, secondly it's not technically a cuss word (a cuss word is what the Southerners call dirty words) so I appear much more ladylike:)

November 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JQ75 is also Irish. ;). Apologise for the brotherhood!!!

November 02, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Hell no. I'm not a liar and I'm not sorry. But, he's welcome to send me a gift on St. Patty's Day.


November 02, 2007  

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Happy Halloween!!!

I thought this was cute:

OK, NOW it's bedtime...
Bona note!


Blogger akakarma said...

That gave me a chuckle! Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Thanks, I drew it myself.


October 31, 2007  

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Rick always said...

...that he loved a big ass...here's one for ya babe!

Happy Halloween ya'll!



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Here's a quick...

...silly little thingie:


Now I'm going to watch Judge Judy, run to the grocery store and then I'm going to bed.

See ya!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope your finger is okay! My son cut his finger on a can of cat food once and he had to have stitches...he hasn't opened a can since : )
Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


After the bleeding that I did today, I would imagine that your son could easily have required stitches from a pet food can. It was the kind that you don't need a can opener for, you just pull te sucker off. I don't know how I did it, but I cut it deeply. I finally put a butterfly on it, one of those things that holds skin together for people who are too lazy to go get stitches. It's still oozing a bit and I'm sure that one stitch would probably be a good idea but I'm not losing enough blood to make it an emergency. If it keeps on doing that, I'll go to the doc and have him do it in his office.

My sister has never used Nair before and she asked me if it worked when she saw mine. I told her that it did and I put it on her legs. I was rubbing some on the first leg when all of a sudden I felt a tremendous burning in my finger...I had forgotten about my boo boo and Nair got all in it. That SUCKED!

Well, as long as I'm gonna keep on writing, I might as well go make a post. See ya upblog!


October 31, 2007  

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I love spouting off my opinion, here's more of it!

This is an easy question...

...to answer:

"...Why can't she just stop visiting the blogs and just leave us alone?.."

(It was written about the trollup who spreads her legs for many men...Colleen Lombardi. Unfortunately, I cannot PROVE that she has slept with every single male co-worker that she's ever had...but I can certainly prove that she has extremely low, if any at all, standards. Married men are the absolute largest group of men that a lady knows are out of bounds. But, coho and other hoe's (Sp?) don't obey that tenet of womanhood.) Because when she wakes up in the morning and wonders what to do on any given day...she weighs all of her options and decides that reading the blogs is the best thing she can think of to do.

There just isn't another possible reason, is there? I defy anyone to come up with a better reason. Whoda thunk it? Back when you were miserable and aching from the pain caused by a whore and a dishonest husband, did it ever occur to you that there would come a day that the ho would be jealous of YOU!

The loser slut rectal freak that your hubby was banging is so unGodly jealous of you that she just can't stay away. She knows how beautiful you are. She knows that your husband married YOU. She knows that he won't allow the divorce to proceed which is just another way of saying that he prefers being married to you, whatever his reasons might be. If he wanted a divorce, you'd have one. What a hideous life she must have.

So, she comes to read about your life. She wants it girl! That nutcase wants YOUR life! She can't have it, she can't buy it and she certainly can't manipulate Jeff into wanting her like he wanted you. Jeff loved you...seriously. He loved you so much that he gave up all the other women in the world so that he could have you. Of course, he reneged on that vow...but she can't even get him to make one of those fake vows to her.

And she can't have his mind and his private thoughts. That must make her completely batty! She knows that he thinks of you quite often but she never knows when that is. She could be telling him how much money she has and for all she knows the two of them just drove past a restaurant that you and he used to go to. A song on the radio plays and he automatically thinks about you. You were such a HUGE part of his life for SO long that things remind him of you daily. But she has no clue when those thoughts come to him. And...she doesn't know who he thinks about when he porks her.

And on top of all of that...you didn't have to give him a dime. He just wanted you for you...not for money, not for co-signing on loans and not for anything else. He just wanted you...period. She'll NEVER be able to have what you got from Jeff no matter how much money she throws at him. OMG! Can you imagine how she must feel? I DO think it's funny and I laugh out loud just thinking about how pathetic her situation is.

There's a special love that Jeff had for you that hobag rectal wench literally CAN'T have. A relationship that's based on lies, deception and sordid behavior couldn't POSSIBLY compare with an innocent, special love that didn't incorporate the infliction of so much pain. As time goes by, you know as well as I do how guilty both of ours have felt over the past few years. Maybe not daily...but you know it's there.

I think it's time for a new poll question!

I'll be back with that in a moment. I should finish with coho first. I am so right this time that it frightens me. Girl...the nut is JEALOUS of you bad, green with envy, purple from the big, fat, pulsating vein that runs right above her left eye.

So when you leave the house in the morning...hold your head up high. You, young lady are the obect of someone's immense envy. Simply by existing, you raise this person's (arguable term) blood pressure. When it thinks of you, the hairs on the back of it's neck stand up. It's now time for you to sit back and enjoy the show. You my dear, have a front row seat to Karmavision and as long as coho keeps popping up here, so do the rest of us!

Have a LO-VER-LEEEEE day my friend!



Blogger Determined said...


October 31, 2007  

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

More of my opinions

I have to run...

...and get ready for work but before I did that I had to show you guys an example of how STUPID people can be. Sol's whore, Colleen Lombardi, actually believed the married man she was screwing when he told her this:

"...She hasn't slept with her husband in 2 years before he left her!..."

LOLOLOL...they all buy the same BS. Amazing. That any person would believe a known cheater is beyond me...how totally pathetic.

Gotta run,


By the way, this is bullshit:

"There's a reason why men cheat on women."

They may have a reason to LEAVE, but not to cheat. Solaris, did you get divorced and forget to tell me? LOLOLOL...why does this nut think that you're divorced?


Blogger Jaded said...

As if Sol's ex would say "Yeah, I'm still having sex with my wife, but let's get it on!" The fact that he actually HAD a wife should have kept any decent woman with moral values, self-esteem and some modicum of dignity away from him. But, whores are whores...dirty sperm recepticles, nothing more.

And of course, a man would NEVER lie to get laid.

Sol, ignore the skank. She's just doing it to somehow make you doubt yourself. If your ex was really committed to that piece of filth he'd have never stopped the divorce proceedings. It's a pretty good built-in excuse to just milk her dry of all her money without needed to marry the skank too. "Gee, honey, you know I'd marry you but my divorce isn't final." It would be almost funny if she wasn't so freakin' stupid.

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

Of course I'm not officially divorced - I would have told you. We're seperated going on 2 years.

Reminds me, I'm tired of this nut. Why can't she just stop visiting the blogs and just leave us alone?

I dont' have a husband, you dont have a husband, no one here has advertised their husband's so what the fuck could possibly want??!!

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Eliza Doolittle said...

Sol -

I know you loved him, and probably still do, but how worthy is your husband of your love when he treats you like he did?

Men leave good women for whores all the time. And women leave good men for a nice ass all the time as well. I don't think either sex has cornered the market on stupidity.

The point is - the only two people who know what truly goes on in a relationship are the two people immediately involved. As someone else pointed out, men are more likely to lie in order to get into someone's pants, and if selling the poor pitiful me line is the way to get some stupid girl wet, then that's the line they use. Honestly, you'd think after being fed the same lines of bullshit for 2000 plus years, women would have evolved a better bullshit meter and told men to get the fuck out of their lives!

October 31, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

And another thing- whether Colonized takes an enema to get rid of Colon or not doesn't make a difference to me. I'm not interested in the cheater - it's over.I love my life too much now to have it tainted by a cheater who was with that Thing. Just the thought that he was with her grosses me out.

October 31, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Eliza, the link takes you to an AJC page that says "the page I wanted no longer exists". That's OK, I'll find it. I was looking forward to reading it and commenting but I'll do it later when I have time to search for the article. I just got home from work and I'm pooped. I was supposed to get off at 7 but I didn't leave the hospital until after 11. The called me at 3 to ask me to work and that was too late to bother trying to take a nap. So, I've been up for over 30 hours now. I'm a tad giddy!


October 31, 2007  
Blogger Eliza Doolittle said...

Meg - look for Florida millionaire has to pay $28K a month in child support - or something to that effect. was on the ajc.com front page.

October 31, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Okee-dokee...sounds intriguing already!

See ya girlee girl!

October 31, 2007  

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I wonder what provokes...

...people to think these things:

"How do you even say that you arent angry when you can think such thoughts?"

That would never occur to me. I wouldn't say, "You're just happy..." or "You're just being silly...". Why would someone think, "You're just angry?" What's the point?

Did you see me say that I wasn't angry? I don't remember saying that. Did you read the very first post to this blog? Was I pretending to be sweet or something? I was pretty straightforward then and I am now. If you see anger, there's probably some anger. But I don't think you could make an argument that I dwell on it...I just spout it out and go on with my life.

And before you say, "Well, it's been over 3 years!" let me just say that I am so angry at what Rick did that I couldn't possibly imagine that ever going away. I'm good with that, though. There's a lot of people who have made me so angry that I never bothered with them again...like the people who I tell to "Fuck off!"

You just can't tell a person to "Fuck off" so easily when you've been together for so many years. Hell, I still have some of his stuff that he'll get back someday. I would tell him to fuck off...but I sort of can't. Maybe someday.

Until then, don't bother telling me that I sound angry. I never said that I wasn't angry. And the fact that I'd love to see him on the rack with his balls nailed down doesn't necessarily mean that I love him...it could just mean that he really pissed me off.

So, if you're thinking, "Damn, she does sound angry...", then cool. Let it be. I have a really, really good reason to be angry. Sol understands it because the exact same thing happened to her. She was really in love with someone who said that they loved her too. She loved him so much that she based her life on his promise of love. Then, just when she and her life were pretty much dependent upon that love, it was stolen. Yanking the love away is like having the rug pulled out from under you. It just takes a while to get up from that one.

There are 2 kinds of people, those who whine that I am angry and those who have had it happen to them. I've asked people who've been through the same thing how long it takes to get past the anger and they've told me that they never did, they just got used to living with it. So...I don't see it going away anytime soon. But don't take it as love because I'm quite sure it isn't.

I think I know how men must feel when they see a slut. The body is tainted...it's somehow nowhere near as sacred as most bodies are. The thought of mouth to mouth contact even grosses me out. I would feel as though I would have to use some sort of body rubber to even be near him naked...does that make any sense? There could never be any intimacy between us and I can't for the life of me understand how I ever let it happen in the first place.

Oh well, I have to do something else now...I'm not sure what but there has to be something that needs doing. I'll stand in the middle of a room and look for something to do. That's always fun. The last time I did it I found 2 pair of nasty panties. Maybe I'll find something fun again!



Blogger mylifeatfullspeed said...

I think people see things they way they want to, or based on their own experiences...so for you, telling someone to "fuck off" or asking WTF?? to Rick is just what it looked like. We see your entire message with no hidden agenda because there is none.

Some people need to read more into things than are really there. They require drama. Why else would they accuse you of being angry still? I mean, DUH! Your husband who promised to love and respect you for the rest of your lives slept with another woman, in your house even!, and you are supposed to not be upset?

They are just fishing to stir up drama to satisfy their own needs. I think there is quite enough drama going on on some other blogs...they should be able to find all they need by following some links...


October 30, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Yeah, I have this thing where the stuff in my head just comes right out of my mouth. I don't try to turn it into something else...I just say it like it is. As I told Rick, I'm not cryptic, I'll tell you just what's on my mind. And I do. I think you MUST be right because so many people do try to read much more into what I say or write. But it is what it is...nothing more.

Alas....my life is almost TOO drama freee right now! But...like anyone else, I could take any eensy weensy aspect of it and turn it into high drama if I wanted to...I just choose not to.

Guess I've seen enough in my day.


October 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really, Meg? And just what a presumptous woman you are. How do you know that Solaris loved her EX husband? She hasn't slept with her husband in 2 years before he left her!

Meg, you would do so much better if you concentrate on YOUR faults instead of on Solaris' and Kates and the very pitiful Lara. Really, Meg, I do feel sorry for you. There's a reason why men cheat on women. Ladies, you're not concentrating on YOUR faults.

