Hi. I'm trying to think of another description to put here. Any ideas? I'll try again at 420.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
- Meg Kelso said...
Personally, I wouldn't have been walking around the house taking pictures of my furniture whilst naked. But that's just me.
:) - said...
Didn't you have a video of you and the scene you were in in the Tyler Prry movie? I can't find it and I want to show it to my mother.
Kiara - Meg Kelso said...
Hi Kiara!
I miss you guys! Tell all the nurses on 4 south that I said hello and I'll be back as soon as I can! Yeah, here's the clip, go to 9 minutes and 10 seconds and the scene will start. You'll see me, my big fat face is right there, in profile no less...so that my nose looks like a real honker.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=6qBJgpmQ6LU&feature=related - Determined said...
Can you crop and enlarge the picture of the naked man and make it high definition? I wanna see sumthin' and I can't make it bigger. I mean, it's so hard to see.
- Meg Kelso said...
Girl, you know I'd do anything for you but I can't help you make a guy bigger. That's one you'll have to handle alone.
...it's OK to laugh at men nowadays:

No matter what stupid things they do:
We may exploit pictures of them doing stupid stuff:
But this picture is totally politically incorrect: And this one is even worse, using a tiny baby to make a politically incorrect comment:
I just cannot believe the things that some people will laugh at.
...What on earth goes through a man's mind when he writes something like this to a woman that he's trying to meet:
"...I like pool and shooting darts, I love to cook and i am good at it, i like it even more when i do it for some one special... going to the movies ans every now and then going out and getting trashed..."
Now, I like shooting pool too, but I don't enjoy getting trashed while I do it. Somehow I get the idea that this guy spends a LOT of time in places that have pool tables, dart boards and the stuff to get trashed with...bars.
There's very little that's less attractive than a man who's had too much to drink. The last one that I was around had fooled me a bit. He took me out and although he had a few drinks, he certainly wasn't "trashed". Then, the next time I saw him happened to be in his neighborhood bar...a small little place with a decent clientele. When he saw me, he came over, obviously drunk and started hugging me and kissing me right there in the bar. I was mortified. He was rubbing his hands all over me and I was using both of my hands to keep him away from any good parts. It was awful. He was the only person in the bar who couldn't see how uncomfortable I was. I just got up and walked out with my sister (who was having a fine time and didn't want to leave) and never went back.
Then there was one that I spoke to for hours on end and never once realized that he was drunk every time we spoke. The first time I spent any time with him I figured it out. He drank constantly. I never saw anyone drink so much vodka, well one other person...but I don't want to mention her. I couldn't believe that he had hidden such a HUGE drinking problem from me.
I think the worst drunk that I ever had for a date was the one who got drunk in front of my father. He couldn't have chosen a dumber maneuver if he had robbed a bank. My father was raised by a drunk so he has a special disdain for them.
Well, at least this one told me up front, I won't have to worry about being asaulted in public or having my dinner date get drunk in front of my father and pick a fight with me.
I don't know how I get myself into these messes.
Anyway, tonight is my sister's birthday and there's a restaurant here called Scalini's. It rather good and you eat for free on your birthday so I'm taking her there. She's nothing if not a cheap date!
...or are people just STUPID?! Yesterday I gave a guy my number. I have a non-published number so you can't get my name or address with it. Thank God.
I thought he would be a nice safe guy to go out with...once or twice to see how things went. He's not physically my type but he's not butt ugly. He has grown daughters and they're lovely so I figured he was just a nice family man...which he may very well may be. But he did something that freaked me out. Last night, right after I fell asleep (after midnight) my phone rang. I picked it up to see who it was and it was him. I didn't answer it. Nothing good can come out of talking to me in the middle of the night after waking me up. Then, he called me again at 7:30 this morning. I did the same thing that I had done 7 hours before.
Anyway, he woke me up twice and the second time I couldn't get back to sleep. So...what's wrong with this picture? The way I was raised, it's considered rude to call anyone after 9 PM or before 9 AM. Of course, you make exceptions for some calls, but not for a guy who's calling you for the very first time. And, for that matter, the second time. Both times being at bedtime. If I didn't think he'd enjoy it, I'd set my alarm for 3 AM and call his lame ass.
Then, this morning, he sent me an email asking for my last name because "Meg looks so bare there alone on his cell phone." He's not getting my last name, my middle name or my dress size.
There are a couple of guys that I see occasionally but for the most part, I keep meeting weird dudes. Now, I KNOW there are some good guys out there. Of that I am positive. But, I must say, there is also an overwhelming number of jack asses parading as men.
I'm going to speak to Solaris today, as soon as I can. When I do, I'll get some details regarding what happened to her last week in court. Then, I'm gonna discuss it here. I'm looking forward to that.
For now, I'm gonna suck some more coffee and try to get in touch with Sol.
See ya!
- said...
It is none of your business what happened in that courtroom, Meg. Want the short version? Solaris lost, and she made a complete fool out of herself. Post that on your blog, Meg! Solaris is a joke! Shes been one since the beginning of time. You and her have started a big ruckus over nothing and now she sees what a loser she really is.
Meg, why dont you just quit and mind my own business? Solaris means nothing to you, and even she knows it as I have seen to it that it has been made clear to her. She knows what a criminal nut you really are, Meg!
Meg, a word of advice. Worry about your irresponsible children including the child molester and about your failed duties as a wife and as a human being. Make the next year a good time to get on with the rest of your pitiful life. Maybe next year should see you return to therapy for a little refresher. Take your children with you, Meg. I do not blame Rick or your grandchilds mom for leaving your family. You guys are in some serious need of help, and those poor kids need to be saved!
Take that snob Solaris with you too! She seems to be following the same path! Really, Meg you have caused enough damage! - Meg Kelso said...
Uh oh...mehtinks the whore who is currently fucking a married man is back. Hi Colleen Lombardi! Are ou having any luck changing that name to Jeff's name yet?
I deal with you in the morning, I've had a loverly night.
Must suck to look your age.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
...online. I thought they were interesting but I also felt they needed a little something so I added my own comments.
Men's Top Ten Favorite Conversation Topics
1. Sex (No brainer)
2. Romantic fantasies (sort of like sex)
3. Hobbies/interests in general (which naturally include sex)
4. Hopes and aspirations (LOL, he HOPES to get laid)
5. Music (Barry White? Good music to have sex to)
6. Dreams (Dreams that include sex)
7. Movies (Porno, no doubt)
8. Entertainment (Naked women with high heels)
9. Vacations (Vacations include a lot of sex)
10. Travel (Like vacations, traveling includes a lot of sex. Rick and I screwed in 5 countries during one two week travel-thon)
Men’s Top Ten Least Favorite Conversation Topics
1. Past relationships
2. Other dates
3. Celebrities
4. Religion
5. Politics
6. Antiques
7. Money
8. Fashion
9. Gardening
10. Marriage
Men’s Top Ten Date Picks
1. Taking a romantic walk (cheap)
2. Restaurant (could be cheap, depends on the restaurant)
3. Park (cheap)
4. Cook dinner at home (cheap)
5. Coffee shop (cheap)
6. Scenic car ride (cheap)
7. Stay in and rent a movie (cheap)
8. Bowling or Playing Pool (Well, after paying 5 bucks to rent a pair of bowling shoes, I can't call that cheap but I can call shooting pool cheap)
9. Live music (Depends on who's singing)
10. Comedy Club (Not bad...but he better not have a coupon on the first date)
Don't forget, I absolutely ADORE men. I may think that they're cheap and preoccupied with sex but I never said that either one of those attributes were bad things.
OK, I just took Payton BACK to the vet. He had an 8:15 PM appointment and I didn't remember it until 8:01. I jumped up, put a sweatshirt on over my jammies, put on my big fuzzy slippers, grabbed the dog and sped to the vet's office. She wanted to see him before he finished his antibiotics and he only has 4 days left of a 3 week antibiotic marathon.
Tonight he got another cortisone shot because there were a couple of red areas that he had been itching. The vet couldn't find any fleas on him but she wanted him to have the shot anyway. So did I. Another $50 puts me extremely close to paying $800 for this flea war.
The vet said that some of the fleas are becoming resistant to the topicals like Advantage. She still sells it because it's the best they have now but she said that she'll be looking at two new products soon for next flea season.
Damn, I stopped at McDonald's to get my kid a McFlurry. I felt sort of pukey so I didn't get anything for myself and now I'm hungry. Even Payton got Chicken McNuggets because the McDonald's people all wanted to give them to him through the window. He had his big fat dog head sticking out the window behind me so they could all see him. He likes McDonald's.
I guess I'll just eat some more Popsicle's. They aren't bad but I'm in the mood for food that I can put ketchup on and I can't do that with a Popsicle.
I think I'll go stare into my refrigerator for a while.
See ya!
...that I wrote about last year is about to cause some more trouble. I will be writing more about her later but I wanted to rerun this post so that you'll all know of whom I speak:
Lorraine Coyle Koppell is an attorney representing a man who cheated on his wife. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, even cheaters deserve a lawyer in a divorce. But the behavior of this woman is, in my opinion, the reason that 2,000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean is nothing more than a good start.