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Eliza Doolittle said...

Two cents:

People bitch because what you have to say hits too close to home for their personal comfort.

So...f'em they can't take it.

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOL...Eliza, how perfect that someone should prove you right that quickly!

Talk about hitting close to home...this one was right on Sol's doorstep....or wherever it is she keeps her trash!



I just got called into work so I have to get all nursed up. I promise not to tell one person that they "aren't my patient"!

October 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Eliza. Any degree of uncomfort backs people into a corner and so they come out swinging, so to speak.

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Karin's Korner said...

I just HAVE to comment on the first anonymous person's comment on this blog.

Really Anon???? Really??? How in the world do you know if Solaris had sex with her husband or not? Did you live with them? I think that if Solaris said that she loved her husband, then she loved her husband...who are you to judge what someone is feeling? Shame on you!!

As far as Meg, Kate and Lara...who are you to judge??? As far as I know, there is only one God and he is the judge, How dare you?

And there is NEVER a reason that a married man (or woman for that matter) should cheat on their spouse. If they are not happy in the relationship then they can leave....no need to cheat, that just makes them a cheater!

Sorry Meg, I just can't sit back and let someone go off like that. When I really don't think that they know what they are talking about.

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


I certainly don't mind...knock yourself out. You're exactly right and only a husband stealing skank would think that there is ANY reason to cheat. As you said, you just leave...cheating is cheating and it makes the person automatically become the wrong-doer and the cheatee becomes the wronged party. If they left instead, they might be able to say the spouse was a jerk. But, when you cheat, you take the title of Jerk away for yourself.



October 30, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

I would have thought colon ( yes as in colon cancer) would be far to busy making sure colonised wasn't skirt chasing behind HER back to have time to stalk Sol.
Maybe she knows he is skirt chasing and thats why she is here?

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

Yes, Meg, I understand your pain 100%. I too loved my husband a whole lot - I built my life around him, he was everything to me and I don't have to give out explanations to no one. ;)

And to moron/"anonymous"/Colon: For the record, we did have sex, duh! He was my husband. In fact, we had sex right up to the week after I found out about you!

October 30, 2007  

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Good morning!

I just got home from work while the rest of you are going into work. It was my first night back since the vacation and luckily, it was a great night. I go from hospital to hospital and then from unit to unit so I work with a BUNCH of different nurses. We all work for the same company...but I work for the agency, most of them work for one of the individual hospitals. It's interesting how different the cultures are at each of the different hospitals.

In the first place, the hospital that I worked at last night has a much more pleasant culture in general. In the second place, the unit that I worked on was full of extremely pleasant and helpful people. It was such a nice surprise. I haven't worked with a group as good as this group in forever. I actually don't remember the last time I did. It would be the type of atmosphere that would make a nurse really want to come to work.

The patients are certainly the reason that we are there but the people with whom we work make a huge impact on whether or not we enjoy our jobs. Working with miserable, back stabbing and gossipy females makes me dread going to my job. It's total teamwork so it's really important that you feel good to be around the people that you work with. Last night, everyone got their job done but they all did it with smiles on their faces. I couldn't help but think that the patients felt that too.

Ordinarily, you would have to slack in your job to enjoy it as much as we did last night. Every nurse that I worked with seemed to be genuinely having fun doing their jobs. That's not easy to find. The smiles were so ingrained on their faces that they couldn't have wiped them off when they walked into patient's rooms.

It was a great place to work and if I HAD to be a patient, that's where I would want to be. Can you imagine having nurses who really enjoyed their jobs? You don't see many of those and there was a whole group of them there last night. I hope that I get to go back soon.

Oops...I forgot the rest of this post...LOLOLOLOL...I am one tired nurse. For those of you who missed it, I just posted a half done post with no good-bye or eat shit. Sorry about that. I think I'm going to make a video thingie....I don't know what to call them now. The kitchen light is out and there isn't a man around to fix that right now but there should be before the day is over. The reason that I'm telling you that is that I will be all Smurfed out on the video. I don't know why...I guess it's the light from the monitor...but whatever, I'm blue.

OK, I'm gonna go make that thing now...I'll be right back with it.


OTAAAAYYYY!!! Here 'tis!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in the ICU after complications from a surgery about 2 years ago...and the staff was horrid. Would clean up my blood and then touch everything in the room. I got a staph infection as well. Not the bad kind, thank goodness. I finally had my daughter stay with me during the day so I would get proper care...and she was 17. But she was better than any nurse I had during my stay.
As for the guy that listened to your voice on the machine...I have done that to a guy I liked (knowing it was sooo junior high to do)...and I never stalked him. For me...it was shyness...just easier to talk to the machine than to him in person.


October 29, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I understand what you're saying but this guy isn't shy...he wants to talk to me. He just couldn't because I was at work. Had I given him that number, I am quite sure he would have called there!

Sorry about your hospital experience, I've had rotten nurses myself. I think I learned more from that experience (being a patient) than I ever did in college.


October 29, 2007  
Blogger Jaded said...

Hmmm, maybe you could get your son to record your answering machine message until this guy gets the idea to back off!

The worst care I ever received was when I was in the ER passing a kidney stone AND having a miscarriage. I didn't know I was pregnant, and the nurse came in, sat me in a wheel chair and said "You're pregnant and having a miscarriage, you can't stay in this room." He then wheeled me into the hallway where I sat for more than an hour. When my sister chased down another nurse to get me some help, she just said "She's not my patient" and kept right on going. It was a horrific situation just because of what was happening, but during a miscarriage, certain things happen which also make it a very messy situation, and I just had to sit in the hallway until my husband, sister and I made enough of a scene that they moved me into a cubical. It was quite the nightmare.

By contrast, the best nursing care I got was in a much bigger hospital that's part of the University of Penn. I needed an emergency C-section, and the nursing staff couldn't have been more attentive, supportive and positive. I was shocked that the treatment was so much better in a bigger hospital. I would have thought it to be the other way around because there are fewer patients. Go figure.

October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why you so in love with JD huh? Why you so in love? Why you so in love with JD huh?
Apologise to JQ75 NOW!!!!

October 29, 2007  
Blogger akakarma said...

Congrats on your Courageous Blogger award! Well deserved!

October 30, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Aw, I'm not so courageous, I'm just too stupid to be afraid.

Now I see why my patients think so highly of me. If these stories are any indication of what nurses act like, I must be a GREAT nurse. I have NEVER said, "That's not my patient." I would tend to whatever I'm asked, even if I have to say, "Right now I'm taking this to someone, when I'm done, I'll be right back." And..then I DO come back. Hmm, maybe I should write something about hospital nursing, I've written enough about nursong home nursing...let me suck a quart of coffee and then I'll do that.


JD...why do you always pretend to be an illiterate jack ass? Just comes naturally, huh?

October 30, 2007  

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Good morning!

I'm up and sucking coffee down this morning. I fell asleep with my eye make-up on so I look like a raccoon right now. I would film myself but that might frighten young people and I wouldn't want to be responsible for the nightmares they might have.

I've decided what I want to be for Halloween. I'm gonna take my name tag from when I went to see The Price is Right, stick it on my shoulder and then I'll be a game show contestant. That's about all the effort I want to put into it this year.

I saw 3 shows while I was in LA...Judge Judy, Bill Maher and The Price is Right. Judy was easy to get into, I just walked up Tribune Studios and asked if I could go in and watch. They were SO sweet and let me in to see one taping. It was exactly like watching it on TV. The only things that I learned that I didn't know from watching the show is that they have people who get paid to sit in the audience. The guy I sat next to came to LA to be an actor and so far the best job he's gotten was Judge Judy. I didn't get paid to do it...I just had fun.

Also, Officer Byrd holds a clipboard during the taping and when he held it a certain way, you could see that he was just doing crossword puzzles. That was cute. Other than those 2 things and the fact that I was actually THERE and in a seat...it was no different than watching it on TV.

The Bill Maher Show was different. That audience was made up of any people who they could drag in. I was at Grauman's Chinese Theatre when some guy was standing there shouting out, "Free tickets for the Bill Maher Show!" I was the only one to take a ticket. Someone said that the people on Hollywood Blvd. were usually worried that it was some sort of scam but I know enough about how tough it is to get audiences. I knew it wasn't a scam. Anyway, for the show that I saw, (actually it was only part of a show) they had a bunch of John Edwards supporters. I guess they sent passes to people on his donor list.

When we went into THAT studio (which turned out to be the exact same studio where The Price is Right was filmed) they took the people with Edwards t-shirts and put them in front. I would have been on TV but when everyone stood up and cheered for Edwards, I remained defiantly in my seat. Then, when we watched the show, all they showed of the audience was the part where everyone was standing up. So, I knew from the lady next to me where I was...but I couldn't see me. That's what I get for being a bitch.

Then, of course, we went to see The Price is Right. What a PAIN IN THE ASS! We chose tickets for the 4 o'clock show specifically so that we could sleep in that day because we hadn't made plans for Sunday night and you never know so just in case...we chose the later show.

No one told us that it didn't matter what show you chose...you had to be at the studio before 6 AM. There were a few nuts who slept there like it was a Grateful Dead concert but most of us got there in plenty of time by showing up at 6. That line was to get a pass to stand in another line an hour later. So, we drove to my daughter's house and when we got back to the studio, the line we were in was the line where they give you your priority number.

They have a diagram of the seats in the audience and they check off seats as they assign you a number. We were 21 and 22...whatever that meant. We had those numbers stuck to our chests under the yellow tag that everyone wears there. Anyway, we were then allowed to leave again but had to be back at 1. We went back to the house and then out for lunch.

When we came back, we stayed in line until we actually walked into the studio. There were 2 people who came out and called ten people (Numbers 1-10) out of line at a time. We were lined up numerically so it was pretty easy to get the 10 up to the bar. That was actually the interview for choosing the contestants. Of course, you are on camera the ENTIRE time you're at the studio so who knows how they pick them out.

Then, you walk into the studio and find a seat. I ran and got a seat behind the contestants seats. It ensured that I would be on TV but didn't do anything for me as far as getting on stage was concerned. I don't think it would matter where you sat for that show because you couldn't hear a thing. You can't hear the contestants bids, you couldn't hear Drew during the games and you had no idea what the heck was going on. I suppose that if you had watched the monitors, you might have a clue...but from the front row, I couldn't see them.

It's amazing how you cannot hear a THING! They tell you to make noise over and over again so everyone is doing that...a LOT! They all want to get on the show so they're acting like fools jumping up and down. Even after the Showcase Showdown, they keep you hollering with the promise of "Cash at the end of the show!" That cash is $100 that they give to someone who's name they pull out of a box...so you could shut up halfway through the show and it wouldn't affect your chances of being on the show. Although I can't really tell you any tips that I learned from being there...I do know that if I ever go again, I will be auditioning from the time I walk on the studio lot to the time I sit down in the audience.

The next time that I go out there, I'm going to do that again. Only I'll plan it better. I'll call ahead and get tickets to what I WANT to see, not whatever I get tickets for. Of course, I DID want to see Judge Judy...but they snuck me in for 1 case when they do 10 a day. Her "courtroom" is right next door to Judge Joe Brown's...by the way. You walk onto the set and you can either turn right to go into Judy's court or left to walk into Joe's.

One thing that I noticed, the audience has a job to do and there's always someone whose job it is to make you do your job. Whether it's some comic like they had at Bill Maher or someone that just tells you to be loud...they let you know how to act. At Bill Maher they even had us practice that thing where you start out laughing and then slowly go into applause. Then, they tell you when to do that. So, it's not the audience's idea to clap at those moments...they tell you to do it.

Anyway, there's a lot of audience manipulation.

So, I was just listening to my phone messages and there was one that said something about my sister not being "authorized" to hang up on people who call me. My sister is a big girl and if she feels the need to hang up on someone, I trust that she has a good reason. It has nothing to do with me...but I know my sister. She'd be perfectly pleasant to anyone who was pleasant to her. If someone complained to me that she hung up on them, I would just assume that the person did something rude.