Attorney's are officers of the court and although I'm not sure exactly what that means, I'm pretty sure that officers of the court are supposed to know the law. Even if this woman was absent from law school the day that they gave the lecture about not speaking directly to an adversary who has an attorney, you would think that she would have enough class to simply honor a letter from another attorney requesting that she stop harrassing his client and that she contact the law office directly.
Instead, Mrs. Koppell wrote a letter to the woman threatening her with a restraining order after one of the husband's co-workers ran into the wife on the street. The wife was waiting to meet someone about a rental property when one of her husband's co-workers walked up to her and began a conversation. The co-worker badgered the wife for an answer to the following question:"Why do you insist that your husband is sleeping with Colleen Lombardi?"
Apparently the husband and his mistress have totally thrown their personal lives into their work environment. When I think of Colleen Lombardi and the women that my husband worked with and screwed, I have to wonder if there's anyone watching to see if these people work at all. I want one of those jobs.
Anyway, the co-worker went back to the mistress to tell her about running into the wife. Then, the mistress told the husband who told his attorney who threatened the wife with a restraining order. That attorney is Lorraine Coyle Koppell. Mrs. Koppell knows that her client had no basis for a restraining order based upon those facts but she sent the wife a letter threatening just that very thing. And...she sent the letter to the wife's home address threatening to have her served at work where "one of your co-worker's might interecept the complaint". Who's harrassing whom here?
You can't get a person in front of a judge without some sort of probable cause. Unfortunately, Mrs. Koppell realizes that there is no such law protecting us from crazed attorneys who like to accuse people of crimes without any reason whatsoever. When the woman's attorney called Mrs. Koppell to complain about her behavior, Mrs. Koppell told the attorney to "take a Valium". She must be one helluva swell dinner date, wouldn't you think?
And then, just to be a bitch (I can't think of any other reason) Mrs. Koppell sent the letter to the wife under her maiden name, even though Mrs. Koppell knows the woman's married/legal name.
Let's see...another attorney asked her not to do that, nothing that she accused the wife of would have a legal basis for any of the threats that the nut made against the wife and she got the wife's name wrong on purpose to be hurtful. How professional is this?
That's not all. This nut lady "was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Boston." But don't read too much into that...according to democratic pundit Andrew Wolf of the New York Sun, "The process that put her in her seat illuminates much that is wrong with the Party."
And, she ran for a seat in the New York State Legislature, prompting the following comment from democratic party member Mike Bendetto, "When I first heard that Lorraine Coyle Koppell was running, I was pretty annoyed about it." Benedetto was so upset by Mrs. Koppell's candidacy that he ran for the seat himself. He charged that Mrs. Koppell may be running as a way of getting "revenge" on Roberto Ramirez for what he claimed was "two earlier failed efforts on her part to obtain a judgeship." He continued on to say that, "I couldn't take the chance that lightning would hit, and Lorraine Coyle Koppell could actually win. That's when I inserted myself into the race."
Luckliy for the state of New York, this woman didn't win that campaign, losing (according to an email from a consituent of Mrs. Koppell) to a felon. But, unfortunately for a New York woman going through a divorce, she is still practicing law. She is also still calling that woman at home, bullying her while she has an attorney that she should be speaking to.
Hopefully, with the help of opposing attorneys and a well written letter to the New York State Bar Association, Mrs. Koppell won't be allowed to do these things for much longer.
Now, I'll wait for some more facts to come in and then I'll discuss the unprofessional, permanently pre-menstrual pion further. :)
- said...
I googled her - couldn't resist!
I came across this nugget of info:
"She has also provided volunteer legal work at shelters for abused women........"
Ahhh I love double standards! - Meg Kelso said...
Man...go figure. I'd love to find out how much "work" she has actually done. I think I'll look that up tomorrow. Where did you find that? Email me the link if you don't mind girl. Hey...isn't it time for us to go out again?
"..."Them are the people who think it's a good thing to bomb innocent human beings."LOL - then them is us! What chemo drugs are you on?..."
That's another good point and although I could say that we differ in that we aren't killing in the name of Allah...I'm not going to do that. I think war is stupid. Over the millennium, we've gone from throwing rocks to heat guided missiles. We have learned how to perfect war and make it more deadly, but we haven't done a thing toward coming up with another way to settle our problems. A nice game of hopscotch would make more sense.
Anyway, I'm taking BCNU and CPT 11. I don't really like to discuss my health problems on this thing, I know that I mention this or that...there's so much that I could tell you guys but I'd feel like I was whining and no one wants to come here to get depressed. If I feel badly or have an appointment, I might mention that, but in general, I hate talking about it. You didn't know that so I answered your question...it's not a bad question and I can answer it easily without sounding whiny.
"...Oriental refers to things such as rugs, furniture, etc. Asian is the correct term for the people of that culture..."
Thanks for clearing that up...it makes sense. I didn't know whether or not we could still say oriental when referring to rugs. Anyway, for years and years we've referred to Asian people as Oriental without being accused of racism. Obviously we'll have to adapt...but cut us some slack while we learn. I had NO idea when I wrote the article using the term "Oriental"...and apparently, neither did my editor.
I'm about to annoy a lot of people and once again, I don't care. I'm going to use the African-Americans to make this point. That's because I've had more interaction with them in my life that I have any other minority (Can I say THAT?). When I was a VERY little girl, the proper term was "colored". Because of the time I was born, that was the word that I learned first. But my grandfather was born during a time when the proper term was "nigger". He used that word as a descriptive word like, "You know him, the nigger with the grey hat." He meant no offense and he was NOT a racist. I have black friends who understood him and the fact that some older people were just responding to their own upbringing.
Anyway, in the late 60's (I think) people started saying, "We aren't colored...WE'RE BLACK!" They carried signs that said "Black Power" and "Black is Beautiful" so we started using the word black. Now, although they haven't COMPLETELY shaken the word "black", they have changed it to African-American.
Then I find out that "Oriental" is offensive. Whatever. I think the evil is in the intent and I, like my grandfather, never meant to offend anyone. (I should admit that even when my grandfather used the word "nigger", it was used by many people as an offensive term. But HE and many others meant no offense at all. And personally, I was raised to consider a "nigger" to be a person of ANY color who behaved like trash. It could just as easily be applied to white people. Of course I just don't use it at all. The sound of it makes me cringe. And I DO hear it occasionally. It makes me extremely uncomfortable.)
"...The British embassy should be doing more too!!! Shame shame shame, that poor woman is in jail and not even charged! If disagreeing with the Islamic view makes me racist I wear it proudly I am afraid..."
I totally agree with you. If I were in charge, I'd called the Israeli's or the Americans and have them bring over some military SWAT teams or whatever they have to go in and take the teacher out.
I also agree with your other point but I hesitate to generalize with ALL Islam. We have had our share of religious nuts like David Koresh, Jim Jones and Marshall Applewhite. (Applewhite and his partner, Bonnie Nettles, convinced thirty-eight followers to commit suicide so that their souls could take a ride on a spaceship (Comet Hale Bopp) that they believed was hiding behind the comet carrying Jesus in 1997.)
So, I wouldn't want anyone else to say that all Christians are evil based on those nuts...but I must say, if thinking that the Muslims who want me, my children, my country and my President dead must be killed first...call me whatever you'd like. Racist, Marxist, or popsicle eater...it's what I honestly feel and I don't apologize for it one bit.
Tell me something...why can we say this joke:
"What do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?"
"A good start."
But we can't say this:
"What do you call 100 Al Quaeda members at the bottom of the ocean?"
"A very SLOW start."
Now I have to lie down for a bit but I'll be back when I get up.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"...Who is "them". Thats a pretty large blanket statement. All muslims? All middle easterns? Africans?? Who are you mad at, specifically?..."
Good point.
"Them" are those who would whip a teacher for anything whatsoever to do with a teddy bear. Them are those who would like to see every Jew and every American dead. Them are the people who think it's a good thing to bomb innocent human beings.
I know that all Muslims aren't bad...I remember Anwar Sadat. All Africans aren't bad...I've met too many of them to think that. Certainly not all Middle Easterners are evil, I have friends from Lebanon. But...them folks who think that any higher power wants them to kill other humans aren't quite human themselves. I think they're close...like a chimpanzee...but not quite human.
There are other people that annoy me, but they have nothing to do with the teddy bear incident. And if I am politically incorrect in my thoughts regarding the teddy bear incident, too fricking bad. The acceptability of certain thoughts, words and actions change far too often. If I try to be politically correct TODAY...tomorrow I may sound racist. So, I'm just gonna say it like I want to say it.
I wrote an article a couple of years ago and received hate mail because I used the word "Oriental". Apparently that word is offensive.
I wonder if those who bitched even know what the word means? It means EAST! Occidental is west and that's all there is to it. If we can safely use Mideasterners, South Dakotan's and Northern Irish, I don't know why we can't refer to people from the east as Orientals. There's nothing wrong with East. I don't get it and to tell you the truth, I don't care.
I feel like shit and I don't know how I could possibly work like this. Right before Christmas...ain't that a bitch? Whatever...one more thing.
Gotta run,
See ya,
- Lara Croft said...