OK, my sister is cleaning the kitchen...one of the few things that I didn't clean yesterday. I was hanging up clothes and straightening out closets, the absolute worst in housekeeping jobs. I haven't found anymore sex crap from Rick and his ho...yet. But, I'm sure there's something up in my attic. Actually, I'm also sure that I've come across things that I didn't even know were theirs. Maybe something that I assumed was the kid's. Who knows?

Well, it's been a couple of days and still no apology. Well, it's really been over 3 years without one. Once Rick got me to admit to "my part in the end of our marriage". But...I take that back. It wasn't me. I was just doing what I always did, blaming myself while Rick stood there, all self righteous and still refusing to admit to any transgressions at all.

I took responsibility for my part but in the clearing of my head from all the lies...I see that it WAS NOT me. It was him. Period. I was simply reacting to being totally lied to a manipulated. There was never anything wrong with me. Now that I'm out from under his spell I can see that. I'm just fine.

Oh, by the way, I'm NOT angry...I'm just right.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

A man's reaction when caught is to say you are being "paranoid"...or you are "crazy"...or worrying about nothing. A woman should always go with what she feels...9 times out of 10 she is right. I was : )


October 28, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

So was I.

October 29, 2007  

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Saturday, October 27, 2007


...here's the whatchamacallit. It's in response to a comment that I found on another blog. This is the comment:

"...Did that person ever apologize for telling me to fuck off?..."

And, being "that person", this is my retort:


It's really very simple.

Have a loverly weekend.



Blogger Jaded said...

I absolutely agree with you! I kept thinking that if you said it and meant it, why bother with an apology? Especially if it's the person to whom I think you're referring.

Yay for Payton for being such a smart boy!

October 27, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Thank you girl. Yeah, it's the person you think it is. I don't get the attraction to the melodrama, I'd rather just say "Fuck off" and blow it off than to play musical blogs and friends.

And Payton IS a smart boy! And now he's a clean boy too. He just had his second bath in two weeks because he got fleas and he had an allergic reaction to them. I put all kinds of shit on him, bathed him with flea shampo...nothing worked. Today I got some stuff from the vet that killed all the fleas on him then I had to shampoo him again so that I could put some of the stuff from the vet on his back. I had to wash all the old stuff off of him. He smells so good...I used berry shampoo. He's also MUCH better already.

I hated seeing him suffer.


October 27, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

It took like an hour but i got to see ya video thingy lol. I lurve your accent !!

oh and to be honest i dont think saying fuk off is a big deal, id love to say it to numerous clients everyday for the same reason ie get out of my face

October 28, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOL...bless your heart! Was that the first one you've ever watched? And what do you mean accent? I have no accent!


October 28, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

I watched your earlier ones where you used a "clipboard" but yes the first speaking one Meg. LOL at no accent.

October 28, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Uh oh...well I guess I better put up my anti-karma shield and protect myself. Sol, you got yours out?

See ya JD, you psycho skank!

Lovely to hear from you again, it had been close to an hour since your last email...where were you?


October 28, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

I'm surprised that we were labeled "axis of evil" and not blog terrorists. With "Axis of evil" being so outdated and all...

So which one are you? Lara can be the japanese emperor since she's by asia lol

October 28, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

I'm surprised that we were labeled "axis of evil" and not blog terrorists... You know..with "axis of evil" being so outdated and all...

Lara can be the japanese emperor since she's by asia lol

October 28, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

LOL at an hour ago

October 29, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, talk about beating a dead horse! When is JD or whatever the hell her name is gonna move on already?!!

October 29, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

Umm well I can be Asia if you like but i think hong kong phooey has that already hehe

October 29, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

LOL at ME! Had one beer and one happy trigger finger. *click click click*

October 29, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOL...Sol, you crack me up. We gotta move closer to each other. We'd be the only 2 women in the country who could buy one 6 pack and be totally shitfaced.

What cheap dates we are.


October 30, 2007  

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This is just too funny...

...I had to post it here. It's perfect for any cat lover:

myveryownkarma: Bad Pussy!#links

I cracked me up something awful!



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I received a couple comments...

...to the panty post below suggesting that I should "get over it". I get those every so often, not too often because most people know that I rarely rag on Rick anymore. (I love alliteration!) We actually get along.

I just wanted to make a point. If a person commits a crime against another person, they get closure in the legal system. They get to see the fiend carted off to jail and then they know that they've received justice. I don't want Rick to go to jail...I simply want an apology.

They don't give you closure in divorce court. They give you alimony. They give you permission to screw other people. They give you whatever they think you should have. But, they don't give you an apology and they don't direct one from the person who harmed you. So, I don't get closure. And to make matters worse, we never had a chance to hold each other and cry over the death of our marriage. I thought we deserved that and would have had one last hug coming. But I never got that either. One day I had a husband and the next day I didn't. That's all. No explanation, no honesty...just a man running away.

You guys have no clue what he did to me. I KNEW something was going on yet I so wanted to believe him. He was so damned good at lying that he told me that I need to go see a shrink for my "trust issues". I DID! Once I told him that his cheating was "driving me crazy". He said, "You're doing it to yourself."

When a man looks at you, says he loves you and then says that you're suspicions are unfounded, you want to believe him. Especially when he sends you to a nut doctor to deal with your psychological deficits that don't even exist. I went to a doctor to have a non-existent problem fixed. Who would stand by and watch a person go through that pain if they were actually cheating? My mind just couldn't accept that my husband was that diabolical. He was.

When I hear him lie now, I wonder...was he always this bad and was I always stupid enough to believe him? Or is he slipping? I can't tell. I can tell he's lying because the BS is just so lame it's laughable. His "default greeting" on the answering machine is an old lady who awkwardly giggles her way through a phone message. Then, the default greeting answers the phone and responds to specific questions. Great software no doubt.

I'm not gut wrenching angry anymore. I'm sort of "group angry". I think that people like Solaris know what I mean. At this point we're mad at ALL cheaters. I'm no angrier at Rick than I am at Sol's hubby. And that moron on Divorce Court yesterday just made me cringe when he lied over and over again. It brought it all back to me. That's what prompted the post. I got it out of my system and now I'm fine.

OK then. I have to make a video for you. It will be answering a particular statement:

"...Did that person ever apologize for telling me to fuck off?..."

I am "that person"...the one who didn't "apologize for telling" a person to fuck off. I almost answered it here but then I decided that it would be a good subject for me to deliver in person. So, I shall. I'll be right back after I do that.



Blogger Determined said...

I'm still kind of individual sad/angry... and group sad/angry . If that makes any sense.

October 27, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Well hon,

It makes sense to me. But I don't know if all the perfect people who smile and walk away from all of life's little surprises would get it. But, what the hell...they might get it someday.


October 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you even say that you arent angry when you can think such thoughts?

October 30, 2007  

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Friday, October 26, 2007

You know...

...I always take my granddaughter to a web site that she loves. It's fun for the kids her age and teaches them how to manipulate the mouse. It's this site:


They seem to love it so I thought that I should post it up there for us grandparents who want to play with someone who knows less about computers than we do. So this is great for us AND the kids!

If you have any really good sites for kids, stick them in a comment. You can stay anonymous, I don't care...I'd just like to have a nice list of web sites for the little munchkins.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carve Your own pumpkin?

This is fun: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/timages/page/pumpkin_sim.html

The Jean in FL that doesn't have Alzheimer's yet.

October 27, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Thanks Jean without Alzheimers!

We do carve our own. My sister made them pumpkin seeds while I was gone but I don't see any pumpkins so we will be getting ours this weekend.



October 27, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

That is a very cute site! Thanks again Jean without Alzheimer's!


October 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there!:)

Coloring.com is a good site for kids, my kids have tried using the site and also found another site which is almost the same as coloring.com. It is thecolor.com, and here is the link, Thecolor.com.
Just click on it, it's already linked.

March 25, 2009  

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I was just thinking...

...about something. My sister was lieing on the couch nursing a small medical problem. We spent the evening in the ER over this one. Today I had to go get her prescriptions filled so I went to Sam's and tried to take advantage of their $4 prescription list thingie. I'll have to tell you about that one later. It is a bit of a story in itself. Anyway, she was on the couch when I got home so I walked over and sat next to her.

She had Divorce Court on in the background and the wife showed a pair of underwear that she found in her home. They weren't hers. It made me think about the two pair of panties that I found when I cleaned a closet out for my sister. That closet was the one and only place in the house that hasn't been emptied and painted since Rick left. It was one of the kid's closets and was still full of kid's stuff...waiting for the kid to come back and pick up someday. If you wanted to hide something, it's the perfect place to do it. As long as there are no kids around, no one is going into that sucker.

I mentioned the panties on here the day I found them, but I was so preoccupied with my vacation that I didn't give it it's due attention. So, I am going to do so now.

If you guys will excuse me for a moment, I have something to ask my ex-husband. See, I know that he comes here everyday. He comes here so often that the statcounter just says "Multiple visits spread over more than one day". So, I feel quite secure that he'll read this question.

So, Rick, excuse me but WHAT THE FUCK DUDE????

YOU HAD SOME CHICKS NASTY BLACK AND RED PANTIES IN MY HOUSE? How long have I been living with your bimbo's underwear? And...I have got to know something. How do you live with yourself without so much as one apology to me? I couldn't imagine doing what you've done. But I know one thing for sure...I would have never left you saddled with a lie AND all the evidence that you left behind. Sex shit in my house? Was her fucking trailer THAT small? Who put the panties in the kid's closet, you or she? Oh, remember that lotion...that foreplay in a bottle that you shoved in the back of the kitchen drawer? Or did she do that as well? How did you have another woman in my home and then call me nuts for being "suspicious"? How could you have made me go to a doctor for help dealing with my "trust issues" when all the time, you were banging some whore in a trailer? In 3 years you couldn't have said, "Listen, I'm really sorry that I did what I did but I did it. You might find some shit in the house and I'm really sorry about that." Hell dude, you could have fricking emailed it if you weren't man enough to say it to my face. You're thousands of miles away...what the hell are you afraid of?

That's all. I keep forgetting to whom I am speaking. Whatever.

I feel the need to run this again:

"Fuck everything you ever said.
Fuck everything you put in my head.
Fuck the trip that you've been on.
Fuck every place your dumbass has gone.
Fuck all the different ways you lie.
Fuck all your dumb excuses why.
Fuck everyone who cares for you.
Fuck every fucked up bitch you do.
Fuck your car, fuck your truck.
Fuck you,you fucking fuck.
I put my love up on a shelf.
So you can just go fuck yourself.
Take fucking one from fucking two.
That leaves me NOT fucking you.
I'm so glad you're fucking gone.
Like that scab I had too long.
Fuck your bullshit, fuck your news.
Fuck your dumbass, you blew this fuse.
Do I sound bitter? Oh, you bet!
You fucking punk, I'm not done yet.
Fuck your dog, fuck your cat.
Fuck that stupid place you're at.
Fuck your beginnings, fuck your ends.
Fuck your family and your fucked-up friends.
You're fucking fucked, you failed God's test.
10 times worse than all the rest.
Fuck my letters, fuck the phone.
My last gift to you is this fucking poem.
And just one thing before I'm through.
From the bottom of my heart ---FUCK YOU TOO!!!"

OK then. That feels better.



Blogger Lara Croft said...

Meggggg are you coming to Vegas?

October 26, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOLOL. I was just wondering about that earlier today. It depends, no one ever told me when it was!

October 26, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

Eww! But who the hell throws panties in the closet?? You're gonna have to spray down that closet - it has the cooties! Yack!!

October 26, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I was wondering what was wrong with Payton. And all this time I was treating him for fleas. Damn, had I only known that Gail Glenn and Rick Kelso had dumped there sex attire in my children's closet...I could have bombed the place in time to save the dog.

Now, I had that one coming to me...and you've got it coming to you. I hope your life is all that you hoped it would be. Does your chest swell with pride when you think of how you've lived your life? Did you get "closer to he Lord" like you said you would?

Good luck with that.

October 26, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

I was thinking, why don't you mail those panties right back to Rick?