I was disgusted when I read that, the first thought that came to mind was right well let them sit in thier isolated world in arab land, in their dillusional "religion" don't allow nice westerners there to teach their kids, clearly its not safe"
The British embassy should be doing more too!!! Shame shame shame, that poor woman is in jail and not even charged!
If disagreeing with the Islamic view makes me racist I wear it proudly I am afraid. - said...
Oriental refers to things such as rugs, furniture, etc.
Asian is the correct term for the people of that culture.
Just an FYI.
...I guess it could be worse:
Especially Saucy McDonald's Melee
In my experience, you really have to put effort into provoking gay guys to toss french fry grease at you. Especially when they're dressed as women.
- Eliza Doolittle said...
I'm not sure that first one went through....Meg, delete if this is double.
Only in the deep south would someone say "pissed them off worser".
Second, I've never heard of a transvestite eating at McDonald's. Are there no fancier restaurants in Memphis?
I just got off the phone with the bank. I've been disputing a charge on my account for two weeks now and I can't seem to get them to give me my money back. The worse thing about this is that I think my sister did it. I asked her to come stay with me because she's having a lot of personal problems that I don't want to go into here but suffice it to say that I seem to be getting robbed on a regular basis.
My nice and quiet life is being rather trashed. I didn't really want anyone else to live here, but when it's your sister, what can you do? I should have known better when my other sister wouldn't help her. They've always been much closer to each other because I am SO much older than those two. Not SO much, but when we were kids it seemed like a lot. The sister that would have been close to my age died and I miss her something awful.
I have to go to the day chemo thing later on and I'm not in the mood at all. I don't know what to expect and I don't want to find out. I do know that it starts with a needle and I HATE needles. They aren't so bad if I'm pointing them at someone else...but I can't stand to have one pointing at me. If I were diabetic, I'd just have to die. Daily needles are one of my biggest nightmares. They might as well toss me in a box full of spiders.
Speaking of creepy crawlies, I need to go back to the vet and get those pills again. This time I'm gonna ask them if they have the crap you put on their skin too. The two products should take care of this. I hate seeing fleas on my animals. Yesterday Payton was sitting straight up and I saw a flea on his doggie-dick. I had to go get it. It was a real low in my day...bugs and doggie-dicks...ick.
Payton is sitting right next to me, as usual. I was reaching down and petting his pretty hair and I wondered what I could do to make his hair look cool. I could die it...ya think? What color should I do that? Maybe blond in a cool pattern...ya think?
Anyway, back to the fleas, I do have to keep at them until they're gone. I can't let him get all scabbed again. Don't you hate seeing your dog lose his hair in places from scratching? It's so pathetic, I have to be sure it doesn't happen again. It's coat is all back to normal now and I want to keep it that way.
Oh, I saw the teacher on TV again...that one who's getting 40 lashes for letting her class name a teddy bear Muhammad. Why do all these people from free countries feel the need to go to lash countries? I wouldn't do it. It's not even fair to my family. Why would I put them in a position to worry? The military may have to, but regular people from democratic nations doesn't need to go there. I just named my computer, stove, dryer and curling iron Muhammad. From now on when I want to call someone a bad name, I'll call them a Muhammad.
Why should the government be the only ones who can change the language? I want to do it too. So, from now on, Muhammad means someone dumber, meaner or shorter than anyone else in the room. Using it in a sentence, "Let's toss him out the window, he's such a Muhammad."
OK, I have to run. I'll be back later!
- Eliza Doolittle said...
Meg - I'm sure using "Muhammad" to describe a dumb or mean person is SURELY going to start a blog flame war.
- Meg Kelso said...
Well, I won't participate. I'll just show them the same respect that they show us. Period.
Meg - akakarma said...
HAve you tried Advantage? What about shaving him? I've never had a problem with Advantage- it's killed houses full of leas- I wonder what the issue is? Hmmm.....
- Meg Kelso said...
Yep. I just went back to the vet yesterday and bought 5 more capstar pills for each animal and this month's Advantage. The cats use something else...I can't think of the name. The fleas aren't so much on the animals...they must be in the carpet. I treat the animals with capstar, that kills the fleas on them...they have NOT A ONE on them...then two weeks later I see them again. I must not be getting someplace in the house where they're nesting. I don't know what to do except wait for it to get really cold here. Of course, I can't let the house get cold. I'm baffled. By the way, if you're keeping track, it's now over $700 that I've spent on the fleas. Before this is done I fear it may go over a grand.
After I bought the stuff at the vet, I found it online for half the price. I'll be getting the stuff online from now on and I WILL win this war!
Monday, November 26, 2007
...I guess I made sense in that last post. If you haven't read it, I mentioned that the guy I've been seeing annoyed me again by A. Not remembering that he called me at work Thursday night. and B. Assuming that if he didn't remember it, it didn't happen.
It happened...oh my did it happen. That's what I get for going out with him so soon after seeing him once in a week already for days.
I don't know if the phone call thing alone would have made me so angry...I didn't have time to mull that one over before he annoyed me again. Now, mind you, he doesn't realize that I'm annoyed, I'm keeping it to myself. I don't think we're at a place yet in this relationship where we can be so free with our feelings. It's not appropriate right now. He's pushing a few rules, but I'm not going to.
The other way he annoyed me was by being totally selfish in the back rub thing. He keeps asking me to rub his back, scratch his back, rub his neck, make his headache go away and I'm not even mentioning the lack of reciprocity in the bedroom. All of THAT I did mention to him. I asked him if the word "reciprocity" was in his vocabulary and he said, "Yeah." I said, "Good."
and went to warm up my car.
I have to admit, physically, he's a fine specimen. I don't mind one bit spooning with him and watching a movie. Yesterday we watched a bunch of football games.
He called me in the first quarter of the Bears game and wanted to pick me up. I told him he'd have to wait for half-time. So, I was at his place for the second half and that half was amazing. I watched 3 teams upset 3 better teams all day long. I heard there were some that I didn't see...like the Vikings game. Anyway, he supported the Bears with me so that was fun. And the way the Bears won in OT was just great.
Anyway, next we watched the Eagles kill the Patriots and that blew me away. We started hoping the Eagles would win early in the game. I didn't want to see another team go undefeated. That would make the Bears 85-86 season look a tad worse. I was in Chicago that year and it was a GREAT place to be when the Bears were doing the Super Bowl Shuffle. I had so damn much fun and yet I still left that life for Rick which inevitably got me stuck here in Gogia. I am not happy about this.
It's left me with the type of guy that I've seen before. He was obviously extremely good looking in his younger years. He's certainly not bad now...but as any other man his age, the youngin's that he wants aren't falling all over him. He seems to be used to women who fall all over him and jump to his every command but I'm too old for that. I'm actually older than he is...he's 45. So, maybe it's just that he's never really been with a woman older than he. I don't play games and I take people at their word. I can't be trying to figure out if he's gonna remember what he said the next day.
It's not at all that I couldn't be quite appreciative...and I show my appreciation well. :):):) It's just that there's got to be something to be appreciative OF!
Could you guys do me a favor? Send help. I need to go back to Chicago.
...I did it. I gave him a chance (the guy I was gonna slow things down with). Check this out...remember when I said that he called me at work? Now he's saying that he didn't do that. I know that he did, I was sober, him...not so much. I could forgive him for forgetting, but not for saying, "It didn't happen." Just because he didn't remember it doesn't mean that it didn't happen.
Add that to the conversations he had with my sister thinking she was me and you end up with me wondering if this guy knows me at all. Anyone who does would know that I wouldn't lie about that call. So, I am annoyed again.
Anyway, I'll be back in a couple cups of coffee.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I've been sort of bored this morning. I have to climb up in the attic to get my tree and stuff . That sounds like a lot of work so I'm just playing here for a while.
Now I've pretty much done all that I can to occupy my time and I really have to climb up in the attic now if I want to be done with the tree before the Bears game starts.
See ya!
"...Nothing bad happened we had a great time .....but....there is nothing worse than learning someones "habits"all on the first meeting/date/over nite?..."
We had a great time too. I didn't say that I wouldn't see him anymore, I just said that I needed to slow it down a bit. It really didn't hit me until he called me at work Thursday night. That took me aback. I don't EVER have time to talk when I'm working and to tell you the truth, I wouldn't if I did. Nobody calls me when I'm working and I was a bit annoyed when he did. Not enough to say anything, he didn't know how I felt about that...but it still stuck in my craw a bit.
Anyway, maybe I'm nit-picking...I don't know. But with a couple of days hindsight, I'm not as ga-ga as I was when I was with him. I should be, right? At least a bit? I'll still go out with him, just not for days on end. Even if I have to drive there myself so that I can leave when I want to, I'll try it again.
OK then, I've been up for a while trying to find something online. I wanted to find the scene from the movie that I'm in. It can't be the same as seeing it on the big screen (I HAVE to go see that!) but I did find it. You have to hit play and then go to 9:10, there's a gold ring and if you stop right there and hit start again, you'll see me...that's where the scene that I'm in begins. I'm right next to the guy talking to Jill Scott, wearing my stupid pony-tail with a black velvet scrunchi thing, pretending to drink a cup of nothing and reading the menu. They cut my huge ad lib...where I grabbed the menu away from the guy I was sitting with. I was afraid of that. Anyway, without further adieu...ado?...whatever:
OK...that's it. I have to thank Tyler Perry for choosing me to sit in the rear of one of his scenes. Also, I need to say a special thanks to Lammar, the guy I sat next to. He was such a joy to work with. And to the yahoo who played my date...that's the first date I've been on where no one tried to touch my boobs...thanks for that.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
...I have to do 2 things I hate to do today. I have to run errands and spend money. Oh crap...I have to do dishes and laundry as well. I hate that. But it could be worse, it could be...oh hell, it really couldn't be worse.