October 26, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I don't know where to get a box that big. Actually, someone else had them last...I assume they discarded the fuckers. (No pun intended). Imagine how dispicable...our sacred vows were stompled upon by people who enjoy nasty panties and sex in another person's bed. Ick, ick, ick.

October 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you going to allow yourself to get over this? Don't you want to LIVE your life? You can complain and whine all you like, but it isn't going to change anything. He is gone. Get over it, and quit living in the past - it would be the best thing for you.
Tough words but you know they are right.

October 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment is going to make me really unpopular...BUT. Why are you still so angry? I get that he cheated...but you can't change the past. I guess I just see anger as wasted time and energy. And the fact that you are still angry is probably making him really happy. Your anger is hurting no one but yourself. My opinion, of course.

October 27, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

You both have valid points but I'm not angry per se...the panties just pissed me off. Of course I still have moments now and then when the audacity of what he did still blows me away. And, the fact that he still lies about it just makes my jaw drop. I don't understand it.

Don't worry, I'm fine. But...I'm not perfect. I rarely rag on the fool but every so often I get a tad annoyed that he left me in a state where I have no friends or any support. I can't seem to get out of this place.

And it doesn't matter anyway...how do you stop being mad when you're mad? Do you flip a switch or something? I'm not an idiot...I'm just honest with my feelings and ONCE AGAIN...Ladies and GENTLEMAN...FEELINGS ARE WHAT THEY ARE...YOU CAN'T CHANGE THEM YOURSELF! If I could have done that, I would have changed my feelings the first time he cheated.

As I said, I found the stupid panties the day before I went to LA. I didn't say anything then because I SO didn't care. We all laughed about them and tossed them about like the cootie ridden things they were. But, when I saw that chick on Divorce Court, I remembered the panties that I found and I was angry at the situation. Actually, I was sort of more angry at the husband on Divorce Court because he kept lying and THAT was making me annoyed again.

So, don't worry, I'm not as angry as I sound. But...I AM still angry to some extent.

If you've been reading for any length of time, you would know that I don't usually do that anymore...I mainly DO live my life. And as far as it making Rick feel good to see me angry....trust me. I know him. It makes him feel like an idiot.


October 27, 2007  

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Years and years ago...

...we were able to laugh at things that are now considered politically incorrect. That's truly a shame because we lose out on some funny stuff when we try to stifle thought...even if it's just comedian thought. There used to be a LOT of stand up comics that were extremely funny and now, not so many. The PI nature of Hollywood shut up a bunch of then, beginning with Andrew Dice Clay who...whatever you say about him, was one funny white boy.

My son watched 5 minutes of All in the Family before stomping off in a huff, saying, "This is the most racist thing that I've ever seen!" Imagine my surprise...the show was made by some of the staunchest liberals in Hollywood and the kid thinks it's all racist. Oh well.

I guess he wouldn't like this one bit:


Personally, I thought it was funny.


PS It's 10 minutes after 10 in the morning EST which means Rick will be here any minute for one of his daily visits. Give me a call dude.


Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Alrighty then.

I see JD is playing her Aussie role today. I wonder what this personality looks like?

October 26, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

I wonder if she uses aussie porn stars for this one lol

October 26, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOLOL...wouldn't you love it if this nut WERE a porn DUDE? To be honest, I couldn't imagine a man thinking so much like an insane female. But, if true, would make this puppy a helluva lot sicker than we ever suspected.

Once again, the people who whine about our responses have no clue how twisted, obsessed and evil this freak truly is. We deal with the lunatic so consistently and every blue moon (comparitively speaking) we respond to something the whack job says or does. As though they would sit back and deal with ad nauseum.

October 26, 2007  

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

John commented about...

...why younger men would be interested in an older woman. Basically...it's all for the sex. Now, there's nothing at all wrong with sex...but how about a little decorum? Pretend to like me anyway..don't go straight for my zipper.

I suppose if I met a nice young man who turned out to be my son's age...it MIGHT not bother me. But, when the kid went to school WITH my son, there's an entire new light on the subject. I wouldn't do that to my son. OMG! Can you imagine that? "Dude, I did your mother!"

Nope. I draw the line at my kid's acquaintances. I've always attracted younger men and there's nothing that I can do about that. But, I do have to have a standard or two here or there. One guy asked me how young was "too young". My answer was simple, "If you could bring me home to meet your mother, you're not too young." That's simple enough.

I have a bit of a problem with anyone who is only going out with you for sexual reasons. As I write that it occurs to me that we ALL do that to some extent...but I'd like a friend as well. You know, the kind of guy who puts the BUDDY in fuckbuddy.

I read somewhere that women give sex to get love and men give love to get sex. I don't know how true any of that is...I don't think it through like that. If I'm attracted to someone...it just sort of happens. I don't think about what will come next. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong.

I can't believe how long I went without sex after Rick left. After a while, it was sort of like a game...I liked being able to say it had been "over a year". When the divorce came through I was bored of that game so I didn't wait very long at all. I was also lucky enough to have a guy about whom I cared quite a bit. That lasted for a good while and there was a brief period when I had some serious fun. I guess I had to do that. But lately, things have been rather slow around town.

I sort of have the perfect situation. I have an extremely handsome guy who is 6'6". That's like Christmas to me. We both are perfectly open to date other people and we even talk about it when one of us does date someone else. He's just a helluva nice guy, bright and most certainly in the top 2 best looking men I've ever dated. For a couple of years now, we've been steadily keeping smiles on each other's faces for all of that time. So, since I have the smiles covered...I don't really need that in a date. I would rather just get to know someone during the dating process. I know that's probably not the smartest way in the world to handle things but neither is screwing every guy you date.

That seems to be what they expect and I don't get that. It's amazing how many guys would sleep with you on a first date! It's even more amazing that they all think that I would too. I told one guy that I was out with how the last guy I went out with had tried to get in my pants on the first date. He said, "Oh! That's awful!" Then he did it TOO! And then, I told THAT story to a 3rd guy who ALSO did it...only worse than the first two. He's the one who wanted me to "see what I do to him" by pulling my hand toward IT. I ran quickly away, jumped in my car and drove swftly home where I ignored that guy's calls for the next 2 months. He was a persistent little creep.

I don't think men realize how annoying it is for a woman to have to escape from them because of their idiocy. Not all of them of course and I'm sure there are some women who aren't any prizes themselves. But I would never consider TOUCHING someone who didn't really seem to want to be touched. That youngin' from last night touched me and I didn't want to be touched. Not by him. If he wasn't too pushy, he was too young. If he wasn't too young, he was too short. He was just not at all my type.

Well, I can't complain, I can just call tall boy and invite him over for anything I might need. Things could be worse. I could be whining about how frustrated I was and then I'd get the obligatory comments from men and women telling me that I should get a dildo. Eeesh.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have asked men why they like older women...and it is partly sex....but that is not the only reason. Older women are more secure and confident...and bring less drama into a relationship. If I were to leave my husband and date again...I would date younger men. Probably because I have a fear of growiong old : )


October 26, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


I've heard that as well. Like I said, if I met a nice guy who happened to be young, I wouldn't dismiss him out of hand...but if a guy is going after my boobs or my pants the same calander day that we first laid eyes on each other...old or yong...he's outta there. Tsk tsk. Can't they wait a COUPLE days?


October 26, 2007  

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...I'm awake and I'm sober so things are much better now. I turned the AC off the other day thinking that I would have a month of cheap electricity but this morning when I woke up it was only 60 degrees in this house. So, I had to turn the heat on. Now I'm waiting for it to drift over to me.

I had an interesting night last night. I fell asleep early in the evening and when I woke up...I was bored and wide awake. I called a friend of mine who's husband owns a bar and she asked me to come over for a drink. I did, and I ended up having 3 beers. You wouldn't think 3 beers would do much to a full grown woman...would you? Well, you'd be wrong.

It made me totally goofy...how much I didn't realize until I saw that stupid video of me below this post. Oh well. If only that was the worst thing that happened last night. It wasn't.

I was sitting at the bar with my friend and she ran to help her husband when things got busy, leaving me sitting there by myself. I didn't mind, I was sort of watching the ball game. Then some guy sat next to me and started chatting. I was polite, after all...I'm a sweetie. Then, after a while I realized that I was being hit on. The kid was a kid. At least he was to me. He was 30. I told him that I was as old as his mother and he said that was OK, he went to high school with my son. That was rather freaky.

When I asked him, he knew who my son was so I had to believe that he DID indeed go to high school with my kid. And it didn't deter him one little teensy weensy bit. Luckily, 3 beers is only enough to make me stupid, not enough to make me take off my pants so I got out of that one easily enough. I have to give the kid credit...he was quite persistent and rather touchy feely. I just wish I understood the attraction. Are they running out of chicks in their 20's?

Oh well, I have to go get a shot now. Doesn't that sound like fun? OK then...I'm off to get a shot for work and I'll be back later.

See ya,



Blogger John said...

From my personal experience, some of my most memorable sex in my 20's was with women in their 40's and 50's. Take it as a compliment, not anything against the 20-yr-old girls, but they aren't the same as someone older ;-)

October 25, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOL, John, thanks. I guess you have a point. BUT...I have been out with a couple of 20 somethings since the divorce and one of them actually said, "Don't you love telling your friends that you're with a man this young?" I WAS STUNNED! Who's doing WHOM the favor there? I answered him that I didn't tell anyone how old the men that I date were. (Except for my entire blog world)

I had little use for men that young when I WAS that age...I'm sure that I can find something more productive to do with my time now. My current squeeze is a lovely 37 year old who is always home when I need him. That's young enough for me!


October 25, 2007  
Blogger John said...

Young men these days are so different than in my days. [Pause to wax nostalgically about the 80's]. OK, I'm back.

October 26, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Yes, it certainly seems as though they are most indeed much different than they were. I had quite a bit of fun in the 80's myself. I seem to remember young men being more gentlemanly back then. And smarter, much smarter than to act like this kid did. We would just have fun and sooner or later a kiss would be in the making. But this guy totally wanted to bypass the fun and go straight to the kiss. What a fool.

Alas, I shall come back to the present now as well.

October 26, 2007  

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


...this is what you get when I drink:


Now I should go to bed.

See ya,



Blogger Determined said...

LOLOLOLOL - you should have been a rock star. You remind me of.. what's his name??? Axl Rose from Guns and Roses.

OH, and when you're sober you have a John Wayne accent! HA!

October 26, 2007  

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...this is Payton and I. His name is not a secret code or anything...it's just frickin' Payton after Walter...the great Bears running back.


That was fun.



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...I need to see if this will leave a link:


Or do you have to load the entire url?



Blogger akakarma said...

It works- welcome back!

October 24, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Cool. Now I'll make dinner. Thanks AK!

See ya,


October 24, 2007  

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This is the first day that I've actually been alone with my sister and she's driving me nuts. It's not even 2 PM. She won't stop talking no matter what I try to do. If I turn the TV on, she talks to me. I picked up the paper and she told me all about the stories that I was reading so I "didn't have to bother reading it". I wanted to read the stupid paper.

She keeps telling me stupid stuff. I'm used to being here alone and speaking only when I want to. I can chat for a while...but sooner or later I must have silence or I will hit someone. If I don't get some silence soon...I'm gonna smack that girl.

I do love her...but she's driving me crazy already and it's quite early. She shows no signs of shutting up. This can't be.



Blogger Karin's Korner said...

Go ahead and slap her Meg, slap the shit out of her.....LOL

Do it for all of us who wanted to slap our sisters at one point and just could not do it. (I wanted to slap my older sister (not the one with the fire) when we were in Amsterdam a few years ago but did not do it, just yelled at her and then my mom made me apologize...jeez, here I was I think I was like 40 and my mom was making me apologize to my sister when I know my mom wanted to smack the shit out of her too.....WAY TO FUNNY!!! Hope it works out for you.

October 24, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOL...I can't do it now...she left the house. On foot. In the rain. LOLOL.


October 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks sis..........I missed you and justed wanted to talk!I know you wont post this.As for the idiot who said to go ahead and slap me.....F--- Off...You know noithing about me...You must not have any family values!Thanks again sis I will be sure to shut the hell up when you are in the room.