I have to take my kid shopping for his birthday. I'm taking him to pick out his own stuff because it's more time efficient than me buying the gifts, wrapping them up, giving them to him and having him unwrap them, hold them up and then take them back to the store for a refund. This way if he wants to take them back he has no excuse...he's picking them out and trying them on.
Then I have to go buy more of those capstar flea pills. I cannot BELIEVE how I can't get rid of these fleas. I bought a bunch of stuff from the store and used all of that then I went to the vet and spent hundreds of dollars on flea crap and medicine for Payton's flea allergy and then I bombed the house, sprinkled the carpet and sprayed the furniture, shoved pills down the cat's mouths at the risk of being bitten and scratched and then I stuffed bigger pills into liver sausage to give to Payton every morning at the risk of being bitten by a vary large dog. And still, I saw a flea yesterday.
I am so annoyed at those little bastards. The vet said they were tough this year but I can't believe these damn things won't die. The only thing that I haven't done is to put the house in a bubble and fill it with poison gas. I may do that next. These stupid fleas are like armour plated suckers.
I also have to go grocery shopping. That's always good for a couple hundred dollars and I'm sure I'll spend that on William's clothes as well and by the time you add in the vet, I've spent close to $500 and I haven't even written out the rent check yet.
Maybe I'll buy myself something...ya think? I don't know what but if I see something that I want, I give you my word, I'll buy it for me.
See ya!
- Lara Croft said...
I think you should definately treat yaself meg! I gag even bought myself a pretty yellow dress yesterday Incase i go somewhere nice this summer downunder .
- Unknown said...
Sounds like an effective way of giving a child birthday gifts. Actually, it’s the way my aunts did me.
The fleas are s difficult problem. I’ve not seen one in years since I started getting the stuff from my vet and all I have to do is apply it to Alex’s skin once a month. Of course, it kills the eggs, not the fleas. But, then, a flea has a very short life span. Good look in conquering them!
...and I came to the conclusion that I've been guilty of one of the biggest no-no's on my entire dating list. I went on a date that lasted too long. Have you ever gone on one of those dates that lasted for days when it was only supposed to last for the evening? Well, I should have known better. That's OK, no harm no foul but I think I should slow things down with big boy a bit.
He didn't do anything wrong and I didn't either...but I don't want to do anything stupid so I better just spend some time alone for a week or so. I know better than to jump into relationships this quickly and being my age doesn't make it any smarter than it was 20 years ago.
So, that's settled.
Now I have to try to get warm so that I can freeze my ass off going to the store. I hate cold and I'm not sure why it's so cold here. I don't remember being so cold this far south for such a long time. Maybe it's normal and I haven't been paying attention. I had to work for 4 hours last night and I wore my leather coat and a hat, scarf and gloves that my daughter gave me. I rarely dress up that warmly but I'm sick of being cold.
I slept on the couch last night and I was good and warm under a few blankets but Payton woke me up needing to go outside and that meant that I had to get out from under the blankets and go outside seconds after I opened my eyes and that just sucks. I should be able to slowly wake up and climb out of bed leisurely. Anyway, I have a cup of coffee and I think I'm going to try it again.
Right now I'm sitting in a room with a door that leads outside and the wind whips underneath it. I'm in a blustery kitchen right now and I hate that. So, I'm gonna go back under those covers and start my day over again.
See ya in when I get up...again.
- Unknown said...
I once met someone online and after a month or so decided to take her up on a visit,it was a week long stay!
Nothing bad happened we had a great time .....but....there is nothing worse than learning someones "habits"
all on the first meeting/date/over nite?
Friday, November 23, 2007
...I have to hang out at home for a while. I miss my animals and my kid has been by himself because my sister has taken off with her ex and I haven't seen her since I left on my date Tuesday night. Last night I had to work, actually I wanted to work because I love holiday pay. overtime is good too but it takes so long to earn that crap and I can break a bone trying to do it.
I prefer going in for two days in a week and have one of them be a holiday. That's much easier on the back. I have to work as much as I can before next week because I probably won't feel much like working, or playing, for that matter.
Damn, I have a problem. There's this nose hair that grows from one side of my nose to the other and every couple of months I suddenly start getting tickled by that damn hair. I"ll pull it out again and then sometime in January, it'll get back to the other side of my nose and I'll have to pull it out again. I mention that nose hair every so often...if you know that you've been here for a long, long time. Anyway, the hair's back.
Aw...crap, I'll go pull the fucker now.
OK, I'm back. That sucker is so hard to get out...I usually break it at least once before I get it all the way out. This time I broke it twice. That bastard is getting smart...it's growing around the bottom of my nose so it takes the long way to the other side. That's why it tickled my nose so far to the front this time. Damn. That hair has a mind of it's own...and it's rather bright.
OK, on the way back from plucking that stupid nose hair, I noticed that my kid ate my steak while I was at work. He left some of the turkey...and all of the cornish hen, but he ate my steak. I like steak. Oh well, I like it better right after it's cooked. I don't do leftover steak so well, that or those beef jerky things that men love to gnaw on.
You know, I'm gonna eat my dinner. The stupid turkey was done right as I had to leave for work. So, now I'm gonna stuff my face.
See ya,
Thursday, November 22, 2007
...this evening, 7 PM - 7 AM. I ran into a couple of nurses who saw the last movie that I worked in, Why Did I Get Married. They saw me so I know that I'm see-able this time. One of the nurses didn't even know that I was in the movie beforehand and she just happened to notice me. I have to go see that one myself.
The scene that I'm in is a diner scene with Jill Scott and her date. I'm sitting to the right of her date, the camera is to his left.
I had a nice holiday, plenty of food and lots of people around. My sister's ex boyfriend drove up here from Florida to spend the holidays with her. Call me kookie, but once someone dumps me, I wouldn't give him the time of day. My sister is much sweeter than I am when it comes to such things. I guess she takes after my Mom who I think had something to do with the I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing Coke commercial and always said that, "Crickets are our friends." I never bought that, crickets are big ugly bugs that I smash when I get the chance.
OK, I'm gonna go pretend that I'm working again.
- Lara Croft said...
I hope your movie comes downunder, Ill drag my mates to go see it with me, but i knowwwwwwwwwww someone in the movie Ill say lol
- Karin's Korner said...
Hope you Thanksgiving was wonderful Meg.
- Meg Kelso said...
Do! Let me know when you see me...I have to go see it soon myself.
I did have a great Thanksgiving! I have a new boyfriend to be thankful for! That's always fun. And...he weighs close to 300 pounds...I DO like 'em big! And then I got to come to work and take care of people who are stuck in the hospital for the holiday...I always like being here on holidays. Even if I didn't get paid time and a half, I'd enjoy it.
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving as well!
...with my new dude. He's bar-b-queing, smoking and deep frying a bunch of manly meat. I have to jump in the shower and fix my measley contribution, develed eggs. I did chop up a bunch of toast and vegies last night...but that's not really cooking...it's mainly just doing the stupid work.
I like this one. He's huge and you know that I like them big. He used to play arena football so he's muscle huge, not fat huge. I'll see if I can sneak a picture. I have 6 shots left on the rolls from California so I'll get them finished and then I'll finally get them developed.
I am being called for...I'll be back soon.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
- akakarma said...
Hope you had a good one- holiday that is- or anything else you might like I guess! Take care!
- Meg Kelso said...
Thanks, it was fine. I've been doing laundry all afternoon and Thanksgiving seems so far away already. I guess it'll be better when I put the tree up tomorrow. I usally do it the day after Thanksgiving but I had to work so I couldn't. But, after cleaning and shopping all day today, I should be ready to decorate the house tomorrow. That'll be fun.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
...I'll try to be a tad more specific, that is about what I figured out about me. I'm at a house with only a laptop and I can't work this fucker. But...I am having fun. I don't think it was all the guys I met that sucked...I'm starting to think it was me. Can you believe that? Damn.
One figured out a way to tell me that without annoying me. I like him. I usually blow men off but this one didn't give up. I'm glad.
But I swear to God...if he screws me I am going on some sort of rampage against men.
OK, I have to stop playing around with this computer because it's really stupid.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
...ads I speak I am most certainly enjoying someone else. I've figured out a lot about myself tonight. I can justify taking the time to tell you that...but not what it is I have learned about myself. Damn...this one is good. I mean that in so many ways.
- Determined said...
Okay, that's enough Irish coffee for you.
- Meg Kelso said...
No, it was Pinot Grigio mixed with a laptop that I can't figure out. I wasn't drunk, I was "happy".
Tee hee.