October 24, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


I would never shut you up. Your feelings were hurt and as I always say, that's what it is, not good, bad or indifferent...it just is.

But I have this blog and it's been my outlet for every feeling that I HAVE EVER HAD. I'm so used to telling what I'm thinking that it comes out the truth. But not all of it...the entire truth would have to include the fact that you are my sister and I love you.

The one thing about this blog is that it takes snippets of my thoughts and puts them out there. I didn't include the thought I had shortly after I wrote that post. I was thinkig about what I told you about earlier...when I changed your diapers. You would always stand up and smile at me because I was the one who took care of you and you knew it then. I hope you know it now too.

I have to take care of you, I love you too much not to. I'm not perfect and I'm sorry that I said what I said. But I said it while I was irritated beyond belief...not by you but by things I don't even bother discussing. I love you and I need you as well.

Do you remember what they said at Mom's funeral? Her last message to us was to take care of each other.

Don't be mad at me...let's just take care of each other.


October 24, 2007  
Blogger Karin's Korner said...

Meg, Please pass this on to your sister.....


I am so sorry if I offended you. I appologize with all of my heart. I have 2 sisters and I love them dearly but we as humans have to admit sometimes they drive us crazy. I am sure that I drive my sisters crazy sometimes and I am sure that Meg (love you girlfriend) drives you crazy also.

Please accept my apology, I really am sorry. I did not mean it to hurt your feelings, it was only a joke.

October 25, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


Don't feel too badly. Just show it to your sisters and we'll all be even. Of course we love our sisters. We even love them when they're driving us nuts. And we hope that they love us back when we do silly stuff. Sisterhood lasts a LONG LONG time...too long for us to be perfect for the entire time. I HOPE we forgive each other!


October 25, 2007  

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Three strikes....

...I'm out. This past Tuesday will most likely be my last game show. I think I'll just start going to judge shows from now on. I had much more fun at Judge Judy than I did during any game show experence that I've ever had. One nice thing...no one in Judge Judy told me that I "failed a test" or didn't do so well on an interview.

Of course, the interview that I failed was during a try-out for fools. I can't feel TOO badly for failing that test. The chick who ultimately won BOTH showcases behaved like a nut in line. I guess that helped. She sure did get picked. And I remember thinking, "She's acting TOO much like a fool." when we were in the line.

If you want to get picked, it helps if you're with a group...you have a built in cheering section and that's what they want. But my little smile and sweet answer of, "Gogia." to the question, "Where do you live?" didn't do a thing to impress my judges.

I got to sit right behind the contestants...finally assuring my chances to be on television...but once again, I failed to actually become a contestant. This is the last in a run of three failed appearance attempts on game shows.

First, I tried the toughest game show of them all...Jeopardy. That audition was held in some swanky hotel in downtown Atlanta. Now, when I'm at home, I can answer those Jeopardy questions like nobodies business. But the test itself..nothing but $800 and $1000 questions. For some reason, I only knew 4 of them You needed to answer more than that correctly to be on the show...I didn't. I was so assured that I didn't that I left immediately after finishing the test without even trying to win them over with my sparkling personality. (I count on that for quite a bit. It got me into the Judge Judy Show the day of a taping just because the people at the door were so amazingly sweet and couldn't say no to me. They went WAY out of their way to get me in the audience of that show...and I truly appreciate that!) Anyway...I took my bubbly self and walked out of the rented room and out on Alex who had come into the room by way of a huge television screen.

Next was my whirlwhind trip to New York City to try out for, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire". I had no doubt that I would pass THAT test...have you seen some of those morons? Well, I'm dumber than they are and I didn't have a clue. They did give me a pencil and a refridgerator magnet...but I left my pencil back in my hotel room in New York.

After that miserable failure...I finally decided that I could act like an idiot pretty well so I went for that...The Price is Right. My daughter and I made stupid t-shirts and wore them all around the CBS Studio. We stood there dressed like fools and beautiful, well dressed actresses from The Young and the Restless walked past us standing in the line. I acted all energetic after waking up at 4:30 am to get to the studio in time for a 4 PM taping of the show. I had no energy...I was just making it up as I went along.

Had I known that I wouldn't leave with A NEW CAR...I wouldn't have ever tried to summon such energy for a show that didn't find me foolish enough to have me "Come on down!"

Oh well. That's it. As I said, it's judge shows from now on. Oh, and movies made in the Atlanta area. I saw billboards for "Why did I Get Married" all over LA. They even had them in Grauman's Chinese. So, if they didn't cut my scene in that movie...it might get seen! It's getting good reviews...that's a good sign!



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I'm ba-ack!!!

My flight was WAY late last night because of the fires in SoCal.. The flight out of LAX was on time and I got to Phoenix when I should have...but the plane I was supposed to pick up there was stuck on the ground in Ontario, Ca. because of the fires. When we took off out of LA...I was STUNNED at all the damage I could see from the air.

Saturday night Annie and I sat outside for a while because it was such a nice night. Then these crazy winds started picking up, going in every direction. The next day we went to Venice Beach and we could see the fires in Malibu. I have pictures...I have to get them developed today because instead of getting in at 9:30, I got in after 1. My daughter asked someone if the fire we saw was from the winds the night before. People were saying that it was and then the news started covering the fires 24 hours a day out there. I had more vacationing to do so I didn't pay much attention.

I did make a note of those odd winds...and I learned that they were the infamous Santa Anna winds.

What I saw from the sky made it seem as though the news was underestimating the fires but they weren't...there's just no way that television can appropriately show how bad those things are.

When we took off from LAX, I was on the right side of the plane and I could see 4 fires as soon as we got up to any height at all. The higher and further we flew, the more fires I could see. It was like nothing I had ever seen before and I couldn't believe how bad it was. Nothing on TV could have prepared me for what I saw from the sky. From the cruising altitude I could see the flames. That's AMAZING! Not just the smoke, but the actual fires were visible from 23,000 feet. And they went on forever and ever! I couldn't believe how far the fires had spread nor how large they were from the sky. If I could see them from that high up and they looked so huge from the window of a commercial jet, I can't imagine what it must have looked like on the ground. Every time I thought that I had seen the last fire, another one would be off in the distance. By the time I did see the last fire, the flight crew said we were beginning the descent into Phoenix.

This morning I woke up to see that the national news is covering the fires now. Usually I would be whining, "WHO CARES! I want to watch Judge Judy!" But, after seeing those fires yesterday, I don't blame them. I'll never listen to a report of a fire with such disdain again.

Anyway, it didn't surprise me when a plane was stuck in SoCal from the smoke...I'm amazed that my own plane took off in that mess. You couldn't drive down a street in LA without seeing smoke off in the distance.

So, I'm home. I'm drinking coffee and I have to unpack. But first...I'm going to write a post about some of my exploits while out of town....and I'll have more stories to tell you as I go along. I can't really write much when I'm at someone else's computer...but I'm home now and I can type all I want. So, let me suck coffee and I'll be right back!



Blogger Karin's Korner said...

Meg, My sister lives in Canyon Country and was evacuated because of the fires. Her family and the family across the street went to stay with my mom for the night. They are home and safe right now but she says that her yard is full of ash and soot. You cannot walk in the front or back door, you have to go in through the garage because of all the soot. She says that it will be forever before she wants a fire in the fireplace because all she can smell right now is the smoke.

What a tragedy for all out there. I pray that everyone is safe.

Glad that you had such a great vacation :)

October 24, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Thank God she's OK. On the news they said that all people could do to help was, "Pray for a change in the weather." Canyon Country was one of the first hit, that's by Malibu. I wouldn't have known that before the fires. I have a picture of your sisters' fire.

It was AWFUL. I'm sure at ground zero it was devastating.


October 24, 2007  

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Good morning!

No new car for me. That's OK, I have a plane to catch soon.

My flight leaves LAX at 11 AM and then I have a layover in Phoenix. I'll be home at 9:30 tonight. When I get there, I'll drop off the film so the pictures should be done by tomorrow. Unless I'm as tired as I was last night...it could be the day after. I'm trying to wake up so that I can pack.

See ya soon!



Blogger Lara Croft said...

Welcome Home Meg :-)

October 23, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Thanks girl!

Good to be here...'cept I miss my daughter.


October 24, 2007  

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Monday, October 22, 2007

It's 5 AM...

...and Annie and I are up to get ready to go to the CBS Studios early for the taping of The Price is Right. Apparently, even if you're there for the 4 pm taping, you need to be there EARLY in the am for the line tickets. Then we can come back here for a while before we go back to the studio.

I'll pop back when we come back from the first line. We have to be there before 6...then I'll be back around 9.



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Sunday, October 21, 2007

You're not gonna believe this one!!!

I've lost my daughter again...now two mornings in a row.

She wasn't in bed with me when I woke up but I assumed that she was in the same room she was in yesterday so I just came downstairs to write for you guys.

I went up there to wake her up so we could go to the beach and she's not there. She's not in her room, the other room, the bathroom...anywhere downstairs. That leaves two guy's rooms and I don't think they're Annie's type. They're more West Hollywood than most men she dates.

I've stood in the middle of the house and hollered her name to no avail. I'm just going to get ready and shout her name again and then every five minutes...hoping to catch her when she's not in REM sleep. If I do, I might be able to wake her up.

Damn it.



Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I found her. She was sleeping in another room. The guy called last night and said he wouldn't be home so she asked him if she could sleep in his room. Damn...tomorrow morning she'd better leave me a note.

OK, we're getting ready to leave now!

See ya!


October 21, 2007  

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I'm the only person...

...in this house who is awake. It's 8:40 am and I've been up for close to an hour. I guess I'll start to do my hair...or maybe I should wake up my daughter and see if she wants to do it. She keeps straightening my hair instead of curling it. I sort of like it, but somehow I think it's just not as good as it good be. Curls are nice.

Annie and I stopped at the Hustler Store on Sunset and looked around. They had some pretty cool t-shirts. One said, "You're boyfriend drinks so much because you're a bitch." One, in Chinese shaped English letters, said, All you can eat." They were cute and I would have gotten one but I already have enough trouble with guys assuming that I plan on fucking them at the end of the first date. All I need is a shirt that invites an even lower class of men, the class of men who read your shirt and assume that it's the real world. It's a fricking t-shirt. But I didn't feel like I could get the one I wanted, "All you can eat.", without having to shove off a freak here or there. That's just not worth it.

I hear someone using the plumbing upstairs. I need to get dressed to go to Venice Beach. Annie says it's really fun and they have something called an "Indian Circle" or something like that. I'll let you know when I get back.

Have a good day...I know I'll be putting forth every possible effort to do so. The other day when I was at Grauman's, the square with Robin William's prints said, "Carpe Diem!" Well, I'm going to carpe the diem staring....right.....NOW!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great trip you are having...sounds like alot of fun!
I was there almost 20 years ago and (good lord...20 yrs...where does the time go)...anyway....it was fun...I wouldn't want to live there(too much traffic for my liking)..but it was a great place to visit.
Hope you had a great day at Venice Beach!


October 21, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

We sure did! I haven't been there before...it was great. And, it was a HUGE beach. I can't wait to show you guys the pics! Now we're looking forward to tomorrow am...and A NEW CAR!


October 21, 2007  

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Saturday, October 20, 2007


Oh wait...or is she an unequaled lying piece of shit?

You be the judge.



I have to go back to having fun with my daughter.

Congrats, ladies.



Blogger Determined said...

talk about tabloids

I was thinking, who's the domestic goddess? Jadey, or Melissa Midwest the porn star?

October 20, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

I heard Melissa ( Harrington) Midwest specialises in CREAM

October 20, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

LOLOLOL...well considering that the Little Ding is making drunken phone calls and IM's...we'll have to assume that it's the porn star.

The highlights in this chick's hair should have told us all it was fake. Also, didn't that picture strike you as odd and out of place? Why not look at the camera and smile for ONE picture?

I don't know why, but for some reason, this comment box underlines improperly spelled words but it offers no way to fix them except guessing.