...to an infomercial about some product that cleanses your bowels. Apparently, Judge Reinhold was right when he told his partner (in Beverly Hills Cop) that "by the time you're 40, you have 7 pounds of undigested meat in your bowels." I was too lazy to turn the TV off or change the channel for a while so I just laid there listening to the guy talking about bowel cleansing.
I've heard that Hollywood stars take high colonics to look younger. I didn't even know that the bowels had anything to do with wrinkles. I went to school for years and I never once learned that. (But now that I think about it, maybe the high colonics stop wrinkles by decreasing the facial grimacing that occurs when a person is trying to push all that shit out.) The bowels seem to have a lot to do with how long a person lives, too. The infomercial discussed Westminster Abbey and a body that was exhumed from that building. It was the body of Thomas Parr who supposedly lived for over 150 years. They checked out his bowels and found them to be immaculate. Therefore, they came to the conclusion that a clean bowel equals a long life.
I was too sleepy to remember the name of the product but I think you swallow it as opposed to shoving it up the other end. Whatever you do with it, it makes all that nasty stuff come out. They were so proud of their product that they even showed what would come out if you used it regularly. That's something that every person should start the day with...a picture of human excrement. And excrement that has built up over years and years, no less.
I feel the need to rid my bowels of all that nasty stuff but all that ever comes out is the normal stuff that I ate the day before. I must admit, the notion of ridding myself of food that I ate in the 70's is quite intriguing. I'd love to see what THAT looks like today. If it's anything like the stuff on the infomercial, it's pretty icky and I want it OUT of me NOW! I didn't get the name of the product nor did I get the address so I'm stuck with the icky crap (no pun intended) that's been in my bowels for decades. Damn, I don't even know what channel it was on. In my sleepiness I forgot to get all that information before I turned the channel. My son came in and said that Alan Alda was on FoxNews so without even thinking that I don't care about Alan Alda, I turned that on and momentarily forgot about my bowels.
Then, after watching a few minutes of the MASH star, I remembered my bowels and all the stuff that's in there. Now what? I don't know what to do about my guts. I guess I should eat a bunch of fruit until I figure out how to rid myself of the "toxic lining" that is coating my innards as I type this. I suppose I should stay awake tonight and flip to one infomercial to another until I find the cure for bowel retention. In the meantime, I will check for old stuff just in case I spontaneously lose the crap that I've been carrying around with me for the past 40+ years.
As if I didn't have enough to worry about...now I have one more thing. And, if it's as bad as I think it is, it could kill me decades sooner than I'm supposed to die. Damn.
Meg and her rotten bowels
- Jaded said...
My GI doc says that's all completely untrue, 'cause I saw an infomercial like that myself and asked him about it. He said that it's just urban legend about people like John Wayne, which is who they mentioned in the one I saw, who had all thst stuff in the intestines. He said he's never seen anything even remotely like that.
I hope he's right. Just the thought is frightening. - Lara Croft said...
Just letting ya know i am back safe and sound, got a bit of a kiss and cuddle the night before we left, could have got more but sharing a hotel room can cramp ones style, probably a good thing really lol.
- Meg Kelso said...
Yeah, I knew it was a scam...I had to have some fun with it. Thanks for backing up the scam aspect of the quackery!
Glad you're safe...but how much stuff is in your bowels?
:):):) - Lara Croft said...
LOL I swear they knew the socond I was Home LOL
- Eliza Doolittle said...
Meg -
That's Dual Action Cleanse...and that infomercial can usually be found on Court TV between three and six am on any weeknight!
I've blogged about that before too. - Meg Kelso said...
YEAH! That's it. I knew it had something to do with two. Cool. And it makes sense, I fall asleep listening to stories about murder. Cool.
It's a tough topic to ignore.
Monday, November 19, 2007
...you'll see where my mother wrote the first sentence that I ever put together, "Well, what do you know about that?" I don't know what the circumstances were under which I said that, but I'm saying it again. Remember that dating site that I signed up for so that I could obtain fodder for the blog? It never fails to disappoint.
Today I ran across a charmer who said this:
"Hi...I sure am interested in chatting or talking on the phone to get to know you. If you are interested mail me back here or at ***savannah@hotmail.com or send me your number or call me at 111-507-4772 cell. I hope to hear from you real soon! Later Tater David"
I have NO clue how to respond to someone who sounds so desperate. One thing that I DO know, I won't be giving MY number to this one.
Oh, and by the way..."Later Tater"? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is that a line that works well in Idaho? I don't mean to nit pick...but c'mon..."Later Tater"? Help me Ronda.
Then, there's this guy:
i am doing pretty good. how about yourself. it has been a while. guess you have a life.....hehehe any plans for turkey day?
OK, here's the deal...I don't do men who call Thanksgiving "Turkey Day". Also, when someone writes "he he he", they remind me of the Abominable Dr. Phibes.
This one didn't have a picture on his profile but his description of himself tells a lady all she needs to know about him:
"...I'm a divorced white guy in Savannah looking to meet an attractive lady..."
That sentence speaks volumes.
Of course, not all men SHOULD leave a picture of themselves. Sometimes those suckers do much more damage than just posting a profile without a picture. I don't know what this 24 year old was thinking when he sent a 49 year old lady this picture:

I suppose there are some men who don't want you to get a REAL good look at them so they do this little trick where the picture was taken from a mile away:
The photographer is about 1 mile too close. Is it me or does this guy look as though he's holding in his gut and his shoulders back? I realize that it's a futile attempt to look good. Well, maybe not "good", he could just trying to be looking less bad. He would certainly have looked better with the self confidence to simply post a close up snap-shot of himself. Men...what can you do about them? I give. Oh well, I certainly don't get it.
It doesn't matter anyway. I have a date with a guy who I know, one that doesn't feel the need to lie, deceive or manipulate. So far he's been as honest as he can be. Well, what to you know about that?!
I can't wait to see more of this honesty crap!
- Determined said...
For a good laugh, look at this one!
"top dawg"
but I think that's what happens when someone puts on their profile, "Looking for a man between 30 and 103" - Meg Kelso said...
LOLOL...why hasn't this one emailed me? LOLOL...that's too funny. You can spend hours at that site checking out silly boys.
Meg - mylifeatfullspeed said...
t0pdawg : Normal seeking Normal
That's normal?? Hell! I've been misled!
Where the heck is he standing, btw?
ok, I needed that laugh, that was too funny
Sunday, November 18, 2007
...that I can't write anymore. So, since I recently wrote about Bradbury and Orwell, I thought that this post was a good one to re-post:
Oh my word, funny we were just speaking about Fahrenheit 451 and the way that Bradbury was warning us about a time when everything that is said or written is offensive to someone, I made the point that WE ARE AT 451!
Well, this evening I heard on the news that Ireland is banning the word “brainstorming” because it may offend epileptics. But, don’t worry, they have a replacement idiom for those who might dare to brainstorm and then discuss it.... “Thought showers.”
Some of you have heard that as well and the rest of you are thinking that I must be making this up. Oh, I wish I were...it’s pretty funny until you realize that someone is serious about this. They took time out of the job that they get paid to do and they made the decision that to brainstorm was an offensive thing. Well, I submit that these people have a brain cloud and far too much spare time on their hands.
Besides, they have stopped far short of their mission. There is still the possibility that some thoughtless dietitian might see fit to serve kidney beans to a dialysis patient or liver and onions to someone with sclerosis.
And how dare we worry about the “legs” on our tables while so many people have casts on their own lower appendages. We should have “artichoke focal points” and “lady digits” in case an arthritic cardiac patient should read a menu. While we make those changes, we should also strike sweet onions (diabetics), Po’ Boys (welfare recipients) and jelly rolls (men with love handles) as well. We also need to stop using terms like “Flaky Pastry Dough", (that one offends me personally), “pot roast” (might give the kids ideas) and one more thing: Don’t you think that “fruit” and “nuts” are outmoded, archaic utterances? And how could we be so insensitive as to use the word “bladder” right out loud instead of “receptacle of a liquid” while so many women are buying Depends nowadays? And you know, I have hay fever, I resent being given a “nose gay”, what would a lesbian with a cold think of such a thing?
My long legs were very thin when hot pants were fashionable and I consider it an affront to hear the word “stick”. It takes me back to a time that I would just as soon forget. I think I should discuss this with an attorney, nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen, nobody knows my sorrow.
There is very little verbal territory that wouldn’t be offensive to someone. I think we should use hand signals from now on rather than to risk being attacked by daily onslaughts of such dogmatist terms as short ribs, ugly ducklings and heavy duty.
I think things have gone a bit too far when a man can lose his job and reputation after using a term like “niggardly” simply because it SOUNDS like an offensive term. Oh, wait, the “N” word can’t be offensive, so many minorities use the word themselves. Chris Rock can say it over and over again in one evening but I would imagine that Jerry Seinfeld would have a tough time working it into a joke. So, people aren’t really censoring the word itself, they are actually just censoring who can and cannot say it with immunity.
What an interesting world it is that we live in.
Well, I hope that those Irish folks are doing well after their Thought Shower...I for one feel safer knowing that such an inflammatory word has been replaced. I’m sure that the English language is now safe and sensitive....yeah, fat chance.
Have a lovely day!
- said...
People have lost their minds with this whole PC stuff. There are some words that I agree shouldn't be said...but they have gone so overboard with this that it's just stupid.
I heard on the radio the other day that they want "Ho Ho Ho" not said anymore by Santa Claus...because it will offend certain women. We should now say "Ha Ha Ha".
Insanity, I tell ya.
Tracie - Meg Kelso said...
You know, a few years ago I would have laughed at that and assumed it was a joke. But today I am positive that some idiot somewhere did indeed say that Ho Ho Ho was a insult to women. I wonder what else we could do away with if we thought really, really hard.
I have to admit that I am Irish, but not one who believes that a "brainstorm" is evil. I do, however, take deep and serious offense at the term "Irish coffee". I don't put anything in my coffee except half & half and sugar. How totally rude it is to refer to coffee as "Irish" simply because there's liquor in it.
So, from now on when you order coffee with liquor in it, please refer to it as "coffee with liquor in it". To refer to it as "Irish" is so vehemently offensive that if I have to, I'll take to the streets to put an end to this hideous travesty affecting the entire Irish population!
An Irish woman who doesn't drink whiskey.
...called "Who Cut the Cheese":
"That's a a great book John!My bro-in-law read it out loud tom the whole family on vacation and we almost died laughing!"
Yep, it is an hysterical book. Not only is it funny, it's quite literally quite educational. If you've ever wondered about farts and their history, that book is a must read. Not to mention a GREAT gift idea for the farter in your family.
I had a few of them in my own family. Here's a short story that I write regarding the farters that I've been subjected to:
There has always been a farting man in my life. When I was a little girl, my grandfather, a very successful businessman, would read the paper in his recliner at night and literally lift his leg and fart with no shame or “Excuse Me.”
Of course, when I got a little older, my brothers got a thrill out of farting. I left home and got married so I immediately had a farter of my own. Then, without missing a beat, I married again and had another farter. I swear to God, I had that one convinced that women just don’t fart.
Next, I was single for a few years but I was working as a nurse so I saw a lot of stuff much worse than farts. Then, I met the fartmaster. When my oldest son attained a certain age, he developed a fascination with farting that he pretty much still has. He laughs pretty damn hard at his own farts, but you can irritate the hell out of him by farting back at him.
When he and Rick where both living with me, it was one great big fart-a-rama. A few years ago, I was in New York and I had this great beef sandwich with peppers...three kinds. I went into the restroom and noticed what a hideous bouquet that sandwich had summoned. I smiled. I began developing my stratagem.
It was so marvelously brilliant and the timing couldn't have been better. They were both in the living room watching television. I went back into the living room and sat down as though all was right with the world. Serenely secure in my evil scheme, I withheld the pressure that was my vengeance for the years of anguish to which I had been subjected by the fartmaster and his little partner in crime. I smiled cunningly as I remembered the silence that preceded the appalling stench. I knew that there would be no forewarning for my victims. I waited until just the right moment and unleashed what had to have been the most foul, repugnant, revolting “silent but deadly” that I had ever had the misfortune of suffering. And then I sat back and watched the consequences of my reprisal ensue. It was breathtaking...literally.
When the effects of my opus first reached their noses, they immediately glanced, accusedly, at each other. Then, they inhaled again. Oh, it was magnificent. I laughed so hard that I immediately gave myself away. They both actually got up off of their chairs. The looks on their faces were identical and said the same thing, “How can I leave the presence of this gruesome entity?” Their eyes went back and forth as though they were looking for an exit. You would have thought that they were a couple of mice in the presence of a lion. Such a sense of contentment, I have never felt. I assure you, that one fart made up for the years of olfactory assaults that these two yahoos had released upon me.
So, with Christmas approaching, keep this book in mind.
Oh, I haven't read the book referred to in the following comment, but it sounds like a winner:
"Maybe I should put that on my amazon.com wish list. Right after I finish the book on my nightstand: What's Your Poo Telling You?"
I can't wait to learn poo language and I'm sure that many others might find it as intriguing as the fart book.
OK then, I just got home from work and I need to take a shower, I'll be back in a few moments...I have to go to the bathroom and read a chapter or two from my fart book.
See you in a few!
Friday, November 16, 2007
I worked all night again last night and I have to go in and do it again tonight. I told a few people that I needed the hours (to help my son with his legal fees pertaining to his daughter). Well, it worked. I'm getting requests to work for a bunch of nurses.
I have to go in for my first treatment using my port next week and depending on how that affects me, I'll try to work as much as I can for as long as I can. I had been working the bare minimum of hours to pay the bills. I could work a shitload of hours in one week and make enough to pay my bills for the month. I had been doing that lately because of my health problems but I'll do whatever I have to do to help my son...not to mention my daughter who lives in LA and is having a tough time making ends meet in one of the most expensive areas in the entire country.
I don't mind working a LOT of hours. As a matter of fact, if it weren't for the chemo, I'd be doing it this time of the year anyway. For some reason, people get sick about this time and the census at the hospital goes way up. At the same time, the staff takes a bunch of vacations (or just a lot of time off). So, a nurse could work as many hours as she wants to. In January, the census goes way down and the staff is coming back to make up for the hours that they can to pay off bills from the holidays. Then it's tough to find as many nurses who want time off. So, I'll take the hours while I can.
So, if I want a LOT of hours...this is the perfect time to get them. I do and my co-workers aren't letting me down one little bit. I'm getting calls every day to work for one nurse or the other. Last night I worked for one nurse on an ortho unit and tonight I'm working on a telemetry unit for another nurse. The other night I worked with pregnant women, something that I ever wanted to do. They seem to be especially hormonal and they cry a LOT. I'm just not good with people who are crying uncontrollably. It's sort of the same reason I don't work pediatrics. The kids are either so sick that it makes a person want to cry right then and there OR they're just sick enough to cry incessantly. Neither one of those scenarios is any fun for me.
Last night was ortho and ortho is a TOUGH unit to work because all of the people there have either broken hips, suffered football injuries or fallen out of trees. You push so many narcotics that it makes you worry about how many drugs you're giving out.
It's amazing how many men fall off of ladders. (Oh...to be fair, one of the guys said that his boss knocked him off of the ladder.) Last spring I had a patient who had climbed a ladder WITH A CHAINSAW to chop down a branch that had fallen halfway down...he wanted to make it come all the way down. The good news is that the chainsaw fell clear of his body. The bad news is that he fell smack dab (smack dab? What the heck does that mean?) into a large patch of poison ivy. The poison ivy did him more damage than did the fall. I've NEVER seen such a hideous reaction from poison ivy...his entire body was totally covered in the rash. It was so bad that serous fluid was leaking from his skin and crusting over his entire body. He wasn't amused then, but he has a GREAT story to tell his grandkids.
Last night, one of my patients went to the supervisor to tell her how well I had treated him. I got a commendation, my first one. I was rather excited about it. It only took me a year and a half to get one of those suckers.
Anyway, unless the baby mama pulls another fast one...we should have the kids tonight. I hate to be working when the kids are here but under the circumstances, I have no choice. I hate it when the kids are here while I'm working because I'm gone all night and then I have to sleep all day. The last time I did that, I woke up with sparkly nail polish on my fingernails and toenails. I wouldn't have minded too much, but she did it right after I had gotten a manicure/pedicure. I've fixed my finger nails but I haven't had time to fix the toes...they'll have to just deal with the sparkles for now.
Ah, once again, my sister is doing the dishes as I write this. Since she doesn't have a job yet, she said that she wanted to "earn her keep" by cleaning my house for me. She said it makes her feel better to do that. Well, I don't want her to feel badly so I'll let her keep doing it. So, I have household help. She's sort of my Alice. Like Mrs. Brady, I may stop in the kitchen and peel a carrot...but I'm not really doing much at all. She's gonna spoil me so badly that I won't really care if she gets a job at all. I like having my house cleaned while I'm sleeping.
I'll pop back in to make a video in my uniform before I leave. For now I have to get dressed for work. See ya soon,
- said...
Some advice - your kids are grown, and you need to take extra care of yourself during this time. As you know, chemo weakens the immune system, and working at a hospital is probably the worst place for you to be with a compromised system.
You may just have to leave the extra hours of work to your son, in order to take care of his problems. I'd think he, your daughter, and grandkids would prefer no help from you now, and grandma later, to the alternative... - Meg Kelso said...
You're right, of course. But when I see my son in such pain, I can't help myself. The stress of watching my son's heart break would be just as dangerous. I don't know how I'll get through this one...but I will!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
...the fart of every heart
It pains a man when 'tis kept close
and others doth offend when 'tis let loose.
The fart...
It was born, and cry'd,
crack'd so, smelt so, and so dy'd
There once was a fellow named Sparta
A really magnificant farter
On the strength of one bean,
He farted 'God save the Queen',
And Beethoven's Midnight Sonata
Said a printer pretending to wit:
"There are certain bad words we omit.
It would sully our art
To print the word Fart-
And we never, oh never say Shit!
"He made his Blazing Saddle a torch to light the way!"
-Frankie Lane, singing the Oscar nominated theme song to Blazing Saddles
(Can you believe that the bleeped the farts out of that movie?)
He wrote a movie, Fartman, on which all his hopes were pinned-
A superhero powered by the force of his own wind;
The flick was never made-some say the plot was too high class,
Or else the deal fell through because the script ran out of gas.