Once again...congratulations...it's been a long time coming. Maybe now some of the staunchest hold-outs will understand what we meant when we said she was nuts...and she was harassing us CONSTANTLY. Most of us chose to ignore most of it but this whack job made it tough. I hope at some point we get our due from the ones who didn't believe us. Are they MEN enough?


October 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hell no

October 21, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

Charles posted on Vi's blog:

Charles said...

Who cares if the pics are LW or not? I for one do not. I feel for the poor girl. All the asses out there with nothing better to do than harass her should get a d__ned life. Well, let me take that back that's probably the kind of life they already have. If they weren't such jackasses, they might have a couple of friends who could keep them busy enough that they don't feel a need to attack people they don't know. If it is LW, then it just reinforces my conviction that she is really a good person, and trying to achieve some normalcy to a life that hasn't been easy for her, and wouldn't be easy for any one of us. Not everyone grows up in the lap of luxury or in loving families. That she's trying to live a life free from malice is good enough for me. I say to her, " Go get 'em, girl."

And I say:
What does Charles mean by "harrassing" her? No one has harrassed her, it was the other way around.

Charles needs to understand that she was playing with men's feelings, pretending that she was going to meet them and share some kind of life together. What she did was really mean. Did you know that she even made calls overseas to meet men???

Obviously, Charles doesn't care because he wasn't victimized by Little 'Plage. Perhaps Little didn't find him attractive (actually, I don't find him attractive at all either )

Obviously, Charles is majorly pussywhipped.

Reminds me, have you girls noticed how easy it is to entice a 50+ year old man?? OMG it's sooo easy - what is it with these guys? They need a good shakin'!

October 21, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

check out how littlewing now sounds bitter to the core. (forget about the sweet little caring girl) She must have been the one posting those nasty comments, as the insults she hurls so freely are similar to the ones she left on your blog. read the comments

October 21, 2007  

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It's Saturday night...

...and we've been going all day. As I said, we went to Laguna Beach. The reason that I wanted to go was because when I was there 30 years ago, it was a sweet little beach town with artists all over the place, selling paintings. We got there today and there's nothing but expensive shops, a beautiful beach and a bunch of really expensive beach homes, not to mention the homes up in the hills that look down on the ocean. Damn...those were some nice houses.

Oh, and we did have a couple of daiquiri's on the beach...I toasted you all. I toasted quite a few people...but I didn't forget you guys!

After the beach, we came home for a while to rest and then we decided that we had done enough walking. (She and I have been walking since last night on Sunset, I've been walking everywhere I've gone for days.) Anyway, my legs didn't want to work much today in the sand. That walk didn't last long before we just laid down our towel and watched the waves break. After a while we both laid down and fell asleep briefly, you couldn't help it. The sun felt so good and the crashing waves made for a great lullaby. We both woke up when my son called my daughter's cell phone to talk to me.

When we got home, we rested long enough to change clothes again and then we went to get our nails done. You'll be happy to know that my daughter and I both have beautiful, matching toenails and fingernails. Naturally after spending cash on mani=pedi's in LA, we had to go shopping. I got her to take me to Target...but she wants to go shopping on Melrose tomorrow before we go to the beach again. (This time we're going to Venice Beach.)

All we need are 2 t-shirts to decorate for The Price is Right but she didn't like any of the shirts we saw at Target. I was able to buy the computer paper that makes iron-on patches. I hope we're able to make 2 decent t-shirts that don't look too lame.

I asked my son if he could think of any clever things to put on our t-shirts for the game show on Monday. He responded, "How about, 'I flew to see Drew'." I had to pass. Not clever and quite lame to boot.

Anyway, We'll probably hang out here for the rest of the night and then get up early so that we can shop and drive to the beach before traffic gets too bad here.

OH! Today was the first day that I didn't see any famous people! I should be let down but I'm not. I think I've done pretty well so far. My daughter saw some actress walking down Sunset last night but she couldn't think of her name or anything she'd done and I was paying too much attention to the guy the lady was with to understand why Annie was grabbing my elbow...she wanted me to look at the chick. So, I didn't see her and Annie doesn't know who she is...but apparently...she's someone!

OK, I'll be back either later tonight (I'm quite wide awake for someone who's so sore from walking) or before we leave in the morning. See ya!



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Last night...

...my daughter and I drove over to Sunset, parked the car and walked two miles up the street and then two miles back. It was pretty fun, we passed a lot of people lining up for clubs.

I had one disposable camera left and Annie took a shot of me in the front of The Viper Room. Then, I went to grab the camera out of my purse and my finger lightly tapped the button. When it did, I took a picture of a kleenex, a stick of juicy fruit and loose change. That was my Chateau Marmont picture. Damn.

I've done so much walking since I've been here that my legs are pretty sore. And today...we're supposed to go to Laguna Beach. But, I don't know where my kid went. I woke up and she was gone. Her car's here, as is her phone, her keys, her purse. Everything but her. She was here when I went to bed last night and I can't for the life of me imagine her just walking off.

Now what do I do? Do I get dressed and pretend that we're still going to the beach? Or should I wring my hands wondering where in the hell she went?

I'm ringing my hands.

I'll let you know if I find her.

See ya


PS One hour later...I finally got too worried. As I said, my daughter lives with 3 guys. I didn't want to knock on any doors because of what I'd imply...or interrupt. So...I waited until I was good and worried and then I knocked on one guy's door. He said she was in another room...sleeping in the bed of someone who isn't there this week.

OK. I found her. Now I just have to wait for her to wake up.



Blogger Determined said...

Meg - have fun at Laguna!!! I LOVE that place!! Have a margarita for us while lookin' out at the ocean!

October 20, 2007  

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Hello again!

I just got back from a taping of an interview between Bill Maher and John Edwards. That show will air tonight on HBO. It's called Real Time with Bill Maher.

John Edwards was there and they spoke for about 10 or 15 minutes. they showed a tape of Maher when he was on O'Reilly and made O'Reilly look foolish. To be honest, he didn't need much help.

Apparently they tape different parts of the show during the week. Yesterday they did the monologue and tonight they'll put the entire show together at the last taping.

If you're able to watch the show tonight (if you have HBO and you want to)...I'll be the one who wasn't standing, cheering or clapping. It was a rather nebulous interview with no really good questions asked.

It's a shame that they take your cameras and cell phones while you're outside of the studio, the best things I've seen were when I didn't have the stupid camera. I think I'll start sneaking one in. I'll carry two...like cops carry two guns...one will be the throw away and the other will be the one that I use. With my luck, the flash will suddenly work while I'm inside a studio. I haven't been able to get it to work the whole time. That's pretty much OK, I've taken most of the pictures outside.

OK, my daughter and I are going out to play tonight...I'll pop back in when we get back!




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OK, the top picture was taken from the top of the Beverly Hilton, the bottom was me in the room where they were holding Arnold's roast the other night. Most of the pictures were on their sides so and I can't figure out my own computer much less this one. When I open them at home I'll put them up here the right way. OK, I have to leave now...there will be plenty more pictures to follow.

See ya!



Blogger Lara Croft said...

Meg you are really photogenic! you look gorgeous ( good looking genese clearly runs thru ya family)

October 19, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Lara, you are TOO kind! I've been full of compliments this week, most of them are, "You're her mother? You could be her sister!" I love it.

I am having so much fun...Monday should really be the good day...if I get to hear...A NEW CAR!


October 19, 2007  

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Here's me at the poolside of the Beverly Hilton eating lunch with my daughter. She was taking the pictures. She's emailing them one at a time, I'll post as many as I can before I leave.



Blogger Determined said...

gorgeous! And I want some of that Ice Tea.

October 20, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

The tea had an orange slice instead of lemon! The tomato bisque was great but the next course, the penne pasta was to die for...it was fantastic.

I still have some guacamole that one of the chefs gave me. This guy was chopping veggies and fruit. He was making fruit trays and he made the little veggie and fruit flowers...it was so neat to watch him. I have to go by the hotel at least one more time to thank them all for being so nice to me.

Even the security guard didn't kick me out when Arnold walked in. Oh, I couldn't say anything before the event but now that it's over, I can tell you. One of the security dudes gave me a copy of the guest list. (At least the BIG guests). I'll tell you who was on it next time I have it handy when I'm online.

I know Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Sly Stallone, Jimmy Caan were all on it. It was a who's who of Hollywood republicans. Oh, and Bo Derrick. And that John guy who we saw at lunch at the poolside...it's John Corbett, not Corbin.

OK, I'm gonna go write a post as long as I'm here.

BRB at the top!


October 20, 2007  

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Good morning!

I'm up early so that I can wander aimlessly around LA. I just printed out tickets to today's taping of a Bill Maher show, one that I missed yesterday. If I start really early, I could make it on time.

OK then, all I have to do is get dressed and leave the house. I wanted to go to CBS Studios in time for today's taping of The Price is Right but my daughter wants me to wait for her to go on Monday because, "If you get on and win you can't go with me on Monday!" I love my daughter so I'll let that one go. But...I'd rather get on and win today than take a chance of not winning on Monday.

If I won, by Monday I could be driving MY NEW CAR!

Oh well. I've printed out my tickets so I'm going to get a cup of coffee and head out to the studios to see if I can find another show to watch this morning. The Bill Maher thing isn't until later this afternoon. OK then...I'm done here so I'm going to get the coffee and then leave for the day. I'll see you guys tonight!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so jealous!!! I love the Bill Maher show!!


October 19, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...


It's not tough to get in to his show, the hard part is getting to LA and then finding the studio.

If you watch his show tonight...I'll be in the audience when they were interviewing John Edwards. I wore a gray and pink Cubs t-shirt and my hair was straight down. Hope you enjoy it! I do wish I could have seen the monologue though.:(


October 19, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

OK, I watched the Edward's interview on the show last night. My daughter taped it the other night. They showed the audience once and it was when everyone stood up. I told you that I never did. I felt as though ladies don't need to stand up. Leave that one to the men. Anyway, I saw the black couple that I was chatting with, I'll show you the wive's picture when I get them developed. I looked to her right to see me and I saw the top of my head from where I was sitting down. The rest of the audience stood up. I screwed me.


October 21, 2007  

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hello there...

...I'm back for a few minutes and then we're heading out again. I actually got to watch a taping of Judge Judy today just by walking over there and asking them if I could go in. I could have called but if they said "No." I would be screwed so I walked over there and asked because it's harder to say no to someones face.

The case was a girl who wrecked her boyfriend's car and her defense was that he should have had better insurance. Judy called her a fool and the guy won everything he asked for. I was sitting in the second row, all the way to the right, but it would be the left if you were looking at it from the camera's point of view. The boyfriend had a German accent...at least I thought that it was German.

After I left Tribune Studio's, I walked down to Hollywood Boulevard and saw the stars on the sidewalk. I took a BUNCH of pictures of the sidewalk but I couldn't find a disposable digital camera so I have to get the film developed like the olden days.

Then I stopped at Grauman's Chinese Theater and took some more pictures of the sidewalk only this time it was with the footprint's. I was by myself so at one point I took some shots of other people trying to put their feet and hands in the prints of the stars. Once again, I'll have those pictures for you soon. And I'm still waiting for my daughter to send me the pictures from yesterday. She used her work camera and I have to wait for her to have a chance to put them on the computer.

While I was at Grauman's, there was a guy trying to get an audience for a Bill Maher show and I said that I would go. He gave me tickets and my daughter and I went to watch the show but we got lost at CBS Studio's and by the time we found it, we were too late. BUT...while we were there, we did get tickets for Monday's taping of The Price is Right with Drew Carey! We haven't decided how we'll dress but it will not be in the normal fashion...we'll do something to catch attention for that show.

We're trying to come up with something clever to put on t-shirts that Drew would appreciate...I would appreciate any suggestions you guys have, by the way. I want to hear someone offer me, "A NEW CAR!!!"

Today was warmer than yesterday and my face got sunburned from all the walking that I did.

OH! Annie is getting the pictures from yesterday now! I'll have them soon, I have to finish this first so she can upload them...I'll do that and let her do her thing then I'll be back to post some pictures!