-Mad Magazine
What are men but balloons on legs,
A lot of blown up bladders?
A man's a bubble, all air, nothing else.
Dating rule #1: Fart immediately!
-ex Playboy Playmate Jenny McCarthy
I've been reading a new book. It's called, "Who Cut the Cheese? A Cultured history of the Fart. Very interesting...not to mention illuminating.
- John said...
Maybe I should put that on my amazon.com wish list. Right after I finish the book on my nightstand: What's Your Poo Telling You?
- akakarma said...
That's a a great book John!My bro-in-law read it out loud tom the whole family on vaca and we almost died laughing!
- said...
This is one from my mother
Poor little thing
Born without a skin
Spoke one word
And never spoke again - Meg Kelso said...
That makes no sense at all but I laughed out loud before I realized that it made no sense. How do mothers do that?
Mine sang the silliest stuff and I sing it ot my grandkids. They'll sing it to thiers. And it still won't make any sense.
Meg - Meg Kelso said...
That makes no sense at all but I laughed out loud before I realized that it made no sense. How do mothers do that?
Mine sang the silliest stuff and I sing it ot my grandkids. They'll sing it to thiers. And it still won't make any sense.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
...I finally made the video thingy! Here's the url:
I think I'm going to make another one because I just thought of something that I wanted to show you. If you want to see that one, wait just a minute and I'll put it up here...but for now, I'm going to go and make it.
I'm back again. Here's the other url:
That's it for now.
...remember the guy that I told you about last week who I dated a couple times before finding out that he was already involved in another relationship? Well, he was supposed to call and we were supposed to go out Monday night. When he didn't call, I was sort of annoyed but mostly just pleased that I didn't have to deal with that situation.
I was ready to drop him onto my list of "Already Been There" dudes when I heard my sister laughing out loud from the other room. She was laughing so hard that she couldn't explain why she was handing me the phone. I was getting irritated because she wanted me to take phone without knowing who it was. I finally just took the stupid phone and said, "Hello?"
It was that guy. The reason Marie was laughing so hard is that she had been talking to the guy for days thinking it was someone that SHE had met last week. It wasn't. It was the guy who I had been out with. Apparently, he can't tell us apart on the phone.
After we straightened that mess out, he invited me over to his house for a bar-b-que tonight. I was himming and hawing as I was thinking of something to say when he said, "Come on, it's the least you can do after I stopped seeing another woman for you." Wow. He was right, it's the very least that I can do.
Isn't that nice? Not the fact that he dumped the other chick for me, I don't really care THAT much...but it's nice that first of all, he was honest. Secondly, he did the right thing before taking things any further with me. That's probably the only way that I would ever know that a guy could be trusted so I like that it all happened this way. I can go into this relationship KNOWING that the guy can be trusted. That's a new thing for me. I've never been with a guy for any length of time before he either lied to me or cheated on me.
I'm not sure how to handle this strange behavior from a man. I'd like to figure it out, though. I'll start doing that tonight.
Of course, that means that I have to break my Bingo date with my sister but after chatting with MY date for the entire weekend, she owes me something.
When he finally got me on the phone, he said, "How do I know that THIS is you?" I told him to ask me a tough question...if I know the answer, it's me. If I don't, then it's my sister. Luckily, she didn't hear me say that although I'm sure she'll read it here sometime soon. (Sorry girl, that was funny to me.)
I just hope she gets the entire house clean before she reads this. I think I'll just stay online until she's done enough work and then I'll let her use the puter.
OK then, I think I have a date tonight! I'll have to get out of my long johns before I go out with the un-liar dude...and when I do, I'll come back here and make a video for you guys. I haven't done that in a while. (Ooh, I just reread this paragraph and realized that I made it look like all I had to do before the video was take off my long johns...I'll have to put some OTHER clothes on first.)
See ya soon!
In response to the post about my son and his baby-mama, a friend of mine wrote this:
"...I thought she is a good mom they would be better with her.....Guys ...don't ever do this..."
William tried to believe that as well. But, he learned that in his case, it was a mistake, too.
I worked until 1:30 last night and just now woke up. I'm going to work as many hours as I can to see to it that my son has an attorney to take to court when the nutjob takes him there to decrease his visitation time. When he got those papers, he said, "No wonder she's been being so nice!" Yeah, he should have known. There are some people who just are not able to be nice without a selfish reason and this chick is nothing if not selfish.
I'll do whatever I can to see to it that my son goes into court as protected as he can be. The last time we had to go to court, we ended up sitting through another case where the father went in to enforce his visitation and ended up with custody. By the time we got up before the judge, he was ready to give William custody as well. The court told the nutjob that he wouldn't decide custody until two days later. In the meantime, she had to let William have the baby THAT night. Since then, she hasn't complained except for when she didn't want William to see the kids but she never had a reason, she simply didn't answer her phone.
She never answers her phone when my son calls to speak to the kids. But every single weekend he DOES have the kids, she calls to speak to them and it would NEVER occur to my son not to let the kids speak to their mother. How sad that she doesn't love her kids enough to give them the gift of a father who loves them.
One day the kids came over here and they were both sort of shying away from all of us. I asked her if someone told her that she shouldn't be nice to Daddy and Grandma and she said, "Mommy did." I told her that it was OK, that we loved her and she immediately went back to her normal, Daddy loving little girl that she's always been.
And now the nut is telling the kids that "Daddy shouldn't lay down next to you in bed." She is single-handedly making a father's love an ugly thing. If I weren't a lady, I would pummel ANYONE who did that to my son. I can do one thing...I can hire my son an attorney with money that could have gone to my grandkids. That ought to be thousands of dollars. What a hideous wench that skank is.
Anyway, my sister just woke me up to tell me that my work was on the phone. When I got up, I saw that she was cleaning the hell out of my house. That's a good thing. She wants to go play Bingo tonight so she's working her ass off. I would have taken her last night but I got called into work. If they call again today, I'll work but if they don't, I'll go out with Marie to play Bingo at the VFW.
The animals are much, much better. Payton was so sick from those flea bites that he's on antibiotics for 3 weeks. The cats are fine now. But after we treated the dog, THEY started scratching so I went to the vet and got them some of those Capstar pills as well. For an entire day, dead or dying fleas were dropping off of the cats wherever they laid. Now they're all flea free and happy.
Over the weekend, I dealt with so much flea crap that I was itching all over. It was awful. I can't imagine how those animals go through that. So, I'll be giving them the Capstar pills at least once a month. Yesterday, I bought 4 more for the cats and 2 more for Payton. That's just in case any little flea babies have hatched since the weekend. This is no place for a flea to be today. Every animal in the house is full of flea poison, the carpet is full of powder and I have a bunch of bombs to set off as soon as I can figure out where to go with 1 dog, 2 cats and a bunch of fish.
I like watching someone else clean my house. My sister hasn't gotten a job yet so I think I'll hire her to clean house. She does a pretty damn good job at it.
Well, I have to go eat some blueberries and yogurt. I'll be back soon.
- said...
One thing I learned, and it's really sad, My Ex.....was Jealous of the love between me and my children. she had to the "Only" one loved. ??????
- Karin's Korner said...
My oh My, you have described my husbands X to a tee. Whenever she is nice, we know that she has either something up her sleeve or she wants to switch weekends. It is NEVER just to be nice.
I have to agree with you that your son's X is making something UGLY out of being a dad. Be very careful and document everything that is said, including dates and times. She seems like someone that would try and put something into the kids heads, don't let her get away with it Meg. Hire an attorney and take her down NOW.
Good Luck and God Bless - Meg Kelso said...
It's not that she had to be the ONLY one...it's just that she wanted you to go WITHOUT. What a skank.
I AM going to help the kid get a lawyer. That's why I'm working so much. I'm not supposed to but I will do it for my son. I'll let you know what happens as this goes on. For now...I have to shower and work an extra shift for my son and the kids.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Auntie Annie plays with her niece and nephew:

Uncle Timothy goes to Mccy D's:
I have a thousand more pictures of my family and every one of them shows a family full of love. That's what my kids knew growing up...like a dominant gene, it's all they have to give. That's how ALL of my kids treat those babies. The love that we all share makes us what we are...a loving, close and happy family. We love each other and we all, in this family, especially love and welcome our babies. We take very good care of them, we spoil them and we shower them with love ALL the time. That's my family. That's the family that Michael has molested.
Monday, November 12, 2007
...did you know that it was possible to change the definitions of words? Apparently, the government couldn't figure out a way to spy on us AND protect our rights to privacy so they've decided to do something that I have to admit, I never thought of. They just want to change the definition of privacy. (I saw that on FoxNews. They mentioned it so briefly that I didn't hear who it was who said it. Why is that? I would think that changing the definition of something so basic would be HUGE news. Can you imagine the implications of that?)
If that's an option, I want to change the definition of income.
They've even been so kind as to recommend a new definition for us...one that doesn't include "anonymity". I guess that should pretty much let us know what to expect...a government with lists. Government lists are not good things...ask the Jews, I think they'll agree.
I wonder if they'll change enough words to cause confusion. If they do, they can just have another list, one with all the new words. They could even call it New-speak." Ya think?