Damn it, she can't upload the pictures to this computer without doing the software as well and it isn't her computer so she still has to do it from work. They'll come sooner or later. Promise.

Meg again


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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hi there!!!

I just got back to my daughter's house. I had an interesting day today. I went to visit my daughter at her job and she introduced me to a LOT of people. They all were so sweet and gave me anything they could, even if it was only a peek inside of one of the penthouses. We had lunch at the side of the pool and from there I saw someone who I don't know, but the servers told me who he was.

His name is John something...Corbin maybe? He was on Northern Exposure. Then tonight, we sat outside of her work at the tables where people who smoke sit and that was right where Arnold whathisname walked in the door because they were roasting him tonight. There were a lot of stars coming there tonight for the roast but the only one that I saw was Tom Arnold. Of course, Arnold Arnold was there, all I met were Arnold's.

On the way home we drove down Sunset and she stopped to go to a store and we were parked right in front of the Viper Room, which was 2 doors down from the store. That's where River Phoenix Died...right there on the street. Then, we drove past the Chateau Marmont and that's where John Belushi died. I have pictures, but they're still in my daughter's camera, when she downloads them I'll post them up here. I walked over to Rodeo Drive and peeked in the windows, I felt too under-dressed to walk into places named Gucci and Versacci. I did stop at a Rite-Aid for some gum.

There was also a Subway and a Quizno's...but I kept on walking. It was actually chilly here today...I didn't expect that. I thought I'd be too warm for a jacket so I didn't bring mine. I brought my pink fuzzy jackets but they're definitely NOT Hollywood, LOLOL. That didn't stop me from wrapping one around my waist when I went to my daughter's job. I didn't feel like dressing up to go sightseeing which is basically what I did.

I suppose that tomorrow I'll go out and look at some new stuff while she's at work. Probably Hollywood or one of the studios. There's always something to do if I look hard enough. Well, I'm going to eat the creme brulee that the pastry chef's gave me. The only problem is I can't burn the sugar. They gave it to me straight from the fridge where they had some AMAZING desserts. It was so cool, just to LOOK at them. I almost wish that I'd have taken one of the fruit tarts now...but them brulee stuff ought to be pretty damned good anyway.

See ya!



Blogger Lara Croft said...

How exciting ! What a great trip you are having and your daughters job is an awesome way to see film stars !!

October 18, 2007  
Blogger Sous Gal said...

If you haven't eaten the brulee yet - which I bet you have lol - you can put it under the broiler for a few.

Can't wait for the pics. Sounds like you're having a great time!

October 18, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

As soon as my daughter gets the pics to me, I'll post them. Yeah...she sees a LOT of stars...when I was walking down Rodeo Drive she saw Tom Arnold rehearsing. The only reason I even saw him was that we were walking to the garage and he was standing in a doorway with a little boy taking his pictures. I was sort of surprised how short Arnold Terminator dude was...he had a huge cigar hanging out of his mouth. Secret service people were all around the place...it was pretty neat.

My daughter's coffee pot has too many pieces for me to figure out so I am going to walk to a cafe down the street to get some coffee and then I'll figure out what to do today.

I think I'll get my own camera to carry today. I heard that you can get a digital disposable camera. I'll see if I can find one of them.

I thought about sticking the brulee under the broiler, but didn't really think that it would work. And, I did eat it! I have more, they stuck two in the bag.

Sous Gal, you would have LOVED the pastry department, even the main kitchen! That's where she works, as the admin. assist. for the head chef guy. Someone was cutting up chicken breasts wrapped in mushrooms for dinner. It was so neat to watch.

Oh, by the pool, they had huge bed like things that you could rent for the day and sleep in. I would feel a bit silly sleeping in a pool side bed, wouldn't you?

I doubt that I'll see any stars today, but yesterday as I was walking around Beverly Hills, I was thinking that they were seeing me.

Who knows, I guess you could see them anywhere but I'm not going to work with the youngin' today. I'm sure that I'll have fun anyway...I'm gonna look up things to do now and then go have some more fun!


October 18, 2007  

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Good morning!

I just woke up after sleeping so long that it gave me a backache. I had to get out of bed, I didn't really want to.

The flight here was quick because I slept all the way through it. First I went to Charlotte. I barely had time to fall asleep before they landed. The flight to LA was long enough to get some good, solid sitting up sleep. I was in an aisle seat and that's sort of tough but I was tired enough to do it because I had woken up at 2 AM the night before to get ready to go to the airport. To my right, there was a HUGE guy with great big upper arms and the one facing me looked so damned comfortable. I just wanted to put my head there and use it as a pillow but we didn't know each other well enough for that. Anyway, I did wake up as the captain said that we were going over the Grand Canyon but it doesn't look like too much from the sky...of course I was leaning over 2 people and I didn't have my glasses on.

I left home without my glasses because I haven't seen them since I had the kids last. I don't know hat happened to them but I'm sure I took them off to play with one of the kids and stuck them somewhere relatively low since we usually play on the floor. I guess they'll turn up eventually. That leaves me with my contacs which aren't really as good as my glasses and they seem to have the postential to cause great eyeball harm. I found that out Sunday night at work. Last night I wore them for a while and they didn't bother me. Of course, they didn't work very well either but that's OK. If there's something that I really want to see, I just walk close to it.

My daughter actually lives in West Hollywood so I could go wherever I wanted to go. My daughter is worried about me and wants me to stay here but that's no fun. I don't know how she thinks I made it all the way to this age without her to worry about me. I was here alone before I even had her so I think I can handle the big city. I actually grew up near one and I've been all over a few continents to some of the biggest cities in the world and somehow I made it through all of them. Big cities are full of people and I like people so I'll be fine.

We took a wrong turn on the way back from the airport and my daughter got a little bit lost. I said, "Let's pull over and ask for directions." She said, "Mom, people don't do that here." I wondered how they all managed without ever asking for directions. I guess that's what it's like to be a man.

Then, last night we went out for dinner and I was cold so that I went for a sweatshirt. My daughter said, "A sweatshirt and a ponytail? Mom, you're in Hollywood, dress like it." I'm pretty sure I don't have any "Hollywood" clothes but my daughter does so she gave me clothes to wear and she straightened my ponytail crinkled hair and decided that I looked good enough. Whatever.

She asked me where I wanted to go and I just said, "A diner, you know a regular place with servers and menu's." She gave me two choices and I guess I should have chosen Mel's Diner because the French something something place was more than I expected, wanted or felt like paying. We ordered an appetizer (not something I would think a "diner" would have) and by the soup course, I knew that I wasn't going to make it to the entree. I was right. For bread, they didn't have a simple dinner roll but they did have a blueberry muffin. I couldn't very well slop up turkey graving with a blueberry muffin so I just brought it back here to eat this morning. I still haven't eaten it but I suppose I will if I ever stop eating those candy kiss shaped candy corns. They taste more like white chocolate than they do candy corns, but that's OK, I love white chocolate.

OK then. I'm going to go out and see what kind of trouble I can get myself into. I bet I can get into a good bit here if I tried. I sure do miss my computer. OH! Before I go, my daughter shares a house with 3 guys. They are the neatest men that I have ever seen. I'm amazed...I feel as though I might be messing stuff up by touching anything.
Oh well, compared to all of them, "I'm an old lady...cut me some slack."



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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

OK...now it's time...

...to become a democrat. I just read that the first official baby boomer (Born one second after midnight in January 1946) just applied for benefits under the Social Security Program. All of this time that so many people have spent trying to keep taxes and spending low has been for naught. The government has been borrowing all the money that the baby boomers have paid into the retirement system, so soon, there won't be anything left except a pile of IOU's.

Now that most of my working years are behind me, you can tax the rest of the people who want liberal spending to rule the day. Everyone seems to want to help every single person with every single need that they could possibly have.

I haven't asked the government for any cash, I've pretty much been one of the people who pays over 30% of my income Tothe government. When I finish working, I'll be ready to collect my money back. The only problem is that the government has seen the baby boomers and their income as a cash cow one to borrow from for decades. Now, the note is about due and after trying to find a party who won't take my money and give it to anyone who asks for it or one that won't take it and buy weapons with it, I've decided to go with the party who wants to give it away to anyone who asks for it. At my age, doesn't it make sense?

No matter how hard me or the rest of the country tried, we couldn't get a leadership who would save a bit of the taxes that were paid with the promise of social security. Instead, thanks to the idiots who thought that the government owed US...the cash has been paid out to every person with a limp and many without one. Have you seen some of the people on disability? While some certainly deserved it, I have a feeling there's HUGE percentage of people who are scaming the system. There are probably those who actually BELIEVE that they're disabled when they aren't. They're "victims" of some sort I'm sure.

Well, now it's our turn. Baby boomers are 80 million strong and we've pretty much kept the country going over the past few decades. Now that we're done, where's our cash? All that money that was there when we were working at the highest numbers ever looked like such an easy source of income for every branch of the government except the one that it was paid to. So, everyone and their brother took the money that was supposed to be for our retirement. There were 16 of us working for every single recipient that the government paid out. Now we'll be lucky if there are 3 people working for every one that takes money out.

I bet the government will get all frugal soon. The line of takers is getting too long in comparison to the line of givers and that's a bit unnerving...isn't it? I have a feeling that we aren't going to be such an attractive looking place for immigrants for too much longer. We'll be paying out so much of our income that our country will start to turn into one as bad as the others. We won't be anything special anymore, the tax and spend government will allow us to be dragged down, financially speaking, to the levels of the countries that people are leaving to come here.

In the meantime, until we croak, here sit the workers of America, baby boomers and all, paying into a system that has been nothing more than a candy store for politicians.

Ich bin ein sucker.

Oh well. Life's a bitch and then you die.

I'm almost packed and I'll be leaving for California in an hour and a half. I may be back in about 10 days. Don't go anywhere.



Blogger Ellen said...


Not every disability is visible, but as a nurse, you know that. I'd love to be making eighty thousand dollars a year again.


October 16, 2007  
Blogger Determined said...

Sii prudente e buon viaggio!

October 16, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Oh, I absolutely DO know that every disability is not visible. But I also know that there's got to be a better way. But, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

I'm in LA at my daughter's place and you wouldn't believe what they have here!

Candy kiss size and shape candy corn! My daughter knew that I would like them. It's pretty cool. I'm eating a lot of them. I'll buy a camera when I got out, or I'll use my daughter's camera phone...duh. Anyway, I'll be back later. I just got here and I'm exhausted again. This trip might only be for a week.

See ya!


October 16, 2007  

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Hi there!

After looking for my car keys since yesterday...I finally found them:


OK, now I'm going back to packing...I have to get up at some unGodly hour to make a 7:30 flight. This is getting annoying but I'm handling it...still!

Oh, pussycat...if you haven't done so yet, you can call me now. I'm in a much better mood since I found the keys.



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"...So the answer to the maximum number of pitches in an offical at bat with out balls is 6. when the count gets to 3 balls 2 strikes the next pitch will end the at bat. hence 6 pitches..."

Actually, the answer is ten. The question was:

What is the maximum number of pitches can be delivered in one at bat with no foul balls and the batter still be at bat? If the batter has a full count and there is a base runner who gets picked off while trying to steal a base, the inning ends but the official "at bat" does not. That batter is up again at the begining of the next inning, and if he takes another full count, he has had 10 pitches thrown at him, he hasn't swung once and he is still at bat. At least that's what my Daddy says.

I remember growing and my father making me morize certain things. One of them was the 5 ways that a batter could get to first base. I had a hard time keeping up with those 5, I'm sooooo glad that he didn't know there were twice and as many.

Oh well.

See ya soon!


:)1) hit
2) walk
3) Hit By Pitch
4) error
5) dropped 3rd strke
6) Fielder's Choice
7) catcher interference
8) umpire interference
9) fan interference (???)
10) pinch hitter
11) batted ball hits another runner
12) 4 illegal pitches (Is this a politican at election time???)
13) pitcher fails to deliver the pitch w/i 20 seconds 14) and if a game is suspended with a runner on 1B, and that player is traded prior to the make up game, another player can take his place on first (this could also be under the category of pinch hitter though)

Yeah, the last one would fall into the category of pinch hitter which doesn't count in this question. So, number 10 doesn't count either, that means that you have 12 which has impressed the hell out of my father and my son who are currently debating some of these, others they have endorsed. My dad could kick himself for not remembering the "runner hit by batted ball" one himself. Now they are trying to figure out what an "illegal pitch" is...can you please tell them?