Most of us have heard the saying, "I might disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Ask kids if they've heard it. I haven't heard anybody say that in decades. I'd be surprised if young people knew that saying at all. How come nobody says that anymore? Is it just a totally outmoded notion? Do we NOT believe that one anymore?
That's a really, really bad saying to dismiss. If you want to change sentiments, couldn't you have started with "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work we go!" or even, "Another day another dollar!"? Those sentiments are kind of silly. And I don't even know if they're really sentiments anyway. Whatever.
But screwing around with our right to disagree is dangerously close to shutting people up and wasn't that just the sort of thing we came here to avoid?
I was talking to another nurse the other day and when I mentioned the Founding Fathers and the idea of Freedom of Speech the guy asked me, "Do you really believe that?" He seemed to think that it was sort of stupid to buy into he notion of the Founding Fathers and their quaint notion of Freedom.
The guy wasn't from America. So, maybe he didn't know that we are all raised to believe in that crap. We're taught that young people can go off to war and fight to a most glorious death on the battle field defending the idea that all men are created equal and with those pesky inalienable rights.
As we sit here choosing a new President, we keep asking the candidates what the candidates think about the war in Iraq. None of them have the balls to give you an answer, but you can ask. I think we need to ask a more important question, "What is your definition of "privacy" and do you think it needs an update?". Let the candidates ignore a really good question for a change.
After all, if the young people are going to die protecting such things, they should probably know what they are.
What is the idea that our young people are dying to protect right now? Do you know? I'm not sure. I think it has something to do with Democracy. But what the hell does that mean? And how do we know if they'll change that word, too?
I understand the idea of fighting to protect US and OUR rights. But I don't think we were ever supposed to give up our young men for the rights of non-Americans. I'm not sure how they shuffled the Constitution to come up with that lame, "We're fighting for Democracy." line. But, they did. We already have Democracy and no one was trying to take it away from us like they were in WWII.
Our Constitution is a "living document". That means that it was written to be adaptable to the changes that occur in society. But some things weren't written with the idea of being changed. It never occurred to the writers of that document that anyone wouldn't want to change things as basic as the right to privacy so they didn't write in any plan for changing it (I believe you can find discussion of the right to privacy in the Fourth Amendment, I'll check after I post this.).
When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they chose each word very carefully. I wonder if it ever occurred to any of them that we didn't need to change the laws...we could just change the definitions of the words they chose. I sort of doubt that they ever considered that. If they had, I'm sure that they would have written a plan for that as well.
You know, I believe Orwell and Bradbury were trying to warn us of what could happen when the language is changed by the Government. They went to a lot of trouble to think that idea through when they were writing 1984 and Fahrenheit 451. How odd that instead of taking those books as warnings, we seem to have taken them for "how-to manuals".
The right to privacy-It is the Fourth Amendment. I read a little about the history of that amendment and apparently, it arose from the maxim that, ''Every man's house is his castle''. They didn't say that so that men could stand in the middle of their kitchens and bark orders at women...it was meant to grant the homeowners freedoms against the king. Think of the implications of that idea. Totally anti-Patriot Act.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I've spent almost the entire time with Payton. He got fleas and then he had an allergic reaction to the flea bites. It was awful, he got little tiny scabs wherever he got bitten. I bought flea stuff at the grocery store and wasted $50 on that stuff before I went to the vet and got their flea stuff but apparently it didn't work so I took him in yesterday and spent another $200 on the stupid little parasites.
So, all in all, those damn buggers cost over $350 not to mention the bother. So, although the vet was expensive, if I would have just taken the stupid animal in the first place I wouldn't have spent so much. I can't imagine what people do when they don't have the money to pay for the vet...what do they do when someone says, "$200 please."? They don't have hospitals for dogs that will just bill you forever, you have to pay for the vet and the medicine right then or leave the animal at home.
Oh well, at least he's better now. They gave him 5 of those flea pills that we give him once a month and said to give him one a day until they're gone. That'll do it. Of course now I have to do the cats as well. They've started scratching while Payton has stopped. I broke one of Payton's pills into thirds and gave them each a piece of the pill so that they could get started on the medicine right away. I'll go get more tomorrow so that Payton can have enough and I guess so the cats can have enough.
I just got done giving Payton a bath and that was no small chore...I must say. It was a bitch and a half. By the time I was done I was wet from head to toe. I should have just gotten in the tub with him and pulled him in instead of trying to push his ass in from the outside. I got him in there and he jumped out a few times. I fought with him a bit and then I sat on the side of the tub to catch my breathe and he just laid down in the corner...sort of letting me know that he was there for the duration. I just called in human reinforcements and that did it. A few creatures with opposible thumbs can certainly outsmart one creature with paws. Well, at least we outweighed the brute. Maybe outsmart isn't exactly the right word to use.
The only thing that we've done besides take care of Payton is to go to the Georgia Aquarium. I only have two more months to use my passes. I suppose you've heard about the drought down here...it's even affecting the aquarium. The water in all the tanks was down at least halfway. I can't imagine what good that does anyone. I guess it looks good to the public but I don't think we need to have any PR for the aquarium...we should just have good homes for the fish. They didn't ask to be there so I don't know why they're making it tough for them. Do you really think they've saved THAT much water that it would be worth it to have the fish so close to each other? I don't think it could possibly be worth what I saw yesterday.
I'd feel better if the fish were taken care of the way they had been cared for. I'll stick a brick in my toilet tank for the cause. If everyone in Georgia did that I bet the aquarium would have enough water to give the fish back their homes. So...that's my cause for today. If you live in Georgia, stick a brick in your toilet tank for the fish. If enough of us do that, maybe the powers that be will put the water back in the tanks for the fish...ya think?
- said...
Nice idea - if you had started the crusade earlier, maybe there wouldn't be a water shortage right now.
Conserving water shouldn't be a last ditch effort is what I think I'm saying. - akakarma said...
Did you try Advantage? I've always had good luck with that. Whatever you do do NOT use Hartz! It gave my bro-in-laws doggie a rash that led to lots of vet bills and I almost killed a kitten with it once! Bad stuff!
- Meg Kelso said...
I won't use Hartz! I gave the medicine to the cats and dead or dying fleas are droping off of them. I'm the only animal here without any protection and just the thought of that is making me scratch all over!
Anon, I wasn't in on the drought thing. I'm a nurse. I take care of sick people. There are other folks who did take jobs to help us figure that crap out. Let them be on top of this one. I'm busy being a nurse. If someone put me on the job for the water stuff, I'd deal with that. I didn't evn notice there was a drought going on. I'm happy the dog doesn't go out in the mud.
BUT...when they start hurting FISH! Well, that's where I step in!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
...I just had some thinking to do. I went out with a guy the other day and we had a pretty good time. Shortly before I last left him, I found out that he was in another relationship. I hate that. I hate it because it sort of makes me look like an idiot.
It does that because everyone who saw me with him assumes that we slept together and we didn't. They assume that I knew about the other woman and I didn't. It's a bitch and a half and the more I think about it the more annoyed I get. Damn.
At the time I was just glad that he didn't lie. That's rather refreshing. But even the truth sucks some times. I started thinking about it and wondered what to do and when I looked at it from a selfish point of view, dating him anyway didn't seem so bad. He's not married after all. But when I looked at it from any distance whatsoever I had to admit that there was no way that I could justify dating a guy who would cheat on a committed relationship. That would be as stupid as was going back to Rick after one of his affairs.
When it came to loyalty and honor, I expected something different even though nothing that Rick did was different. I don't know what I was thinking, but it wasn't bright. He used to ask me what it would take for me to trust him. I told him that if he went through one year without lying I might consider it. He couldn't do that. And even so, I stayed in the marriage long after it died.
I should have known better than to keep shooting the dice with a man. If he fucks enough of them he'll leave with one sooner or later. Rick was coming here on a regular basis a few weeks ago but I purposely said something that I knew would get to him. It was when I compared him to a slut. That was cold. But I meant every word of it.
I had to do that...just to keep from asking myself why he was there all the time. I started to wonder a bit too much so I had to get rid of him. Just because I don't trust myself anymore when it comes to that fool.
He never wanted the divorce. At least that's what he said. He just wanted a "two to three year separation". It's been a bit over three years now so if we got back together now he would get everything he always wanted and that can't be. If I can't get ANYTHING that I want, he's certainly not going to get EVERYTHING that he wants.
So, I had to get nasty at him and that's too bad. But it worked. He stopped coming as much. I like it that I took care of that like I did. Now I have to do the same thing with the other guy.
I'm supposed to see him again Monday night. That date was set up before I heard anything about the girlfriend. I guess I'll just tell him that I can't do the cheating thing and to call me if he ever breaks up with the chick. But I'm not stupid, I'll let him take me out first. That's not too bad of a thing to do. After all, he owes me at least a night out after all the time I've spent thinking this one over...don't ya think?
Rick, doing the right thing isn't that tough...you should try it sometime.
- Meg Kelso said...
Damn it. Now Rick is coming here everyday again. I guess he wasn't as mad as he should have been.
I'll try again soon.
LOL, and they wonder why they don't score haha
It actually looks like he cut it out of a magazine ad!
A magazine ad would have paid for a better boutonierre.
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