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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Today I have to rest for a while...

...it occurred to me that tomorrow is the last day to get ready for the trip to LA. I have to work tonight and then I have to plan for the angiogram. I've been so busy taking care of the paperwork that I didn't even see the flight to LA coming. As soon as I get there I'll have to rent a car and drive all over taking care of silly little things.

I need to be back in time for the angiogram but with any luck at all, I’ll be able to go back to LA for a while before I have to be HERE for whatever they think they need to do to my brain.


And I give...the phone keeps ringing. If I’m already asleep, the phone won’t wake me up but when it’s ringing every five minutes, I can’t drift off into lullaby land.

This is interesting, I can’t get the five button to work. I guess the iced tea that I spilled on the keyboard had something to do with that. Of course, it could have always been the coffee, it’s hard to tell.

So, now I’m making a fresh pot of coffee to suck down during the last hour of what should have been my nap. I guess I’ll just go into work with a tad less sleep then I would have wanted to have. Then, tomorrow I have to take an all day recertification class for my CPR card. Once again, I want to scream!

Well, my son and his Aun't have just walked in from going out for the afternoon. I'm a tad concerned about leaving them here alone...I'll be worrying about them. And anytime I leave my house, I worry about THAT, too. I should be fine, they're old enough to take care of things for me.

You know, yesterday we were talking about it and we figured out something that I'VE never thought about before. Marie was the same age when William was born that I was when SHE was born...close enough anyway. I was nine and a half when she was born and she was ten when William was born. I had never thought of that before.

So, I'm off on a new adventure. I love these little trips of mine. I'm already having fun just getting ready...that's half the fun of a trip, isn't it?

I stuck that picture up there because Solaris was sending me a picture of her Blackberry that I needed to see. When she took the picture, she had that shot of Stewi loaded. IT reminded me of the picture and I thought it was cute and I wanted to show it to you guys so there it is.

LOLOLOLOL...I was just listening to Forever in Blue Jeans through my earpiece and I sang the WAY WRONG WORDS! No way to cover that faux paz up with a cough...the wrong words were quite clearly sung and were easily audible. Here's what it should have been:

"...And honey's sweet....But it ain't nothing next to baby's treat..."

Instead, I sang:

"...And honey's sweet...But it ain't nothing next to baby's feet..."

Oh well, I should be in the shower getting ready for work.

See ya,



Blogger Lara Croft said...

my sister in law is 10 yrs old than me, and her daughter my neice is 10 yrs younger than me, That made me a 10 yr old sister in law aunty haha

October 14, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

It must mhave been odd to be an aunt at such a young age. I was a mom first, then an aunt.


OK, I need a new keyboard...badly.

October 14, 2007  
Blogger Lara Croft said...

It was actually pretty good when I was 25 and she was 15, I would take her partying LOL

October 15, 2007  

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Saturday, October 13, 2007


I was recording this thing and before I knew it, I got cut off. I guess I've finally learned how long the video will last...it'll last this long:


OK then...now I'm going to record the thing that I was showing you at the end of that SMOD. I'll be right back.

And here it is:


I found that flyer in a magazine, they're totally serious, I assure you. I was rather taken aback.



Blogger akakarma said...

Makes me want to join!lol

October 14, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Wow. I'm leaving on my little vacation quite soon. I leave Tuesday morning and that means that 48 hours from now, I'll be on a plane to LA. When I get there, I'll immediately have to take a trip to Northern California and then I'll go back to LA, then home.

How much should I expect to spend on a laptop? I'd be afraid to buy one until I got there because I don't know if I can afford it or not. Well, who can really afford it? I could always put the money to better use. I think.

Anyway, I'm sitting here with the masque that I was trying to get on before when work called last night.

Damn...it's not dry yet. I wonder if the Bears game is on? I'll try ESPN.com.

I'll be back soon.


October 14, 2007  

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I posted a quote...

...once a long time ago. It want something like this:

"Never make someone your PRIORITY while you are their OPTION"

I read it and I liked it, although as this women said:

"...makes my head spin perhaps I'm just not that deep but what does it mean? I think I like it every time I see it but then I can't quite wrap my brain around it..."

Good. I'm glad that I'm not the only person who felt like that. The first time that I read it I knew that I liked it. After a while, I noticed that quite a few people were ending up here after searching for that phrase. So, I thought about it again.

Why did I like it? I don't know. I can't...for the life of me...figure out why that phrase is so appealing. Like the lady whom I quoted, I can't quite wrap my head around it. I wondered what it was that I liked about it in the first place. I don't know. But I do know that I like it.

There's something else that I wondered about. Usually when I have a feeling, I don't apologize for it because if I feel it, I can't be wrong because it's just a feeling. Feelings are what they are...they're not good or bad, right or wrong or smart or stupid. But, something about this feeling made me a bit uncomfortable so I thought that I would come here and mention it to you guys.

This morning I read that the city of New York was lighting up the Empire State Building green to mark the kickoff of Eid-al-Fitr, a three-day celebration for Muslims around the world. I don't know why...but when I read that I became rather irate. I felt as though this act was a kick in the head to those who died on 9/11.

Once again, these are just feelings that I'm talking about. I didn't ask for them nor did I ever try to justify them. I just wondered, does anyone else feel the same way? And if so, do you understand why that feeling is there? I don't quite get it.

We're Americans and we allow for freedom of religion so why do I feel that way? I usually find that I'm not alone in my feelings so I'm sure that someone out there understands what I'm talking about.

Is there anyone else out there who heard about what they were doing in New York and felt a twinge of something inexplicably unjust? If so, let me know about it.

When I saw the story this morning, I read it to my sister and she immediately felt the same sense of injustice that I felt. She asked, rhetorically, "Are they going to shine 2 green lights where the World Trade Center used to stand?"

So, there are at least 2 of us who felt that instant sensation that there was something innately unfair in the lighting of an American landmark so close to where the Twin Towers once stood for such a reason. Now I'm wondering if there are more people out there who feel the same way.

OK then...I'm going to try to spend a nice, quiet Saturday night here with my sister. At some point, I will probably make a video just for kicks and giggles.




Blogger Eliza Doolittle said...

I SOOOO get that quote!!

Don't make someone the center of your world if they aren't making you the center of theirs!

October 13, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Oddly enough, you're right and I knew that back when I originally posted the quote.

Oh yeah, now I remember!

October 13, 2007  
Blogger akakarma said...

Don't invest more than your partner? My father would say a counterpart is why buy the cow if the milk is free?
Don't marry someone who is a poopschnagel!! Check your references... I can't stop myself.... arghhh...

October 14, 2007  

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I've finished today's video...

...and here it is:


I'll probably make another one before the day is out but that's it for now.

Ooh, I forgot to show you my Oreo Double Stuf Chocolate Sandwich cookies. Well, now I'm gonna eat them.

Alrighty then, see ya!



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Good morning!

I'm at work and I'm about ready to sit down and chart. I wanted to say hello before I started my paperwork. When I get home, I'll make a SMOD, MOD, video or whatever you call them. What SHOULD I call them at this point? I don't guess it matters much.

OK, it's time to pretend that I'm working!



Blogger Determined said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

October 13, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

I can stand right in the middle of the nurses station and go online. It means nothing, sort of like the nutcase with no life.

October 13, 2007  

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Friday, October 12, 2007

After spending far too much time...

...trying to create this thing, here's what I came up with:


You wouldn't believe all of the stupid crap that happened while I was recording this thing and anything that could go wrong...did.


Ready to scream in Atlanta


Blogger Meg Kelso said...

This is a test comment

October 12, 2007  
Blogger Sous Gal said...

Japanese? Mandarin? Nigerian scam?

You hang IN there Megs! You're worth it :)

October 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Meg,

You did keep your cool considering all that was going wrong today.

If things get any worse I would expect to see "Mrs. No Lips" come back for a command performance on your next SMOD. (Is it still a SMOD if you have sound? Maybe just a MOD.)

Well, be thankful for the little things....at least your mic and web cam worked fine!

Hope the rest of your day is better!


October 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Meg, seems like you should change your profession and become a vet. Vets seem to charge whatever 'tickles' their fancy, no one to control them. On another blog, someone paid $500.00 just to have a consultation with her dogs and the vet didn't even know what was wrong, said he had to consult with a colleague first.
Anyways, I prefered your reading videos. Nothing wrong with your voice, it is just that I got my 'kick' out of the 'artistic' side of the voiceless videos.
Have a great weekend.

October 13, 2007  
Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Hi there!

I absolutely WILL be making more true SMOD's...so worry not. I'll explain that in the MOD that I'm about to make.

About your vet comment...I can't believe that someone was gonna charge $500 for something that they had no clue about. That's just plain stupid! Or, the vet thought the customer was. That's unbelievable!

You're right, wrong profession!

Now I'm gonna MOD!

See ya!


October 13, 2007  

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Quick stupid thing...

...that I did for now:


I'll be back in a few minutes...don't go far!



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Thursday, October 11, 2007

I took a moment...

...to consider whether or not to run this reply to my blow job post. I actually had to think about it. I was a bit blog-shy, even after posting this:

( http://diaryofmydivorce.blogspot.com/search?q=oh+martha )

So, I recognized the hypocrisy of the false modesty so I'm just going to post a man's answer to my blow job rhetoric:

Of course you know that your blog has a point - counter point aspect. So I'll take the counter-point.

Eating Pussy,

I suppose all men do it, or at least say they do it thinking that burying your face between your mates legs and making moaning noises qualifies.Of course any woman while she may enjoy having a man in such a subservient position will tell you that concept is wrong. But of course the woman has to know the difference as well.

A good job of eating pussy involves greater knowledge and thought than most men are willing to devote, since during such time they have a completely different agenda. That's to "get off" and back to the Beer and Ball game as quickly as possible while making their mate think they're a sex god. If a guy's real large, he's so impressed with himself that he doesn't see the point in giving an earthshaking oral orgasm. He thinks that should happen just at the woman's sight of his member, because males are "sight oriented." If he's small, he resorts to the face in the crotch position because he's never had the confidence to take it easy and explore the female anatomy.

The guy that knows what he's doing starts with foreplay until the woman is breathless and ready to give herself freely to the pleasure that he's already shown that he can provide. He kisses his way to the woman's lips (the other ones), while gently flicking his tongue on the hood of her clitoris, exposes the entire naked clitoris with his fingers. He then puts it between his lips, sucking, and licking until the woman can't stand the ecstasy of the orgasm that shakes her to her soul.

If the woman is willing she can be brought to orgasm over and over, until some women even experience a heavy ejaculation. It's much more intense than the ejaculation of most men.

Finally the guy with confidence has her trembling under his spell, and knows exactly when to begin coitus. Under ideal conditions, he "rides her high" being sure that his penis is in contact with the clitoris until both collapse in a writhing heap of ecstasy having both come to orgasm at the same time.

Did I leave anything out? I enjoyed reading your blog on blow jobs. You nailed it... uh so to speak! :-)

Well sir...I don't know that I'm in any position to answer that question...such thoughtfulness deserve more than my answer alone. So, I offer you my harem of Meg's Bitches...may their answer's be just the salve that you require.

I did make note of your use of the word "intense". Once Rick complained that sex with me was no longer "intense". His grievance merely served to let me know that I was being compared to another woman. It was truly a great time in my life.

Since Rick's departure I have had no further negative criticism. Why, just the other night...



Blogger Meg Kelso said...

Carpet eater....LOLOLOLOL.

YOu should have told me that you were going to see the movie first so that I could tell you where to look!

There's a scene with Jill Scott chatting with some good looking black guy who's name I don't know. They're in a diner and sitting across from each other. I'm sitting next to the black guy, to his left. I was wearing a big parka and although you might not notice it, I was sweating like a horse.


October 12, 2007  

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